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Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20100

One's True Potential (Open) - Page 5 Empty Re: One's True Potential (Open)

Sun Feb 23, 2020 2:16 pm
Snow and his clones were beginning to have a little excitement from this lesson, finally. The drough technique that Sai had used was powerful against his water techniques, but that was fine. Snow and his clones had plenty of tricks up their sleeve, such as the flash freeze that completely swallowed Sai and one of his two clones, freezing them both where they stood, but one of his clones were able to withstand the technique. 

"Must have some sort of chakra protecting him. Interesting why he would have his clone wear the shroud, but not himself. Sai looked as though he attempted to throw some sort of attack, but his body froze before he was able to do so. The clone on the other hand, decided to shoot off a fireball. "Bad move" thought Snow's clone. Fireballs were great when it came to full frontal power, but they lack when it comes to being able to keep your eyes on the target. Snow's clone was fast enough to slip into the water with the hiding in the water technique. The clone would vanish into the water, as if he was destroyed by the fireball, like shadow clones would normally do. 

But the clone would instead be changing his location to be directly behind the clone that had just sent out the fireball, to slip out of the water thrusting a kunai knife directly into the head of the clone, killing it instantly while it was trying to use it's Sharingan trying to find any other attacks coming at them.

The clone for Asahi had to deal with the fireballs coming after him, six being the amount of them. The clone took no time at all to use his water style to counter the fire style. The clone would perform the Water shark bullet and would shoot the shark towards Asahi, while riding within the shark, making it go at his max speed (99) directly through the fireballs and continuing to Asahi's position. 

Snow would continue to watch as the battle would commence, finding this Asahi shinobi to be quite the figure. He continued to watch through the rain with interest as the battle waged on. 

Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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One's True Potential (Open) - Page 5 Empty Re: One's True Potential (Open)

Mon Feb 24, 2020 8:09 pm
.Sai clone watched as the real Sai couldnt get his Cero off. They all knew this was a bad situation, Snow had them in a tight spot and if they didnt do something fast this all would be over. Sai knew once his last clone would be destroyed it was only going to be Asahi left to take on Snow, and Sai would not be put away like some un wanted toy. Sai considered Snow his rival and wouldnt want anyone else taking away an opportunity to beat him. The anger in him started to grow, he was slightly frustrated on how the fight was going so far. Sai clone starts to think of an idea comes to the clone as he watches the fireball hurl at Snow. The clone smiled right before he got destroyed knowing the real Sai will soon be free
Asahi Meijin
Asahi Meijin
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One's True Potential (Open) - Page 5 Empty Re: One's True Potential (Open)

Wed Feb 26, 2020 1:18 pm
The second his sixth and last fireball had been fired Asahi would position his body in a way so he could create some distance, or at least move away from the spot he was currently standing. Moving his body to the left, lowering his center of gravity by bending his knees and dropping one of his shoulders, the Meijin would dash forward to his left side, gaining a burst of speed and strength while having activated Bull Rush. After using this technique he would have left his original position, which was 10 meter from Snow's clone, and had increased the distance with at maximum 20 meters, which would put him around 30 meters from the clone.

Once he had reached his destination, the scarred shinobi would grab one of his kunai and use the momentum of the Bull Rush technique to throw it in the direction of Snow's clone. It wouldn't do much but in case the sharp object was able to hit its target it would at least take care of the clone. Asahi would then remain at his new position, checking out his surroundings hoping Sai was able to defend himself as well. The Meijin would wait before taking any other actions, his Soul Expulsion and Chakra Shroud still active around and on his body in case he had to react to any incoming threats.

(WC: 227, TWC: 5309)

Jutsu used:
- Soul Expulsion
- Chakra Shroud
- Bull Rush

- 1 kunai
Throwing speed: 97
Throwing distance: 48 meters
Kunai sharpness: 81
Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20100

One's True Potential (Open) - Page 5 Empty Re: One's True Potential (Open)

Thu Feb 27, 2020 1:46 am
Sai was frozen solid still, there was very little chance of him getting out of his certain situation. Asahi was another story completely, with his chakra coating his body, he was going to need to think of something special to get him trapped or stopped in some way. The clone blew through the fireballs while within the water shark bullet. Both clones would then focus in on Asahi. The clone for Sai was already running toward Asahi when he shot out the fireballs, just to aid the other clone in dealing with Asahi and stop him from doing whatever he was doing after the fireballs when he saw the other clone was fine against the fireballs within the water shark.

Snow's second clone (originally for Sai) reached Asahi's position, he already had a kunai in hand, blocking the thrown kunai and getting into a blade clash with Asahi when he went for the bull rush. Snow's first clone (assigned to Asahi) used hiding in the water to slip into the puddles of water that were forming due to all of the mist that laid above the grass. The clone would pop up behind Asahi about the same time as the clash and would wrap his arm around the scarred shinobi's neck, bringing him down to the floor in a rear naked choke so they would be able to end the fight without having to worry about hurting one another.

Snow looked at Asahi with astonishment. "The agility of this guy is impressive, he is very quick on his feet. I think he could very much become a worthy rival." Snow would think to himself. He would wait to see what Asahi would do to counter this chain of attacks. Depending on how Asahi would react, he would either keep this fight going, or he would dispel them both and walk up to the most likely exhausted teammates and talk to them about their performance and ask them what questions or comments they had.

Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Ryo : 13000

One's True Potential (Open) - Page 5 Empty Re: One's True Potential (Open)

Sat Feb 29, 2020 4:42 pm
Sai was pretty tired, he had finnaly been able to move frrely once again, but by now he had lost the will to fight. It not because he had felt as though he wasent winning, but because to win he would have to result to doing less than good deeds. Sai didnt feel like this spar was worth him getting his hands dirty, besides he wanted to save all of his trump cards. He knew that one day Snow and himself would have a real fight, one to the death. "You got me this time snow , i quit", Sai said reluctantly. He wasent the type to give up but he did know when he was beaten and wasent going to try and extend this any further. He would then take a seat on the ground waiting until Snow dispells his mist, so that he can see the area around him.

Sai had really enjoyed himself this time fighting with Snow, maybe it was because he had Asahi there with him. He didnt really know what excited him about the fight so much but he knew he had to get stronger if he wanted to beat Snow eventually. A smile came across his face, he thought he was the suprior one but today he was shown otherwise. It lit a fire inside of him that was going to motivate him to continue to push himself harder and harder everyday, so that when the time came to fight Snow again he would not be the loser.
Asahi Meijin
Asahi Meijin
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One's True Potential (Open) - Page 5 Empty Re: One's True Potential (Open)

Sat Feb 29, 2020 6:06 pm
Asahi wasn't able to run too far as Snow proved his prowess with water style jutsu once more. Popping up behind Asahi from one of the water puddles formed due to all the mist that had been surrounding the area they were in was one of Snow's clones. Putting the scarred Meijin in a rear naked choke he was pulled down to the ground once more. Using his elbows Asahi would attempt to lessen the clone's grip. Aiming his jabs at the clone's ribs, powerful enough to fracture them. His left elbow hitting the left side of the clone's ribcage while he used his other elbow to do the same to the right side.

The scarred Meijin knew he was inflicting some serious damage to the one holding him in a rear naked choke position, but it seemed it wasn't enough to get out of the grip. Asahi knew a couple of techniques he could use to take care of the clone for good, but in doing so he would put both Sai and Snow in danger as well. Since this was only a spar to test their abilities he figured it would be a bridge too far to go through such lengths only to win a spar. So he figured the smartest move was to simply tap. Once he would be released from the clone's grip he would finally have some time to take a breather.

The adrenaline slowly leaving his body the scarred shinobi finally started to feel the fatigue setting in. His muscles were starting to ache as he had reached his limit. The spar had been going on for quite a while so it would be an understatement to say he was on the verge of complete exhaustion. Letting his body rest he would lay down with his back on the grass, hoping he wasn't the only one who was feeling tired.

(WC: 316, TWC: 5625)
Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 20100

One's True Potential (Open) - Page 5 Empty Re: One's True Potential (Open)

Sat Feb 29, 2020 10:46 pm
The maneuver with the clone would be a success, everything would have gone to Snow's plan, something he had assured himself. He had a lot of faith in his abilities, he wasn't sure just how he would fare against the real deal, but he was going to find out sooner than later. The next few days were already planned out in his mind, but he wasn't entirely sure what the result of those plans were going to be. The meeting with the Kage was coming soon, and possibly even the deputy Kage. 

Sai seemed to have given up on the fight, so he did not have his clones turn their attack on Sai. The only question left, was Asahi going to tap out? Or was he going to finally unleash his true inner power and abilities? Snow watched with great intent as he saw Sai beginning to move his body when he had thawed out, but he seemed to realize that he was not the winner in this spar. But Asahi was still hanging on. Dealing out blows to the clone, hitting him hard enough for the clone to holler out in pain. Snow would lean forward with excitement, "Will he finally do it?" Snow would think to himself, hoping to finally see the killer intent that Snow saw within Asahi? 

He got his answer when he saw Asahi' hand begin to tap on the arm of the clone. "An underwhelming ending." Snow would complain within his mind. The moment that both of the contenders had given up or tapped out, Snow would dispel all of his techniques. The rain would cease and the mist would dissipate. Walking up to both of his comrades, he had a smile on his face looking at Asahi. "A lot of good choices were made by you during this spar, you were light on your feet and you showed great promise going against your clone. The usage of both Soul Expulsion and Chakra Shroud was a outstanding combination to go up against that many ninjutsu type attacks, but do be weary of overusing that combination, those will likely exhaust you far to quickly in real combat." Snow nodded towards Asahi and congratulated him one more time. 

Snow then turned to Sai, his "rival" and he nodded to him also. "Make sure you have an ability to see through your fireball, or only use it when you know for a fact you will get a hit. Otherwise, you will likely get blindsided due to your own fire techniques." Snow would then leave the training grounds for the night had already fallen and it was time for him to get dried off and turn back to face Asahi one more time, "You and I will need to speak to each other again, possibly tomorrow. Depending on how things go with the Hokage." Snow waved at both of his teammates and walked out of the training grounds. 

This new purpose that he had for himself had given him something to focus his mind on. It was allowing him to keep his freak outs at bay, his anxiety was lessening in their severity and he was finding himself able to finally focus on things. Tomorrow was going to be a big day for not only him, but possibly Asahi if he decided to join him on his new adventure. The days to come were both daunting to the young shinobi, while at the same time exhilarating. He didn't know what to expect from the journey he would be going on, but he did know that no matter what happens, if he would return to the village, then he and possibly Asahi would be very different people.

TWC: 1720 unclaimed
Claims: +17 stats
+Saizou Uchiha and Asahi Meijin Chakra Signature
+1720 towards Certain Kill Ice Spears (2244/2500) (Previous Progress)
Kizmaru Senju
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One's True Potential (Open) - Page 5 Empty Re: One's True Potential (Open)

Sat Feb 29, 2020 10:54 pm
Approved @Snjor Yuki
Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Ryo : 13000

One's True Potential (Open) - Page 5 Empty Re: One's True Potential (Open)

Sun Mar 01, 2020 8:30 am
Sai left the training grounds not to long after he unthawed, angry from loosing he chose not to speak on his way out as he body flickered away.

4+ stats, 415 towards Chakra Sensory (415/2k)

Last edited by Saizou Uchiha on Fri Apr 03, 2020 8:15 am; edited 3 times in total
Asahi Meijin
Asahi Meijin
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One's True Potential (Open) - Page 5 Empty Re: One's True Potential (Open)

Sun Mar 01, 2020 10:02 am
With the dispelling of Snow's clones the spar had officially come to its end. It had turned out to be a hard fought battle between all three of them. A battle wherein the scarred Meijin had learned a lot from his two companions. Once it was over the Yuki would walk over to Asahi and compliment him on some of his decisions he made during their spar, followed by some advice. "I'll take it to heart, thank you." The young shinobi knew he was still at the beginning of his journey and had much to learn. But it was already a step in the right direction that he was able to show this much result after only a short period of time.

Sai seemed angry and disappointed with the outcome of the fight. Asahi could imagine how the Uchiha felt being beaten and defeated by his rival Snow. His pride probably got in the way as he decided to leave without saying much. Asahi wouldn't blame him, it's normal that he wanted to come out on top in a battle with his rival. But he should also see this as an opportunity, a chance to learn from the mistakes he made and to grow stronger so he would be able to beat Snow the next time they fought. After Saizou had left, the Yuki would direct himself towards Asahi once more, telling him they would meet again soon.

The scarred Meijin wondered what Snow meant by that, but he also knew he wouldn't just say something like that out of the blue. He figured Snow must of have his reasons and had probably planned something he would need Asahi for. Maybe he had used their spar to decide whether or not he would be able to use the young Meijin for whatever it was that he got planned. For now the scarred shinobi decided not to ask any further details and wait until that moment would come. "I'll be ready." They would then take their leave to prepare for the days to come. Not knowing what to expect Asahi knew he had to prepare for every possible scenario. He remembered Snow mentioning something about meeting the Hokage, so maybe they would receive a certain task.

(TWC: 6000)

- 60 stats
- 500/500 En (C-rank version, taught by Snow)
- 1500/1500 Blast Wave
- 1500/1500 Smokescreen Gale
- 2500/2500 Fire Release: Hiding in the Ash and Dust
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