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Dead Girl Walking [P, Solo] Empty Dead Girl Walking [P, Solo]

Sat Nov 30, 2019 5:01 am
Dead Girl Walking [P, Solo] Deadgirlwalking
Dead Girl Walking [P, Solo] Linebreak

All was silent save for the subtle rush of the evening wind, sending clouds of dust and sand alike twirling through the air. The stench of rotting corpse hard largely faded, but when strong southern gusts took to the skies, hints of the odor could be detected by those with keen senses of smell- like her. She had spent her time in the library for most of the day, taking out several tomes, scrolls, and catalogues which had piqued her interest. Amaterasu took in a quiet huff of air, picking up on the old paper smell which had subtly cloaked itself around her room. It was a simple thing with a twin bed, a dresser, and a desk- she, of course, was lounging on the bed in a red tank top, navy blue shorts, and no shoes- just the way she liked it. She rubbed at her eye with her left hand, feeling the toughened and bumpy flesh beneath her fingers before dropping it down to her side. Despite having been scarred several weeks ago, it was still difficult to get used to. She gave a brief glance to the mirror hanging over her dresser, taking in her mismatched eyes with curious detachment. One was a familiar acid yellow. The left, however, was an alien pitch black she was unused to seeing. She bit the inside of her cheek subconsciously, feeling her sharp teeth lightly pierce the soft flesh on the inside of her mouth. After a moment, she let go. It wouldn’t do any good to make herself bleed or something by accident. Even if she now knew the Mystical Palm technique, it seemed like a waste of chakra to heal an injury that petty.

She stretched hugely, pushing aside gray sheets and a white weighted blanket. The latter fell to the floor with an audible slump, but because she saw it, well, the noise didn’t quite startle her. After a few moments, feeling the cool evening air brush against her skin, she cracked her back. It made a satisfying creak- after all, she had been sitting in an odd half reclined position for a few hours now. She curled her toes into the fluffy carpet before walking over to the next room. It was a utilitarian kitchen, one that she had made many modifications to in an attempt to be able to prepare more dishes. A half eaten bowl of curry sat in the fridge- but she wasn’t quite in the mood for that. After a few minutes of loitering, she rifled through the drawers and cabinets before pulling out a bucket of dry white rice. She fumbled around in it, not quite tall enough to see over the edge due to it being on top of the counter, before pulling out a small wooden box. She pulled over the rice cooker from the corner outlet before promptly scooping out as much rice as she could with the box. After a moment’s consideration, she shaved the top off with her finger and dumped it into the machine. She added a bit of water, closed the lid, and let it cook. Meanwhile, she grabbed the curry, took off the plastic wrap she had placed over the glass bowl, and stuck it in the microwave. It wasn’t what she’d call an elegant or fancy meal, but she couldn’t quite find herself to care. Today, after all, was a day she had largely spent indoors in an attempt to polish off some more research into Medical Ninjutsu. It had been somewhat successful, as evidenced by her learning of Mystical Palm, but… Well, there was always more.

After a few moments, she had returned to the bedroom, picking up the scattered objects of interest before spreading them out on a kitchen table, leaving enough room for her food to rest but not quite so much that they were falling off. Amaterasu eyed the titles as she cleaned up marginally, running a burnt and nearly severed hand over the glossy and embossed titles. Antecedents of Modern Medicine. Practical Management of Pain. Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment. They were likely slightly outdated- they had, after all, belonged to a village that had fallen a few years prior, with nobody to update them. Or, well, nobody who cared to. The first book had been a simple textbook on how ancient medical practices before the eruption had differed from more modern techniques- mostly in learnability and chakra application. The second was mostly on anesthesia, as well as the points of pain. It had, she suspected, mostly been for people who worked in hospitals rather than field ninja, but it still made some interesting points that she had decided to attempt to apply for future reference- partially in the context of poisons. There were some interesting notes on paralyzing agents and muscle relaxants she was curious to try out once she obtained the ingredients. The final was simply a textbook on common ailments, diseases, and medicines that would likely become of use at one point or another, but didn’t directly help her learn medical jutsu at the present moment. She leaned her head forward and let out a simple hum before returning to the rice cooker, stirring up the puffy rice, and placing it in a bowl with curry that she had removed from the microwave. It was blistering hot, but the young Meijin wasn’t bothered by hot temperatures nearly as much as other people, so she didn’t really see a reason to wait for it to cool down.

It took a few minutes, but she ended up eating at the counter, deciding not to get the texts dirty. They were the only copies she could find, after all, and it wouldn’t quite be in her best interests to dirty them up. After a few moments of eating in silence, the comfortable spicy burn of her home cooked meal burned down her throat into the pit of her stomach. Inhale. Exhale. She put the bowl in the sink, not quite bothering to wash it off, and let the simple aroma of the spices she had use lift through the air.

Dead Girl Walking [P, Solo] Linebreak
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Dead Girl Walking [P, Solo] Empty Re: Dead Girl Walking [P, Solo]

Sun Dec 01, 2019 12:51 pm
>Finishing this thread at 5k words as intended
>Fuck that bruh

Claiming 5 stats, an exit, and 1,023 words towards
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Dead Girl Walking [P, Solo] Empty Re: Dead Girl Walking [P, Solo]

Mon Dec 09, 2019 4:03 pm
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Dead Girl Walking [P, Solo] Empty Re: Dead Girl Walking [P, Solo]

Mon Dec 09, 2019 9:17 pm
Dead Girl Walking [P, Solo] Approv20
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