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[Journal 3][P][Casual Dream][Loading...] Empty [Journal 3][P][Casual Dream][Loading...]

Sun Jun 21, 2020 10:37 pm
The first thing she probably remembered, her earliest memory, was her father beckoning her into his office. That’s what he called it… ‘the office’. She would follow the sound of his deep, scratchy voice, down the upstairs hallway and he was standing for her by the stairs. “Come.” He said and she looked at him, then the stairs. They elongated and distorted in her vision, growing longer and steeper, almost spelling a certain doom in her mind- “Look at me.” He said and she looked up as he held his hands toward her, “I’m right here. Come on now.” He reassured distantly and she nodded, remembering swallowing and grabbing the banister spoke on the stairs with her tiny little hands then flattening herself against the banister and extended her little leg out toward the next stair. “Almost.” He cooed from beneath her and then the stair dropped farther than it actually was in her eyes and she quickly retracted her leg and let out a little sob of frustrated rejection and denial.

“Augustus, don’t baby her.” A female voice said and he ignored it as he responded,

“OH, what tragedy.” Her father said and she looked at him as he mockingly cried, “My poor baby girl is too scared of the stairs to come and see me-” “I’m not scawed!” She snapped defiantly and grabbed the stair spokes with determination and extended her little leg again and stomped it on the stair- “STOP. MOVING.” She yelled at it and her father encouraged,

“You tell it.” He said then followed it up with, “Don’t raise your voice, my little mouse; you’ll ruin it.” He stood there patiently at the landing as she made her way down a single step and she squeaked with victory. She struggled but with determination- and a couple more commanding little stomps of her tiny shoe- she conquered another step. Then another and another until she reached the landing and then the floor and she danced around in a little circle happily. Her father picked her up and held her close. He smelled of earth, rainfall and something… catching but off. Like the way gasoline smelled. He brushed her hair back with his hand, “Papa is proud of you, my sweet; You showed those stairs who was boss.” He said as he carried her to the kitchen where her mother was cooking, pausing to look at them. “My soft little Velvetine.” He said affectionately and she snuggled into the crook of his neck and his long, thick hair. She remembered the glasgow smile, liking how his mouth split from corner to ear. She liked watching the black strings contracting and tensing when he talked; she learned to read those strings like his mood when he thought he was stoic. She liked the red around his gold eyes; like golden coins in pools of blood. She liked the way he smelled- and mama too- like comfort and home.

“Will you keep the monsters away, daddy?” She asked in this memory and she sat up in his strong hold to see his face. His dark skin and the black threads pulled into a vulpine smile,

“No, honey; I’ll eat them up.” He said and snapped his sharp, pearly white teeth at her and she giggled happily, “Monsters are good for the tummy, my little mouse.”

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Last edited by Velvetine on Sun Jun 21, 2020 10:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Sun Jun 21, 2020 10:38 pm
As a teenager she remembered her mother teaching her how to sew and supervising her when her father blew into the home from a storm: looking like shit. “Belhora. Coffee.” He grunted in exhaustion as he shut the storm and the door behind him and she got up to make him what he requested. He took off his coat with a heavy sigh- “They’re so ungrateful, Belhora; I do as needed and they treat me like a freak.” She set down a large mug at the kitchen table as he hung up his coat on the rack and took of his heavy boots, “I can’t stand these fucking humans; and the shinobi?” He hissed and let out a displeased growl as Velvetine watched in front of the living room then got her article of mostly finished clothing from the sewing machine’s grasp and walked over. Her mother tucked some hair back behind her ear as she poured the cup of coffee for her husband- “Goddamn it, you’re beautiful.” He grumbled at her and she smiled bashfully as she pulled away and grabbed a cup of sugar cubes with tongs and a creamer cup then set them down by his cup; a small amount of creamer and two sugar cubes. How he liked it. She pulled the used ingredients away as Velvetine drew close and she looked at the cloak, dripping on the floor. It was dripping blood and rainwater on the tile. “Ah; there she is.” He said before he tossed back the whole cup of coffee and- “Belhora.”- called for another to be made. “Did your sisters give you much trouble today, mouse?” She shook her head in a ‘no’ then offered the article of clothing to him, “What’s this?” He asked as he moved it, took it from her then pulled his hands back and wiped them on a dry part of his shirt- it had a massive hole in it and it was signs of a battle all over it- then grabbed the article of clothing.

“It’s a skirt I’m making.” Velvetine said confidently and he nodded slowly, then found the waistband of it, stretched it between his fingers and held the waistband to where her own waist was-

“It’s only just past the knee, little mouse.” He said and handed it back to her, “In a fight, the fabric will rise two inches; then it will be above your knee.” Her mother handed him a towel to begin drying himself as he sipped on his second cup of coffee, “No daughter of mine is going to be running around in an above-the-knee skirt.” When he saw her look discouraged he licked his lips and looked at his wife a moment before looking back at her, “What about… shorts underneath? Is that, uh, fashionable?” He asked and she looked at him and nodded, “You know, I think you would look… nice in the skirt but with some past-the-knee shorts. No need to be in an awkward and compromising position.”

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Sun Jun 21, 2020 10:39 pm
“Did you lose a heart?” Her mother asked and her father looked at his chest then covered himself with his hands and commented on the ‘inappropriateness of her gaze at his chest’ jokingly, “Don’t flatter yourself, Augustus, just tell me.” He dropped the guise and said seriously that he had,

“I did; The shinobi called me out to try to exterminate me.” He said and sighed, “More of their ‘kill the leader and the brood with stop’ bullshit; I took one of their hearts but it is not compatible. As expected of no-good scumbags like Shinobi.” He lifted up his mug, “They couldn’t have a viable organ if they were to ban together.” He drank about half of it and then smiled at her, “I’ll use it until it cripples then I’ll go hunting for another one.” He looked to Velvetine, “You and I will go hunting; Soon, it will be your turn, Velvetine, as eldest of the family to go out and kill those fuckers-” “Augustus.” Her mother interjected sharply, “Sorry, those scumbags.” He said in correction,

“They need to die like the rabid dogs they are, Velvetine; remember that.” He said in that memory and she nodded.

She was diligent. She was hard working. As a child, she adored being next to her father’s side as he worked in his office and he greatly enjoyed her companionship. He pulled in a tall stool and would lift her up to sit on it so she could watch him. He worked on dissecting bodies but spoke to her and educated her on everything he was doing and eventually she was reminding him of areas he missed. His threads were the soundless, voiceless assistants that didn't talk back and she took notes to better her handwriting. Then she took to hunting and getting parts for her father. Then she took to bounty hunting- “You are strong enough to make your own money now.” - sometimes it was easy, sometimes she was gone for awhile… stalking. She liked to blend in around them, become a part of their scenery and catch them. Sometimes she watched from a distance, sometimes she went up to them right away and introduced them, used her blossoming womanly charms to entice them and then gut them like fish. She was making a bit of money on a small game and the man who she collected came to know her by name. Things were looking up. Her parents were proud of her and her ability to control her birth right of her bloodline technique, she was getting quite a bit of money for herself. Her father said she was doing well on her training and understood deeply his twisted moral code- then her mother fell ill. Her father began to block her out from seeing her, and she even tried to push past him- “Velvetine.” He snapped sternly and she would stop, “Get a hold of yourself.” He hissed and grabbed her by the arms as she sobbed about her mother’s possible death, “She is sick, she is not dying.” He shook her when she tried to protest, “YOU-! Pull. Yourself. Together. Daughter.” He growled sternly, “You and your sisters becoming emotional is going to agitate her and I will not condone that.” He shoved her away but not hard enough to make her collapse; just enough force to send a message, “Go.”

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Sun Jun 21, 2020 10:44 pm
Her father had been experimenting on her mother; while he and Velvetine had the potential to have longer life spans, her mother did not. He had been trying to play ‘God’ and give her ‘the gift of their heritage’... Velvetine could never get him to admit exactly where he went wrong, but one thing was certain. She was deathly sick for about a year. Her father stopped eating and drinking, he grew thinner; Velvetine couldn’t stand the sight of him withering and she stayed out for longer hunts and overworked herself to the point where the bounty collector refused to provide her another task until she rested. “It's an infection.” Her father said one day breathlessly and Velvetine looked at him, “I...I was careless and she has an infection now. She will heal.” She did… but her mother was a shadow of herself when she was finally off of bedrest. The first week, she barely had the strength to walk around and collapsed a few times; her father rectified this by using his threads to hold her up and steady, walking around the halls and the house with her- her sisters babbling like a brook behind them- until the atrophied muscles regained their strength. As her mother tried to return to normal housework, she was dropping things, cutting herself, struggling to open almost everything and wobbling,

“I’m useless; just kill me.” Velvetine heard her mother sobbing when she was coming back from a bounty hunting and she entered the home to her father holding her hand,

“No, you’re sick, beloved; you just need time to recover. You are being a bit too hasty and pushing yourself a bit too hard, that’s all.” He reassured and stroked her hand, “I can’t let you die just yet; you can’t leave me to be overrun by our children, you know I’m a pushover.” She laughed a bit in between sobs, “Could you imagine? Entitled little thread-controllers, running around? I certainly wouldn't be able to be firm with them.” Her mother commented that they would run all over her father- they did already out of her sight- and he sighed happily, “Ah yes, but you know I have always been a bit of a masochist, I can happily handle it.” He stood up and helped her to her feet and put her to bed,

“Is she going to be alright?” Velvetine asked and her father looked at her,

“You will need to stop hunting for fun, little mouse, and go and find me a compatible liver for your mother; hers is shutting down and there’s no compatible options here.” Her father said and she cooly replied,

“Do I look like a Kitsune? Where am I supposed to find a liver?” Velvetine demanded before a sharp pain ran through her as if it was piercing her chest. She fell to her knees as her Father turned towards her, even grabbing her chest tightly didn’t alleviate the pain and her world grew dark-

Before once more, she woke up in her bed and she sat up. “...Again with these strange dreams?” Velvetine grumbled and sighed as she grabbed her journal to jot them down; an act she was growing steadily irritated with. However, if these would be helpful in the future it was vital to record them sooner rather than later.

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Tue Jun 23, 2020 4:56 pm
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Tue Jun 23, 2020 5:14 pm
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