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Ember Uchiha
Ember Uchiha
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Chance Meeting [Hunter] Empty Chance Meeting [Hunter]

Sun Dec 29, 2019 6:56 pm

Last edited by Ember Uchiha on Sun Jan 19, 2020 4:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
The son,
The daughter
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Chance Meeting [Hunter] Empty Re: Chance Meeting [Hunter]

Mon Dec 30, 2019 7:42 am

The scenery in the island wasn’t the best, today. Ordinarily, the clear skies would allow the water to reflect the beautiful tones of the sky, while the dock and boats sung a sweet lullaby that could create a dangerous sensation of calm. Today, the docks sung all the same, however, the overcast cloudy skies lent their greys to the waters surrounding the island, creating instead a melancholic scene that made one shield themselves against the cold hanging in the air.

To the young white haired Watari, this scene was a very common one, especially during the cold season. The blessing of the way was that there was not a lot of wind to ruffle his short hair and ragged clothes, even though it was still cold enough that he had considered going another day without eating to buy a new jacket, or at least a piece of cloth he could use to cover himself with. Instead, he had bought a plump rice cake from the local bakery of the seaside district, still warm in its paper bag, and he took a walk to the dock to enjoy the fresh baked goods.

As he sat down by the dry yet humid wood, he looked out into the distance, and took a bite out of the cake. The cake’s warmth melted inside his mouth and travelled through his body, the savour of the cake delivering all sorts of pleasurable chemicals through his brain and nervous system. He took his time chewing on it, knowing it might be a long while before his next meal. Through the corner of his eyes he noticed movement; a gir in red coat, dirt on her cheeks, crouched next to him. He knew the girl, and it wasn’t the first time she did this. He was about to slap her away when he heard her stomach growl: it was louder than his had growled when he first saw the cake. Lowering the cake, he sighed in despair and handed it over. “Here”, he said curtly, “don’t come back though. I’m not your father.”

The girl took the cake and disappeared close to another, close in age, and the two began tearing the cake apart with their dirty hands, devouring it hungrily. Watari looked at them sadly, his tongue fencing against his teeth, looking to get every bit of cake still left in his mouth for a last taste of the dough. No good deed goes unpunished though: it appeared the first taste of cake had done nothing to quell his hunger, instead it amplified it.

He twisted his head in another direction; surely there must be someone he could boost a few coins off.

WC: 447
Ember Uchiha
Ember Uchiha
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Chance Meeting [Hunter] Empty Re: Chance Meeting [Hunter]

Mon Dec 30, 2019 4:57 pm

Last edited by Ember Uchiha on Sun Jan 19, 2020 4:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
The son,
The daughter
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Chance Meeting [Hunter] Empty Re: Chance Meeting [Hunter]

Tue Dec 31, 2019 3:20 pm
The young boy caught a glimpse of a lass, well formed and alluring, if only he wasn’t so young. Mayhaps he couldn’t steal her heart, but he would try and steal her purse instead. As she approached, he let the slits that were his snake-like eyes face the horizon as he let his peripheral vision focus on the lass, as well as his ears, letting her approach; she got just five meters away from him before making a comment about how him and the other girls should learn how to fish. The mischievous smile on his face remained the same as it had been when he first spied the woman walking in. “Give a man a fish, and he’ll eat for a day, right?”

He then tilted his head towards her. “But if you teach a man how to fish, now the poor bloke will have to get his own cane and line, as well as hooks and bait, he’ll need a license in case the fiscals come in and he’s caught fishing in someone else’s piscatory territory… It's just a big headache. Besides,” he added as he turned his head towards the ocean, “you only get in the fishing business here if you belong to the crime families or associate with them, since that’s how they get rid of people who don’t mind their own businesses. It’s easier to just beg your way around; these mobsters think if they give some coins to the homeless and the poor, their Gods will look the other way when they send someone overboard dressed in a rock suit.”

He decided now was the time to introduce himself to the wonderful and well proportional lass. He stood up on the dock and stretched his hand, and as he did so he said: “I can tell you’re not from around; my name is--”

He was cut short though, as he lost his balance. He believed to have secured his left foot on solid plank, however it slipped, and he fell backwards onto the water. He sunk for a second, before he brought himself back up in a whirlwind of bubbles and agitated water. As he came up from the water, propelled by his chakra, he set his feet firmly on the water, which now calmed and allowed him to stand firmly, admiring his own reflection for a second, all wet and charming. “Oh wow, I really put my foot in the puddle there, huh? Or in the ocean, I guess.”

He jumped off the ocean and into solid land, a few meters away from the shore. He stuck a finger into his ear, wiggling it around and trying to get the salty water away from it. “Ugh, I hate ear water.” He tried brushing his hand over his body as a way of removing the water, before clapping his hands together a few times, in one of which, he formed the tiger handseal and attempted to capture the girl in his Temporary Paralysis Jutsu.

Whether this succeeded or not, the real Watari would rise from the water quietly, just the top of his head poking out, his eyes peering through the slits in his face to see what was happening.

WC: 536
TWC: 983

Jutsus and AP:
Shadow Clone, -30, new total 250 per Watari

Land Watari:
Surface Walking Technique, -1, new total 249
Temporary Paralysis Technique,-10 AP, new total 239

Water Watari:
250AP remaining

Ember Uchiha
Ember Uchiha
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Chance Meeting [Hunter] Empty Re: Chance Meeting [Hunter]

Wed Jan 01, 2020 12:00 pm

Last edited by Ember Uchiha on Sun Jan 19, 2020 4:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
The son,
The daughter
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Chance Meeting [Hunter] Empty Re: Chance Meeting [Hunter]

Thu Jan 02, 2020 8:50 am
The girl made a comment about how a shinobi would be out here, hanging with beggars. Watari couldn’t help but smile. In truth, he had learned all he knew from his father, a Konohagakure ninja who left the village in search of his own fortune after he failed to abide by his former village’s moral codes. He hadn’t been very successful though, as he had perished at the hands of the band of runts he ran with. Watari never learned who did his father in, nor was he very preoccupied with finding out. He was not strong enough to face whoever killed his own man, at least as far as he knew. After spending a couple years here in the Fang, perfecting his skills and begging, his life had practically morphed into begging and stealing from passerby strangers. For a solitary moment, the mention of his shinobi skills brought about a sense of melancholy for the dryland Watari. The Watari floating about in the water silently, arms and legs swinging about in the ocean calculatingly keeping him exactly where he needed to be, hadn’t heard the comment, and kept his eye on the prize.

As the girl fell prey to the paralyzing wave of chakra from the young boy, he turned around to see her turn into crows, disappearing from his sight. He now opened his eyes, startled and confused: he had severely underestimated the girl, and was about to pay a bitter price for it: the crows formed from her body and flapped their wings as they took flight, leaving an empty space where the girl should be. The Watari in land focused his eyes on the water, hoping the real him in the water knew what to do. He was but a clone, and would have limited range of action.

Floating in the water, Watari noticed his clone was half panicking about something: this shouldn’t be the case. The plan he had concocted was simple enough, and he had done it a few times: the waterfront was the best location around here to pull this trick. He would “slip” and fall into the water, his antics enough for people to lower their guard. Even people who were strong enough to break free of the paralysis would be caught off guard by the real Watari who would jump off the water ready to slice an ankle tendon. But the confusion in his clone’s face meant only one thing: he was caught in a genjutsu. Watari jumped from the water into the land, and rushed his clone, performing a single seal and touching the clone. The genjutsu was lifted, and the clone realized what happened as reality set in. “Come on,” said the real Watari. “Let’s get her to the water.”

Quickly, the twins would grab the lass, and drag her close to the water. Already close enough, while the real Watari, who was grabbing her feet, would drag her closer and closer to the water, the clone stepped into the water, performed a handseal and clapped his hands, then pushing his right hand forwards towards the girl. From around Watari, water would surge and circle the girl.

If all went according to plan, the real Watari, standing in front of the water prison, would smile, while the clone standing in the water kept his hand inside the prison, maintaining the structure. “Now, I’m not as bad as the crime families from around here, so I won’t send you to the bottom of the ocean… if you give me your wallet.” He looked at her once more. In another lifetime, he may have tried to befriend and enamour her. But not in this timeline. “Just let me know where it is, I’ll retrieve it, and my clone will free you when you’re no longer a threat to me.”

WC: 638
TWC: 1621

Jutsus used:
Real Watari:
Genjutsu Release, -20, new total 230AP

Surface Walking Technique, -1, new total 238
Water Prison Technique, -20, new total 218

Ember Uchiha
Ember Uchiha
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Chance Meeting [Hunter] Empty Re: Chance Meeting [Hunter]

Fri Jan 03, 2020 8:39 am

Last edited by Ember Uchiha on Sun Jan 19, 2020 4:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
The son,
The daughter
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Chance Meeting [Hunter] Empty Re: Chance Meeting [Hunter]

Fri Jan 10, 2020 1:13 am
A slow rumble crept up from the pit of the stomach of the skinny boy, the sound travelling upwards and demanding food. Watari patted his stomach sympathetically, eyes still locked onto the wonderfully formed lass in his sphere. He was but a teenager, and a criminal at that, but hormones and instincts cared not about any of that. As he gazed into her eyes, waiting for a reply, the crimson orbs looked to the floor where she laid before, and Watari followed it to see the little girl he had just fed picking up the wallet, waving and zooming away with the precious loot. Watari shifted his weight to give chase immediately, disappearing into the houses.

With feet cold due to the naked proximity to the water, the momentary copy of the wiry ninja spoke up. "I'm sorry it had to be this way. We're gonna be here for a while, so I just want to say that I truly am sorry for doing this to you, but there was no other way. Out here, it's kill or be killed, steal or be robbed. I could say I'm a victim of my circumstances, but I'm not. I made my choices. Thi--" A painful sensation in his stomach caused the clone to lose his focus; it appeared that the bite he had taken earlier caused his hunger to flare up, and the feeling was so painful it stretched his lips in a grimace of pain before causing him to burst into a poof of smoke. The water prison broke out and water cascaded back into the ocean.


When he turned a corner into where the little girl disappeared, he felt angry at her. Why would she interfere, he told them plenty of times not to, especially considering the good deed he had just done for them. He looked at the houses and boxes outside, wondering where they could be hiding. Then, his stomach painfully contracted out of hunger, as though the bite he had taken before had only exacerbated his feelings of hunger. Memory flushed onto him, just as he heard the crashing of a wave; no, that was no wave, not on this weather. "The water prison."

Watari slide his hands into his sleeves, his arms now inside of the shirt where he kept his weapon pouches at the lower of his back, gripping two kunais as he made his way back to the street that led to the dock, expecting to see the foxy lass. "What do you say we let bygones be bygones?"

WC: 425
TWC: 2046
Ember Uchiha
Ember Uchiha
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Chance Meeting [Hunter] Empty Re: Chance Meeting [Hunter]

Fri Jan 10, 2020 9:14 pm

Last edited by Ember Uchiha on Sun Jan 19, 2020 4:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
The son,
The daughter
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Chance Meeting [Hunter] Empty Re: Chance Meeting [Hunter]

Wed Jan 15, 2020 10:52 am
Perhaps in another life, Watari could’ve befriended the lass. Maybe tail her as a shadow would, and learn some tricks from her, teach her a thing or two about not being caught up by his ingenious plans. Maybe learn how not to get caught in genjutsu so easily as he had been. His white hair stuck to his forehead in wet strands, further reducing his visibility of his nearly shut eyelids. The wet bandage around the cold steel of the kunai brought him some semblance of comfort: it was a grounding in reality, something he could rely on to know if he was under a genjutsu or not. Yet, the lass appeared to be willing to give Watari the respite he desired. In exchange for him leaving her alone, the lass was willing to part with some of her money. A well of emotion swole within Watari as he saw he leaving the ryo on a box, touched by her gesture. 

Tentatively, he approached the box and took the money off of it, before hopping back quickly, the paper somehow dry and promising. Watari’s eyelids parted slightly, revealing the bordeaux eyes, locking them with the girl’s. “You’re a good person, stranger. I pray we’ll meet again in better conditions. I’ll pay this forward.” And with that, he leaped away into the rooftops, and out of sight.

WC: 226
TWC: 2272
Watari claims:
+ 1000 Ryo
Noboru Kaito claims:
2 Strength (at mission rate), 5 Stamina, 1 Speed
618 towards Yojimbo: Blade Dance Risk
500 towards Storage Displacement
500 towards Genjutsu Release with Handseal Removal Mastery
500 towards Iron Claw
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