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Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Desecrators of the graves - Page 2 Empty Re: Desecrators of the graves

Sun Dec 27, 2020 1:23 pm
The guy broke from Travins genjutsu after just a few seconds in reality. However, inside of the genjutsu he had been buried alive three times before he was able to break out. Due to this he was so distracted with Travin and off his game from the genjutsu that he didn't even notice Murata coming up behind him invisible to the naked eye. He didn’t even notice how nonchalant Travin was acting to him, breaking out of his genjutsu. Since the plan was not to take him out with it but only to distract him with him. Travin watched as the man threw his insults towards his clan, but something the man said did catch his attention. He mentioned taking Travins Seigan for some kid. Following this train of logic would mean that this guy was only working for the real culprit and the actual ring leader was still out there. 

Travin snapped from his train of thought as Murata picked the man up onto her shoulder. He was still thinking and only half listening when she said that they made a good team. He nodded in agreement after all this went down without a hitch. “Did you catch what he said about giving my eyes to some kid” Travin would ask Murata. After a short pause still thinking it over “I think this guy was working for someone and that he was just a grave robber to steal DNA from falling shinobi. Now this is all speculation but i think that we have a group selling illegal transplants in Kiri. I mean if I'm wrong it's at least worth investigating and mentioning to the interrogation guys back at home office maybe they can get something out him” he would add. 

He wanted to see what Murata thought about it. After all it was their case and if this turned out to be something big they would have the most experience with the case and would probably be given the whole thing to investigate, and depending on how big this case really was they may need to recruit a third or even a fourth member to their team to shore up some weak points.

(WC-364 TWC-2148)
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Clan Focus : --
Ryo : 0

Desecrators of the graves - Page 2 Empty Re: Desecrators of the graves

Sun Dec 27, 2020 9:52 pm
"I took it as him being offended," Murata hums, tone grimly amused. "As in, 'since you insulted me in such a way, I will...' ah, nevermind."

She adjusts where their graverobber sits on her shoulders, already turning to make her way from the graveyard. She'd like to deliver their mark somewhere secure before he wakes up cranky from his nap. Her assumption is that Travin will follow. As she walks, Murata considers his words.

"I think it is reasonable to speculate that he has a buyer within the village," she says. It's likely that she could find out herself. His insult to the dead and threats to her comrade minimize her compunctions against rooting around inside of his skull. However, her methods of doing so are time-consuming and inconvenient, and it is unlikely that she would be able to get anything useful from him before her awakens. She has a developing talent for sensory that she has grown proud of, but it is best to leave this to the experts.

Moving at a brisk pace, the pair make it to the massive white walls of the prison and intelligence agency just as their mark begins to stir, groaning in pain. Murata turns him slightly so that Travin can get him into another genjutsu to keep him down, and they enter the side doors of the building, the shinobi manning the desk lifting a chin to them in greeting.

"What's happened with this one?"
"He's our grave robber," Murata says. "Travin, do you have the mission slip...?"

TWC: 1730
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Desecrators of the graves - Page 2 Empty Re: Desecrators of the graves

Mon Dec 28, 2020 12:01 pm
Travin felt a lot better that Murata agreed that it was indeed a possibility that the guy did have a buyer in the village. Since he was starting to think that he was looking too deep into it. Travin followed Murata as she carried the guy. He thought about offering to help carry him but Travin was not the strongest person he knew that his strength lied with his chakra and ability to use it to its full potential. They had almost made it back to the prison and intelligence agency building known for its always white walls. That Travin sometime wondered how they kept them so white since they was so big and it sat on an island surrounded by salt water, but this always pushed him to think about the structure stability of the building on the island for the same reason, as everyone knew that salt rusted metal and salt water would do the same over time. At last he knew that he would probably never know the answer to this question. 

The prisoner started to stir and Murata moved him to face Travin who made a few hand signs before a massive white snake came out of his sleeve. The snake was around 6 meters long and half a meter thick and wrapped itself around the man's upper body that Murata was not holding on to at the time. “Not afraid of snakes are you?” Travin asked Murata as the snake bit down on the man's neck. “There we go if he wakes up before we get there he will be paralyzed from that bite for at least an hour now with the amount of venom he took into the bloodstream.” 

With the bite done the snake simply flowed back up and into Travins sleeve once more. When they got to the door a man in a Chunin flak jacket asked what happened to him. Murrata told him that he was the grave robber and asked Travin if he had the ticket. Searching his pockets he produced the mission statement that gave their orders and said to turn the guy in here for questioning. “He was bitten by a snake on the side of his neck with a paralytic agent. He won't be able to talk or move for at least another 45 minutes, and he also mentioned something about getting kekkei genkai for some kid. We assume that he either works for someone or has a buyer in the village.” 

Travin would wait for Murata to give the guy to the guard or for someone to come out and take him whatever way they went about. Once the guy was out of their hands Travin would offer to shake Murata’s hand and tell her that it was a pleasure to work with her and that he hoped to do it again some time before turning and walking off.

(WC-483 TWC-2631)
Exit Claiming
26 stats
3k Ryo
7 AP
all WC to get Demonic Illusion: Phantom fog Prison
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Clan Focus : --
Ryo : 0

Desecrators of the graves - Page 2 Empty Re: Desecrators of the graves

Mon Dec 28, 2020 12:33 pm
Murata blinks blankly at the enormous snake, staying quite still as it slithers to deliver its venomous payload to their captive. That is a little late to ask if she is afraid of snakes, isn't it? Her Ninshu communes with the creature as is scales brush the skin of her neck, and her mind is momentarily occupied with... snakey things. Sunny rocks, for the most part.

Upon their arrival and Travin producing the mission slip, Murata hefts the graverobber from her shoulders. A pair of guards have appeared at the desk worker's summons, and Murata hands him off to them, the pair checking his pulse and squinting at the bite injury to his throat before hauling him off to wherever he's going.

The desk chuunin sighs at the mission slip, watching as he's hauled off. "No word on where the remains have ended up, then? Guess once we identify him we'll have more of a proper shot at getting 'em back. You two are good to go."

Once their target is dealt with, Murata offers Travin an enthusiastic grin and accepts his handshake firmly. Ooh, it's been a while since she's been offered a proper handshake.

"Yes! A pleasure," she says to him - consciously holding back from using her Ninshu, as much as it bugs her on principle to do so. It's clear that this is a goodbye for now, and it would be rude to interrupt that with an awkward conversation about her chakra's nature. It would be nice to provide a counterbalance to the glum and unhelpful memories she'd been passively drawing from their captive, but the snake's offering was pleasant, in its own unique reptilian way. "Until we meet again."


TWC: 2013

Memorization of Travin Rentei's chakra signature
3,000 ryo + 100 ryo genin bonus, 7AP

Wordcount (with max stat discounts) going towards augments for Country Borders Armor
+ 1x Senju Wood from inventory (750 words)
+ 1x Meteoric Iron from inventory (750 words)
+ remaining 513 words going towards starting to augment with 1x Rabbit Fur from inventory (513/750)
Gogyou Bushuugi
Gogyou Bushuugi
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Ryo : 0

Desecrators of the graves - Page 2 Empty Re: Desecrators of the graves

Tue Dec 29, 2020 1:46 pm
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