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Asahi Meijin
Asahi Meijin
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One's True Potential (Open) - Page 4 Empty Re: One's True Potential (Open)

Wed Feb 19, 2020 5:52 pm
A change of pace was what Sai asked, a change of pace was what he was going to get. Before they would move onto something different Snow told Asahi that his first guess was the right one. Unraveling the clone's legs and escaping his hips out of the position. So that's what he did. Once he executed those moves he was able to get out of the lock. In the meantime the Yuki directed his attention towards Saizou. As the scarred Meijin was getting up he could hear how Snow mentioned the first spar he had with the young Uchiha. From what he could make out of it Asahi heard something about a certain technique that was used by Snow. En, a technique that allows the user to sense any chakra within forty meters of themselves. 

Snow's clone then guided Sai over to the water so he could explain further. Getting curious Asahi would follow suit and head towards the river. Once all of them were present the Yuki would continue his explanation. The real Snow would jump to the other side of the river to commence the lesson of the technique En. Paying close attention the Meijin silently repeated what his teacher was telling them. It was a non-elemental sensory technique that was used to increase one's perception of another being's chakra. The Yuki would proceed with the training as he began to kneel down in front of the river and placed his hands in the water. He encouraged both Sai and Asahi to do the same as he created a ball of ice. 

Listening to Snow the scarred shinobi placed his hands in the river as well. Snow would then drop the little ball of ice into the water. Simultaneously Asahi would feel a small ripple come across his hands at the exact same moment the ice was dropped into the river. The Yuki would carry on with the explanation as he created a bigger sized ball of ice. Telling his two students to focus their chakra even more than before he then dropped it back into the river. Not one, but three signatures of impact since he had his clones do the same at the end of the river. And just as Snow said, Asahi was able to feel all three of them. The Yuki would then stand up and ask if there were any more questions. "I think I might be able to get the hang of it if I focus on getting better at controlling my chakra."

As he spoke he would turn his attention to the river, moving his body to sit down beside it. The scarred Meijin closed his eyes and focussed on the water beside him. He would listen to the soft rocking of the waves, feeling the water between his fingertips. Once he had calmed down he'd open his eyes and place his hand into the water, instantly cooling off his hand. Once he had enough time to become familiarized with the water running across his hand, he started to focus his chakra to his hand. Gentle and fluid with his movements, firm yet not rough enough to disrupt the flow. As he was working on improving his control Asahi would check how Saizou was doing. "How are things on your end Sai?" The Meijin felt his control getting better which hopefully would result in him being able to learn En. 

(WC: 570, TWC: 4338)
Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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One's True Potential (Open) - Page 4 Empty Re: One's True Potential (Open)

Thu Feb 20, 2020 12:49 am
Snow was pleased to see that both of his students had understood the lesson that he had laid out. Sai did seem very frustrated that the lesson was going so slowly, this was to be expected from the likes of Sai. He always did seem to have a difficult with things taking slow. Snow then chuckled to himself as he saw that both students understood the lesson, and even though without even realizing it, Sai had just learned a brand new technique to him. Snow would look to Sai and he would simply say, "I see this training is going to slow for your liking eh Sai? Well don't you worry yourself, that is going to change very soon." 

As he was talking, clouds would for above them, and a mist would begin to fill the training grounds completely. Cutting off all visuals that either of the students may have had. There would be no light, there would only be darkness within the mist. Snow would distance himself from the duo, chuckling. Snow would be towards one end of the circle, being 35 meters away from both of them. The two clones would be behind them, one being 20 meters away behind, and ten meters to the right of Saizou, the other would be 15 meters behind, and ten meters to the left of Asahi. 

"I just wanted to let you know. My clones and I will try and kill you. You only have En to use because I know neither of you have another sensory technique. So now you will need to rely on what you have already learned with your hand in the water. I won't give you any more hints than that. If you truly paid attention during the first lesson then you will know exactly why it was relevant. But for now, good luck my friends. Was nice working with you."

Snow would cease talking about he would have his clones both sprinting from side to side behind them, one of them using the quiet footsteps technique, while the other one was moving fast enough to where his footsteps would be impossible to hear them over the heavy rain that would be pelting the entire group at once. Snow knew exactly where both of the ninjas were, but if the boys were not paying attention, then he worried about their chances against him and his clones. 

The clone behind Asahi would launch a Snakes mouth directly toward Asahi while the clone behind Sai would launch a Snowhawk directly for them. He was being honest when Snow said he and his clones would be going for them as if they were in combat. Snow would just stand where he was, he wanted to see just what he was dealing with when it came to these two boys. He stood there, exicted to see if either of these boys truly understood the importance of his first lesson.

Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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One's True Potential (Open) - Page 4 Empty Re: One's True Potential (Open)

Thu Feb 20, 2020 2:02 am
Mid-thead Claims:

TWC: 4479
Claims: +22 stats

+1156 towards Flash Freeze (Completed)(Previous Progress)
+2000 towards One-Handed Handseals (Completed)
+1323 towards Suiton: Exploding Shock Wave (1323/1750)

Last edited by Snjor Yuki on Thu Feb 20, 2020 2:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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One's True Potential (Open) - Page 4 Empty Re: One's True Potential (Open)

Thu Feb 20, 2020 9:02 am
Sai was annoyed at the boring technique that he had just learned how to do, he expected more from this lesson. He was still grateful to be thought a sensory technique when he didnt have any , but he wanted something with more force to it. He expected Snow to teach them something that could cause destruction, not something like En. While Sai was standing there, he heard Asahi call out to him asking how was his training coming along. "This is childs play, we could learn this in our sleep", Sai said with a smile. The jutsu was alot easier to get the grasp of than what Sai organically believed, another reason why Sai was slightly disappointed. He expect Snow to give him some kind of challenge, something that he could struggle at.

Sai was snapped out from his thought by the sound of Snow's voice. The why snow used his words and espically by the tone of them, he could tell something was up. Snow normally didnt say or act in a weird mysterious way, so when he spoke like that Sai knew to be on his guard. Moments after Snow spoke dark clouds started to move into the training aena, followed by a thick mist. Sai activated his Sharingan, but quickly realize it would be of no use in the type of mist that he was in. Sai felt a slight sense of pride come over him, realizing he was right about his assumptions. The only problem now was what he would do next, realizing the Snow has the advantage in this situation.

"Asahi be on your guard, Snow is a tricky one", Sai said calling out to Asahi. By the time Sai started forming hand signs the mist had just completely covered the area, and with that any sight of Snow of Asahi was gone. He closed his eyes as he listened for anything the would break the repetitive sound of the rain hitting the ground around him. As he finished his hand signs , thats when he heard something coming at him, he lifted up his hand a creating four ball of lightning chakra. He would send three in the direction of the sound approaching him and would keep one hovering near him just in case. Upon the two jutsu colliding, the mist started to clear up to to the collision of the justu.

Sai didnt want to waste anymore time and knew he had to get on the offensive, but he had to locate where everyone was at. Sai summoned a two shadow clones and have them stand guard around him. While the clones stood guard, Sai performed En. Finally being able to locate everyone, He would finish by using having one of his clones use the chakra shroud jutsu. Sai was ready for a fight, he just hope Asahi would be as prepaid as he was. A fight between Snow and himself was destine to happen, and could one day be the death of one of them.
Asahi Meijin
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One's True Potential (Open) - Page 4 Empty Re: One's True Potential (Open)

Thu Feb 20, 2020 5:32 pm
With his hands still in the water Asahi would listen to Sai who grew ever so impatient. Filled with confidence the Uchiha claimed it was all a piece of cake. An answer befitting a young shinobi of a clan famous for their proud members. Saizou's answer would make Asahi laugh as it was to be expected he would come up with something like that. He only hoped his friend would take this training seriously and not brush it off like it was some kind of joke. After all, Snow was taking the time to help them learn a new technique, which was why the scarred shinobi was putting in a hundred percent. 

The atmosphere would suddenly change as the Yuki started to behave differently. If he wouldn't be familiar with how Snow could act sometimes the Meijin would be more surprised but thanks to their little spar earlier he knew how his friend liked to throw in a little surprise from time to time. Knowing this helped him remain calm as he would continue to keep his hands in the water. He would listen to Snow while he noticed how different his surroundings were becoming. Clouds would form above him and a mist would begin to fill the training grounds completely, cutting off his vision. Before he lost sight of Saizou, the Uchiha would warn him to keep up his guard.

Asahi knew how important it was to remain calm under pressure so he would focus on En, especially after Snow told them he wanted to see how they would use his technique. Using said jutsu he would increase his perception of his surroundings to find out what was going on around him. Not long after he utilized En the scarred Meijin would be alerted that a form of chakra was coming towards him. Expecting it to be one of Snow's techniques Asahi immediately responded by activating one of his own. Tiger > Rat > Bird. After completing the three handsigns Asahi spitted out a fist sized mote of flames which upon reaching the ground turned into a three meter wide and twelve meter tall tornado made out of fire expelled from his mouth. 

Facing in the direction of the technique that was coming towards him, Asahi's Smokescreen Gale traveled in a straight line to overpower the water technique and created a cloud of dense steam which could be measured as a five meter diameter circle, possibly making it harder for his opponent to see. At the same time the Meijin would create a tight screen of chakra over his body after forming two handseals. This would allow the scarred shinobi to see out, but nobody else to see in without external aid. His Hiding in Fire technique served another purpose as well, since it would protect him from hostile techniques. Once he was protected within the fire he would activate En once again to pin down the location of everyone around him in case he would have to react once more. 

(WC: 500, TWC: 4838)
Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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One's True Potential (Open) - Page 4 Empty Re: One's True Potential (Open)

Fri Feb 21, 2020 1:35 am
Snow was happy to see both of his teammates were quick on the blocking of both of Snow's technique. But he was going to teach them the first real lesson of this session, to always capitalize on a block and turn it into a counter. Both clones closed the gap, following quickly behind the water techniques that they had sent towards their respective opponent. The clone assigned to Sai was suppressing his chakra as he closed the gap while the clone assigned to Asahi would use hiding in the rain to close the gap within the mist. Due to the mist and the rain being made completely of Snow's own chakra, both Sai and Asahi would have a hard time differentiating the clones to the remaining mist and rain. 

Snow's clone for Sai noticed two clones being created with the help of the rain still pelting the ground as they fought. This clone, still being suppressed, began producing a hidden mist. Filling the entirety of the arena once again with the hidden mist. Both Sai and Asahi were 5 meters away from each other, so Snow's clones decided to take advantage of this. 

Clone 1 (assigned to Sai) and Clone 2 (assigned to Asahi) began their phase of attack. Clone 2 used the steam that added to the hidden mist to slip into the mist, using hiding in the rain technique to get within 10 meters of Asahi, putting him 12 meters away from Sai. This clone performed the Exploding Shockwave technique. A tidal wave would surge in all directions from Clone 2, going ahead 25 meters. Should Asahi or Sai or even both get caught up in the tidal wave, Asahi would likely be knocked unconscious and pushed into the river behind him. Sai's clones would be destroyed and he would be tossed into the river also. 

To capitalize, Clone 1 would activate the technique Flash Freeze. This technique would cause anyone within 30 meters to freeze solid. Should either of Sai or Asahi be hit with the Flash Freeze, they would be unable to dodge the shockwave that was coming directly for them.

Snow being sure that these attacks would be a hit, he thought for a second on calling the clones off, but he decided to instead see how this move was going to play out and he was going to see just how quickly either of his friends could think.

Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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One's True Potential (Open) - Page 4 Empty Re: One's True Potential (Open)

Fri Feb 21, 2020 5:09 pm
Sai smiled as he finally thought of a plan to get all the fog away from his and Asahi. Sai and his clone nodded at each other as Clone 1 started to do the handsigns for the technique drought, cause the mist and the rain to clear up. Luckily for him the heat also dried up the water technique that Snow had his clone use. Thanks to using En Sai was able to tell where everyone in the arena was at, he could see that the real Snow was close to the edge of the range of En, no more than 30 meters from him and Asahi. Sai had all of his clones activate their Sharingan, just in case snow had some trick up his sleeve. Sai would have use the second clone, who still had a chakra cloak on to send a giant fireball hurling in the direction of the Snow's first clone.

Sai knew that Snow clone was going to dodge the attack, so he had the one lightning ball he had still hovering around him waiting to go after him the moment he makes a move. Once with in 2 meters on snow clone Sai would have the ball exp load, if hit by the either the fire ball or the lightning ball would cause the clone to disperse. Sai himself would then do the handsigns and a ball of lightning who form in his palm. Cero was one of his favorite technique to use but this one had some lightning chakra added to it. he would then aim this at Snow clone. The clone that was closer to Asahi was the one Sai would be aiming at, and once he was lined up he would fired off the ball at the ground 1 meter to the right of the clone. Forcing it to move further away from him, If the clone didnt move further away from the lightning Cero he would be cought in a shock wave that would stun the body part that was in its radius.  Sai would then scan the field to make sure nothing was coming his way.
Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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One's True Potential (Open) - Page 4 Empty Re: One's True Potential (Open)

Fri Feb 21, 2020 8:13 pm
Mid thread claims.


Claims:17 + stats, 3,473 Towards MS (6901/8000) rest Here
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
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One's True Potential (Open) - Page 4 Empty Re: One's True Potential (Open)

Fri Feb 21, 2020 9:18 pm
Approved Mid claim for Snjor and Saizou
Asahi Meijin
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One's True Potential (Open) - Page 4 Empty Re: One's True Potential (Open)

Sat Feb 22, 2020 5:34 pm
A curtain of steam arose in front of his eyes, blending in with the mist surrounding the area they were in. It would be the sign for Asahi to activate Soul Expulsion to protect him from incoming threats. The Meijin's soul would expel from his body, surrounding him like a coat of armor. Emitting a red glow growing brighter and brighter. Simultaneously he had already started forming different hand seals as he activated a second defensive technique. Releasing chakra from his body, the scarred shinobi created a thick shroud of chakra around himself, extending outward from him in a distance of 1 foot in all directions. The shroud would not be seen except with chakra vision.

Thanks to his usage of both Soul Expulsion and Chakra Shroud, Asahi was able to cancel all of the attacks coming his way. Out of the clear he would then try to come up with some sort of countermove to at least try to do something back. Forming another set of hand seals the Meijin would spit up six fireballs, each with a one meter diameter. He knew his opponent had to be about 10 meters in front of him so that's where he directed his attack. In case of impact each of his fireballs would explode in a diameter of 5 meters. If his opponent was able to dodge at first, Asahi would manipulate the trajectory of his fireballs, making them curve in a 90 degree turn.

(WC: 244, TWC: 5082)

Jutsu used:
- Soul Expulsion
- Chakra Shroud
- Phoenix Fire
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