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Yuurei Uchiha
Yuurei Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 85700

The Training Begins (Private) Empty The Training Begins (Private)

Sat Jun 20, 2020 5:04 am
It was good to be a Genin, but what was he going to do now. The young ninja wasn’t in a squad of any kind and he figured that it would be like that for quite some time. He didn’t mind that as he figured he didn’t have any experience to truly go out there. Yuurei felt like he would only make a fool of himself if he had dared to go out in the ninja world with his abilities. The heat within Sunagakure was as dreadful as ever and he couldn’t believe that he lived in this place. His jacket was open revealing his young, but muscular physique. He was on top of a building as he had been ordered to meet up with a fellow ninja. The reason behind this was because he had complained about how it was a mistake that he had become a Genin, but they had seen potential in him that not even he saw.

Yuurei figured that it had to be his blood and the fact that he was an Uchiha. Still, he was sitting down as it felt like he was catching a tan of a lifetime.

“I think it’s time I go meet up with the Chunin that is supposed to be helping me progress in becoming a better ninja.” He said this as he would get up from his seat.

The Uchiha would stretch a bit as he would start running through the roof and he would launch himself towards another rooftop. His destination was clear, he was heading towards the Training Ground. He didn’t want to keep anybody waiting, especially someone stronger than him. The last thing he needed was to get beat up by someone he didn’t do anything to. It wouldn’t take him long to get to the back of the village and he would drop down from one of the lower rooftops as he would look around at the training ground that he had been to many times before. It seemed like he was the only one here right now, and he would just lean against one of the training logs.

“Am I going to learn some new Jutsus? I guess I should request for a set of Jutsu that I can learn.” He said as he planned on doing just that.

WC: 386
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Ryo : 500

The Training Begins (Private) Empty Re: The Training Begins (Private)

Sat Jun 20, 2020 9:46 pm
Clothed in a reddish brown garb that perfectly blended in with the many civilians of Sunagakure, the young Meijin kept her head down and let her waist length black hair conceal her many scars. Violent burns, deep gouges that reached to the bone- many of which were on her face, neck, and arm. Blissfully covered by a simple travelling cloak, she kept one acid yellow and one pitch black eye survey the area. She was searching for someone. However, knowing what she knew already, it was unlikely that her targeted bounty hunter would be so obvious. There were not many ninja yet in Sunagakure, so a blatant display of such abilities would draw attention.

So naturally, when she saw someone bounding off the rooftops in a hurry, a calm and calculated interest settled in her mind. She guessed based off of their estimated speed and dexterity that they were around genin level- and thus probably not who she was after. Nonetheless, her intrigue led her forward, and the thirteen year old passed almost unnoticed through the streets. About ten minutes later, she arrived at the training ground, letting her eyes wander about until they settled on a young man (boy?) before her. Navy hair, goggles, a generally well built physique- she did not recognize him at all.

Realistically, she imagined he was waiting for someone. The thought of someone waiting for her in particular was laughable- most in Sunagakure did not know at the moment that she was alive, much less in a state to be actively wandering around. She tilted her head to the side, making no effort to hide herself. Long, silky hair tickled her scalp as it fell to the side. She wasn’t used to having it this long- she’d have to get it cut sometime soon…

She brought a scarred, bony finger to the side of her cheek. The tip rested against the puckered flesh of a vicious burn scar. Her eyes raised to meet his own, making no effort to disguise the fact that she was watching him. Slowly, her hand fell until it rested at her side. Mismatched eyes travelled to his headband. Yeah, quite a bit had happened since she had… Well. Been attacked. Another minute or so passed. Was he waiting for an instructor? She remained perfectly quiet, and would not utter a single word unless he dared to speak up first.

There was no matching headband anywhere on her person, and she was dressed in the garb of a civilian. Perhaps he would assume that she was a retired ninja due to her obvious injuries, or a missing nin refugee of sorts. There did seem to be a lot in the village these days. The gates were considerably more lenient on who they let in than they used to, though that was likely a good thing. She exhaled subtly through her nose. The Meijin had killed a few people at the gates, and would have an additional one if not for the intervention of Kenshin.

She vaguely wondered what the boy before her would do. Amaterasu had made no move to attack him, but there were numerous kunai and shuriken strapped to her clothes that were dexterously hidden under the traveller's cloak ready to be reached for at a moment’s notice. The ball was firmly in his court, and there was no option for her at the moment other than to see what he would do.

[WC: 575]
[Total WC: 575]
Yuurei Uchiha
Yuurei Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 85700

The Training Begins (Private) Empty Re: The Training Begins (Private)

Sun Jun 21, 2020 1:57 am

Yuurei was indeed waiting for a person to come through as he was told they would, but he wasn’t sure who it was. He knew what kind of village he was in, but at the same time, he knew that he was fine within the walls of his home. It just mattered if he did anything stupid. The Uchiha eyes moved through the area as he was trying to make sure that he could see anybody coming his way. Of course, that would come to an end when he noticed that there was somebody who made their way to the training ground. It seemed like this person wasn’t wearing anything that would allow him to know that she was a ninja. That was when she got closer to him, and he could see the burn marks that were on her face. That was enough to show him that she had been through a lot in the past.

The young Genin wondered what kind of stuff that she had gone through in the past to have those marks on her. He didn’t think it would be cool to ask, so instead, he figured he would ask her a simple question.

“Are you supposed to be the person who I was to see today? I didn’t get any details just that I was supposed to go to the Training Ground and meet up with a Chuunin.” He said to her as there wasn’t anything for him to say about that.

He wasn’t going to be rude now even though she kind of was. She walked to him quietly as if she was checking him out is preparing to kill him. It was awkward in a sense, but he figured he would stop that right now.

“The name is Yuurei by the way. What about you miss?” He asked her wondering what she would say to him.

WC: 314 TWC: 700
Yuurei Uchiha
Yuurei Uchiha
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 85700

The Training Begins (Private) Empty Re: The Training Begins (Private)

Thu Jul 02, 2020 9:21 pm
Yuurei was wondering if this woman was supposed to train him today, but it seemed like things had gone quiet between them. He wasn’t sure what had happen, or if he had done something wrong, but he figured that this woman didn’t want to be bothered. He would tap his chin a bit as he didn’t know what to do. With her being quiet and the fact that he had come here to train, but his instructor never showed him, he figured he would go off on his own. This was a bummer as he thought that the kage had sent someone to better himself, but that wouldn’t be the case.

“I guess I will be on my way. This is a bit awkward with you just staring at me, but if anything we can meet up again. I would like to hear some stories on how you got those burn markings.” He said to her as he turned and started running off in a different direction from where she was.

“I hope whoever you are looking for shows up lady.” He said as he made it towards his desire location as he jumped onto the rooftops once again.

When he got to the rooftop he figured that he would ask his dad to train him as it would be the only thing he could currently think of. It was a sad thing, but it was a thing that honestly would get over. The element between the two wouldn’t have mixed. Still, there are other people he figured he would meet throughout the entire village, he just needed to keep his head up as he got stronger. The young boy would do just that as he left the premises of the training ground and now moving back home to train.

WC: 300 TWC: 1000
Claiming 7 Stats for Vigor and 3 Stats for Chakra
Claiming The Body is a Weapon making it 2269/2500
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

The Training Begins (Private) Empty Re: The Training Begins (Private)

Mon Jul 06, 2020 10:07 pm
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