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Sat Jul 13, 2013 1:51 pm
Dressed in his standard jounin uniform, as normal, Ganki decided to pay the Raikage a visit. This was more of a social call, rather than a formal meeting. Ganki never had the chance to meet the previous, so, Ganki would make an attempt to keep in touch with the kage every so now and then.

Walking into the building he would pull out a book out of his back tool pouch, he had been reading it for quite some time. With the book in his right hand, he walked through the endless halls of the Raikage building, up and won the stairs. While doing so, he took a few glances at the book; the book was about learning how to use fuinjutsu properly. It was called “Hey you’re not a Genius! Who Cares? Read this and you won't suck at Fuinjutsu”, a strange title, very strange. But hey, Ganki liked it; it was those types of books that had more pictures than words, very user friendly. I mean… imagine a lego instruction kits that told the user how to build a model in words instead of the pictures, total chaos.

When Ganki finally reached the corridor that led to the Raikage’s office, he would close the book, while still holding it in his hand. Once he would reach the door, a couple knocks would be made, Ganki tapping the door with the same book in his right hand. Now, he would wait for the Raikage answer, if she was there.
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Sat Jul 13, 2013 10:29 pm
The evening was great as the village of lightning was undergoing there first annual tournament a battle of skill. This was due to the lack pf chuunin the village held she needed new fresh chuunin ones who she can count on. Leaning in her chair she would be looking at visual jutsu one of her anbu were capable of she was enjoying the fights from her office. Each person had a talent but some she disliked,she understood win by anything neccassary but sometimes things just go to far.

Misaki physical appearance is of that of a young teenager of 16 years old. Consisting of silver hair, red eyes, and a glowing tattoo located on her left arm and shoulder blade, they resemble wings and are occasionally called "The Wings of the Devil" by the villagers of Kumogakure. Misaki wears a long leather red coat with fur among the hood as she wears a black tunic with a cross design along the chest area.Along with her short shorts which is held around her waist by a belt. On her hands is black fingerless gloves which is mainly use for hand to hand combat for her. 

Her legs would be crossed as she was watching the fight go on,she would look back as she will hear a knock at her door.She turned her head slightly as she spoke"Come in"she would say as she held a bottle of Jack in her hand as she was watching the fights in her entertainment. The door was opened to begin with so she smiled"Come sit down grab a bottle and watch these fights with me Ganki,and you can tell me of your visit"she said with a childish grin.
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Sun Jul 14, 2013 10:04 am
Once Ganki heard the ok, he let himself in, while closing the door behind him. Surveying the office, he would immediately spot the bottle in Misaki's hand, prime product of the Drunken Kage bar he thought. Guess everyone had a little weaken now and then, "I see your enjoying your time in the oval office", he said in a joking manner while placing the book in his back pouch. Seeing how fun it looked, Ganki decided to take up the Raikage's offer, grabbing a freshly sealed bottle from the office bar, he made his way towards the desk. "Can't a jounin check in on his badass Kage, by the way, how has the kage life been treating you?" While asking her,  Ganki reached for a nearby chair with his left hand, the bottle in the other. He had turned the chair around so the backend would be facing towards the front, the chair was then placed next to Misaki's left side, to enjoy the view of the fights.

Placing himself in the chair, Ganki opened the brand new bottle, taking a small whiff before taking a sip. While both of his arms were placed on top of the back of the chair, he continued watching the fights.

Then Tee came to mind, was he in the fights? Who knows, Ganki did wish for the best of him, his other students too...
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Mon Jul 15, 2013 8:05 pm
The fights would of been kinda slow in Misaki opinon but they were just genin she couldn't really expect a jounin class fight. She brought the bottke of jack to her lips as she would take a swig of her drink she normally didn't have time to relax to herself and that was kinda sad being as young as she is and all. She would smile as Ganki would of took her offer she was smiling in a child manner she really didn't hang with no one cause of her being the leader of the village and all."I guess nothing went wrong as of late so i say the kage life is a calm one to say the least,but i know i have alot more to do before i can finish making Kumogakure great like i want it to be"she said looking at the chakra created screens before them before she turned her head to the left and smiled slightly. She would turn back to the screen as the voice in her head begun to speak to her"You know,your sister wouldn't be as happy as you are now....know why cause she is dead and can't even"Maya would speak as Misaki will try her best to ignore her trying to pay her no mind at all as this was hard enough as it is.

"So Tell me,how long have you been in my fathers village and how have it been i normally slept all day not paying much mind to others"she says with a soft giggle.
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Tue Jul 16, 2013 1:58 pm
"Eh, I bet, with the hook up you have here I would too", Ganki said in a joking manner, after taking another sip which was larger than the previous one, wasn't really a sip now that he thought about it. Slouching on the chair, he would finish, "But yeah it's been ok, becoming a shinobi wasn't really what I wanted to do, but I learned to deal with it." While looking at the chakra screens, he saw some familiar faces, like the Senju named Inijo. Was that Inijo Ganki questioned in his head? Upon looking more closely it sure was, he and that other kid were in it.
Now with his head turned towards Misaki, " Though I do love the drinking age requirement in this village, a cool wheneveryouwant age", Ganki finished with a another sip, while smiling a bit. "No thanks too your old man I guess."
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Wed Jul 17, 2013 11:16 am
She would lean back her eyes still on the screens before her as her legs will be crossed as she would continue to watch the fights in her comfy office and chair, Bringing the bottke of Jack to her lips she will drink somemore as she would smile,"There is alot of things my father did for this village that others view as bad things but in truth its only one of many great things he did that made this village strong,i plan to make it strong but bigger way bigger,if im able to do that i will let my father return home to a village he can be proud of"She will say softly as she was watching forward.

"Being a shinobi isn't a bad thing take those below they risk there lives even without power like ours to protect there friends and family,so shoulnt us as shinobi do the same"she wiukd sigh thinking why was she saying such things she couldn't even protect her big sister.....
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Wed Jul 17, 2013 2:00 pm
"Mmmhm", Ganki as he too returned his vision over to the fights. The world always seemed to go by "the ends justifies the means", type of thing. But Ganki couldn't frown upon her old man's decisions, the village always seemed to be secured, from the inside and out. Judging by Misaki's response, she would promise to do just as here dad had done, except she would be a little more proactive with here ninja.
"Yeah, guess your right", Ganki said, hearing her words of truth. Ganki then got up out of his chair, taking a little pace around the huge office. Looking around the office he saw something that reminded him of a symbol he saw, in his book. Still with the bottle in his hand, now much lighter than before, reached all the around to grab his book he had been reading with his left hand. While taking another sip from the bottle, he flipped through the pages till he finally found the symbol, Ganki did this action all with his left hand alone. The many seals and formulas reference this symbol a numerous amount of times, Ganki thought this to be interesting.
"Hey Misaki, if you don't mind me asking, what was your old man Like anyway? I know you told me he was a great kage, but how was he as a person?" Ganki now faced towards the Raikage once more, her back would face towards him if she hadn't moved, while he himself would be taking short glimpses of the screen and his book.
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Thu Jul 18, 2013 12:03 pm
Misaki legs would of remained crossed as she would be looking at the screen as she would smile as she would look at the next round of fights. She was really enjoying herself to the fullest. Now the arena of the battle waa really getting intense Yaju and Tee were going at it which kind was amazing atbthe tactics Yaju had used it was pretty intense as she would smile softly.

She glanced slightly at Ganki getting up as she herself would remain sitted as she wouldn't want to miss anything that was going on at the moment, She didn't mind Ganki walking around at all it was his village too after all she would listen to him for a second."My father was the only one to raise me up to be the girl i am today,my mother died when i was young so the only thing i was left from her was my bloodline"she would say looking at her hand as she would smile softly."My father raised me to be a leader...he drunk alot but he was truly someone i will always look up too no matter what happens even now i thank him for blessing me with the powers of a Ametsuchi"she would explain.
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Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:14 pm
Ganki listened as he heard her story, he nodded his head as she finished. "He really did sound like a cool guy, did a pretty good job if you ask me", he said with a smile. Ganki quickly looked back to his book, reading the different symbols and signs that he had in his book. Skimming the pages and what not for more information.
While he looked through the book some more, he came across a symbol that looked like the character for shadow, one that most seals never use. This symbol reminder Ganki of something even Misaki talked about, "Hey Misaki, how goes your search for the Anbu placements, any takers?", Ganki said as he read his book. He wouldn't mind taking the job, it sure would be one hell of a promotion if he got it. But, that wouldn't be the main reason why eh would apply for it, he did however become a ninja for a reason.
While waiting for a reply, he would continue reading his book, memorizing the steps towards creating a seal, the basic ones that is. Ganki didn't get that far into the book yet, nor would he at the pace he went.
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Fri Jul 19, 2013 3:38 pm
Misaki would turn her chair around as the fights were at a stand still at this moment she will shift her chair still sitting in it of course. She will turn her body looking towards Ganki."My father was greater then most and im glad we both see it as greatness some didn't see it that way at all"she would say as she would flip through the flies as Ganki walked around the oval office as she would listen to his next question."Yes i was wondering about that not to long ago you been here a long time according to your records not a missing ninja...but remained here which impressed me you showed devotin and even volunteered to lead a genin team,so at the moment your a person i think deserve the job,even now as i am the new Raikage you showed respect"she will acknowledge as she smiled.
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