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Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

Accepted! Now What...? (OPEN, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Accepted! Now What...? (OPEN, NK)

Sun May 03, 2020 6:24 pm
The presence of the Hokage wouldn't be unbeknownst to the ginger. As if electricity struck his head, Tadashi involuntarily sensed a large amount of unsuppressed potent chakra in the Training Grounds, easily rivaling his and was at least many times greater than Yamakura's, so her being the wielder of the chakra source was eliminated. There were very few people who had such potent chakra in the village, as there were more Academy Students and Genin being part of the shinobi system by the day, additionally, the number of higher-ups weren't increasing as well. Piqued by whimsical curiosity, as Yamakura practiced the Clone Technique, The Ace would metaphorically open his Mind's Eye. "Mind's Eye of the Kagura!" He roared in his thoughts. The sensory range of his Chakra sensory was extended a large amount and could pinpoint any chakra signature and its exact location to the finest degree. "Now let's see where you are," The young Namikaze thought for a moment before his pupils flickered right to a tree about 30 meters away from the pair. There was no need for Tadashi to activate his Sharingan, as his eyes had enough clear vision to suffice. Considering the distinct attire of the figure perched on the tree that carried the potent chakra, it was a no brainer that figure was the Hokage, Yensung Aburame. He'd deactivate Mind's Eye of the Kagura once gaining a visual on Yensung. It was nigh time to focus on his temporary student, and the fruits of her labor were immediately present. 

A small smirk formed on Tadashi's expression, as he continued to observe Yamakura's training. With a POWERFUL puff of smoke, an intangible replica of her appeared right next to her real body. Again, she performed the technique flawlessly on her first try. But then again, Tadashi should expect such a performance from her, yet, he still felt utterly mesmerized by her sheer prowess in Ninjutsu. After hearing her distraught words, the Ace would give claps of encouragement towards you, "Good work. I've never seen someone perform the technique so well on their first try... " As usual, he'd give his signature smile towards her, he hoped Yensung would see her progress and consider even ranking her up right now since she did show a lot of promise. So, the Ace decided to let her in on the Aburame's location. Leaning into the real Yamakura ever so slightly, he wanted to eliminate any chance of Yensung realizing that they were on to him. Of was rather awkward, and very embarrassing on Tadashi's part since leaning into a girl's ear who was the same age as he was just asking for them to be labeled as a pair. That was another reason why him leaning into her ear only lasted for like a few seconds, maximum so she couldn't realize his face reddening MASSIVELY. Nevertheless, his words were clear and would be a whisper,

"It appears that we have company. Look at your left." 

WC: 597
TWC: 3637

-40 AP for Mind's Eye of the Kagura if it even counts
828/868 AP left
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 1500

Accepted! Now What...? (OPEN, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Accepted! Now What...? (OPEN, NK)

Tue May 05, 2020 6:21 pm
yen would smile a bit watching the pair. it was almost the case as a year or so ago. the boy tadashi trainjnng, and assisting lesser experienced shinobi was a warming sight. the girl before him was by all standards an academy student. watching the girl struggle with the trivial clone jutsu. he assumed that likewise the test was going to be a breeze. which was the first change he decided to enact. two jutsu was too little especially if said academy student did not know the lesser points of other jutsu and what they could do.

basics are important, but it is important to take account of all potential cases. in this case genjutsu too.

yen thought as he continued to write down his observations as his insects propelled him higher into the tree casually at an mental command. the girl succeeded which he put a check mark next to tadashi's name signifying he had successfully taught the student something Which showed promise. but now for some fun.

which jutsu would be suitable to test both the namikaze and this young girl? well that there stumpedcthe aburame lord there and then. he could go for his bread and butter choices. or otherwise have a little fun. still he would wait untill he was officially discovered as thanks to his experienced fighter skills he would pick up the slight whispers from tadashi to the girl. nice and clear. of course if he was officially training well that would result in the boy receiving a bite from one of yens bugs.

Accepted! Now What...? (OPEN, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Accepted! Now What...? (OPEN, NK)

Wed May 06, 2020 1:11 pm
Yamakura, though complimented upon her ability, would not smile... In fact, she frowned slightly as her clone faded away back into the ether, her chest rising and falling heavily as she took breath after breath... Her stamina taxed... after just those few techniques...? She knew she had just learned them and that it would take a notable amount of practice before she could get the chakra-to-stamina ratio down but... even if that was the case, these were really basic techniques! it was like... growing exhausted after learning a typical sword-swing or throwing a kunai the correct way! These were typical ninja moves taught to the newest of students... and somehow she had already grown tired practicing a couple of them! It was... kind of distressing, really! Still, Tadashi was keeping to his assertion that he genuinely wanted what was best for her and so, she would not crumble... Not yet. She had enough strength in her to try out some other techniques, some that she had wanted to learn from the beginning of her ninja-training! Uchiha secret techniques were secret for a reason and likely, that reason was so they wouldn't spread to the hands of new ninja such as her. However, stealth and observation were tools in the arsenal of a ninja and she had caught some of the older boys practicing with fireballs, massive orbs of flames that she now craved to replicate!

...Before she could even gather her chakra a second time, however, Yamakura would be met by Tadashi once more, the boy pointing up into the trees, remarking that they had company! The Uchiha blinked, confused having seen nobody approach... especially from that angle... and she would spot nothing! Yensung had hidden himself among the trees and the branches, the Hokage's chakra far beyond anything that Yamakura could even begin to sense! The only thing she could see among the freshly blooming leaves and branches... were some insects scuttling up upon the wood and trees, beetles of a sort that she had never seen before!


Could Tadashi see things she couldn't?

"H-huh...?" She asked, flashing a sideways gaze at the older ninja. "Who....? Are... you messing with me?" If Lord Hokage was there, he was very well hidden among the foliage... If he wasn't... then it had to be some kind of 'gotcha' joke that this ninja was eager to test her with! Reaching into her ninja-bag, the uchiha girl would withdraw a small practice Kunai with a blunted edge, glancing down at it softly... before WHIRLING around and throwing the kunai at the spot the Namikaze had pointed out! A bold move, especially for a girl so nervous... but she HAD to find out if someone was there! To a normal person, it'd be like getting hit by a small stone! To a ninja, less than a nuisence! To a Hokage....? It might as well had been being hit by a forceful breeze!

WC: 491
TWC: 4411
Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

Accepted! Now What...? (OPEN, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Accepted! Now What...? (OPEN, NK)

Fri May 08, 2020 1:19 pm
The ginger would ever so slightly raise an eyebrow at Yamakura's confusion once he pointed out Yensung's location to her, not in disappointment, but rather intrigued into why she couldn't see him. It only dawned on the young boy that despite her prowess in jutsu, Yamakura was just an Academy Student, and didn't have any form of chakra sensory. "So that's why..." Tadashi thought for a moment, mentally kicking himself for making such a careless mistake, used to hanging around people who were extremely adept as shinobi and far stronger than the Ace himself. Due to being such deep in thought, Tadashi didn't even realize it when the girl who was the same age pulled a practice Kunai out of her pocket...and launched it like a javelin towards Yensung, hidden in the trees; well, she didn't know it was Yensung, yet. It was only as Yamakura threw the practice Kunai, as the Ace's heightened senses viewed a slight premonition of the launch via the peripheral vision of his eyes. Even if he didn't have his Sharingan activated, he was accustomed to perceiving the lightning-fast speeds of ninja, so an Academy Student throwing a Kunai would be akin to a snail's pace. Tadashi assumed that Yamakura, due to her actions, didn't know that it was the Hokage who was hidden in the trees, so he would enlight her as she threw it, with a comedic deadpan expression.

"Wow, I hope you know that it was the Hokage who you threw the Kunai at. I wonder if that would be considered attempted assassination?" He said, feigning concern for Yensung's wellbeing, but in reality, he couldn't care less. If Tadashi were, to be honest, he wanted Yensung out of office. A Kage who would send Genin out to rival villages to attempt literal suicide missions, and STILL expected them to not leave the village out of fear, was unbefitting for the behavior of a Kage. Additionally, Tadashi HAD to bring up the fact about declaring Konohagakure's independence against Kirigakure, the liege village which subjugated Konoha many years ago, since when the boy was an Academy Student. Yensung never thought of bringing anyone to aid Tadashi, a recently promoted in the task, and now feigned care for his soldiers by hiding in trees, studying the pair. "How hypocritical," Tadashi ruminated in annoyance before continuing in his thoughts, "It's ironic. A recently promoted Chuunin is holding the hopes, aspirations, and ideals of Konoha whilst the Hokage is wasting his time, filing mundane reports about the state of Konoha. Shouldn't I be the one who's doing that, and he should be trying to face Kirigakure? This is so fucking unfair, but I swear, when I come back with victory, I'm taking this man out of office. Hokage is decided on merit, and Yensung has done nothing to prove that assertion. Your time is done, Yensung Aburame."  

Tadashi wouldn't let his internal monologue flow outwards, still keeping his calm and positive expression. It was turning evening around this time, and the Ace needed to leave the gates by tomorrow. His brother and father were both overseas, and he didn't want to see their sorrowful expression once hearing that the youngest one in the family had to go on a potential suicide mission. So, tomorrow was the final deadline. He'd turn to Yamakura, yawning a bit, but excusing himself out of respect for her, "I neglected to tell you this, Yamakura, but, I'm going to be gone for a while. I'm...going to Kirigakure to end this village's subjugation, once and for all. Don't worry, the Hokage already approved of me going on the mission...and I have no intention of dying. As that would mean that I couldn't see the people I cared about again, including you. Promise me that you'll pass your Genin Exams by the time I'm gone, I'm dying to teach you stronger techniques!" The ginger's positive expression would then switch into an expression something far more pensive and serious. Despite the two being the same age, he felt like he aged for a moment. "Anyways, goodbye." He said, before walking off, not bothering to say goodbye towards Yensung, having nothing but animosity towards the Hokage.


WC: 800
TWC: 4437

+ 88 AP
1286 WC to finish off Ninjutsu Amplifier (2500/2500), (No reduction), Previous WC is here
583 WC to finish off Hakuryu: S-rank Summon (4000/4000) (No reduction, Previous WC is here
2500 WC towards and to finish off Hiding in the Ash and Dust (2500/2500) (No reduction) (Replacing Raijin's Fury jutsu slot cuz its trash)
68 WC Towards Drought (114/1500) (No reduction) Previous WC is here
Primrose Uchiha
Primrose Uchiha
Stat Page : Primmys Stats
Mission Record : Prims Missions
Genjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : EMS
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12000

Accepted! Now What...? (OPEN, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Accepted! Now What...? (OPEN, NK)

Sun May 10, 2020 9:49 am
Accepted! Now What...? (OPEN, NK) - Page 2 Image109
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page :
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 1500

Accepted! Now What...? (OPEN, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Accepted! Now What...? (OPEN, NK)

Fri May 29, 2020 7:37 am
the aburame smiled as the student began to look towards his general viability and well they gathered a simple practice kunai. Easy to grab and avaliable for students.

good well tadashi desired to show the student to me. good teaching i see.

yen thought as he simply floated out of the way of the kunai by floating to his left using his bugs to hover, and into the open as the kunai went "thunk" against the tree and he waved at the academy student as tadashi left.

good he best get ready now. it is not going to be a simple task for the boy.

yen thought as the boy left leaving him and the young kady here.

"one of konohas finest was that young man. and i must say after observing a bit. he did an excellent job with you. what is yoyr name young lady? and im sure he prepared you for your exam. so show me what you have learned now if you may?"
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