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Accepted! Now What...? (OPEN, NK) Empty Accepted! Now What...? (OPEN, NK)

Tue Apr 21, 2020 6:50 am
She'd done it! She'd done it! Yamakura TWIRLED and danced ACROSS the floor of her home with her acceptance papers in hand, hugging them to her chest as she cried out in excitement! Finally! She had accomplished something, given her family something to be proud of!

"YES! YES!" She cried, cradling her papers above her head! She had finally been accepted into Ninja Academy! As she twirled in the main foyer of their home, her eldest brother looked on, a small smile creeping upon his lips. Stepping up behind her, the boy would open his arms, pulling his sister into a close hug, cradling her... as Yamakura's eyes widened in surprise! it didn't take her long to hug him back, though, leaning herself into him!

"I finally did it, Amasuke..."
Yamakura muttered, pressing her face into his chest! "I'm going to ninja-school!"

Amasuke, the oldest and largest of their family, appeared to be an adult in his own right at the young age of 16. Already a chuunin with a headband and vest, he was almost always out of the house, doing missions or training, having his eye on the ANBU corps! He would talk about it all the time, Yamakura could remember, ANBU this, ANBU that for years and years, wanting nothing more than to protect and serve the Hokage as directly as possible! He knew he could do it too! From the way he talked about it, it was as if her brother had everything planned out from the very beginning! So far, everything had worked out for him, his talent in Ninjutsu and Genjutsu being recognized readily by his team-mates and fellow ninja, his skills bringing glory to the Leaf and to it's Kage... Yamakura wanted to be like him... She wanted to make them all proud!

"I know! Its incredible!" Amasuke snickered. "Just think... Only a week ago you were struggling to even control your chakra!"

Instantly, Yamakura whipped back, cheeks blushed, brow furrowed, biting her lower lip! Amasuke's giggle burst out into a full-on laugh as she attempted to BAT at him with her own objects of success, the ninja barely able to fend off such a furious assault!

"Okay! OKAY! I'm SORRY!" He laughed falling back behind the center table of their home! "Now go to class! You're going to be late." ...At that, Yamakura's eyes widened... As if flipping a switch, the young girl set down her papers upon the table, grabbed her gear and BOLTED for the outside, running as fast as she could for her first day!


...And it was uncomfortable... being packed in with kids nearly 3-4 years younger than herself, each one staring up at her as if judging why she would be here in the first place... The weight of everyone's eyes upon her made it almost IMPOSSIBLE to catch anything the teacher had been trying to say... fore she was too busy hiding her face in her arms. Still... it wasn't all bad! She enjoyed her instructor, fore he was very passionate, if strict, about his his classroom and what was taught therein. He had sent them home with an assignment: To learn at least one new jutsu before class the following week... and with this deadline in mind... Yamakura was determined! It was as if she could feel her brother's blood flowing through her, his determination spilling out from within! She was gonna complete that assignment TODAY... and maybe the next one too if it was anything like this one! She was gonna master TWO jutsu today... even if she came home later than midnight!

With the sun looming from its highest point, Yamakura would rush on over to the training grounds with two scrolls she had borrowed from the library, One for cloning... the other for transformation! In Yama's world, these were the STRONGEST techniques she could use at her current level of ability. She knew it would be grueling... and she wouldn't even have her eldest brother to cheer her on this time!

....She would do it alone.... and she was determined!

Sitting down in the center of the empty, grassy grounds, Yamakura would begin to look over the scrolls... beginning to comprehend the secretly-secrets within!

...To her surprise, the instructions were easy enough to understand based on what she had already gleamed from her teachers... For the first technique, transformation, she was to merely cloak herself in chakra in such a way that it gave off the appearance of something else! Simple enough, she supposed, at least on paper. It was all about focus and control, something that should be second nature to most other ninja, right...? She could do this... She wanted to do this! if she couldn't copy someone's looks, what hope did she have with basic infiltration missions? What hope did she have when it came to espionage and other important things the village might need? She couldn't afford to get herself down now, right...? She had to support her family!

...Eyes clenching shut, Yamakura would imagine the face of her mother, a gentle, warm-hearted and now old-ish woman, her black hair freckled with silver lines as they curled around her full face. One would easily be able to tell this woman was a beautiful one, an archon of beauty in her time and now, shades, perhaps even remnants of that life were still detectable in her face today. Yamakura imagined her mother, the clothes she would wear early in the morning, the warm glow in her traditionally black Uchiha eyes, how her smile stretched softly across her gentle face... Yamakura's chakra would flow over her like a fountain expelling water over it's stony surface, an invisible wellspring, an aura that coated her.... At first, it was a bubble, a round, an invisible spheroid that surrounded the girl, one that pulsated intensely! Besides the image of her mother, a new image would enter Yamakura's head, an image of her chakra slowly melding into her form, folding over her like a suit of armor made for her to wear, the image of a transformation: an outfit meant to fit and hide the caster! Slowly it would increase in height, mirroring her stance but looming over her... an avatar of sorts!

Slowly, intently, Yamakura would begin to weave her hand-signs, one after another, carefully feeling out the correct one... Her body trembled, almost fearful of potential failure... but it would continue... and her chakra would flow....




Yamakura blinked, looking down at herself once the smoke cleared, her eyes wide, her hands... larger! Her clothes had changed completely from her red jacket to a kimono, her sandals replaced with wooden platform sandals, socks covering her feet!

"I DID IT I..." Suddenly her hand shot to her mouth, covering it, shocked at the voice that rang out... So much lower... older... So many details... and she didn't even think about it....

"Incredible..." She whispered, running her hands through her now longer hair. She could feel nothing.... no sensations in these larger aspects of herself... It must've been part of the illusion, just enough for others to feel... but not herself. "So this is transformation..."

WC: 1,209
Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

Accepted! Now What...? (OPEN, NK) Empty Re: Accepted! Now What...? (OPEN, NK)

Tue Apr 21, 2020 8:22 pm
Bored and aimless were both...pretty terrible to feel on their own, but when combined, they become another beast entirely. Striding across Downtown Konoha in an aloof manner, Tadashi would be wholly robbed of any sort of direction he was going to take today. You'd assume that after you get the green light from the head-honcho your village to gain their independence back, you would have at least some way of preparing for that. Ironically, Tadashi had none. "Just freaking great..." He sighed internally as he slumped his child-like smooth yet firm hands into his black jacket. Despite recently being promoted to Chuunin, a rather prestigious rank in Konoha, the Ace wouldn't wear his Chuunin Flak Jacket as part of his casual apparel. He couldn't get behind the fact of flaunting his rank to others of a lower rank than him. The ginger decided to get away from the crowded streets of Downtown Konoha and instead, take a detour to the Training Grounds; perhaps training a little bit would raise his gloomy spirit and find more ways to prepare for the rebellion. "Jeez...what if I-I h-have to fight Xyxer along with his forces?!" Tadashi fearfully thought, teeth chattering and knees almost buckling at the mere thought of fighting the man that all Kages tremendously feared. The ginger shook his head, attempting to forget about his nightmarish thoughts that cut through his mind like a knife through butter. Yet, the prevailing idea that he would have to face against him of all people was...scary!

"Damn Tadashi, you can't be thinking like this at times like this! This is for my village, for my friends, everyone... So, I can't lose against a tyrant like him!" The Ace tried to convince himself mentally that he could beat Kirigakure, trying to have positive thoughts, but all was hopeless. He sighed once more, strolling towards the Training Grounds. Today was a Tuesday, so there shouldn't be many people in the Training Grounds, except for the "tryhards" who train there every day. The ginger wanted to practice his newly awakened Mangekyou Sharingan, but seeing that it was a secret for most Uchiha, it would be a hassle for someone to see an outcast like him use something like a secret like that. However, his training would have to wait as he saw something far more...intriguing. His dark sapphire optics darted left towards a girl, no younger nor older than him was deeply engrossed in her training. She seemed to be an Academy Student since her Chakra levels didn't seem to be much when Tadashi sensed her presence via Chakra Sensory. As she formed the hand seals for the Transformation Technique, it made the young boy feel a surge of nostalgia from the times he was an Academy Student when he was 12 years old. Things were so much more...simpler back then, where the only thing he had to worry about was whether he was going to pass a test, learn the Clone and Transformation Technique, and ace the Genin Exams! But now...things were so convoluted: plagued by hostility, death, war, and famine. Tadashi gave a light chuckle to himself as he reminisced his times as an Academy Student, hearing about the Genjutsu Prodigy: Kamari Uchiha over the intercom and having the time of his life learning the way of the ninja. "I wonder...Would I still want to be a ninja as an Academy Student if I knew what was going to happen to me now?" The ginger pondered for a moment before resuming to "politely" eavesdrop on the girl's training. 

Tadashi's eyes widened and dilated and his mouth nearly fell open when he viewed the girl effortlessly transform into a young woman in a kimono. Blink. Blink. The Ace couldn't believe what happened! It took him like...a whole day to learn the bare minimum of the Transformation Technique and she just did it in one try. "Amazing..." He trailed off for a moment, speaking that word in pure admiration, yet unintentionally blowing his cover. The ginger decided to congratulate her, seeing as though she effortlessly performed the technique in one try. Such latent talent shouldn't be wasted... Tadashi would shake his head for a moment, trying to not seem like a literal stalker who was staring at her training. As he'd walk up to her, he would flash a bright smile at her,

"Um...Hi! You were super amazing when you did the Transformation Technique for the first time, especially for an Academy Student. Wait, you are an Academy Student, right?" Tadashi said in a soothing tone, not wanting to accidentally scare her since people generally do get the wrong impressions upon first glance at the ginger. 

WC: 880

Accepted! Now What...? (OPEN, NK) Empty Re: Accepted! Now What...? (OPEN, NK)

Wed Apr 22, 2020 5:57 am
Yamakura was so deeply entrenched within her own head, admiring the surprising success of her own abilities that she didn't even detect the approach of another person! It was only when he spoke, his sudden appearance causing the young girl's transformation to completely dissolve! In another puff of smoke, the tentative Uchiha would return to her true state, glancing over her shoulder nervously as the red-headed ninja approached, seemingly impressed with her grasp upon the basic jutsu! ...Or at the very least, he was entertained by it! Slowly, Yamakura would turn to face the man, her eyes downcast, following her head, unwilling to make direct eye-contact with the man before her. Like most people, the girl's fragile presence was completely overtaken by the extroverted nature of this boy coming to talk to her, his enthusiasm, beit knowingly or unknowingly, driving Yamakura to want to find a nice big hole to hide in! She could feel her cheeks begin to crackle and burn with the heat of a blush as the boy sung her praises, the girl turning her head away as if to further signal her meek nature, her discomfort with the positivity being thrown her way!

It wasn't as if she weren't used to complements, after all her family was as supporting and loving as they could be. Her clan also were supportive of her pursuits despite her initial lack of promise... But mostly, she never expected it from those outside of her home. Nobody was cruel to her, but she knew the potential of the others, saw them preform this technique with even greater ease and more detailed results! Some were even studying their own elemental jutsu by this point, perhaps even manifesting small, prototype-versions of their jutsu!

...Despite his compliments, Yamakura knew that he was just being nice for surely had much more noticable success in lesser time then herself! Still, it was kind of him to offer her a compliment!

"Th-thanks..." Yamakura whispered, her gloved hands instinctively finding each other and began fiddling, thumbs seemingly wrestling, fingers clenching and unclenching as if trying to determine the proper pressure-ratio for maximum distraction. ...A silence would fall over them, at least from the Uchiha's end, as the amber-eyed girl BLANKED on what to say next! She could feel a cold, nervous sweat flashing across her skin, the sheer intensity of the awkwardness falling upon her shoulders like a ton of bricks! Oh the weight... an ethereal press that couldn't easily be cast off! So dominating was its presence, Yamakura couldn't help but fold inward slightly, appearing to only further hide herself away within herself... as if it would disguise the growing embarrassment upon her face!

"Um.... uh..." Yamakura muttered, her voice a shadow of a ghost of a whisper. "Wh.... What's your name....?"

WC: 468

TWC: 1,677
Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

Accepted! Now What...? (OPEN, NK) Empty Re: Accepted! Now What...? (OPEN, NK)

Wed Apr 22, 2020 9:07 pm
Tadashi was rather astonished at the girl's embarrassed reaction, finding it amusing to see somewhat that flustered from his compliments. Of course, the Ace could empathize with her current predicament as he had his fair share of times where he felt utterly abashed by others' compliments. He was an ambivert by heart, not conforming to the usual qualities of an introvert or extrovert, but also showing a balance between those traits naturally. Nevertheless, Tadashi couldn't help but give a light giggle at her cute antics even if he tried to stop himself, but he'd try to regain his composure before laughing hysterically out loud. "S-sorry! It's just that face you did right now, was super funny!" The ginger joyfully excused himself in-between muffled chuckles to the girl, attempting to wipe off the small tears of laughter that were streaking down his face out of common respect towards her. Tadashi would be attentive as the Academy Student responded to his words of admiration with a small stutter. He was taken aback a little by her timid response, seeing as though he was a little too straightforward with his compliment, and he should have been...more respectful of her personal space when he approached her. Seeing her soft reply, the Ace ruminated in his thoughts for a moment, mentally facepalming himself for his extroverted behavior, "Hope I didn't scare her..." He thought, his cheeks reddening for a moment, being on the receiving end of embarrassment as his sapphire optics darted away from the girl for a few seconds. During those few seconds, silence would befall on the two teenagers, not one of them resuming the brief conversation they had...if you could call it a "conversation" in the first place. Tadashi was lost in his thoughts, thinking of future ways to prevent others from getting the wrong impression of him. 

Suddenly, as if a deity of confidence took over the girl's mind, she spoke. Articulating a response in her usual timid tone, Tadashi's eyes would roll over to her's, their eyes meeting for the first time, but only for a moment. She asked for his name; a simple question. It was usual for people to ask for each other's names out of common courtesy, and Tadashi was no exception to that behavior. Being a model Chuunin was both a blessing and a curse, as he was expected to embody the Will of Fire for his underclassmen to look up to, but trying to embody a dogma that he grew to become dour towards as his life as a shinobi was...irritating. Still, out of the goodness in his heart for people, he still wanted to be kind to his people. That wasn't an ideal of the Will of Fire. That was one of Tadashi Namikaze. Giving a calm smile towards her, he'd reply to her question,

"My name is Tadashi Namikaze. I'm a Geni- I mean! I'm a Chuunin now due to my recent promotion," He paused for a moment, scanning her features to see what would be a correct honorific to use for her before continuing, "What is your name miss? You seem to be very talented for an Academy Student, and if you don't mind...I'd like to teach you some new techniques so you can pass your Genin Exam." Tadashi said to her in his usual kind tone.

"But don't be forced to train with me! If you don't want to, I won't force you." The Ace reassured the girl, as peer pressure was the last thing he wanted to do to an aspiring Academy Student. 

WC: 693
TWC: 1573

Accepted! Now What...? (OPEN, NK) Empty Re: Accepted! Now What...? (OPEN, NK)

Thu Apr 23, 2020 5:34 am
Yamakura blinked, confused, looking up as she heard the faintest of laughs coming from the red-head's direction! Had... Had she done something funny...? Suddenly her eyes would widen, realizing what it might've been... Oh no... He had seen her training, hadn't he? He had seen her messing up and it was only until now that he could contain his jubilance! She knew it... Oh, she knew that she shouldn't have come out today, that this would've happened... She should've gone earlier... or better yet, MUCH later when nobody else was around... That way she could've... could've...

Yamakura's cheeks BURNED hotter and hotter with each quiet giggle, wondering why he just didn't let it out already! He was already seemingly choking on his own laughter! Why not...

The Uchiha's eyes would shoot wide, the ninja taking a surprised step back as the pressure building up inside the newcomer was released in a POWERFUL explosion of snickers and laughter, the boy going off like a paper-bomb with his voice reverberating through the boundless quiet of the early-morning training grounds! The subtle burning spreading across Yamakura's face crept just below her eyes, tears beginning to bubble up just over her lids as the ninja before her just laughed his butt off! She didn't know what to say... or what to feel! She was torn between anger... embarrassment, self-deprecation and blame... It was a whirlwind of fire and ice, agonizing at the extremes swirling around her heart, making it nearly impossible for the young Uchiha to make sense of it all! She opened her mouth to speak... perhaps even to burst fully into tears...

But it would be THEN that Tadashi would find his voice amidst his boisterous giggles, revealing that Yamakura's earlier and potentially embarrassing levels of training were not the reason... but... the face she had made...? The Uchiha stared, speechless, her blush fading away slightly as she tried to process what was going on here... It was so... random... but... at least Tadaashi didn't mean anything by it, right...? Still, she could barely utter out a single question... and luckily, the boy was able to hear it and respond!

"O-oh...." Yamakura whispered, her eyes locking with Tadashi's for but a moment, a LONG... PAINFUL moment... before shooting back down to her twiddling fingers, watching them with such an intensity, one might've thought she feared her gloves might come off! "...I'm Yamakura Uchiha..."

Surprise seemed to be the flavor of the day as Tadashi took a moment to compliment the young Uchiha, remarking on her seemingly obvious talent and his desire to teach her things! Shock, a feeling becoming more and more familiar was the boy continued to speak, blasted through her system, forcing her muscles to constrict and her body to fold further inwards, her shyness flashing over her like a shield! if Tadashi kept talking this way, Yamakura might just make like an armadillo and curl into a ball, unable to handle such nice, if inaccurate praise! She wasn't talented... She'd bet anyone in her class could do this in their sleep or, at least, much easier than she could've... She knew for a fact that her brothers had nearly bypassed the academy completely with their talent, blowing their way to the top levels of Ninja society with their raw ability alone! No, she was just another person, good enough to train but that was about it...

...It was... nice for him to say, though...

Yamakura must've looked absolutely torn by the way Tadashi threw a way out of his offer at her, the Uchiha's head instantly shooting up as if another volt of electricity shot through her!

"No! I'll train!" She said quickly... a little too quickly, even for herself! Yamakura's blush intensified to a DARK red as her gaze flicked away once again, the young Uchiha's fingers poking at one another... desperately trying to curb this innate feeling of awkwardness between them...

"I'll train..." She repeated again, softer... nearly a mumble. "...What... what will you teach me...?"

WC: 673
TWC: 2350
Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

Accepted! Now What...? (OPEN, NK) Empty Re: Accepted! Now What...? (OPEN, NK)

Sat Apr 25, 2020 11:31 pm
Tadashi raised an eyebrow ever so slightly once hearing the girl's last name, Uchiha. A name that was so prominent in the land of Fire and as a byproduct, so powerful. A name that was engraved in the ginger's psyche since the day he was born, revealing that he could never be as great or as skilled of shinobi as them. It was a cruel truth that stayed with the ginger until he learned how to think for himself and to this day, he still grew irritable upon hearing the Uchiha name tagged on someone. However, it was hypocritical to think in such a way, since he was a half-blooded Uchiha, no matter how unfitting it was for him. Therefore, he couldn't immediately begrudge the girl for simply being born an Uchiha, as that would mean forsaking the life his mother set out for him before her untimely demise. His raised eyebrow would recede in an instant as his once pursed lips would slowly open like a priest reciting one of their favorite verses. His utters were calm, graceful, as he grew to understand how to pronounce her name. "Yamakura..." He uttered once, adjusting to how the name was said instantly after saying it. "That is...a beautiful name, and an uncommon one at that." Tadashi's voice trailed off before smiling at her once more, trying his best to make her at least SOMEWHAT reassure that he wasn't intimating in any means. 

As the ginger, out of courtesy asked Yamakura that he could help in her training, her head shot up like Lightning striking in a flash. His darkened sapphire optics widened in response to her rather out-of-character action, wondering whether there was something wrong with the words he just did. Then, a more mischievous thought zoomed into his mind like a Kunai rushing towards a target. "She might be fun to tease..." He devilishly thought, fighting against his reflexive action to smirk before becoming victorious in his internal battle. It appeared as she was struggling to voice her opinion on his offer, so he wanted to have fun with the situation. As she stated her first sentence quickly, he cupped his ear, feigning deafness despite hearing her clearly, "Hey c'mon, speak slower! Not everyone can hear your words as quickly as you say them. Be considerate next time!" The Ace teased the Academy Student with a sly smirk, hoping to get an amusing reaction out of her. Then, she repeated her words again, slower, another opportunity to tease her again, "Now you're just speaking quietly. I-I can't be that scary looking... R-right?" Tadashi feigned sadness this time, fake tears running down his face to tease Yamakura's once more. 

And then... She spoke clearly, well...Relatively clearly for her standards. The Ace thought for a moment about her question. "What should I teach her?! She seems to be pretty damn talented as an Academy Student, so I could probably teach her a lot of things and she could pick up on them easily. OH! I know." A lightbulb figurately appeared over the ginger's head as he figured out a solution for what he should teach her. Suddenly, his eye lit up for a moment before looking towards Yamakura, "Good question. I'll teach you the basic Clone Technique. It is relatively simple compared to the Transformation Technique as you aren't even creating a metaphysical image of someone in your mind, then turning into that person. You're just using chakra to create a non-physical image as yourself. As someone as talented as you, Miss Yamakura, I believe you can learn it. But don't worry, I'll help you along the way should you need assistance. Also...I can teach you another technique if you can learn the Clone Technique during this training session, but you'll have to do something for me in that case." Tadashi explained to the girl, hoping that she wouldn't feel intimidated by learning a new technique. 

WC: 754
TWC: 2327 

Accepted! Now What...? (OPEN, NK) Empty Re: Accepted! Now What...? (OPEN, NK)

Mon Apr 27, 2020 3:04 pm
If Tadashi attempted to put Yamakura at ease with that kind of talk, he was SORELY FAILING! It was as if he had taken the "blush" button hidden within the Uchiha, put a brick on it in order to weigh it down, and then SMASHED his fist through both in one mighty stroke! Yamakura's face IGNITED in red, a huge puff of steam BLASTING over her face as if the air around her skin had heated in time with the rapid flow of her blood! The steady, if hastened drum-beat of her heart in her ears had increased to a near-painful POUNDING, as if her brain were being ping-ponged off the inside of her head, back and forth, up and down, each beat LOUDER, more intense, almost visible externally as if her entire body swayed with the pulse! The Uchiha had never been called "beautiful" before, in reference to herself OR her name! Her brothers had always called her "cute", often when she was mad or something and she could barely even tolerate that!


...Yamakura's legs trembled, her knees clattering together beneath her torso, her eyes seeming to flick in one direction, then another, missing their target at every attempt, that being the boy who had spoken! It was as if his very body were a void of vision, an object that her gaze could not lock upon, two magnets of similar charge that repelled one another, his image and her eye, keeping her from spotting him directly! Her whole body surged with the heavy pounding of her chest, her head throbbing as she held her gloved hands up to her face, covering her mouth... as if to prevent a force building up inside her throat from escaping!

It could have been a scream... it could have been a sob! She couldn't tell amist all this internal chaos! She felt her legs tighten her body pivot ever so slightly as if preparing to run! Her nerves fired signals to her brain, asking permission for a radical escape plan, a quick dash away from the boy and back home, somewhere she could feel emotionally sound and secure! She could think of a few places right now: Her bed, UNDER her bed, her backyard garden, Ichiraku Ramen, ANYWHERE BUT HERE SHORT OF A CROWD, REALLY! The only thing that kept her planted was the fact the boy was still talking, seemingly unable to hear her his expressions ranging from one of a perverse sense of glee, as if enjoying her embarrassment... to a clearly fake extrapolation of sorrow, lamenting her reaction to him!

Yamakura's lower lip trembled slightly, her head bowing as she felt the weight of the boy's jokes pile onto her shoulders. She was right... Right from the very beginning, though not as precise as she had originally thought. He only wanted to mess with her, shame her to withdraw this reaction out of her... He wanted to make fun of her nervousness, take pleasure in his own pride and boldness, feel taller than he truly was by standing on her back. A sharp pang of sadness flashed across Yamakura's chest as if a Kunai had snuck its way inside. She was beginning to think... that he really was a nice guy, someone she could possibly befriend...


And AGAIN he would switch personas, this time back to his original, friendly self! As if completely forgetting the cold, harsh mockery he had thrown at Yamakura earlier, Tadashi would offer to teach the young Uchiha some basic techniques she would need in order to pass her exam! Yamakura, finding something resembling strength within her aching and trembling form, would finally look up, managing to lock eyes with the boy for an instant. She would say nothing, but that flash of connection within that instant would relay all he would need to know about the girl he had just mocked, how much he had harmed her and how painful his attack was.

...That instant would end and her eyes would flick back down at her feet, staring along her sandal straps, seemingly more interested in them... than the boy before her. The gravity of his presence had completely repelled her eyes now, his nature a force she could not hope to watch. All she could do was nod slowly, wordlessly, as she tried to contain the riled emotions within. She had to learn those moves and she's learn them faster with a teacher. The sooner she had them, the sooner she could be a ninja! As much as her body compelled her to flee somewhere dark, quiet and lonely to manage her inner being, Yamakura would PLANT herself here, in the grounds and steel herself to learn...

...Her dreams would depend on this... even if it was painful to do it!

WC: 800
TWC: 3150
Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

Accepted! Now What...? (OPEN, NK) Empty Re: Accepted! Now What...? (OPEN, NK)

Tue Apr 28, 2020 9:42 pm
It appeared that Tadashi's plan had one of the worst ways possible! In a rapid whiplash of blushing from embarrassment to absolute silence, it was evident that the Ace had not aced his objective. As Yamakura looked up at the young boy, the ginger would immediately realize how much he had royally screwed up with her. Her expression, ravaged with pent-up emotional pain from his incessant teasing, would not utter even one word of being hurt before looking back to the ground. Instantly, a dull pang of guilt reverberated from Tadashi's chest, all the way throughout his body. He looked away to his right upon glancing at the look on her face, the mischievous look on his face was now one struck by self-condemnation. He couldn't precisely put the feeling into words, however, if he had to compare it to something, it was akin to accidentally punching someone in the face. "Damn it... I didn't think that she would be...hurt by my teasing." Tadashi thought for a moment, extremely guilty of his actions. Instinctively, a soft sigh of exasperation escaped from his mouth, the feeling of guilt remaining in his heart. However, the Ace wanted to make amends for his actions so with the remaining courage he had in him, he'd turn towards the flustered who was in the midst of intricately peering at her sandal straps. The ginger couldn't blame her, as if he was placed in the same situation, his embarrassment would have taken the better of him as well. The solemn look on his face, once narrowed from a brief period self-introspection would switch into an expression of genuine remorse, unquestionable that it was not some sort of an elaborate prank.

"H-hey...I'm really sorry if I hurt your feelings. That wasn't my intention by any means, I just wanted you to feel more determined to learn your techniques...but I see that sort of backfired." Tadashi said, lightly chuckling at the end of his statement due to the absurdness of his plan. "I'm sure you still resent me, which is perfectly fine. So, let's restart." At that moment, the ginger would outstretch his hand towards Yamakura, hoping that she'd accept a handshake of agreement. "I won't tease you anymore if you don't like it, so, let's work hard so you can become a strong shinobi! Please, if there's anything you should trust, it's those words. It'll be a promise between friends." The Ace said with a kind wink and his signature smile. If Yamakura accepted, Tadashi would start explaining the Clone Technique, walking around 5 meters backward to create some space between both of them. 

Cracking his knuckles, Tadashi would focus his chakra for a few moments, becoming second nature to condense his chakra into something visible due to the number of battles he has fought. Weaving the required handseals with such fluidity like streaming, the ginger would proceed to form the Ram, Snake, and Tiger handseals at a slow enough speed so that Yamakura could distinctly see the handseals. Suddenly, Tadashi's chakra would surge outwards, as a replica would appear a few inches to the left of him. As usual, the replica was intangible as it was a prelude to the Shadow Clone Technique. "This is, obviously, the Clone Technique. Think about shaping your chakra to resemble your body size and project that vision away from you. Judging by your skill in learning the Transformation Technique, the harder one out of the two, the Clone Technique shouldn't pose that much of a difficultly." Tadashi explained thoroughly, trying to remove all doubts of the technique being difficult to learn for Yamakura.

"Now, show me what you got, Yamakura."   

WC: 715
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Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Accepted! Now What...? (OPEN, NK) Empty Re: Accepted! Now What...? (OPEN, NK)

Wed Apr 29, 2020 6:33 pm
Floating above the academy yen made it customary to keep an quiet eye on the developing talents in konoha. A job of teachers, jouninn, and yes chunin. plus genin seeking to be in the big good. However,the overseer of many things involved, both domestically, and internationally. He desired to gleam into the innerworkings of what it was that needed to be fixed.

From his observation after a few minutes he deemed that the shinobi in the academy needed the standard both in their practice, and their teaching. He chalked up some notes of crucial details writing in a personal specialist or two in whipping both teams, and the teachers in shape.

best start from the seeds up to the leaves on the trees. we are doomed from the base teaching. mindsets must becready and unflinching. like the genin seeking to advance in leadership. This must be the goal. Otherwise the next generation will defiantly fall to worse than kiri.

the aburame lord thought as with his insects propelling him he flew over to the training ground. By now He spotted the young namikaze, and an young lady. by the looks. tsdashi seemed a bit occupied and so he floated in a tree bout 30 mrters away evaluating the namikaze for his teaching. Method quietly taking notes as he watched the chunin work.

Accepted! Now What...? (OPEN, NK) Empty Re: Accepted! Now What...? (OPEN, NK)

Thu Apr 30, 2020 6:47 pm
The presence of the Hokage was void to the young Uchiha, completely oblivious to the master Ninja. It was likely for the best, however, as if such a man were to appear before her in the... emotionally volatile state she was in at the moment, her poor heart might've not been able to bare it! After all, it wasn't often that the leader of the village partook in the daily lives of the common-folk, stereotypically at least, and for someone so important to be watching over her... Well... She wouldn't be awake to see it for very long! Boy, if she felt embarrassed at this point in time, what would she feel like after having passed out in front of the Hokage himself!?

...Regardless, such a future would not come to be as Yamakura was too focused on the man before her, the Chuunin who was now apologizing for his mistakes. Like an older brother having realized one of his pranks had gone too far, he would approach the younger girl and offer some sort of recompense and a guarantee he would stop and that things would get serious. This apology wouldn't much serve to hamper the stings of his words from before, an ache that still pulsed in her chest even now. Still, she couldn't very well hold it against him overmuch... after all, the way his face contorted downwards, the genuine regret in his voice... It was all made clear to her that he meant what he said, at least this time he did, and that he truly wished to move on from this. Yamakura offered the older Namikaze a small, if frail smile, her eyes still wet with tears and heavy with emotion. The mix of emotions, those upon her lips and the those upon the rest of her face tainted the attempt at a grin she had made, almost warping it into a rueful smile or something worse, something contorted by pain.

Yamakura found it hard to speak, her throat tightening, ACHING as if she were being strangled from within each time she opened her mouth slightly to make some kind of affirming sound. It was as if her own body were fighting against her, forcing her down and keeping her from talking.... or keeping her from talking for some other end... Yamakura frowned, confused, having thought that she was just starting to get herself under control... Tadashi didn't mean what he said, right...?

...Then... Why did it hurt so much...?

Eager to move on, Tadashi would quickly weave a trio of handsigns, a movement so fast that Yamakura nearly missed them entirely, so distracted was she! Quickly peeling herself out of her own head, she would wince in surprise as a second Tadashi would manifest beside the boy, a creature mirroring his movements nearly exactly as he explained the nature of "Clones." She listened... half-heartedly however, her mind continuing to drift somewhere... somewhere seemingly unassociated with both Tadashi or his remarks... She found herself thinking about her brother, her second-eldest, he who had been gone for several days to a week now.... Not a word from the Hokage nor from him about his condition... his whereabouts. He would've never approved of her becoming a ninja herself... He probably would yell at her but... she missed him... dearly... She knew that behind his cold, forceful exterior that he was a caring man, one she looked up to with great reverence! She... She wanted to see him... She...

Yamakura snapped out of her growing destabilization of emotions JUST as Tadashi requested she attempt the technique herself, the young Uchiha staring at him wordlessly, confused... before blinking her wide, dumb eyes in understanding, realizing what he wanted!

"O....oh.... O-okay...." She whispered, her voice like the chirp of an insect upon the wind. Vaguely remembering what the Namikaze had told her, Yamkura would quickly weave the signs, holding the last one as she focused her chakra, imagining it close around her body.... and split off as a separate, if hollow and simple entity!

"Clone Jutsu!"
Yamakura would cry... as a PUFF of smoke would appear beside her! As it would clear and the Uchiha would glance off to the side... she would see a mirror image glancing back... a saddened, tired... and anxious face staring at her... her face... Gentle in features, weak of heart but with no shortage of ambition in her eyes.

"I... I think i did it..."
Yamakura whispered, her hands trembling slightly as they remained within the position of the last sign. "I... I think i did...."

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