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Village : Kirigakure
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The strongest Byakugan Of The Cloud  Empty The strongest Byakugan Of The Cloud

Sat Jan 04, 2020 9:48 am
Ghost would smile as the clouds in the sky started to form. All around him as he was getting ready to train his heart out. It was about time he got back to work as only time would allow him to do such a thing. Ghost would be looking up at the rain as his Byakugan was now active. He only had one thing on his mind and that was to get stronger. He will do this by learning a few more justu. More or less the ones that will come in handy for what he planned on doing. Ghost would look. On as the cloud in the sky would rumble with a Roar of lightning. This would please him indeed. Thinking on maybe he should train more in the rain then not. Soon he would start to push the water off of his palms too and forth as he drill it in his mind. What he was trying to do was to create a shark all on his own. But that very idea was hard to do. Ghost had to learn a lot about a lot of he wanted to become more and more powerful in this day and age.

But sometimes he would think of another thing to do. As he held his hand up high the water would fall down between them. This was all in fun as he watched it wet him up. Slowly but surely he would start to cast the justu at hand. He truly had to get it down as he had more to do. Ghost decide he needed to set the level of trying to catch big prey this is what he was made to do. He wanted to get more power no matter the cost. Ghost would smile as he knew what he had to do to get that very power. Seeing that people had a bounty on his head Ghost would laugh at himself as this has been a very important thing to do for him.

To gain power is what his village was all about. But how do one go about getting such power? It was easy by making a power move. This would kill someone somebody if they was to try this and not have the power to back it up. But Ghost he was different he was ready to do whatever it took to gain such a thing. However compare to a lot of other ninja he was just a push over. But he was one of the top genin around. But still he felt like he was weak in a way. But he had plans real big plans and that is the reason he was training in the way of the shark. This justu was sure to get him known. Not too many people could stand such a powerful beast was to be feared at all times. Ghost knew this very thing. So learning this justu of many to come was perfect for him to do.

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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

The strongest Byakugan Of The Cloud  Empty Re: The strongest Byakugan Of The Cloud

Tue Jan 07, 2020 4:52 pm
Over and over again he would hit the rain as he prepared to send another water shark. He was looking in as the justu started to come about. Ghost would smile as he knew what he was doing. He knew this water shark bullet would allow him to do some incredible things against people. Smiling as he started to get the hang of the water release. He knows that not many people have his Chakra nature and this was a good thing. Ghost also knows that he could cause a floor. With his full power if he wanted to. He knows he have to come up with ways to take down even stronger foes of need be. Most people hunt others for their DNA but he will not be hunted. Not now not ever and he wanted the world to know that. He was going after a certain somebody but he knows this person had even more powerful justu.

Ghost would laugh to himself as he looked on as the water shark started to form up on him. This was good for him to do real good. The water shark was something else as its speed was truly incredible. Ghost would watch as he controls it from a distance of five meters. Soon he would send it towards a tree and watched it attack it. Such power the beast of water had in him. Ghost was. All to thrilled at such a thing to see. He knew that having this would make his get away even more epic. But not many could do what he does and that was a good thing. Soon he would take the water to create a new water shark. 

This time he would enter in the shark back. This was well indeed a good thing. Ghost would smile at this as he was inside the water shark. This was something not many could do what Ghost just did. Even if the justu allows them to do so. He was simply a breed new breed. This would put a smile on his face as he started to train the justu even more. He had to make sure he had it down packed. This was to better boost his power in all. But he truly wanted to be one with the water. He needed to truly be able to hold his own. This is all he was thinking about as he was trying to learn knew justu. Ghost was all to thrill to showcase such moves on the battlefield.

All in all he was close to learning this justu that the sharks were now starting to stay longer and this very thing was very a good thing. Ghost just knew what he had in stores for people was going to make him a house hold name. This was one in it self as a bad ass just waiting to happen. Looking on the rain would start to pour down at its hardest. To which he would smile.

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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

The strongest Byakugan Of The Cloud  Empty Re: The strongest Byakugan Of The Cloud

Wed Jan 08, 2020 6:37 pm
Thinking to himself as time was not on his side. Thinking to himself how to make it off of the weak tier list. Thinking to himself on how his team members were all stronger then him. Ghost was not going to just lie down and take a L with a gain of salt. He said this as he started to prep for the last justu he needed to do. More like in this moment that was. Ghost would smile as he saw his time was starting to be up. Looking on he knew this was the moment he needed so bad.

Ghost would smile as he began to think of all the things he had to do. He would smile as he knew now was his time to shine no matter what. He knew he was on a time limit to get stronger. This is what is driving him so crazy. Ghost would smile as he saw this. Looking on he would watch as the rain start to form because of his justu. Thinking to himself that a tail beast would even fear such a justu all on its own. Ghost was indeed the symbol of hope in his squad.

Looking on he would start to form the hand signs needed to go on and cast the spell. He looked on as he saw that the Boulder in front of him made a very good target. This was perfect as he thought to himself. Breaking a boulder would put his power again up a few notches. Smiling as he saw what he needed to do. Ghost would laugh at the very least as he release the justu. The damn water shark bullet would come out in such a high fashion. He would look on and smile he was nearly done.

As the shark came too Ghost looked on in amazement he knew only time would be o his side this time. He was well indeed on a good path to power now. Ghost would smile as he saw this. Looking on. He would smile at the shark going on and about. Soon he would merge with the water beast as he enter it. His speed would increase this would give him much more needed speed indeed. Looking on the water around him would start to let him know it was time to blow up. To which Ghost agree to it. 

That was all it took as it race toward the Boulder at top speed. Ghost was all but glad this had happened as he took down the power of the Boulder defense. Turning such a large rock into nothing more then dust. This put a very big smile on his face as he saw this. He knew now that he had this justu. He was that more closer to being a water God all on his own. Nobody was going to stop him not now not ever. When would smile as the rain came down over his now smiling face. 

Milestone for justu
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

The strongest Byakugan Of The Cloud  Empty Re: The strongest Byakugan Of The Cloud

Thu Jan 09, 2020 2:02 pm
With the rain still coming down hard Ghost would look up to it. Smiling as he knew what he was about to do. Next. It was simple he was going to preform a certain justu. It was more of a spy type of justu or used to make a clean get away sort to speak. Ghost knew it would be time to use this justu sooner then later. He knew he would need to learn this justu sooner then later. He k ew there is going to be a time to use this justu. Way much sooner then later indeed.

Ghost would look up as he smiled as he started to do. The hand signs. He would take a deep breath as he started to invision the water around him. He would smile as it hit his head and soaked his clothes. Looking on he knew what was going to happen as the water below him started to move. It was like his skin melted or something and for a small moment he would stop time as he went right into the water as of he merged with it. Ghost would smile as he saw this very thing. He knew he nearly had the water justu down packed.

He had to get the steady of the water right as he came out of it. He could not breathe right as he was in there. Ghost would look on as he saw this very thing was the problem with itself. He was indeed having a hard time on this one as he was wondering just what it was he was missing. Ghost was very smart and was sure to come up with the right weight. This is what it was. He needed to make sure that every pound was counted for going inside the water.

After all he would be using up quite a bit of Chakra to do such a thing. Ghost would smile as he. Figure this out on a good way. This was a very good thing for him as he now knew what he had to do. Ghost would start up his pride again as he looked at a puddle of water. Looking on he would start to redo the justu casting it just how he wanted to cast it. Ghost could feel it and it was coming in strong too. He was indeed learning how to use the hiding in the water skill.

He would smile as the rain came on him yet again. Over and over again he would do the justu. Getting oser and closer he was to a masterful way of hiding. Ghost was having a good day today and he was not going to stop eight there. He needed to get this justu down pack and do it fast his team was counting on him after all. But only time would tell whaf role Ghost would have up in this story of his. He looked on as he smiled in pure glee.

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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

The strongest Byakugan Of The Cloud  Empty Re: The strongest Byakugan Of The Cloud

Sat Jan 11, 2020 6:14 pm
Ghost smiled as this time he knew he would get it down and fast. As the rain came pouring down he would look up at it. With fire in his eyes and a soul that move like water. Ghost would now be ready to hit the justu one more time. But that's what he would need to do. But like the water never fight it but become it. Ghost would now know what he had to do. Smiling as the water hit his skin he would look on at the pouring down rain. Soon he would start merge with the water.

Just like water is what he just now became. This was perfect as can be. Ghost would look on as he saw that he was now completely like water itself. He was now water all on its own and damn it felt good. But he still needed it to be at its very best. This is what will make him stand out more. This is what will make him more powerful then any body else. He would take that with a salt of gain as he looked on. One last time he would try the justu out with pride.

He would smile at himself as he knew it was nearly time to get things on and popping. Ghost looked up as his body would start to form up with the water. Looking on by him casting the justu he was able to regain his sense of hopefulness this day. As the lightening struck. He would now be going under water again. Although it had appeared as if Ghost was moving in slow motion he was going so fast indeed he was. Looking on he would look up as his power was growing all by himself and this has made him oh so very happy. 

Looking on he would look around him. As water would come about. He would move around in it just being there. Ghost was too happy at this very moment. Now that he had master such a justu it was time to put some things to rest. He needed more power and even more then that but he kept to himself as he looked on from afar. Ghost would smile at his new justu that he just learned and nothing was going to take that away from him not now not ever. He would think this as he smiled to himself. 

Ghost looked on as he came out of the justu now more ready than has ever been. Thinking to himself how he needed to up his game in more ways then one. He heard of the water beast justu. Something he needed if he was going to go fight you know what. This would be good for him indeed. This could act as a decoy if anything. Holding his hands together he would leave the water. Making sure he made that clear as he looked up at the sky. The rain was just super duper. 


Milestone justu claim
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

The strongest Byakugan Of The Cloud  Empty Re: The strongest Byakugan Of The Cloud

Mon Jan 13, 2020 1:06 am
Looking on it was time for him to be true to himself as he needed to be more powerful. Thinking of the next justu he needed to master was more or so a powerful one. This justu would be the water trumpet. A very big smile on Ghost face as he knew he was now stronger and more powerful enough to pull it off. He knew he had what it took to be amazing and do things of the such. Ghost was not going to shy away from the hard stuff he has to do. This was a now or never moment for him to do it. 

Looking in he would start to do the hand signs. Taking a deep breath. He knew what he had to do was to be true to himself. As water started to form right from his mouth. Not the surrounding areas but his mouth. Ghost knew he was indeed in trouble if he did not release this type of attack. He would smile as he soon would let out the water at a medium type pressure. Ghost looked on as it did not do what he wanted it to Do. Thinking to himself. As what could have gone wrong with the justu? He would sit up wondering to himself that he needed to add more pressure to his body Chakra to attack better. Ghost would smile as he looked on at his new targets. They were even more boulders he planned on attacking. This would make him even more so ready to attack at full power. However he had to be careful as not to flood the area he is at. Ghost would smile as he saw thus and notice it. He would look on as he prepared himself to attack yet in fashion. 

Thinking to himself as time was standing still for him he would look on and started to laugh Ghost would look up and started to cast the justu. Moving with such speed he would have the spirit of the ocean with him as he started to shoot it out at the boulders. Looking on he knew what was about to happen as the small water trumpet took off like a bullet. Still not quite there as he smiled to himself. The boulders would be dust by now anyhow. But still Ghost needed more than a few boulders going bye bye.

Looking on he would start the justu yet again but thus time. He be be prepared to add more power to it. Ghost would smile as he saw this incoming attack. Looking on he would smile. Thinking to himself about how far he had came. Thinking a lot about how far he still needed to go. Ghost was truly lucky to be where he us no matter what happens to him. Ghost would then release the water trumpet. Thus time it's power was starting to grow on Ghost. Hitting its target without fell. Thus was a very good thing indeed.

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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

The strongest Byakugan Of The Cloud  Empty Re: The strongest Byakugan Of The Cloud

Mon Jan 13, 2020 4:05 pm
Looking on at his attack this time he was quite pleased himself. He knew he was getting stronger looking in at how the water trumpet did what it did. He would look on as he was nearly done with such a powerful justu. Ghost could do nothing but smile at how strong he was becoming. He knew he still had ways so to so now he will try to be even more so powerful if he need to be. This justu was one of the top ranks around. Not only could it attack it can defend at the same time.

This made this justu a one of a kind not lie. Ghost would look on as he thought this. His face still was not pleased as his heart was. But still he knew what he needed to do to get this done nonetheless. He would smile as he knew there was still time for him to be great. This was easier said then done however. As he still looked up to the sky he would smile at himself as he had more time anyhow. But he needed to act as if he not and that was the major problem with him.

Ghost had to do more major things but had only a short amount of time to do it. This made him very upset but still he was ready for war. Training more and more justu he knew what he had to do. To get to the top of it all.

Ghost would blast more boulders down. This was indeed a good thing as he saw he was getting better. Ghost would look on as he started to stare at the water he created it was indeed a lot. Thus shocked him as his water out pour was truly amazing to say the least. He would start to walk in circles. Trying to past himself for the next attack. He would look up at the sky yet again as he was sweating right about now. He would stand still as he prepared himself yet again. With a smile on his face he would start the signs again.

Ghost was dead set on learning such a justu as he knew this was going to put him on the map. Looking on he was getting in his indeed he was. As he took the water trumpet blast and took down even more boulders. He was in hot water or on fire or what ever people call it nowadays. All Ghost knew was he was not going to back down now. He could not just quit once he started something. He truly believes that he could be great if he goes all the way. He had major plans. These plans were going to cause him to be the strongest ever. Ghost would smile as he was thinking this. He body started to form up the water. As he knew the big one was coming this time and it did. As he flipped it out of his mouth.

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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

The strongest Byakugan Of The Cloud  Empty Re: The strongest Byakugan Of The Cloud

Mon Jan 13, 2020 10:11 pm
Perfect just perfect he would think to himself as he smiled. The justu was perfect and now he has master it to its core. This is what hard work and dedication does to one no matter what. He would smile as he now had one of the best water type justu around the land. At this rate nothing was going to stop him from becoming the power house he plan to be. Ghost looked on as he knew just what was going to happen next. He knew he was going to need more then just water base justu. Ghost was thrill to start on his fire base justu but that was not what he was aiming to do. More or least he wanted to learn other justu. This was going to be one hell of a day. He would look up as the rain stop coming down on his head.

Ghost would smile as he knew the time was coming for him to take off and not many was going to stop him. He knew what he had to do and how he had to do it. Ghost was somebody not going to lose this fight. His team was counting on him to come out and fight. He was going to do just that. Looking up at the sky the sun was now shining down on him yet tears was in his eyes. He was trying his hardest not to cry. Ghost would look up as he held his head and hands up high. This mountain he had to climb would be a hard one. But he will in fact do it. Every thousand miles began with a single step. He would start to breath in a steady pace as he looked on at the clouds moving by. Ghost would smile and nod his head.

Ghost would prepare to do the water justu one more time. He needed to do this just to prove a point to many around the world. Ghost knew he was going up against straight monsters and needed to to be one himself. Because if he was not then he was going to died himself. This was not something he wanted to happen to such a person. Ghost would laugh to himself as he realized this and started to form the signs. Ghost had it in his head just what it took to be what he needed to be and that was a God damn God of ninja. Ghost would think this very thoughtful thought as he released the water trumpet one last time. Ghost was someone who was not to be messed with. He would think this as the water wave just flew through the earth. 

Ghost would smile as he now knows how strong he could be and a new justu made just for him. Well not many a people had this type of justu on their list. He would walk around in circles as he knows now. 


Milestone reached 
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

The strongest Byakugan Of The Cloud  Empty Re: The strongest Byakugan Of The Cloud

Wed Jan 15, 2020 2:05 pm
Now then with the sun out and the rain gone. He would do something else. More like training to have more seals to his knowledge. He wanted to know how to break seals to which she will break certain seals. This was very much needed indeed. Ghost would smile as he sat down he knew a thing or two about the sealing justu. So he was not a stranger to it. Just very new to doing it. He learned of many people who study in this part of town. As in this way of ninjustu. Ghost would smile to himself as he started to close his eyes. He planned on a meditation to know what he was getting himself into. He was about to enter a realm not many there to enter. He wanted to capture the Bijuu all on his own. This is what keeps him going no flex.

Ghost did not wanted to be a sage but more or so sage like. This is one in itself as he looked on with his eyes closed. He would start to see things with his mind eye. A very powerful thing to have indeed. He would look on as he started to do the hand signs this was something he had to do. This was something he needed to do. Ghost wanted to break the seal of many people. But to so that he needed more power. He would smile at this as he started to pump himself up good.

Looking on he knew that the way a seal needed to be broken was indeed. A mind game just like a seal needing to be placed. Ghost had other plans to do this as he would start to do some push ups. He had to get his mind game right. As on the floor there was two seals and he only had two time to try and break them. He was going to try something new. Ghost wanted to release the seals or whatever they was going to be. He would laugh at this but it was the truth. Ghost would look on as he prepared himself to do just that. He would kneel down as he had time to start his chants Ghost wanted to be ready to break the seals. Which would require him to be a full on beast. He knows this now only hard work can.

Help him over come his weaknesses. He needed to be prepared for everything in one in itself. This is what the world was made of. One needed to hide there weaknesses and not let it be shown. He needed to break certain seals and he was planing on doing that. This was going to be epic for him indeed. But he could not let anyone know he could form seals not just yet. This was indeed a certain surprise up his sleeves moment for him to do. Ghost was ready to take on the world if he needed to indeed.

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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

The strongest Byakugan Of The Cloud  Empty Re: The strongest Byakugan Of The Cloud

Thu Jan 23, 2020 12:15 pm
Soon he would start to cast the signs all was well. As he was moving as fast as he could move. Nothing was going to stop him from. Mastering this effect. Ghost would look on as the rain would stop. He would see that the seal imprint started to come about his face. He was happy to see he was improving well among the rest of his squad. Ghost would look on as he released his seal to use the new justu. Aiming at the scroll Ghost would smile as it tried to come undone. He could tell he was now getting ready to learn such an advanced dealing justu. This was all going to plan. He refused to be left behind. Looking on he would start to cast it yet again. As the seal came about the justu was starting to get active yet again to his happiness indeed.

This was a good thing as he could feel the justu working yet again. He looked on as the seal came undone. He would seal as he saw this and it was about time. Ghost knew what he had in store would soon come to light. There was no time to be wasting as he saw this. His eyes would pop out of his head nearly as he looked on. He would be sealing as he stood up and both of the seals were now broken. This was a very good thing for him as he saw this happen to himself. Ghost would start to laugh to himself. As he could feel himself getting stronger. There was no time to Ay around as he saw this. Thinking to himself about all the things that he could do. Thinking to himself how he needed to make more seals and real fast. 

He knows what he was planing on doing would hurt him. Soon enough if he was not ready. Thinking to himself as he looked up to the sky listening to how the wind was blowing right pass him. Ghost would smile and start to walk away from the scrolls as he wanted to go train in a different area then this one. It would be all in good fun but still. Looking at his brother he was falling behind and badly. However he still had hope on his side of everything. He would look on as he balled his fist up. The anger within him he tried as he might. But damn it all it was starting to pour out of him. He needed to do more he needed more time in itself. Yet what was holding him back. He just did not know. His eyes he knew he could train damn to do better hell he better.

He needed more time to prepare and by winning the exams he was sure to go all the way to the top. He knew he would get more respect when the show was starting and nothing was going to stop him ever. 

Claiming mile stone

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