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Aroma Viperis
Aroma Viperis
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Clan Specialty : Medusa's Eyes
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 1350

Training (P Empty Training (P

Sat Feb 15, 2020 7:30 am
Soft thuds and hoarse breathing could be heard echoing through the dark training grounds. Aroma had steered herself away from the idea of ending her day after the approach of dusk had made itself known to the village of Kumogakure. At first she had planned to make her way back home, make herself some nice herbal tea, and fall asleep with her kitten Sebastian within her welcoming arms. But as she was venturing her way through the streets, in the known direction of her beloved comfortable home. The lavender haired woman redirected both her decisions and her path, until she ended up within the surroundings of an empty training ground. At least for this night, there was no one present at this late hour. Which Aroma was quick to welcome. Her mind had decided that it would be nice to get so get some actual workout in. She focuses so much on knowledge, balance, and tuning into her surroundings that she tends to forget to out some attention into her actually body and shape. Overall her strength.

So this is how she ended up within the training grounds within pitch black nothingness. Thankfully the village did have some knowledge of mighting the outdoors during the late hours. Some ninja just preferred to train and condition themselves when there was less of a ground, and in the relaxed atmosphere of the night time. The kunoichi allowed her violet snake-like hues to gaze upon the training grounds and it's available equipment. There was must to chose from, and to her was little time within this night to put time in. So after finally making up her decision, Aroma made her way to one of the hanging sand sacks. She ran her fingertips over the rough texture of the sand sacks fabric material, before taking the time into focusing on the position of her body. Making sure that she was placed evenly before the training sand bag. Then moving her body, forming into a combat stance that announced an offensive striking posture.

After she felt quite satisfied with her combat stance and posture, Aroma would strike the stubborn sand bag with a few blows. Using both her hands and her feet to punch and kick it's brutal impact form. The force of hitting and kicking such a solid figure, definitely caused a reaction from her. Teeth grit together as the woman let out a little hiss of irritation. The impact of hitting the stubborn sand bag did indeed cause a little pain. But this was something that shouldn't bother her, for being a ninja. Having just a weakness to the sensation of pain would be sad and weak in general. Of course noticing the sensation of pain was important, so that one wouldn't push too far. But this was a disgrace. She needed to toughen herself up some. Get a freakin back bone for this.  So Aroma continued to strike and abuse the seemingly passive sand bag, while deep down the sand bag was brutally painful and revenged itself by bruising her ankles and knuckles. Like literally bruising them. They was forming little faint blue welps.

Anyways. . Aroma grit her teeth shut and did her best not to be a baby about it. She knew that during a real battle, that the  adrenaline that followed along soth it would encourage her to not pay so much attention to the pain. But still for the time being, since she did have the free time, Aroma focused on numbing herself a little. Doing her best to adjust her nerves and brain signatures, to where they both grew used to the sensation so that it wasn't so alien and caused such a high alert for a reaction. By the time that she was done, Arola would have spent a very good amount of time conditioning her body and self in such a way. To the point that almost two whole hours had passed. This was why her Breathing would be so rough towards the end, as it eched through the grounds. She had lost track of focusing her breath, or maybe she was just worn out by now. This wasn't something that the lavender kunoichi did on a regular base, which she was thinking about changing that now. It was obvious that this type of conditioning was needed for both her mind and body.

And she was not ready to head home just yet, even if it was definitely late by now. Before deciding to leave and finally call it a day, Aroma made the impulsive decision to work out her body a little more. This time actually working out. Like doing pushups and stuff. She focused on conditioning and exercising the strength of her arms for punches and other things, and also her thighs and the strength and toughness of her legs. So that she could deliver a powerful kick without going through so much pain, and having the ability to strangle a person by squeezing her thighs around their neck if she so desired to. By then, even within the cooling atmosphere of the dark night, Aroma could feel the burden of sweat making it's way upon the surface of her skin and along her hairline. Making a face of disgust, she still pushed herself to complete her workout. Even if she was protesting and complaining within her thoughts. If someone would witness her right now, they would see a very determined ninja
and assume she did this all the time. But no, she focused too much on knowledge and grace with some sensory as well, that she was a little behind on this type of activity. And she was definitely silently complaining silently within her mental thoughts. Luckily no one would have the ability to read her corroded mind, or so she hoped.

After finally finishing off with her thigh and leg workout, haha yep didn't skip leg day, Aroma would finally let out a sigh that actually indicated the feeling of triumph that she felt. The woman couldn't help but feel a little proud of herself. It was somewhat normal to do so. Most would find it natural to feel good after working out your body like that. Exercising naturally brought some sort of confidence to most people who partake in it. But now she was finished, and she couldn't be more happier to make her way back to the comfortable walls and space of her lovely home, where her beloved little orange kitten fluff awaited for her return. It didn't take long for her to venture out of the training grounds, and through the streets under the brilliant wash of the moonlight above and some occasional form of street lighting, to the front door steps of her home. Aroma pushed her way through her front door and hurried to the bathroom. Only taking the time to give her kitten a brief kiss upon his little fluffy head. Then she showered, of course she showered. Washing away and cleaning her body from the history of her sweaty workout. And also soothing the sore bruises of her knuckles, ankles, and along her shins where she had abused that stubborn sand back at the training grounds. The warm water was so soothing against her skin, and she lavished herself within the substance of rosewater soap and hair wash. Something that she had made herself, since she was somewhat a hidden lover of alchemy of some sorts.

After she was satisfied about the fact that her body no longer felt sticky and sweaty, Aroma turned off the shower water, and treaded out onto the bathroom rug after taking the time to gently wring out access water from the strands of her lavender hair. Then she wrapped herself into a soft plush gown and finished the rest of her bedtime hygiene routine, before finally making her way to the kitchen for a late night treat. This treat resulting into a hot cup of grey earl tea with bread dipped in honey. The grey earl tea had such a unique musky flavor and the immensely sweet taste of honey was a perfect combination. Aroma also made sure to give Sebastian a treat as well. Giving him some fresh fish she had stored within the fridge from only the beginning of the day, meaning yes it's still somewhat considered fresh, that was drenched in some lovely thick shrimp broth. Little Sebastian chowed down on his precious morsel, and loved every bit of it. Even taking his time to slowly lap up the shrimp broth with his tongue before deciding that he was actually finished.

Now bed time was finally approaching, to be honest it had been her bedtime for a good hours passed, but today she decided to make it a little later. Aroma cleared up her dishes, before making her way to her bedroom. Finally allowing herself to relax her body upon the amazing soft comforter of her bed. For some reason if felt softer the usual, maybe due to how exhausted and tired she was from the late might training. Either way it felt very welcoming. But first, just for a few more minutes of her time, Aroma gathered her notes of pousin she had scripted down herself from the bottom drawer of her nightstand. Skimming the parchments and it's displayed inked contents briefly just to make sure she had everything down and set as stone. Yes, she felt satisfied. There was no more reason to continue pushing herself this far. Without proper sleep, proper focus could be possibly impossible or at least hard to achieve. So she finally replaced her notes, and allowed herself to fall unconscious. |End|
{TWC: 1,613}

{Thread Claims}
+3 Chakra | 4 Speed | 1 Stamina 
bukijutsu the art of the parry (1,000/1,000) for C - Rank
Hidden mist (500/500)

Last edited by Aroma Viperis on Sat Feb 15, 2020 4:35 pm; edited 2 times in total
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
The son,
The daughter
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Training (P Empty Re: Training (P

Sat Feb 15, 2020 9:08 am
B-Rank parry requires weapon spec.
Aroma Viperis
Aroma Viperis
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Specialty : Medusa's Eyes
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 1350

Training (P Empty Re: Training (P

Sat Feb 15, 2020 3:57 pm
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
The son,
The daughter
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Training (P Empty Re: Training (P

Sun Feb 16, 2020 4:14 am
Aroma Viperis
Aroma Viperis
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Specialty : Medusa's Eyes
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 1350

Training (P Empty Re: Training (P

Mon Feb 24, 2020 7:39 pm
The water moves softly around her outstretched fingers. Caressing her flesh with it's warming sensational essence. The water's surface was somewhat cloudy, and warmer than the heat of her hand. This was due to the hot springs having alot of collected minerals swimming about within it's pool of warm soothing, and healing liquid essence. The hot springs was becoming the woman's favorite place to visit within the village of her Kumogakure. Remembering the last time she was here, Aroma had made an encounter with two peculiar yet interesting twins with a very unique ability that she had never saw before. That day had turned out to become a disaster as the peaceful encounter turned into an attack by a hidden man speaking wicked greedy words. Aroma had been useless during that battle. She had hardly any skill up her alley and was only able to locate the enemy within the mist. . that was all. She planned to become stronger now though. She saw her flaws and learned from them. Knowing that she needed more distance up her alley.

Her eyes gazed upon the cloudy surface that portrayed amongst the sleek hot spring. The layer above looked to be calm and almost unmoving. While underneath there was the activity of unseeing vents that warmed the healing water full of minerals and cloudy debris. Almost gross in a sense yet still benefital. Aroma raised her submerged fingers delicately from the warm water. Tear drops of the liquid dripped from her soft fingertips and resembled opaque - like crystals in the shape of tears, as they fell back into the hot springs. Distorting the reflecting surface with little breaks as the drip drops land. After the tear drops fell from her fingertips, Aroma shifted as she rose to her feet. Now no longer in her lowered position alongside the spring. Her body felt caressed by a single cool breeze, that wove it's way against her blossomed curves. Breathing across the soft fabrics of her lovely deep violet dress. The breeze breath tickled her form and kissed the lose strands of her long lavender hair.

"I desire to grow stronger. ." Her words spoke in a smooth manner. Her tongue forming perfect yet silky pronunciation. She rose her eyes towards the dark skies momentarily. Her bright hues was exposed and free from the usual eye bindings that she wore. Watching as massive clouds snailed by amongst the presence of a covered sun. The clouds preventing from it's warming bright rays from reaching the woman's calm face. "I desire to grow stronger, yet I feel so weak. . ." Aroma spoke truth to her mind. The woman who was usually all collected and confident, was now having trouble to keep her confidence up. But she was nog defeated by her doubts. No. . instead she allowed these doubts to push her into the right direction, hopefully. She felt her attention returning towards the hot springs that laid in it's own beautiful way. Her hands raised themselves close to her bosoms, and her fingers began to weave themselves into union. Quickly forming hand signs that came to her mind.

Her bright pink eyes was now closed, long eyelashes kissed the surface of her cheeks. Aroma's mind was clear and focused. She felt the chakra within her, coursing through her living and breathing essence. She was determined to become strong. The Viperess must live up to the clan's name. She refuses to become a disappointment. Aroma refuses to be a failure without putting up a good fight. She wants to make sure she does something within her wake before the chance of the kunoichi collapsing to her knees. Aroma's hands continued to weave smoothly, and the clouds up ahead began to grow darker. The soft cotton construct turned darker and darker as the water density within the clouds became heavy with rain. A loud beastly rumble vibrated through the darkening sky. The sun was hardly visible now at this point. Her hands wove into the signs of bird, rat, and then ox. Continuing from there as she attempts to complete the desired technique that she had captivated within her imagination. Another deep rumble crackled above her standing form. The once soft breeze was now a harsh tugging blow. Whipping the length of her lavender strands away from her shoulders and into the air around the woman. Even the hem of her dress danced like a crackling flame, that would flick and flinch in rhythm to the blowing wind.

A heavy wetness was starting to become obvious within the dense atmosphere. A certainty of humidity clung to the strands of her hair, and the bare skin that was exposed. Clinging like a heavy layer of invisible dew that latches itself to the fabrics within it's dense atmosphere. Then finally. . . some little progress, even if it wasn't much. A few drops of liquid cried from the dark clouds. Landing onto the surface her face as she rose her attention towards the roaring skies. The beads of cool water that landed upon the skin of her face would break into tiny streams of water that trickled down to the cliff of her chin and fell between the curves of of the woman's cleavage. A few more raindrops proceeded to fall from the rumbling clouds. Pelting softly against the ground before they break into tiny dots of glistening dew amongst the vegetation. Aroma willed herself to soar, coaxing her chakra to push into the jutsu. Allowing it to free itself within the water essence she called upon. Another rumble made itself known. . yet this once was much louder then all the others from before. Then the rain picked up. Transforming into a nice hazy fall from the few drizzles that was once going. A soft smile tugged from the corner of her lips as the falling tear - shaped rain drops grew denser. Collecting amongst the fabrics of her dress and weighing it down. Clinging the soft material against the soft surface of the skin underneath it. She was getting somewhere with her creations of the given element that she had in her possession, but it was still not enough. The Viperess needed more, much much more. The opportunities was limitless but time was still a restricting essence that grasped at the chances of complete freedom. Meaning that she must push her self more than ever. No more lovely beauty sleep for this Viperess. She will be just fine with enough sleep to keep her mentality and body refreshed, but no more slacking for now one. Her body needed alot of conditioning, her mind needed to be pushed further. Aroma's hands fell to her sides after the performance of this unknown jutsu. It wasn't a complete success but merely only an ounce of what the jutsu was really capable of. In the future she will succeed in it's full potential. The woman breathed in the fresh wet atmosphere that now surrounded her. The rain now had faltered to a dull drizzle, until it deceased to exist. The clouds up above broke like the crack of a shattering form. And the warmth of the sun finally shone through, landing onto the still wet form of the lavender kunoichi.
{WC: 1,200}
{Thead Claims}
+ 6 Speed
Demonic illusion false surroundings (1,000/1,000)
Hidden mist Mastery (500/500) -173 for completion for here making it handless after the halving of handsigns
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Mizuki Ohta
Mission Record : Mizu's Log
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Training (P Empty Re: Training (P

Mon Feb 24, 2020 7:44 pm
Aroma Viperis
Aroma Viperis
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Specialty : Medusa's Eyes
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 1350

Training (P Empty Re: Training (P

Mon Feb 24, 2020 10:40 pm
The woman still remained by the edge of the hot springs. Her semi - damp strands of lovely lavender hair draped from in front of her shoulders, as she lowered herself to the edge of the pooling hot water. Her hands plunged into the surface of the water. The warm cloudy essence formed and maneuvered around her submerged hands as the surface breaks and distorts from the cause of the disturbance. Then she revealed a calming grin amongst her soft pink lips as she slowly rose her hands from the hot springs surface. Feeling the warm water quickly turn cold within the exposure of the bare air, after her hands withdrew themselves from the warm liquid essence of the springs. The now cold water broke from their bead forms and trailed down from her fingers as gravity took hold. Coaxing the water streams to maneuver their way back to the body of water beneath her palms. The water dripped drop from her extended finger tips and landed back into the springs. Causing a circular breakage disturbance against the surface, that traveled out and expanded outwards. Spreading throughout the surface area of the springs and disturbing it's calm reflecting imagine.

The Viperis woman that was lowered before the springs would obviously be wet from her last attempt to a strange jutsu, that in her case indeed up being a failure. It wasn't able to be completed, so it lacked perfection. Her dress still clung to the curves of her mature physical form. Despite the dampness of her appearance, it seemed as if the woman was not bothered at all by her wet condition. As long as she wasn't covered in dirt or mud, Aroma was able to push aside any discomfort. In a way she enjoyed the cooling essence of water amongst her flesh, despite the clinginess of the fabrics that grasped at her form beginning a little annoying. Her hands continued to hover over the hot springs cloudy surface. The excess water from her hands had finished dripping from her flesh. Now she closed her eyes and cleared her mind once more. Concentrating upon a different task that she set out before her. She steered her attention away from the last technique and concentrated on a different one. Maybe this one could be a success at the first given attempt? That type of outcome would be very rewarding to the Viperis, but there was no way of telling it it'll be possible until she tried.

Aroma focused on gathering and fusing her chakra to the extended fingertips of her hand, that just hovered over the surface of the hot springs. "No. . . something is missing~" Her hands rose from the hovering position that they was in, and instead came together into a sharp clap. After the clap rang out around her, Aroma returned into the position to where her extended finger tips was hovered over the water's surface. "Yesss~" Her tongue hissed the words out as she felt the chakra coursing through her fingers. Now it was working, she could feel it. She could feel the power of the technique forming through her stretched finger tips and towards the water surface that her hands hovered over. Aroma's pink hues watched as the water surface broke, and began to alter before her eyes. "There we go." Her words spoke full of confidence. She was beginning to return to her usual self. The essence of gripping doubt was beginning to unclasp their claws that held to her positive awareness. She was slowly, yet surely beginning to feel better about her strength. At least a little. . there was still so much room for improvement.

Aroma continued with her work, concentrating the flow of her chakra towards her extended finger tips. The water of the hot springs continued to shift and change. Rising from the body of water and forming to take shape. The water seemed to have difficulty at first. As if it didn't know what form it was wanting to take, but after a few more moments to allow the technique to develop the water turned into five figures of massive sharks. There it was. . another bubble of confidence that she was looking for. Her eyes opened to take in the majestic coiling bodies of the ferocious beasts that was displayed before her. Not was it just one simple shark, but a full five massive beauties. Their bodies coiled withing the atmosphere as they showed off an impressive display of magnificence. Slick watery forms that extended their jaws just to chomp down with massive force. Most would curl in fear of their fearing display of ferocious movements, but in Aroma's eyes they was wonderful. If their appearance was not scary as if, then no doubt one would start to feel worried when the sharks began their dangerous dance of tear and slash with their chompers.

"Beautiful creatures~" The words spoke softly from her parted lips. Aroma rose to her feet and stood proudly. Her posture was strict and firm, her small shoulders pushed back as she portrayed herself as a confident beast. In her imagination, the Viperis wish for herself to be viewed like a very dangerous force to be reckoned with. Although the kunoichi knew she was far from her fantasy desires, she was definitely making some progress now. Taking the time to admire the creation of her water technique as the created massive sharks continued to dange through the air. Their bodies wove as if they was swimming in invisible water, vicious teeth exposed to indicate a threatening view. Aroma rose her head towards the coiling water sharks and grinned with glee. There was some very important events that was soon approaching. Faster and faster to the point that the lavender kunoichi felt like she was struggling to keep up. But she continued to hold her head up and stay calm, positive and neutral. She had been wrong before, she was not weak. The kunoichi had mistaken her position as weakness, when in all reality she was still beginning to blossom.

Everything took time and work, every shinobi knew this. You couldn't become strong within just a few days. It takes weeks, even months to get closer to one's desired position. No she wasn't weak, she was just unprepared. Still Aroma was not no where near as strong as she desired to be, but that image of desire was far down the road to come to. She must push herself forward, grasp onto the confidence that her body displayed in image, and use it as an advantage of the situation. Anyone who cower with their tail between their legs would be taken as a weak individual. Aroma despited the thought of ever looking weak upon the eyes of another individual, no matter who they was. It was not something she would ever allow to happen. And if if did. . . well it would be on her to punish herself for disgracing her own name and appearance. "I will not allow myself to look weak." Aroma spoke her sentence to the water sharks that danced around her wet form. One of the coiling sleek bodies made their way to her as if they had a free will of it's own, and gently head butted her shoulder. Aroma trailed her hand along the smooth wet surface of the close shark. It was so unique how techniques hold together such an element into a semi - solid form.

Will she succeed in the approaching events? Or will she fail? How far will she get? There was no telling what outcomes would lay before her, but one thing was for certain. She will not allow herself to be taken down easily. The kunoichi must make her way past at least one of the obstacles, even if it may be the hardest one there. There was no way the woman could allow herself be beaten right off the get go. Such a fate would be incredibly humiliating, a fate she couldn't think to bare in front of a full audience. How could the kunoichi expect to be displayed as a strong individual with the arts of assassin footwork if she couldn't even pass the first test of strength and wisdom? Aroma will make sure that she approaches the first test with her chin head high and with confidence clearly radiating from her form like an overwhelming aura. She will make sure that her actions and techniques are thought out with complete attention and provision. Pay attention to the task that may stand in her way to success, and dominate it like a great serpent. Engulfing anything that dared to stand in her way.

In the end Aroma may make a fool of herself, but she will not let such thoughts linger within her consciousness. The drag of positivity was growing stronger within her. The kunoichi raised her hands towards the dancing sharks that seemed to always be in movement around her atmosphere. Dancing and chasing after each other as if they was playing some little game. Her fingers snapped together as she ended the jutsu. The sharks then suddenly lost their solidify body and form, collapsing into a flexible rain of water. Just before the sharks disappeared, Aroma could have sworn that they had a sad expression within themselves just before they fell apart, but perhaps it was all just in her imagination. The essence of water that was used for her shark jutsu returned back into the body of the hot springs as the sharks collapsed into rain. Returning the nature back it's healing properties from where it came. Today was not a complete failure, she was able to successfully form one water technique that involved five massive sharks to use as a hungry frenzy, and somewhat was able to learn the lay out of another jutsu. Yet the other rain jutsu was definitely not completed yet and will still need some work later. But for now the kunoichi would end her day with the feeling of success that radiated from her form.

She made her way from her favorite within Kumogakure. Leaving behind the beautiful display of the hot springs that she commonly visited, and ventured her way back to civilization. She missed her beloved orange kitten, who was no doubt waiting eagerly for her return. Of course the moment she makes her way back home, the lavender haired woman would need to freshen herself up with a shower, and rid herself of the dampen clothes that weighed down her body. Then replace the dampen dress with some comfort night clothes after a nice shower. Before ending her night, Arola planned to treat herself to some bread and honey, with some slices of cheese would be marvelous. Her little Sebastian definitely deserved a treat of some fish as well. The little fluff kitten also deserved some attention too before she makes the decision to retire for the day. She made a mental note to eventually make some quick makeshift of toys for the darling kitty. Maybe next time she is out, Aroma will take the time to collect some soft bird feathers and tie them to a string for Sebastian to play with. There was definitely many options the female had to reward her little kitten. One thing was for certain. . craft some darling kitty toys the next time she is out, and train even harder for her coming important events. No matter how close the events and was how fast her available time was running out, Aroma was still and probably always will be far from ready. Now she was nearing the location of her home, and her dear Sebastian. It won't be long to where the rough looking kunoichi would be refreshed up with a nice shower and a full satisfied belly, just before spending some time with her little feline pet and retire to her comfy bed. She couldn't help but slightly desire the thigh of some clean dry clothes that wasn't so clingy. |END|

{WC: 2,000}
{Thread Claims}
+ 9 Speed | + 1 Stamina
Five feeding sharks (2,000/2,000)
Ikari Senju
Ikari Senju
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Ryo : 5200

Training (P Empty Re: Training (P

Mon Feb 24, 2020 10:45 pm
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