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Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

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Mon Jun 01, 2020 5:10 pm
Mission Details

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Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

Found Ya! Empty Re: Found Ya!

Tue Jun 02, 2020 1:16 pm
The fate he hates may later catch up with him. Luckily for him, he won't be engaging the fate, he would only do some findings.

It was crystal clear that some things have n
gone wrong lately in Hoshi. The Hyuuga have noticed this but have not taken time to find out what exactly went wrong. Random strangers have been seen in village lately.  It's OK to say that you can't possibly know everyone in your village, but when you see someone from your village , you will surely know. They will talk in the culture of hoshi, dress in the culture of hoshi, talk in the culture of hoshi.  So some members of the village would have noticed this. They however did think of them as missing ninjas or as someone dangerous. They only though of them as someone as random foreigners. 

Sakuragi had been tasked with the mission of finding out who these people are and what they are up to. He was to gain Intel on them and not to even think of engaging in combat even if he would be tempted to. 
Hoshi has been known to be a peaceful and religious village over the years. This was probably the reason why most people would think Hoshi is the weakest village. Maybe that is true , maybe its not, you can never tell. Sakuragi is about to change that even if it is. 

The D -Day came for Sakuragi to begin his investigation. This investigation would be made easier because of his byakugan, he could see up to a mile with the dojutsu, though that would only give a long range in that direction while he would forgo his 360 degree vision. Even with the one mile range vison, all he would need to do is to turn his head around and his vision would move it. There was no doubt this would not be easy, the boy would have to walk a lot of distance if not the whole of hoshi to find these missing ninjas and gain Intel on them. If Sakuragi had a small bird as summon , it would have helped a bit, but now his legs would have to bear the stress. Sooner or later  he would need to make to contract with a summon race. He would need to train with them.  The white head had  prepared his investigation, how he wanted it to go. He would study the map of hoshi and study almost every location and terrain. It was no easy work for him. The spiky head would spend several nights and days on just to prepare this mission, several sleepless nights. Gaining Intel is not the only thing at stake here. Another major thing at stake would be that he must not be noticed by these missing ninjas or whoever they are. This is a stealth mission, not the typical kind of mission the hyuuga was used too. More so, these missing ninjas are more likely to be A rank and above, they probably have more experience than the hyuuga. Gaining Intel on ninjas of these caliber would be almost possible without getting caught. This is why Sakuragi must carry out every operation in this mission with caution. He would  need to study these guys from afar. 

It would be only a matter of time before this mission would be over with. Though, this kind of mission isn't like any other mission he has done before, he was sure it would be a success and he would keep reassuring himself of it. 

The hyuuga had gotten everything ready and the D-Day was here. The white eyed would rise out of his bed with a loud yawn as  stretched his arms . He would twist his neck left and then right to warm muscle. Today is a big day and he must not mess up. There is lot of work to be done today. The hyuuga figured out it'd be best to eat indoor before going out for this since he would be spending a lot of time away from way in a bid to gain Intel on the missing ninjas. Sakuragi would make sure to check his weapon to make sure that all his equipments are ready. He had no armour or real weapon but he would get those someday. stuffs like that are really expensive and the hyuuga felt it was meant for the rich. It was not that he couldn't buy it now, but there is priority in everything. He needs to feed well and take care of some other important things. Those comes first. Sakuragi would pull out from his wardrobe his v neck shirt, black khaki shirt, black sandals and black short. He wanted to wear something something that would be smart on him, not some baggy cloth like his black turtle neck cloak. He wouldn't want something that made a lot of noise while he moves in this mission. The hyuuga would just wanted smart outfit. It would be obvious that he wouldn't even be wearing his ninja village headband. Sakuragi would be take his birth. He would take all the time it would take to prepare himself a nice meal. No rush in this mission. He also need to stay fit, so it would not be a bad thing to have breakfast before heading out. 

In no time, break fast would be ready, the hyuuga would not rush himself a sec,  easy does, slow and steady. He would eat himself and start preparing to head out. He had his attires out. Black opened button shirt, white v neck shirt which he wore underneath, black short pant and black sandals were his attire for the day. He would have bandages tightly wrapped around his right arm and right leg, just something to complete his look. He would attack his weapon pouch to both of his thigh. He may need them in combat just in case things goes sideways. The hyuuga would feel to begin hi investigation,  he would  head to the world of Intel. In this world, every clue is an intel.

WC: 1017
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
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Found Ya! Empty Re: Found Ya!

Thu Jun 04, 2020 9:11 am
Tsubaki's woke up with her hair a mess. She started by moving the mess out of her eyes and mouth. Clumps of clean dried hair stood together in different directions. Strands of hair twist around each other and get caught in other twists of hairs. Despite her bad hair morning, she slept great and felt refreshed. She was prepared for the day ahead of her. 

After a half an hour of trying to get her hair out of knots, she got dressed and ate her breakfast. The morning was still new, the sun wasn't even over the horizon. Birds were chirping in the vacuum of a village still waking up. Shinobi from the midnight patrol trips were trading out with the Morning patrol group. Tsubaki would normally be taking the patrol shift, but instead, she had a mission with Sakuragi Hyuuga. 

During her evening gardening session the day before, Tsubaki was paid a visit by a shinobi a part of the missions distribution. "What do I owe the pleasure of?" The shinobi sighed. They were close to their quitting time. "Tsubaki Senju, right? We have a mission here with you and Sakuragi Hyuuga. Kinda serious stuff but nothing I'm sure you can't handle." The shinobi didn't say it in a sarcastic or joking way, leading Tsubaki to believe that it was a serious statement. She was handed a sealed envelope that had the mission details inside. The shinobi took off soon after.

The mission was that a group of missing ninja were gathering outside the village borders. It was up to the two shinobi to gather intel on the missing ninja. They needed to find out what their plans were, where they were conjugating and how many they were and report back to the Kage. They were to not confront the missing ninja however, their job was only intel.

Tsubaki figured that Sakuragi could figure out most of the questions through the use of his Byakugan; being able to see from far away from where they were meeting and how many there were. The tricky part would be figuring out what they were planning. Tsubaki was probably put on the mission because she was his teacher and to make sure to take care of things if things went south. As much as Tsubaki loved her student, she knew that Sakuragi was a bit hotheaded and might want to engage to test his skill. 

Now back to the morning of the mission, Tsu would have to dress appropriately. Since the mission was taking place outside the village and in the morning, she felt it made sense to wear some black legging and her chunin flak with a tank top. The chunin was pretty good camo for the forest area as well as comfortable armour. 

Sakuragi and her were supposed to meet at the gates for the beginning of the mission so, that's were Tsubaki would head to. She would find her student arrive around the same time she did. "Perfect timing. I assume you're ready for the mission?" She would smirk at the Hyuuga. 

WC: 514
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

Found Ya! Empty Re: Found Ya!

Thu Jun 04, 2020 11:59 am
Sakuragi and Tsubaki got to the meeting place for the  mission. They both arrived there at the same time. Tsubaki would ask if the Whitehead was ready for the mission to which he would simply nod his head. Sakuragi was ever ready for the mission. This mission he had been preparing himself for some days now. It was a good thing that he would be doing mission with Tsubaki. The senju lady was his teacher and also the leader of Team Summer. Though the hyuuga may have what it takes to quickly search out the punks they were looking for due to his byakugan,  he didn't have the experience and the knowledge that his teacher have. Lady Tsubaki would obviously be leading this mission, For an inexperienced but determined fellow like sakuragi, all he could do was to follow the senju's lead. The two would be at the village gate. It was a perfect time for them to plan how to carry out this mission. We wouldn't be engaging the enemy or enemies all they would be needing is Intel. 

“How do you suggest we carry out this mission and where do we begin our search? ” the white head would ask the senju . Her opinion in this mission is of high value. The hyuuga await a response from his teacher. The enemies they would seek Intel on are high ranking ninjas. They probably are as skilled as Tsu herself if not more. The goal here is to gather Intel and not engage in a fight. Hopefully,the mission would be a success but if things should go sideways , if the enemies should notice them and attack them, the hyuuga would be ready to defend himself with everything he has. But for now , sticking to the plan is number one of the list. It all depends on how Tsu wants it to go.

TWC: 1329
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

Found Ya! Empty Re: Found Ya!

Tue Jun 09, 2020 12:34 pm
The Whitehead would meet with his teacher with the main purpose of planning the mission ahead . The hyuuga would ask  his teacher about how to go on the mission. They were not to attack these rogue guys but to  gain as much Intel as they can on them. The first thing would be to look around and search for any  clues, using the Information from nearby villagers would also be useful to them in completing this mission. The Whitehead would follow the senju's lead since it was only right to do that. The hyuuga had his byakugan activated to keep watch on the surrounding. The white eyes of Sakuragi caught the attention of two men dressed like shinobis , they would be walking down a nearby alley. Without moving from where he stood, the hyuuga would keep watch of where single detail, every single thing these men were doing. He sure didn't want to miss out on anything that would help them in this mission. If Tsubaki would instruct him to do anything, the Whitehead would follow immediately.  Sakuragi notified his teacher of the operation that the two men were getting involved in. It seems these two men were all there is to this mission. Unless Sakuragi was wrong, it would be assumed that these missing ninjas were just two.  So the first important fact of the mission have been noted . Just two missing ninjas is all there is to this mission.

Since the hyuuga informed Tsubaki of their operations , keeping track of them from distance and finding out what they are up to should be the next move unless the senju lady says otherwise. They also must be careful not to get caught or noticed by these men  since they obviously do not  know what these rogues guys are capable of.  It was of a true saying that stealth is the key to this mission. Be as quiet as a rodent. This wasn't the typical kind of ass kicking mission that Sakuragi  enjoys doing. The whitehead saw the mission as being boring. Having to track some dollop heads and gaining Intel indirectly on them without getting the chance to attack them was rather boring to the hyuuga. Nevertheless, the mission was one needing more effort for the safety of the village. They have to know  if they are planning a sneak attack on the village or if they were here to settle down peacefully.

Sakuragi with his byakugan could see as the two men entered into a house at the end of the alley. The house was nearby and within the range of his byakugan, therefore the white eyed could see  all that was going on in the house. It seems these men are just blacksmiths. storing materials, items and weapons in the house and crafting them into stronger weapons. Sakuragi could see each room in the house with everything in it , using his byakugan.  The two missing ninjas were only crafting weapons, but how would Sakuragi and Tsubaki know they were not  building these weapons to fight and destroy the village. The answer to the question was not far fetched, the hyuuga saw that people went to the house to buy materials, items and weapon from them. It seems they were just people looking for a place to stay, for a country to hide their unlucky heads. The hyuuga would relay every detail of what he saw to the senju. Truly , his byakugan helped in this Mission. Most of the Intel they gained was due to the byakugan. If the senju would choose to , they would go back to deliver the intel of the mission to the Hogokage . However , if lady Tsubaki still sees anything that needed to be investigated on, the hyuuga would assist her and stay with her till the very end. Though much of what they needed to know have been gotten, there could still be some informations out there that they are yet to discover. It all depends on how much energy they were ready to dedicate to the mission. After gaining all the Intel they needed, if Tsu choose too, they would go deliver the details to the hogokage.

TWC: 2024

Claiming 20 AP, 4900 ryo
Stat Page : Icey Healy Boi
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Found Ya! Empty Re: Found Ya!

Tue Jun 09, 2020 1:39 pm
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