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Kazushi Terumi
Kazushi Terumi
Stat Page : Wretched Spawn
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 4700

Fast Food Empty Fast Food

Mon Nov 11, 2019 7:18 am
Fast Food, E-Rank Mission:

The mission came in on the early morning, when the characteristic fog of the archipelago bathed the village in it’s low visibility. Kazushi’s house was a mess, but at least the space in front of the mail slot was free, for there’s where the mission summons came from. The youth woke up to the sound of it clanking, informing him there was a letter, and as he looked outside past his dirty windows, he noticed it was still low light outside; very early in the morning, then. Getting out of bed and into the shower, he let the cold water energize him for the day. Hot water showers were not only a luxury he couldn’t afford, they would leave him flaccid and lazy. Cold water was the only water he needed.

He left to the Mission Board after a quick meal, and once there, was informed of his mission. He’d need to go fetch an order for the Mizukage’s dogs. When he asked why the person that delivered him his message didn’t take care of that in his stead, he was told to do 20 laps around the building, then go fetch the order for the Mizukage’s dogs. Kazushi sweated inside his mask and jacket even in the wee hours of the morning, but that was the price of talking smack to one’s superior officer.

Already on the way to the butcher shop, he read the address and he made way. He didn’t quite know where it was though, considering he was new to the island system, so he made his first stop at the local library to learn the lay of the land. More than the archipelago system, each island had its own set of streets, and no particular logic to it. He caved and asked for help from the librarian, who guided him through the basic structure of the islands and moreover pinpointed the street of the butcher; the only thing the map lacked was the numbering system, so he’d have to figure the number himself. Fine by him.

Jumping high and exerting himself, Kazushi surface walked through the cliffs, valleys and rivers that separates the islands of the archipelago; surface walking wasn’t as easy as he expected it outside of the academy walls, but it wasn’t so hard that he fell from the cliff side or dunked into the agitated river waters. For a country surrounded by storms and whirlpools, the rivers surrounding the islands weren’t so bad, if you didn’t mind the permanent sensation of sinking at the pit of your stomach.

Upon reaching the street, he found the butcher, but what he experienced once he delivered the Ninja Office letter to the butcher was something he wasn’t prepared for: the amount of food for these dogs was astounding. Looking at the amount of meat the butcher was bringing out of refrigeration, it looked like what Kazushi would eat in the span of a couple of months. The butcher was kind enough to prepare him a backpack that would keep not only the amount of meat, but also keep it fresh while he travelled. Sliding the straps of the backpack over his shoulders, Kazushi realized he might not be able to hop skip and jump his way to the office now; instead, he followed the intended lay of the streets to the office, the meat and bones weighing heavily on his shoulders and back.

This was the reason genin were sent on these missions; to realize they were not all that powerful yet, even if he was above the average human, if even that. Kazushi knew first hand how powerful the foes outside the gates could get. Not that the Kirigakure had any gates, just a series of natural disasters that kept outsiders at bay. The young Terumi knew he wouldn’t stay in the coziness of the village forever though; he would have to step outside, to the same outside that stole his parent's life, the same outside that didn’t allow his uncle to return home from the incursion. Even the Mizukage had not returned yet, out there uprooting the enemies of the Hidden Mist one by one, as a dedicated gardener plucks weeds from the rose bush to keep its plants alive. He took a moment to thank the Mizukage’s dedication, and hoped he was faring well. Heck, his Uncle might be with him.

He made it to the kennel where the Mizukage’s beasts were kept, and gave the letter to the guard; he lead him down a corridor with a refrigerating chamber, and Kazushi left the food there. The amounts in there were incredible as well, more than Kazushi could use on his own for a few months. How many dogs did the Mizukage have?

He was given an envelope, and within it, 600 Ryo, all for a morning’s work. Kazushi thanked the kennel guard and went on his way.

TWC: 816
Claiming 500 Ryo reward + 100 Genin Salary
Claiming +1 AP
Claiming 2 Stamina
Claiming 250 words towards Cloak of the Terumi
Claiming 250 words towards Earth Release: Earth Tools
Claiming 316 words towards Temporary Paralysis Technique
Zaled Uchiha
Zaled Uchiha
Stat Page : The Breaker
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 222000

Fast Food Empty Re: Fast Food

Mon Nov 11, 2019 8:28 am
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