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Specter Sarutobi
Specter Sarutobi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 6600

Studying? Heh. I guess. [Private] Empty Studying? Heh. I guess. [Private]

Sat Dec 19, 2020 3:27 pm
The green book had seemed interesting to the Sarutobi; considered to be one of the oldest and foremost important clans in the Fire Country, it was only natural that Specter would find himself wanting to know more about not only his own bloodline, but those that populated the world. He sat atop a building’s extruded staircase shell, on the opposite side of the door, where he could not be seen from the street by anyone. It helped him concentrate. To his side, a half eaten ham and boiled eggs sandwich, and a gourd where orange juice awaited him, still cold from the fridge. Upon his hands, the open book that detailed how DNA, the basic instruction manual of the body, affected those with a proclivity for the chakra arts, and how it created new ways for the body to interact with chakra and provide abilities considered unnatural even for those already beyond human. It was an interesting read, to be honest: the man called Denkiteki, whose handsome face he had seen already at the back of the cover, really knew what he was talking about, or at least spoke with the authority of someone who did.

The book began with a simple explanation of it’s base elements. Well, simple for those initiated in the medical arts; for Specter, some of these words were sheer sorcery, and he might actually have to visit the library before he could fully appreciate the meaning behind these words. Basically, kekkei genkai were genetic mutations within people that manifested as peculiar powers; these Bloodline Limits could be access to specific nature transformations, ways to mold chakra, or ways of connecting with the world. The young Sarutobi knew something about this; as a Sarutobi, one could be born with one of two particular mutations. One of them was called the Earth Path, in which the Sarutobi could combine Fire and Wind natures to create Ash, which no one else was able to do, at least not in the way a Sarutobi could. They also had access to the Mythical Weapon Apes which only that particular side of the family could sign contracts with. Specter’s own side of the family, though, walked the Heaven Path, in which the chakra pathways allowed one to learn every basic elemental nature. As a downside, it would not be able to combine elemental natures into advanced elements. It was an unfortunate downside, as far as Specter could tell, but he hoped to one day master all five elemental natures, and showcase how powerful one could become if able to combine these at will.
WC: 432
Specter Sarutobi
Specter Sarutobi
Stat Page : Spooky Stats
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 6600

Studying? Heh. I guess. [Private] Empty Re: Studying? Heh. I guess. [Private]

Tue Dec 22, 2020 5:30 pm
There was also a mention regarding how certain aspects of a clan DNA could be transmissible via a transplant. What this essentially meant was that when an organ with the DNA of one of these bloodlines, when transplanted onto someone without said bloodline, could cause the awakening of said bloodline onto this new person. What a fascinating thought. He must read on.

The book, which had been written and edited to include clans in alphabetical order rather than specific traits or by how one might wish to be born in a different clan, started off with the Aburame clan. Specter read it intently, wanting to learn more about the special abilities of ninjas he could come across in his life. The Aburame were very peculiar, in that their bodies allowed for coexistence with bugs, something they had come to call the “Host of Bugs” bloodline limit. Specter read with eyes bulging out of his head. NOPE. Skipping this shit straight away.

Next up was the Akagawa clan. Peculiar little clan in that they were born with animal DNA interwoven with their own natural DNA, and at birth, this would manifest into one of four possible variants: Bear, Monkey, Tiger and Wolf. Much like the Aburame, one could not gain advantages of this bloodline via transplant -- something Specter wasn’t even aware could be a thing. He also didn’t know Aburame couldn’t be transplanted, since he skipped it at the mention of them keeping bugs inside their bodies. It appeared the DNA in this clan would manifest particular boons depending on which one of the former “houses” sprung up, mimicrying what would be some of the traits of the animals. This was so confusing.

But alas, the first two clans were not transplantable, which the book had told him might be possible. He was a little bit disappointed. He wanted to read about these transplants now.

Maybe he could get a little bit more out of his… condition.
WC: 325
TWC: 757
Specter Sarutobi
Specter Sarutobi
Stat Page : Spooky Stats
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 6600

Studying? Heh. I guess. [Private] Empty Re: Studying? Heh. I guess. [Private]

Wed Dec 23, 2020 6:45 pm
The clan that came afterwards was the Akari clan. Something on the back of his mind told him he might know that name from somewhere, he just couldn't say from where. The Akari possessed not only a peculiar bloodline, but also a dojutsu. The bloodline itself, the Inner Light, energized those who possessed it, and afforded them the possibility to utilize the Hikariton: Light Release. This release had been responsible for making the Akari clan incredible powerhouses as ninja, so much so that in their hubris they tried to conquer Kumogakure. It was a failed attempt; no wonder, considering the Kumogakure was such a powerhouse.

The second part of this bloodline was the Golden Eye, which once again would be a tremendous advantage to the clan. Even to the uninitiated, it was capable of seeing clearly in all but perfect darkness. Once enabled, it afforded the user with beautiful golden eyes which was able to see masses of chakra. Impressive, he supposed. The notion of being able to see chakra so easily as to look at it, with scant any training. Oh no, it took training; apparently not every Akari would be able to unlock the mysteries of the Golden Eye, taking years at time to unlock just the first stage of their power, let alone the final stage.
Specter Sarutobi
Specter Sarutobi
Stat Page : Spooky Stats
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 6600

Studying? Heh. I guess. [Private] Empty Re: Studying? Heh. I guess. [Private]

Thu Dec 24, 2020 5:39 pm
The next clan the book would talk about would be the Akimichi clan. Now, there were a few interesting considerations about this clan. They didn't actually have any mutation within their genetic makeup that made them much different from anyone else. As a matter of fact, the only genetic component the members of this clan shared was a genetic predisposition to obesity. This genetic predisposition could not be transmitted via a genetic transplant, fortunately, and indeed for the most part any study of this clan's members had shown they were in general common individuals.

What was extraordinary about this clan was they had turned their natural genetic proclivity towards obesity into an advantage, and through years of experimentation they discovered a way in which their system could burn their calories at will, fueling grotesque growth in both physical shape and chakra potency.

Indeed, so ordinary were these techniques, they could be learned by anyone. However, the Akimichi, as well as a couple other clans, kept these techniques very well hidden, only teaching outside the clan to one they would deem worthy of their teachings. These were powerful bodily modification techniques, and extremely dangerous to someone who did not have the caloric excess to burn off at a moment's notice. Nothing quite as bad as dying of hunger. Spectre ate the rest of his sandwich out of fear alone.
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