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Takeshi Hyuuga
Takeshi Hyuuga
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Those who walk among the graves - C rank (NK) Empty Those who walk among the graves - C rank (NK)

Fri Nov 01, 2019 2:11 pm

Takeshi didn’t really have plans for the day, he was going to go to the Hogokage’s estate and see what kind of missions that were available, Takeshi had been taking a liking to fill his days with as many missions as he could possibly go on. Takeshi decided that planning his days was no longer an option, his life as a shinobi could change entirely in one small second. Takeshi knew this and didn’t like it, but he respected that that was how his life was and he was used to it by now. The missions part of Takeshi’s life, that was a part of life that he actually very much enjoyed, and was beginning to enjoy it more and more as he began completing the higher rank missions. It was also very therapeutic for him, it got him out of the house and being on a mission with something to do, was actually able to keep his mind off of his past and kept his mind from wandering. 

Takeshi’s life had been taking a whole new turn into an entirely new area, he was sleeping through the night, his night terrors had subsided for the most part. The nightmares of his mother that he was having on a nightly basis were beginning to turn into dreamless nights with occasional nightmare, which Takeshi took that as a giant step forward. Takeshi began to stir in his bed, the sun was coming into his room at the perfect angle that filled his entire room with the golden light coming from the sunrise on the horizon. The sunrise used to remind Takeshi that he was alive, and it would make him depressed. It would remind him that he had to get out of bed, and deal with his mother again. But now, while he still needed to deal with his memories, he knew that he was finally safe. Something he had never been before that night with his mother.

Takeshi started to open his eyes, the sun beaming directly into his face he held his hands up to his face until his eyes could finally see straight. Takeshi rolled out to the side of the bed, placed his feet onto the wood floors that covered the majority of the house. It felt cool against his already cold feet. Takeshi pulled his feet back into bed and threw his covers over him. “Come on, man. Gotta get up and do something with your day.” Takeshi told himself. Takeshi threw his blankets all the way off the bed, to discourage him from picking them up again. Takeshi grunted and groaned and slowly lifted his body out of his bed.Takeshi threw his blankets all the way off the bed, to discourage him from picking them up again. Takeshi grunted and groaned and slowly lifted his body out of his bed. He set his feet on the wooden floor one more time, let his body acclimate to the coolness of the floor of the room, and the room itself. Takeshi stood up, stretched his entire body, and headed over to his dresser. 

Takeshi looked into his dresser and found the clothes that was going to wear for that day. Takeshi took his clothes out of the dresser and laid them all out onto his bed. Takeshi inspected his clothing, ensuring that there were no holes, flaws, or weak spots. Once he was finished ensuring of this, Takeshi ironed all of his clothing and made sure each corner was square, and everything was tidy. Once he finished with his clothing, Takeshi moved on to his weaponry. While Takeshi had in fact overlooked his weaponry every single night, Takeshi strongly believed that you could never look at your weapons enough, you can only look at them just enough or not enough. Takeshi also loved the feeling of the weapons in his hands, he always felt so comfortable with them. Takeshi continued to sharpen them until they were at an absolute razor’s edge. Takeshi grabbed all of his weaponry off of the top of the dresser and began to place them in their rightful spots in his weapon’s pouch. Takeshi ensured they were all secure in the pouch, and began to put his combat gear on. Takeshi started with combat shorts. These shorts are black shorts with plenty of pockets. Takeshi put these shorts on, then he would continue with his weapon’s pouch. Takeshi wold wrap his left leg with a black and gray wrap, so to prevent the rubbing of the pouch against his thigh. Once Takeshi had his weapons pouch secured and ready for battle. Takeshi moved on to his shirt and combat vest. The shirt that he chose was a dark gray colored shirt that had no insignia on it. Takeshi put on his all black combat vest and made sure everything was on tight and functional. Takeshi grabbed his backpack and looked at himself in the mirror. But just before he headed out of his bedroom, he grabbed his one last thing. He grabbed his headband protector and tied it tight against his forehead. Now he was ready to get going for the day.

When Takeshi cooked rice, he always used the cheapest rice, because that’s what he could afford. But by the time the dish is done, the flavor is so outrageously amazing, you can’t really tell. Takeshi grabs the rice and measures it out to have the correct amount of rice. He pours the rice into a sieve. Which he uses to rinse the rice until the water that runs through the heap of rice comes out clear after going through the rice. Once the rice is washed, Takeshi pours the rice from the sieve into a bowl and sets it aside. Once the rice is washed and set aside, he then grabs a pot to make the rice in. Takeshi measures out the correct amount of water for the amount of rice that is intended to be cooked. Takeshi puts the water in the pot and sets the pot on the stove and turns the stove onto a high heat. Takeshi sprinkles a small amount of salt into the water that he plans on throwing the rice into to cook. Takeshi waits for this water in the pot for the rice to begin to boil. Once the water begins to boil he pours the rice into the boiling water and allows it to cook for only a few minutes on a medium to high heat. Then Takeshi covers the pot with the lid and turns the heat down to low heat and allows it to cook for around twenty minutes. While this is happening, Takeshi uses the time to meditate and to think about his training and see what areas he still needed work in and needed to figure out what exactly he was going to do to become a much better ninja than his peers, and really how to become the best ninja that he could be. When the rice finishes cooking, Takeshi goes to the stove and he inspects the rice through the glass on the lid for the pot. Takeshi, removes the lid and he takes a small amount of the rice, ensuring that it is cooked to perfection, once it is deemed done, Takeshi sprinkles a small amount of salt and pepper on top of the rice, stirs it in and fluffs the rice at the same time, then it is ready to serve. Now with the rice done, Takeshi can begin making his Tamago Kake Gohan. Takeshi grabs an egg from his basket that hangs next to the stove, eggs are a pretty common food eaten in Takeshi’s household. Takeshi makes a well inside the mound of rice that he has set in the bowl, cracks the egg directly into a bowl and mixes in the mirin and shoyu (also known as soy sauce). Takeshi mixes all of that together and, when it is all whipped together, he pours the mixture into the well that he had made in the rice earlier. After poured in, Takeshi mixes it all together and allows to sit for five to ten minutes. This allows the mixture to thicken and create what is known as Tomago Kake Gohan. After this point, Takeshi will often top the Tomago Kake Gohan with fish or Furikake or something of the sort and chow down. On days that it is especially cold in the village, Takeshi will also make a nice and hot batch of Miso soup to go with his Tomago Kake Gohan. Once finished with the cooking and eating his breakfast, Takeshi takes his dishes over to the sink and begins to clean the kitchen after cooking the dish. Luckily, this dish really only uses a few utensils and cooking pieces, so the cleaning the dishes process really doesn’t take very long.

Takeshi was now finished with his daily morning routine and it was time for him to hit the training grounds for some actual training. Takeshi grabbed his backpack, went through everything one last time to make sure he wasn’t forgetting anything. Just before he walked out the door, he stopped by the sign that hung next to the front door. After staring at it for a few seconds, he read it out loud, “Prove her wrong.” Takeshi always reminded himself that no matter what his mother may have done to him, she was just another one of those people that Takeshi was going to prove wrong before too long. Takeshi was already stronger than he was, he was already stronger than some of the ninjas that he knew. Now he just needed to prove it to everyone that he was something of worth, he was a respectable ninja, just like they were. 

Takeshi was walking over to the Hogokage’s estate to look at the mission board when he noticed there was a commotion going on over by the graveyards. Takeshi wanting to know what happened, he ran over to the graveyards and looked around. Takeshi noticed that several of the gravestones had been desecrated and a few more were destroyed. Takeshi was taken aback by this, he couldn’t understand why someone would do this. Takeshi looked around the graves some more, trying to find out who would have done this. As Takeshi continued to search around the graves, he continued to walk across bottles of alcohol and articles of clothing. Takeshi was sure it was a group of people based on the clothes, undesirables based on the vandalism and bottles of alcohol. Takeshi began to ask around and see what the pattern had been with these vandals. 

A woman that had her husband’s grave desecrated told Takeshi that this was far from the first time this had happened. There was a group of guys who always loved to come here on the weekends, get drunk, and most nights, this turned into them vandalising the graves. Takeshi became frustrated with this information and decided that he was going to take care of this problem. Due to the fact that these people were drunk when they came here, and having so little respect for ninja graves, he had his thoughts that these were not ninjas, but regular civilians. So Takeshi came up with a plan and figured he would have his teammates come and help him with it. Takeshi went back into town, gathered Sakuragi and Kuniko, and brought them both back to the graveyards so they could see the vandalism that had taken place to their fellow ninja’s graves. 

After he gave them a minute to soak in the crime that had been done. Takeshi told Sakuragi and Kuniko the plan. “Guys, I want to hideout in this graveyard. Wait for these bastards to come out next weekend, let them get drunk enough to where they couldn’t really fight. Then use the headhunter’s technique to drive them into the ground, and leave them there overnight. We will make sure that no one sees us. It will be easy for me because I will be underground, but you guys just need to make sure that if anyone runs off before I can get them, to keep them here. That way I can get underneath them. You will be able to see me with your Byakugan. We can let their friends and families dig them out the next morning.” Takeshi smiled big and waited to hear the response from his teammates, Sakuragi and Kuniko.

WC: 2080

Last edited by Takeshi Hyuuga on Fri Nov 01, 2019 4:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

Those who walk among the graves - C rank (NK) Empty Re: Those who walk among the graves - C rank (NK)

Fri Nov 01, 2019 3:40 pm
A figure was seen at the graveyard with Kuniko and Takeshi. It was Sakuragi, the brown skined black spiky hyuuga boy. His team mate, Takeshi came to call him to see the unbelievable event that has happened here. Why would anyone desecrate this place?. Based to the information Sakuragi got so far from Takeshi , the black spiky haired came to believe that this people weren't ninjas , they are some reckless civilians who didn't know what they are doing. Even if they are drunk like his teammate had said, their unconscious mind shouldn't be so stupid to the extent of destroying graveyard. It was a good thing Takeshi got both Sakuragi  and Kuniko here. Takeshi was the first and the only to  come up with plan. The plan seem very easy, considering the fact that they would be dealing with helpless civilians. It would be hard for the drunk Civilians to escape or evade the plan. “ That sound like an excellent plan. Since we are probably  dealing with civilians, it should be easy to execute” he said with a slight smile on his face.  

It is always good when three heads comes  together as one. Team summer’s strength is her unity. Though Sakuragi, Kuniko and Takeshi may have different personalities, these still stick close together and that's what make them stand out. 
These drunk  civilians wouldn't be a problem anymore by the time the hyuuga boys  are through with them.

TWC: 242
Kuniko Hyuuga
Kuniko Hyuuga
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 21445

Those who walk among the graves - C rank (NK) Empty Re: Those who walk among the graves - C rank (NK)

Sat Nov 02, 2019 2:22 pm
Kuniko had been worn out over the past several days from the extensive training he was receiving from other ninjas in Hoshi. His morning routine was strained with all the extra work and he barely had time to meditate any more. The effect of the training was at a stage where he was always worn out, just before he started getting stronger from it. But soon all of his hard work would pay off. For now though, he was invited by Takeshi to go on a mission with him. It seemed as though Sakuragi would also be joint them, so all members of Team Summer were accounted for. 

Kuniko decided to wear something different today. Since Takeshi said something about hiding for this mission when he picked him up, The young shinobi decided to wear a dark brown hakama tonight. He had white wrappings around his arms and legs. It wasn’t perfect, but it was fashionable enough to appease Kuniko. He then followed his team mates out to the graveyard of Hoshigakure. 

Once they had reached the graveyard, Takeshi then told the two genin following him his plan; “Guys, I want to hideout in this graveyard. Wait for these bastards to come out next weekend, let them get drunk enough to where they couldn’t really fight. Then use the headhunter’s technique to drive them into the ground, and leave them there overnight. We will make sure that no one sees us. It will be easy for me because I will be underground, but you guys just need to make sure that if anyone runs off before I can get them, to keep them here. That way I can get underneath them. You will be able to see me with your Byakugan. We can let their friends and families dig them out the next morning.”

While he was talking, Kuniko was getting distracted by the environment. The boy had a deep fear of ghosts and spirits. Standing around in a graveyard without any offerings made him visibly nervous. Looking around suspiciously, Kuniko asked Takeshi “a-are you you sure you want to bury these guys in the graveyard? W-what if the other people in the ground get angry?” Right now, Kuniko’s main concern was if they caused some problems for the spirits on the other side. 

He continued his concerns to the group nervously, “I think these... vandals will likely be... facing a whole lot of punishment for the t-things they’ve done here already. They’re probably c-cursed or something. In a way, we would be going easy on them if we fought the … here… and didn’t try to catch them on their way to the graveyard instead. Or when they were leaving.”

TWC: 451
Takeshi Hyuuga
Takeshi Hyuuga
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Those who walk among the graves - C rank (NK) Empty Re: Those who walk among the graves - C rank (NK)

Sun Nov 03, 2019 1:23 am
Takeshi was happy with Sakuragi's agreeing with Takeshi's plan, he was excited for this plan and couldn't wait to get it started. Takeshi listened as Kuniko spoke and he noticed the fearful speech pattern that Kuniko was performing while speaking on his opinion of the plan. Takeshi had flash backs as he listened to the stuttering, he couldn't help but remember his stutter that he had until the night he had killed his mother. Takeshi walked up to Kuniko and put his large hand onto the smaller built Kuniko. 

Takeshi leaned forward so the two were eye to eye level, grinned at Kuniko, and attempted to calm the worried boy. "Hey, I understand the fear of ghosts and spirits. But don't worry, everything will be okay. We will be doing a service to those who live underneath this hallowed ground. The spirits will smile upon our deeds, for it will hopefully keep these people from disgracing their graves any longer." Takeshi removed his hands and he walked away and yelled to his team, "See you tonight!" 

Takeshi was set up into a perfect position to take out the drunkards one by one in the bottle neck that the cemetary has in the middle of the grounds. Takeshi waited as the bastards drank their drink and desecrated more graves. Takeshi bided his time until they finally began staggering over Takeshi's position, Takeshi grabbed the first guys foot and drug him into the ground. Takeshi chuckled as he heard the rest of the party freak out and trip over each other when trying to run away. Takeshi's team continued to steer them back to Takeshi's area as Takeshi was swimming under the ground, grabbing leg after leg. 

After Takeshi had drug every single member of the bastard party into the ground, he laughed at the heads poking out of the ground and walked away. Takeshi thanked his team as he walked out of the cemetery. Laughing his whole way home.


TWC: 2409

+6 stats / +2000 Ryo / +5 AP

+376 words toward a contract for toad summoning (2000/2000)
Previous progress:

+2033 words toward summon of Boss Tambaba (2033/2500)
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

Those who walk among the graves - C rank (NK) Empty Re: Those who walk among the graves - C rank (NK)

Mon Nov 04, 2019 5:24 pm
Takeshi had a very nice plan ,  his plans involves him doing  the job alone. These assholes damaging the graves are so pathetic. Takeshi, planned it all well. 

The herds of punk would drunk himself. Sakuragi didn't even have to activate his byakugan. His team mate already had their activated, so it might be kind of a waste of chakra and stamina to activate his now.  The hyuuga had a lot on his mind. He planned to see the hyuuga clan lord ayato. The clan lord had  not really had time for sakuragi. But sakuragi was gonna find him this time at all cost.

Right in the middle of the enemies, those they came for, several thought had crossed the young hyuugas mind. He was not lost in thought to the extent that he was not conscious of his surroundings. He was well aware what is going on. 

Sakuragi watched as Takeshi dragged the drunkereds by their legs pulling them underground with his headhunter tech. It seems that's the boy’S favourite jutsu. He is fond of using it. 

Sakuragi was getting bored of this lame show, he let Kuniko and Takeshi did the job, not bothering himself about a thing, such is his nature. He walked back home to meet grandma, it has really been a hectic day. 

He arrived home to see his grandma doing some dishes,  he would Greet his grand ma  and then assist his grandma with the dishes. The black spiky would then start talking about his day “ Grandma, today, we had to deal with some crazy folks . You remembered I told you about my new team?.  Well, the three of us have been embarking on a lot of missions. It was really a good thing doing so many missions with those team mates of mine. But Grandma, I felt weak in today's mission. Only my Teammates Kuniko and Takeshi  did all the job. All i could  was to watch them helplessly in Action, though Takeshi did majority of the work. I feel like instead of growing stronger, I am growing weaker than my team mates” He said in a soft tone to his grandma. Sakuragi was not depresssed. He was only voicing what he is feeling. His words weren't of envy or strife with his teammates. He just feel the need to get stronger .  His grandma would carefully place the plate on her hands on the cupboard before she moved close to sakuragi. “Son, you don't have to compare others with you. Even if you're from the same clan, or on the same team, you still shouldn't compare yourself with other. Everyone has his own strength and weaknesses, so do you and your team mates. So don't be discouraged, don't give you, keep training, harder everyday and you'll get better” the old granny said softly  to the black spiky haired.  

These words stired up nerves and blood in Sakuragi. He braced his mind to never be discouraged, not that he was discouraged but that he would train harder. 

TWC : 748

Claiming 1 stat, 5 AP, 2100 ryo.

Adding 748 to sphere of lightning (37/1000)=  785/1000
Kuniko Hyuuga
Kuniko Hyuuga
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 21445

Those who walk among the graves - C rank (NK) Empty Re: Those who walk among the graves - C rank (NK)

Mon Nov 04, 2019 9:36 pm
As Kuniko was corralled into the graveyard by Takeshi and Skuragi, he became more nervous with each step he was taking. He was secretly terrified of getting cursed by angry spirits, and this seemed like just the place for it to happen. The usually elegant shinobi was only slightly superstitious in most circumstances, but when it came to ghosts he was a full blown believer. Taking this job was going to set him back years if he stayed here much longer. 

Takeshi, the one responsible for this mess, approached Kuniko and placed his large hand on his shoulder. He tried to reassure Kuniko about something but the shorter ninja was not listening. He was too busy looking around nervously. It was as though mist was starting to rise, or was it just his imagination? Were those shapes moving about something? Kuniko shouted "Byakugan!" as he looked out towards the unseen areas of the graveyard. His sight didn't find any creature hiding in the light mist, but could a ghost even be seen by his eyes? "I t-think I will s-stay on the perimeter," Kuniko just managed to stammer out before hurriedly walking out towards the edges of the graveyard. As soon as Takeshi's hand was off of him, Kuniko was gone. He was so unnerved that he didn't even feel disgraced by letting someone unexpectedly touch him. 

Once Kuniko was off to the perimeter of the graveyard he would wait quietly with his Byakugan active. After an hour, he saw figures beginning to approach in the night. By the sight of his Byakugn he could tell that they were living. The unnerved shinobi took a gentle fist fighting stance in their direct path. He was so freaked out, he was ready to send these drunken fools to the next life if it meant ending this mission. As the drunken vandals approached him they could finally see Kuniko standing there ready to fight them in the dark.

Suddenly, the vandals were pulled into the earth one by one before Kuniko's very eyes. While it wouldn't have been hard for him to notice Takeshi's shape beneath them pulling them down, he didn't bother to look. As soon as he saw the first grave desiccator get pulled into the ground, Kuniko himself turned and fled the graveyard. He would wait outside the entrance until the others arrived after a successful mission.  

TWC: 850 

C Rank Mission Rewards: 2,100 Ryo, 5 AP, 2 Stats. 
[1250/3000] Switching Main Spec to Medical Ninjutsu. Previous: [400/3000]
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 11500

Those who walk among the graves - C rank (NK) Empty Re: Those who walk among the graves - C rank (NK)

Thu Nov 07, 2019 5:09 am
Bump, someone get this thread approved...
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Those who walk among the graves - C rank (NK) Empty Re: Those who walk among the graves - C rank (NK)

Thu Nov 07, 2019 4:26 pm
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