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Momochi Yamanaka
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Stopping to smell the roses [NK, open to 2 others] Empty Stopping to smell the roses [NK, open to 2 others]

Fri Jun 26, 2020 4:27 pm
The wooden table was one of the last remnants of Kirigakure's old academy before the grand academy was constructed. It had somehow survived from her time as a student up until now- though not quite in perfect condition. The wood was browned and warped from constant battering rain, and a few sharp splinters and cracks jutted out at odd angles. Nevertheless, it was perfectly possible to find a nice place to sit. The bench creaked slightly with her added weight, but nothing too ominous. A patched blanket found its way from her satchel onto the picnic table's top, and from there she placed two items- a basket of strawberries and a bowl of some fried rice balls.

Truth be told, she didn't particularly care who she was meeting here- she'd sent a few letters/missives using a terrified intern who was more often than not in charge of cleaning up after her less than savory experiments. They should've reached one or two other shinobi she'd met before, but... It was always possible he messed up. Either way, with her relaxed posture, clear (albeit modified) uniform, and headband wrapped around her waist, it was impossible to mistake her as an intruder.

Her motives for such an event were, for once, nearly innocuous. Work had been frustrating recently, and a simple outing like this surrounded by friends (acquaintances?) was a good way to unwind. Momochi brushed back her hair from her shoulder, the low ponytail falling to her back. It was always good to take a step back and smell the roses.

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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Stopping to smell the roses [NK, open to 2 others] Empty Re: Stopping to smell the roses [NK, open to 2 others]

Sat Jun 27, 2020 8:21 pm
"Ringo," Mino says, glaring dangerously over the chain. A spooked-looking young genin has come knocking on her door on this lovely spring day - a heinous crime, particularly on one of Mino's few afternoons off. "You know I don't like mail."

"Momochi Yamanaka told me to deliver this or she would saw off my fingers," the messenger spills out all at once. He has a crisp envelope in one hand, which he waves as his evidence. He is freshly alarmed by the fact that Mino remembers his name, which usually means that he had done something to earn her ire. Oh, god, what was it? Was it the coffee?

"Did she? She's so funny." Mino's frown twists in a wry, perhaps genuine smile. Her days of threatening casual violence are behind her, after her last talking-to from the hospital's director, so it's good to see such spunk from the younger generations. "Well, you do need those, I suppose." She plucks the letter from his hands, sends him on his way, and brings it to the kitchen to open and enjoy over a glass of water. It's unlikely that news of her inevitable promotion would come in such a fashion, but she still idly speculates as such as she scans over it.

Ah, no. A picnic. Charming. 

Mino shows up to this proposed social engagement exactly on time, looking over the raggedy table with a look of mild disdain. Under one arm is a baggie of her offerings to today's gathering (sorely needed, given the sparseness of the table) - roti with curry on the side, and a six-pack of canned iced tea - a strictly inferior beverage, but portable and non-alcoholic. Given that it is being hosted by a genin, Mino felt it safe to assume that this would be an all-ages event. As it stands, it seems that it's only two ages - twenty and forty. 

"How lively," Mino drawls, carefully sitting down (so as to not be killed in her prime by an errant splinter) and retrieving the food and drinks from the bag. The curry smells quite good if Mino doesn't say so herself. She's chosen well, as always. "Yamanaka, you are aware that there are tables present that do not threaten us a slow, painful death by sepsis?"

Yamanaka's a smart cookie, so it must be something worse than ignorance. Sentiment.

OOC wrote:WC: 391
Momochi Yamanaka
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Stopping to smell the roses [NK, open to 2 others] Empty Re: Stopping to smell the roses [NK, open to 2 others]

Tue Sep 01, 2020 3:55 pm
+2 stats
due to academy discount, halved wc for c ranks and below.
125 words to learn and finish
125 words to learn and finish e-rank
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Ryo : 500

Stopping to smell the roses [NK, open to 2 others] Empty Re: Stopping to smell the roses [NK, open to 2 others]

Fri Sep 04, 2020 9:37 pm
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