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Takeshi Hyuuga
Takeshi Hyuuga
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Takeshi Hyuuga Mission Log Empty Takeshi Hyuuga Mission Log

Wed Oct 23, 2019 3:35 pm

Akihana’s Helpers Mission

Takeshi was up early one morning, looking out into the sunrise and he realized that he hadn’t eaten breakfast yet. Takeshi really didn’t want to leave the beautiful sights, but he desperately needed to eat something if he was going to go in for a mission to accept for that day. Takeshi leaped off of the roof and landed safely on the ground and went into the house. When Takeshi walked into the house, he checked the kitchen to see if he could find anything in there to eat. “Damn. I still need to go shopping.” Takeshi said to himself. Takeshi went into his room and put on his combat and mission gear. He had found a slightly torn black combat vest with the villages symbol etched on the back in the garbage a few days earlier, so he had that on with some black combat shorts on also, also slightly worn and torn. As always, he had his weapon pouch on his left hip. After ensuring that all of his equipment was in the pouch, his kunai, shuriken, paper bombs, and whatnot. He cared for his equipment, sharpened what needed sharpened, cleaned what needed cleaning. Finally, he was out the door. 

Takeshi loved going to the markets and search for food. Sometimes he’d get lucky and people would throw out perfectly good food. Other times, he’d need to find food by other means. Takeshi would never steal anything, but if he did see a small animal like a rabbit or a bird come close to him and no one could see. He would kill the animal and take it home, butcher it, cook and eat it. Takeshi was on his own and with his mother gone, he needed to take care of all of the bills in the household. The missions that Takeshi carried out was barely enough to pay for the house and utilities, food had to be done another way. Takeshi arrived at the market and took a quick look around for any food that had been thrown away. He saw there was none. Takeshi then looked quickly for any small animals. He saw one, a rabbit that was hopping across the market floor. Takeshi slowly approached the animal, followed it around a corner into an alley. He slowly got closer and closer. Just before Takeshi leaped and grabbed the animal. He heard loud footsteps coming down the other side of the alley. The rabbit was spooked and rushed away from their location. Takeshi sad and slightly frustrated quickly looked to see who had ruined his hunt. When he looked up, he saw staff from the palace. 

“Hello.” A staff member had said to Takeshi. “H-Hello?” Takeshi confusedly responded. “Are you a person that is interested in making some money?” The staff member said, pulling out what looked like a contract. “Always, what do you need?” Takeshi, still skeptical but responded sincerely. “We are in need of someone to help pick out these ingredients from the market. Then deliver these ingredients to the palace kitchen safely and without damage.” Takeshi snapped at the chance. “I would absolutely love to do that for you!” Takeshi came closer to the staff member. The man happily handed over the list of ingredients to Takeshi, smiled at him, and walked away. Takeshi could hardly hold in his excitement. He opened up the piece of parchment, and began to read. “These ingredients looks like there are a lot of treats for a lot of people!” Ryuu said to Takeshi. “Sure does. Everything seems to be quite ordinary, I wonder why they need someone like me to do this mission for them.” Takeshi wondered. “Who cares! You get to walk through the market, gather ingredients, and deliver them while getting paid! Ryuu exclaimed. “That’s true. Just interesting.” Takeshi rolled the parchment back up and headed toward the market. 

Upon entering the market, with the knowledge that he was shopping on someone else’s dime, it was like walking into the market for the first time. Takeshi got to stroll through the market, gather ingredients and actually enjoy himself for the first time in a long time. Didn’t have to worry about money or anything. Just grab as many ingredients as the palace of all people needed, and walk away without anyone batting an eye. It was a wonderful feeling, and honestly something that Takeshi needed, it had been so long since he actually enjoyed himself doing something that didn’t involve fighting or training. Just a nice relaxing afternoon in the market. 

Takeshi had walked through the entire market after a little over an hour. He took another look at the list to ensure that everything was checked off the list and in a wagon that he had found busted behind one of the shops. “Little bit of tape can fix darn near anything.” Ryuu said. Takeshi nodded in agreement and continued to look over the list and he saw everything in the cart and saw everything was ready to go. Takeshi grabbed the handles of the wagon and began rolling it over to the palace. As he got closer to the palace, he saw such beautiful scenery and gorgeous architecture. Takeshi had never been to the palace before, but now that he had, he hoped he could visit again very soon. 

“State your business.” A large man with a sword half drawn in its sheath bellowed toward Takeshi. “I am here to deliver your ingredients!” Takeshi responded with a happy go lucky type of tone. The man nodded and the gates behind him opened. As Takeshi walked closer to the doors, he could not control his excitement and awe that this place had struck him with. “This place is absolutely beautiful!” Takeshi exclaimed. Still not believing that he was able to walk into this place, especially looking like a homeless person. Takeshi was brought to the kitchens and was asked about the ingredients. Takeshi showed the chef and his staff the cart with the ingredients. They all looked slightly unnerved by the state of the cart that I had delivered to them. Takeshi just smiled and grabbed his cart and took it out of the kitchens. 

Just before Takeshi reached the doors. The same man that Takeshi had seen in the alley stopped him and held out his hand with Takeshi’s reward. Takeshi smiled, as did the man. The man then said, “How about you go buy yourself some food, let the rabbits live, eh?” The man chuckled, Takeshi couldn’t help but to feel embarrassed, but he laughed and walked out of the palace. Takeshi rolled his cart back into town and headed into the local Ramen shop. Takeshi hadn’t had ramen in a very long time, and this was going to be the best bowl he had ever eaten. All thanks to a little bunny rabbit. 

Word Count: 1201

+1000 Ryo
+6 stat points
+3 AP
+900  words
+301 words

Last edited by Takeshi Hyuuga on Sun Nov 03, 2019 8:35 am; edited 3 times in total
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Takeshi Hyuuga Mission Log Empty Re: Takeshi Hyuuga Mission Log

Wed Oct 23, 2019 6:19 pm
Approved of mission rewards and stats claimed.

Link the techniques you are training please, and also don't forget to show total progress towards them, thanks.

Bump when ready and I will approve of that as well.
Takeshi Hyuuga
Takeshi Hyuuga
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Takeshi Hyuuga Mission Log Empty Re: Takeshi Hyuuga Mission Log

Wed Oct 23, 2019 9:56 pm (1500/1500) (301/2500)

Last edited by Takeshi Hyuuga on Thu Oct 24, 2019 11:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Takeshi Hyuuga Mission Log Empty Re: Takeshi Hyuuga Mission Log

Wed Oct 23, 2019 10:46 pm
You linked the old version of the Palms Rotation, the jutsu has been revamped.

What you are looking for is this one.

Please edit your claim and I will approve.
Takeshi Hyuuga
Takeshi Hyuuga
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Takeshi Hyuuga Mission Log Empty Re: Takeshi Hyuuga Mission Log

Thu Oct 24, 2019 8:21 pm
Royal Emissary Mission

Takeshi was enjoying a wonderful sleep, he was sleeping so hard he didn’t even get woken up by Ryuu, which was rare. Takeshi didn’t really have plans for the day, he was going to go to the Hogokage’s estate and see what kind of missions that were available, Takeshi had been taking a liking to fill his days with as many missions as he could possibly go on. It was actually very therapeutic for him, it got him out of the house and being on a mission with something to do, was actually able to keep his mind off of his past and kept his mind from wandering. Takeshi had been noticing that Ryuu had been much quieter lately. Takeshi was not entirely sure why or where he had been. Ever since his conversation with Ayato. He noticed Ryuu showing up less and less. Was this because his grieving process was beginning to go to the next step and I didn’t need him anymore? Is it this curse mark that Ayato had placed  on him? Takeshi had plenty more questions than he did have answers. 

Takeshi’s life had been taking a whole new turn into an entirely new area, he was sleeping through the night, his night terrors had subsided for the most part. The nightmares of his mother that he was having on a nightly basis were beginning to turn into dreamless nights with occasional nightmare, which Takeshi took that as a giant step forward. Takeshi began to stir in his bed, the sun was coming into his room at the perfect angle that filled his entire room with the golden light coming from the sunrise on the horizon. The sunrise used to remind Takeshi that he was alive, and it would make him depressed. It would remind him that he had to get out of bed, and deal with his mother again. But now, while he still needed to deal with his memories, he knew that he was finally safe. Something he had never been before that night with his mother.

Takeshi started to open his eyes, the sun beaming directly into his face he held his hands up to his face until his eyes could finally see straight. Takeshi rolled out to the side of the bed, placed his feet onto the wood floors that covered the majority of the house. It felt cool against his already cold feet. Takeshi pulled his feet back into bed and threw his covers over him. “Come on, man. Gotta get up and do something with your day.” Takeshi told himself. Takeshi threw his blankets all the way off the bed, to discourage him from picking them up again. Takeshi grunted and groaned and slowly lifted his body out of his bed. He set his feet on the wooden floor one more time, let his body acclimate to the coolness of the floor of the room, and the room itself. Takeshi stood up, stretched his entire body, and headed over to his dresser. 

When he opened the drawers he looked at the collection of his clothes. Takeshi remembered his new teammate, Kuniko, he remembered the beautiful clothes that he had worn when they went on their mission. Takeshi then peered into his drawer again, and felt uncomfortable with the clothes that he owned. The clothes were tattered and torn, most were stained and heavily used before he even owned them. Takeshi looked into the mirror and began thinking, “Do I want to dress like this my entire life? If I want people to look up to me, and think of me as a great ninja. I can’t keep looking like a complete slob all of the time.” Takeshi grabbed his wallet and checked to see how much money he had. "Hmmm… not much" Takeshi understood the situation, but made a mental note that he was going to buy himself a brand new wardrobe, no matter what. He was going to start looking like a new man, so he could begin a new life on the path to greatness.

Takeshi grabbed the best clothes he could find. Grabbed some black combat shorts that he had sewn back together, as well as a gray t shirt that were slightly torn and his black combat vest that was also torn. Takeshi, with this new mindset on appearance, he grabbed some needle and thread, and he began sewing his clothes together. Takeshi got the gray t shirt sewn up, the sleeve was barely hanging on by a fragment of fabric. The back of the shirt had several holes. After Takeshi patched up the shirt, he moved over to the black combat vest. There was a large hole in the left shoulder, and two of the pockets had been damaged and were falling off. Takeshi got the vest back into order, patched all the holes, and secured the pockets back into place. When Takeshi put all of his tools back where they belonged, he took a look at the articles of clothing that he had just repaired. Takeshi smiled and was actually excited to wear his clothes, and he wore them with pride, not with reluctance. 

Takeshi left his room and headed into the kitchen. He opened the fridge, and thanks to the mission that he took on for the palace, gathering their ingredients, and delivering them. Takeshi finally had food in the house for the first time in a while. Takeshi grabbed some eggs, sesame seed seasoning oil, and oyster flavored sauce. Takeshi grabbed a frying pan from the hanging pan rack that hung above the island in his kitchen. He placed the pan on the stove, turned the heat on, and let the pan preheat. He poured some sesame seed oil onto the pan and waited until he smelled the aroma of the oil fill the house. He poured the beaten eggs into the hot oil, and he stirred the eggs around until they formed small curds. Just before the eggs had set, he poured in the oyster sauce, stirred the eggs so the beautiful umami flavored sauce would cover the entirety of the eggs. When the sauced eggs had set completely, Takeshi plated the eggs, and topped them with freshly chopped chives that he had purchased at the market. The smell of the eggs were intoxicating to say the least, the salty yet umami flavors coexisted with such harmony, Takeshi could hardly believe it was so simple to make. Takeshi then continued to eat his breakfast, and readied himself mentally for his day in the field.

When Takeshi finished his breakfast, he went back into his bedroom and grabbed his weapon pouches. As was his usual routine, he grabbed each and every blade that was inside the pouch, inspected them, and sharpened or cleaned them, whichever was necessary. After Takeshi looked through all of his weapons, and was happy with how each of his blades looked and with how sharp each piece was. Takeshi filled his weapons pouch with the blades, strapped the pouch onto his left leg, mid-thigh, and headed toward his front door. Takeshi had his lunch already in his backpack ready to go, so he grabbed his bag and opened his front door. Takeshi reminded himself that he was going to prove his mother wrong and become something of worth. He then gripped his straps on his bag, and walked out the front door. 

Takeshi was heading toward the Hogokage’s estate. He was ready to get himself another mission to go on. Takeshi walked out of the residential area of Hoshigakure, and began walking towards the direction of the Hogokage’s estate. Takeshi past by the ramen shop, the market, and even past by a spot where he could see the palace just over a ridge. He remembered the palace, the beautiful building that Takeshi was fortunate enough to be allowed to walk in. He remembered the tattered clothes he was wearing, Takeshi couldn’t smile and chuckle at just how homeless he looked. Takeshi looked at his clothes, and while they were much better than they were that day, they still looked tattered. “One day, I’ll look like a respectable ninja.” Takeshi thought to himself. Takeshi continued by a clothing store, and looked inside. He saw combat equipment that he wished he could by. It was an all black combat outfit, all made with reinforced seams so it could withstand much more than the secondhand equipment that Takeshi was used to wearing. Takeshi walked into the store and looked through all of the clothes that they had on the racks and shelves. After realizing the clothes were way out side his budget, Takeshi began walking out of the building. “One day. One day indeed.” takeshi continued his way over to the Hogokage’s estate. Finally, he was nearing the estate, where many other ninjas were also  waiting for their turn to receive their missions for the day. Takeshi got into the line and began to look around his position. Takeshi saw ninja of all ranks here. He saw Jounin, Chuunin, and Genin. “We’re all the same in one way, we all have to wait in line.” Takeshi did not particularly care for lines, but he understood why they were necessary. Takeshi neared the front of the line and began to get excited, it was still well before noon and plenty of the day was still ahead of them. 

Takeshi was next in line and he could overhear some of what was being talked about between the ninja who were handing out the missions. Being that people rarely ever talked to Takeshi, but rather mean things about him. Takeshi had gotten really good at overhearing people’s conversations from a rather far distance, and was extremely good at reading lips. “Did you hear about the royals?” Takeshi heard one ninja say to another behind the desk. “Yeah. They were due to be here by late last night. I wonder where they could be.” Takeshi was instantly interested in what it was that they were talking about. Takeshi tried listening more, but he was next in line. Takeshi was just about to be called to the desk, when he left the line. Being as nonchalant as he could so he could continue listening to the ninjas conversation. 

Takeshi knew that he would never be given such a prestigious mission as a Genin by himself, so he would have to take this into his own hands. Takeshi slowly walked by the two having the conversation about the Royals that were due back late the night before. Takeshi heard the destination in which they were headed, and the route they were supposed to take back. The two were talking about going out to find the royals after they were relieved from their post at the missions desk. Takeshi knew this could be a shot to boost his standing with people throughout the village and throughout his clan. Takeshi quickly bolted toward the village gates and took one last chance to inspect all of his equipment as fast as he could. He knew that if they had spent a night on the route they were traveling on, that could very well have been the Royal’s last night on this Earth. “That route is covered with bandits, this could have been bad for them.” Takeshi thought to himself. Takeshi then closed up his weapon’s pouch, tightened his backpack straps, and ran to the route that they were planning on taking. 

Takeshi was running on the path, but noticed nothing out of the usual. Takeshi had been running for a couple hours at this point, clearing a decent amount of land, but still found nothing. If he was a different Hyuuga, he probably could have used his Byakugan. But seeming how he had still no real good idea how to use it, it was going to be his regular tracking skills he had learned while hunting for food outside of the village. The sun was beginning its trek downwards, and Takeshi noticed that it was getting much darker. Takeshi worried about the Royals that were most likely stuck out in bandit country. He was worried about what was happening to them. His mind went to the worst possible situations, this incentivised him to keep going and to keep looking and running as hard as he could. Finally, as he was passing by a small clearing off the road, he noticed wagon tracks that looked as though a wheel had been jammed and it had fallen off of the road. Takeshi suspected this would have been the royal’s cart, going with this presumption, Takeshi ran after the tracks and hoped to find a source. 

Takeshi followed the tracks until he came across the wagon that had made them and another wagon that seemed to have followed them, based on the insignia on the sides of the broken wagon, he was sure that it belonged to the royals, it was a beautiful made wagon of some of the finest woods and Takeshi stared at it for a second to admire its beauty. Then Takeshi began looking around for any clues as to where the riders of the wagon may have gone. Takeshi created a clone of himself and had the clone transform into a bedroll that was identical to one that was on the unbroken wagon, which he suspected to belong to some bandits. Takeshi had the clone stay there and wait for the time to strike. Takeshi looked and looked, he didn’t see anything, but he did hear something. Takeshi ran into the woods that surrounded the area and tried to find where the sounds he was hearing were coming from. They sounded like those of two or more people walking across the forest floor, trying their best to be quiet, no matter how poorly they were doing. 

Takeshi found the source of the noise, it seemed to be a married couple, trying to sneak off into the woods. When Takeshi announced his presence to the people, they immediately look at Takeshi with fear and terror. Takeshi did his best to smile at them and let them know that he was of no threat. He showed the two his forehead protector with Hoshigakure emblem etched into the metal, this put the two at ease and they explained the situation. The two were running away from another group on a wagon, when they lost control of the wagon and ended up in the woods. They tried their best to run away and make sure the other group didn’t catch them. They said they seemed to be just bandits, but they were not sure as to where they were now. 

Takeshi put them both at ease and told them to try and stay put in the edge of the forest directly next to the wagon. This way Takeshi could try and fix the wagon’s damages, but if the bandits find him, then he can distract them while they run off toward Hoshi. The two reluctantly nodded their heads and followed Takeshi back toward the wagon, using the forest as their cover. Takeshi showed them how to walk properly in the woods as to not draw attention upon themselves, with the little practice they had they were doing quite well. They reached the wagon and just before Takeshi was going to exit the woods, he noticed someone leaning on the wagon. He looked as though he was the lookout for a greater operation. Turns out there were two other bandits searching the wagon, trying to find any valuables. Takeshi plotted out his plan of attack, asked the couple for some of the jewelry they had on. They handed takeshi a necklace, a couple bracelets, and earrings. Takeshi grabbed them, and told the two they were most likely not going to be getting these back. With their approval, he began approaching the three by the wagon. 

Takeshi took off his forehead protector and walked directly up to the lookout for the bandits. “Hey. You guys looking for the royals that were in this wagon?” The two exited the wagon and joined the lookout. “Yeah, what are you doing here?” Takeshi faced the one speaking, he looked as though he was the ringleader of the group. “I was doing the same thing. I already searched that wagon, they didn’t have anything in it. But I was able to rob them of all their jewelry, want some?” The bandits grinned and walked toward Takeshi. Takeshi handed them the jewelry that the two have given him. With their loot in hand, the bandits took off after thanking Takeshi. 

Takeshi smiled, and just as the bandits got into their wagon and began to ride off, Takeshi’s clone transformed back into his regular self and with the element of surprise, killed one of the bandits. Takeshi ran up behind the wagon, grabbed two of his knives. Threw one directly for the driver’s head, killing him instantly. The third bandit hopped out of the wagon, destroyed the clone, and began running toward Takeshi. Takeshi then got into a fighting stance, waited until the bandit got close enough, and performed the Eight Trigrams: Palm bottom. The bandit was stopped in his tracks as the blow hadn’t killed him, but did stun him. Takeshi quickly swung his other knife across the neck of the bandit, which caused the bandit to fall to his knees, and bleed out. Takeshi then went back to the couple, gave them their jewelry back, and began fixing the wagon. While the wagon was certainly damaged, it was nothing that he couldn’t fix. After Takeshi fixed the wagon, the royals got back onto the wagon. Takeshi fetched the horses that had run off, attached them back to the wagon and gave the couple an escort all the way back to the village. 

Upon arriving, the very same two that were talking about the royals while Takeshi was waiting for a mission greeted them at the gates. They were both surprised that this little Genin had finished the job they were just about to go and do. Takeshi was thanked for his job well done and given the reward for the mission. Takeshi bid the royals a great day and headed home, but not before grabbing that black combat outfit from the clothing store and buying it with his reward money. Takeshi went into the shop, grabbed the outfit, placed the proper payment on the counter, thanked the shopkeep, and walked to his home. When he put on the outfit and looked at himself in the mirror. He saw a man that Takeshi actually wanted to be, he saw a ninja that could be respected. “I will, from now on be presentable at all costs.” Takeshi knew that his father would have wanted his son to look presentable, and to do the right thing, no matter the cost. With this in mind, he knew that that was exactly what he was going to do.

Total word count: 3203

Adding 8 stat points
Adding 1500 to Eight Trigrams: 128 palms (learned)
Adding 1500 to Eight Trigrams: Vacuum Palm (learned)
Adding 3 to Eight Trigrams: Palms Revolving Heaven (304/2500)
      First 301 is above in this thread under the "Akihana's Helpers" mission.
Adding 2000 Ryo
Adding 5 AP

Last edited by Takeshi Hyuuga on Sun Nov 03, 2019 1:40 am; edited 2 times in total
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Takeshi Hyuuga Mission Log Empty Re: Takeshi Hyuuga Mission Log

Fri Oct 25, 2019 12:57 am
Takeshi Hyuuga
Takeshi Hyuuga
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 4350

Takeshi Hyuuga Mission Log Empty Re: Takeshi Hyuuga Mission Log

Mon Oct 28, 2019 2:10 am
Takeshi didn’t really have plans for the day, he was going to go to the Hogokage’s estate and see what kind of missions that were available, Takeshi had been taking a liking to fill his days with as many missions as he could possibly go on. It was actually very therapeutic for him, it got him out of the house and being on a mission with something to do, was actually able to keep his mind off of his past and kept his mind from wandering. Takeshi had been noticing that Ryuu had been much quieter lately. Takeshi was not entirely sure why or where he had been. Ever since his conversation with Ayato. He noticed Ryuu showing up less and less. Was this because his grieving process was beginning to go to the next step and I didn’t need him anymore? Is it this curse mark that Ayato had placed on him? Takeshi had plenty more questions than he did have answers.

Takeshi’s life had been taking a whole new turn into an entirely new area, he was sleeping through the night, his night terrors had subsided for the most part. The nightmares of his mother that he was having on a nightly basis were beginning to turn into dreamless nights with occasional nightmare, which Takeshi took that as a giant step forward. Takeshi began to stir in his bed, the sun was coming into his room at the perfect angle that filled his entire room with the golden light coming from the sunrise on the horizon. The sunrise used to remind Takeshi that he was alive, and it would make him depressed. It would remind him that he had to get out of bed, and deal with his mother again. But now, while he still needed to deal with his memories, he knew that he was finally safe. Something he had never been before that night with his mother.

Takeshi started to open his eyes, the sun beaming directly into his face he held his hands up to his face until his eyes could finally see straight. Takeshi rolled out to the side of the bed, placed his feet onto the wood floors that covered the majority of the house. It felt cool against his already cold feet. Takeshi pulled his feet back into bed and threw his covers over him. “Come on, man. Gotta get up and do something with your day.” Takeshi told himself. Takeshi threw his blankets all the way off the bed, to discourage him from picking them up again. Takeshi grunted and groaned and slowly lifted his body out of his bed.Takeshi threw his blankets all the way off the bed, to discourage him from picking them up again. Takeshi grunted and groaned and slowly lifted his body out of his bed. He set his feet on the wooden floor one more time, let his body acclimate to the coolness of the floor of the room, and the room itself. Takeshi stood up, stretched his entire body, and headed over to his dresser.

Takeshi looked into his dresser and found the clothes that was going to wear for that day. Takeshi took his clothes out of the dresser and laid them all out onto his bed. Takeshi inspected his clothing, ensuring that there were no holes, flaws, or weak spots. Once he was finished ensuring of this, Takeshi ironed all of his clothing and made sure each corner was square, and everything was tidy. Once he finished with his clothing, Takeshi moved on to his weaponry. While Takeshi had in fact overlooked his weaponry every single night, Takeshi strongly believed that you could never look at your weapons enough, you can only look at them just enough or not enough. Takeshi also loved the feeling of the weapons in his hands, he always felt so comfortable with them. Takeshi continued to sharpen them until they were at an absolute razor’s edge. Takeshi grabbed all of his weaponry off of the top of the dresser and began to place them in their rightful spots in his weapon’s pouch. Takeshi ensured they were all secure in the pouch, and began to put his combat gear on. Takeshi started with combat shorts. These shorts are black shorts with plenty of pockets. Takeshi put these shorts on, then he would continue with his weapon’s pouch. Takeshi wold wrap his left leg with a black and gray wrap, so to prevent the rubbing of the pouch against his thigh. Once Takeshi had his weapons pouch secured and ready for battle. Takeshi moved on to his shirt and combat vest. The shirt that he chose was a dark gray colored shirt that had no insignia on it. Takeshi put on his all black combat vest and made sure everything was on tight and functional. Takeshi grabbed his backpack and looked at himself in the mirror. But just before he headed out of his bedroom, he grabbed his one last thing. He grabbed his headband protector and tied it tight against his forehead. Now he was ready to get going for the day.

When Takeshi cooked rice, he always used the cheapest rice, because that’s what he could afford. But by the time the dish is done, the flavor is so outrageously amazing, you can’t really tell. Takeshi grabs the rice and measures it out to have the correct amount of rice. He pours the rice into a sieve. Which he uses to rinse the rice until the water that runs through the heap of rice comes out clear after going through the rice. Once the rice is washed, Takeshi pours the rice from the sieve into a bowl and sets it aside. Once the rice is washed and set aside, he then grabs a pot to make the rice in. Takeshi measures out the correct amount of water for the amount of rice that is intended to be cooked. Takeshi puts the water in the pot and sets the pot on the stove and turns the stove onto a high heat. Takeshi sprinkles a small amount of salt into the water that he plans on throwing the rice into to cook. Takeshi waits for this water in the pot for the rice to begin to boil. Once the water begins to boil he pours the rice into the boiling water and allows it to cook for only a few minutes on a medium to high heat. Then Takeshi covers the pot with the lid and turns the heat down to low heat and allows it to cook for around twenty minutes. While this is happening, Takeshi uses the time to meditate and to think about his training and see what areas he still needed work in and needed to figure out what exactly he was going to do to become a much better ninja than his peers, and really how to become the best ninja that he could be. When the rice finishes cooking, Takeshi goes to the stove and he inspects the rice through the glass on the lid for the pot. Takeshi, removes the lid and he takes a small amount of the rice, ensuring that it is cooked to perfection, once it is deemed done, Takeshi sprinkles a small amount of salt and pepper on top of the rice, stirs it in and fluffs the rice at the same time, then it is ready to serve. Now with the rice done, Takeshi can begin making his Tamago Kake Gohan. Takeshi grabs an egg from his basket that hangs next to the stove, eggs are a pretty common food eaten in Takeshi’s household. Takeshi makes a well inside the mound of rice that he has set in the bowl, cracks the egg directly into a bowl and mixes in the mirin and shoyu (also known as soy sauce). Takeshi mixes all of that together and, when it is all whipped together, he pours the mixture into the well that he had made in the rice earlier. After poured in, Takeshi mixes it all together and allows to sit for five to ten minutes. This allows the mixture to thicken and create what is known as Tomago Kake Gohan. After this point, Takeshi will often top the Tomago Kake Gohan with fish or Furikake or something of the sort and chow down. On days that it is especially cold in the village, Takeshi will also make a nice and hot batch of Miso soup to go with his Tomago Kake Gohan. Once finished with the cooking and eating his breakfast, Takeshi takes his dishes over to the sink and begins to clean the kitchen after cooking the dish. Luckily, this dish really only uses a few utensils and cooking pieces, so the cleaning the dishes process really doesn’t take very long.

Takeshi was now finished with his daily morning routine and it was time for him to head toward the Hogokage estate, so he could find a mission to accept. Takeshi grabbed his backpack, went through everything one last time to make sure he wasn’t forgetting anything. Just before he walked out the door, he stopped by the sign that hung next to the front door. After staring at it for a few seconds, he read it out loud, “Prove her wrong.” Takeshi always reminded himself that no matter what his mother may have done to him, she was just another one of those people that Takeshi was going to prove wrong before too long. Takeshi was already stronger than he was, he was already stronger than some of the ninjas that he knew. Now he just needed to prove it to everyone that he was something of worth, he was a respectable ninja, just like they were.

Takeshi was walking through the town to get to the Hogokage estate, when he past through a piece of the residential area that housed both shinobi and civilian. Takeshi could always feel the tension between the two types of people. Being treated like a monster his entire life, he couldn’t care less about such things. To Takeshi, everyone was worth life and everyone could use that life to live it however they saw fit, that was not something that was important to Takeshi. Takeshi was walking by a house when he heard the yelling of a married couple at their daughter. The daughter seemed to be a younger age, but certainly older than Takeshi. His guess was that she was around 23. She ran out of the house, sobbing hysterically with a small bag that she was carrying on her shoulder. The woman accidentally ran into Takeshi, which caused her to drop her bag and Takeshi saw that the bag had spilled and a ton of her own personal items were spread out. Takeshi quickly grabbed her things and helped her put it back in her bag. She looked at Takeshi, and through the tears apologized for knocking into him. Takeshi smiled at her and reassured her that he was okay and there was no harm done. Takeshi then, feeling sorry for the woman, gently asked, “I can see not everything is okay. Is there anything I can do for you?” The woman looked directly at Takeshi’s forehead. “You’re one of them?” She asked, knowing the answer to her own question. “Yes. I am a ninja.” Takeshi began to blush, not wanting to hear how evil he was for being a ninja. “There actually is something I need your help with.” The woman said quietly, so no one else could hear her. “I need you to take me to the outskirts of town.” Takeshi looked confused and was about to ask her why. But before he was able to ask. A man who looked like the woman’s father came out of his house screaming obscenities and threatening to kill both the woman and Takeshi, realizing that Takeshi was now involved, he grabbed the woman’s arm and they hurried out of there. Takeshi picked the woman up, supporting her whole body. “Stay as still as you can, we are about to move really fast.” Takeshi then used the Body Flicker technique to get out of the area, and move at such a speed so the father could not track them. When Takeshi felt that they were far enough away from the house and in a more secluded area in the village. Takeshi set the woman down and asked what was going on. “As you can probably tell, I am no ninja,” the woman started “but I have never understood the hatred that there has been between the ninja and the non ninja. So for years I went to the ninja academy selling baked goods and offered my services in sharpening blades and things like that. When one day, I met a man coming out of the Academy, he was a shinobi and we fell in love at first sight. This was almost two years ago, and we have been dating in secret ever since. Finally, we have decided that we want to make it official and get married. But the problem is-” Takeshi activated his Byakugan as the woman was speaking to ensure that they weren’t being followed. Just as Takeshi had worried about, they were. Two men were coming their way. The two men did not have any headbands that he could tell so Takeshi assumed they were civilians. Takeshi’s Chakra Sensory did not sense any chakra on the two individuals.

Takeshi grabbed the woman’s arm and quietly took her away from the location, she continued the story as they escaped. “As I was saying, the problem is our families would never let it happen. As you can tell my family is already trying to find a way to kill my soon to be husband.” Takeshi thought for a minute as they continued toward the edge of town. “Wait.” Takeshi finally spoke. “Even if your parents and his parents approved of the marriage. I highly doubt there are any men of the cloth that would actually make this union official.” Takeshi frowned as he said this. He hated the situation, but he was trying to be the realist of the situation. The woman smiled a huge smile and happily stated, “We were able to find one! He won’t do it in public, obviously, but he did say that if we could meet him just outside of the town wall. He would perform an extremely fast service to decrease the likelihood of anyone catching them, and turn in the paperwork to finalize it immediately afterwards. That’s why I needed someone like you to help me. I need someone to protect my fiance, myself and the priest while the ceremony takes place and the priest on his way to finalize it, just in case someone finds out and tries to take out the priest to keep this from happening.” Takeshi was stunned at just how crazy the situation was. Takeshi looked at the woman and he gave her a confident look. “Let’s get you married.” Takeshi smiled and they continued to walk toward the village gates.

Takeshi and the woman continued to walk toward the village gates, but as they continued to get closer, Takeshi could hear people yelling and arguing. Takeshi could also hear a man being beaten. Takeshi activated his Byakugan to see where the source was coming from. Takeshi saw that on just the other side of the buildings where the woman and Takeshi stood, a man was being beaten by what looked like a couple civilians. Takeshi was sure that this ninja was most likely the ninja that was soon to be betrothed to the woman next to him. Takeshi told the woman to stay where they were, which was within 15 meters from where the man was being beaten. Takeshi then created two clones of himself, just as a facade to protect the woman while Takeshi was taking care of the man being beaten. Takeshi ran around the corner and used the body flicker technique to get behind the three civilians. Takeshi stopped one of the men’s arms from hitting the man, once the civilian turned and threw a punch toward Takeshi, he dodged it and threw a knee directly into the man’s stomach. As the first man dropped to the ground, the other two men turned to face Takeshi, ready to fight him. Takeshi smirked and readied himself for a quick fight. Takeshi dodged the strike thrown by the man on his right, and when the man who just missed was on unbalanced on his front foot. Takeshi threw a hard kick directly into the heavy knee, breaking it and incapacitating the man. The third man, who practically stood there and watched it happen, ran off without saying a word. Takeshi grabbed the ninja and asked him his name. The man responded with, “I’m Sukasi, I am supposed to meet a woman in the outskirts of town, but in this position, I don’t think I can walk there.” Takeshi had his clones escort the woman to their location. With tears in her eyes, she ran to him and gave him a hug. They both cried together for a moment over the man’s injuries. Takeshi interrupted the two and told them they needed to get moving, more people were most likely on their way. Takeshi grabbed Sukasi and wrapped his arm over his shoulders helping the man walk as they were getting close to the village gates. Takeshi was sure that there were going to be a lot more people in the way of the gates, he was worried that there was going to be a fight. Takeshi thought for a few moments and tried to think how he was going to keep these two safe, while also getting the other people out of the way. Takeshi continued to go as fast as they could, with his Byakguan activated so he could also be searching the area while hobbling with Sukasi.

Takeshi and the couple got close enough to see the village gates, where Takeshi saw more men that were standing there waiting for them. Takeshi thought about how he was going to handle th situation with no casualties, and keeping these two lovers safe. Takeshi thought and thought, and just before they got to where the people standing by the gate waiting for them could see them. Takeshi had the woman help Sukasi walk forward, knowing that she would most likely go slower than how fast they were going with Takeshi helping. This would at least keep them moving while Takeshi dealt with the men at the gates. Takeshi ran directly toward the men, he counted only two in total. Takeshi used hiding like a mole technique and made his way toward the two men under the ground. Takeshi remembered the time he was in the training grounds and that combo that he had thought of with the dummy. Takeshi was directly underneath one of the men. Takeshi readied himself and “Leaf Rising Wind!” Takeshi yelled as he sprung up out of the ground with a kick directly to the first man, sending him into the air. While the first man was in the air, Takeshi used the Body Flicker technique to quickly get in front of the second man. Putting a knee directly to his chin, knocking him out cold. Takeshi then used the Body flicker technique again to grab the man out of the air before he was hurt severely, and set him on the ground, also out cold. Takeshi then called out to the couple, they were just coming around the corner. Takeshi was thankful that they hadn’t been hurt while he was dealing with the two guards. Takeshi ran back to the couple and grabbed Sukasi’s arm and quickly helped him hobble through the gates and they began to quickly look for the priest who had agreed to perform the marriage for the two lovers. Takeshi used his Byakugan and was frantically looking for the man. Luck would have it that he was only 50 meters away, behind a large pine tree.

Takeshi picked up Sukasi and used the body flicker technique to get him to the priest quickly. Once he had dropped off Sukasi, rushed back to the woman to do the same with her. It was here that Takeshi knew he made a mistake. There was a ninja, who had the woman on her knees in front of him. Takeshi knew that if given the chance, that woman would be dead. Takeshi used his chakra sensory skill to see how strong this ninja’s chakra was. He could barely sense the chakra and the man was very close to him. So Takeshi knew that he was still very new in his journey as a shinobi. So Takeshi looked menacingly at the ninja and used the body flicker technique, just as the ninja’s kunai knife began to hurl toward the woman’s throat. Takeshi had blocked the knife with his own, and just before the ninja was able to react to Takeshi’s block, he headbutted the ninja directly in the nose, incapacitating him and leaving him needing medical attention. “You are a disgrace to our kind. You bastard.” Takeshi said to the ninja who was now on the floor covered in blood. Takeshi then grabbed the woman’s arm and picked her up. Takeshi checked to make sure if she was hurt, then picked her up and carried her to the priest where her soon to be husband was waiting.

The priest began the expedited ceremony while Takeshi waited with his Byakguan activated and he was waiting for anymore intruders to come in and attack the couple or even the priest. Takeshi was happy to say that he did not come across a single intruder during the ceremony. The two are now married and they were happy, now the next objective was to get the priest back into the village so he could finalize the marriage and make it truly official. Takeshi kept his distance from the priest, hoping to just not draw any attention. As luck would have it, no one dared to mess with the priest all the way back to his destination. Takeshi still waited with his Byakugan activated just to see if anyone was going to attack the priest while he finalized it. Takeshi then asked the Priest how it was going. He told Takeshi that it was done and they were officially married. Takeshi smiled, shook the Priest’s hand and walked away. Takeshi found the woman and the man, still over by the pine tree just outside of town. The woman was tending to the man’s wounds and the both of them looked as if they were glowing with happiness. Takeshi walked up to them and happily he told them that the papers were filed and the two were officially married, so if their families didn’t like it, they could go kick rocks because there was nothing they could do about it now. The couple cried happy tears and hugged each other, then Sakusi tried to stand, but he couldn’t. Takeshi knelt over to him, shook his hand, and congratulated him on the marriage. He did the same for the woman, then Takeshi began to walk back into town.

When Takeshi got home he walked into his bedroom, and he began his nightly routine after his nightly dinner. Takeshi took off his combat clothes and he put them in their designated spots for when they are dirty. Takeshi then grabbed his weapon pouch off his left thigh and set it on the top of the dresser. He began pulling all of the tools from the pouch and set them nicely on top of the dresser. This allowed Takeshi to look at every single piece of his loadout to see any damage or wear that he could notice and fix or replace. Takeshi found this very important to do every night. Takeshi had hoped that if he took that much extensive care of his equipment, when it came time to be in actual battle, his weapons would hold up and help him carry through any conflict. This is something that he was sure that respectable ninja would do with his own equipment. Takeshi felt good with how great all of his weaponry looked and felt. Takeshi checked his entire arsenal for sharpness and for strength. If Takeshi ever found a blade that was blunt or broken, Takeshi would always make sure to fix the problem and have them fixed or replaced immediately. Takeshi finished checking through his arsenal, saw that his equipment was in good repair and he continued to his next phase of his bedtime routine. Takeshi grabbed his combat vest and hung it back up in the closet. Takeshi inspected his combat to see if there were any flaws in the vest, just like with his blades, if he ever saw a weakness in his clothes, he now tried to sew them up immediately. He noticed that this increased the life of the clothing, not to mention the functionality. Takeshi finally finished putting all of his clothes away and inspecting them all. Takeshi went into his bathroom and hopped into the shower. Takeshi waited for the water to heat up and steam. Takeshi much preferred hot showers, it helped him with his sore body after a long and hard day of training. Takeshi got into the shower, and he felt the hot water sting his skin and after a few minutes, he could feel his muscles finally relax. Takeshi always had the same routine when he washed his body. He felt that when you have a routine in the shower, your total amount of time in the shower will ultimately decrease and you will be more efficient and don’t waste as much water. Takeshi finished up in the shower, he grabbed his towel and began drying off. Takeshi finished drying off his body and he got on his pajamas. Takeshi wore boxer-briefs and that was it when it was time for him to go to bed. Takeshi then brushed his teeth, he made sure to brush his teeth because he felt that tooth pain was the worst kind of pain. Takeshi finally finished his bedtime routine, Takeshi then crawled into his bed, pulled his covers over his body and curled himself up to generate body heat a little faster. Takeshi’s vision began to blur and he fell asleep.

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Mission Details:
Takeshi Hyuuga
Takeshi Hyuuga
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Takeshi Hyuuga Mission Log Empty Re: Takeshi Hyuuga Mission Log

Mon Oct 28, 2019 11:10 am

Takeshi wanted nothing more than to accomplish another mission, so today Takeshi’s plan is to go to the Hogokage’s estate and see what kind of missions that were available. Takeshi had been taking a liking to fill his days with as many missions as he could possibly go on. It was actually very therapeutic for him, it got him out of the house and being on a mission with something to do, was actually able to keep his mind off of his past and kept his mind from wandering.

Takeshi’s life had been taking a whole new turn into an entirely new area, he was sleeping through the night, his night terrors had subsided for the most part. The nightmares of his mother that he was having on a nightly basis were beginning to turn into dreamless nights with occasional nightmare, which Takeshi took that as a giant step forward. Takeshi began to stir in his bed, the sun was coming into his room at the perfect angle that filled his entire room with the golden light coming from the sunrise on the horizon. The sunrise used to remind Takeshi that he was alive, and it would make him depressed. It would remind him that he had to get out of bed, and deal with his mother again. But now, while he still needed to deal with his memories, he knew that he was finally safe. Something he had never been before that night with his mother.

Takeshi started to open his eyes, the sun beaming directly into his face he held his hands up to his face until his eyes could finally see straight. Takeshi rolled out to the side of the bed, placed his feet onto the wood floors that covered the majority of the house. It felt cool against his already cold feet. Takeshi pulled his feet back into bed and threw his covers over him. “Come on, man. Gotta get up and do something with your day.” Takeshi told himself. Takeshi threw his blankets all the way off the bed, to discourage him from picking them up again. Takeshi grunted and groaned and slowly lifted his body out of his bed.Takeshi threw his blankets all the way off the bed, to discourage him from picking them up again. Takeshi grunted and groaned and slowly lifted his body out of his bed. He set his feet on the wooden floor one more time, let his body acclimate to the coolness of the floor of the room, and the room itself. Takeshi stood up, stretched his entire body, and headed over to his dresser.

Takeshi looked into his dresser and found the clothes that was going to wear for that day. Takeshi took his clothes out of the dresser and laid them all out onto his bed. Takeshi inspected his clothing, ensuring that there were no holes, flaws, or weak spots. Once he was finished ensuring of this, Takeshi ironed all of his clothing and made sure each corner was square, and everything was tidy. Once he finished with his clothing, Takeshi moved on to his weaponry. While Takeshi had in fact overlooked his weaponry every single night, Takeshi strongly believed that you could never look at your weapons enough, you can only look at them just enough or not enough. Takeshi also loved the feeling of the weapons in his hands, he always felt so comfortable with them. Takeshi continued to sharpen them until they were at an absolute razor’s edge. Takeshi grabbed all of his weaponry off of the top of the dresser and began to place them in their rightful spots in his weapon’s pouch. Takeshi ensured they were all secure in the pouch, and began to put his combat gear on. Takeshi started with combat shorts. These shorts are black shorts with plenty of pockets. Takeshi put these shorts on, then he would continue with his weapon’s pouch. Takeshi wold wrap his left leg with a black and gray wrap, so to prevent the rubbing of the pouch against his thigh. Once Takeshi had his weapons pouch secured and ready for battle. Takeshi moved on to his shirt and combat vest. The shirt that he chose was a dark gray colored shirt that had no insignia on it. Takeshi put on his all black combat vest and made sure everything was on tight and functional. Takeshi grabbed his backpack and looked at himself in the mirror. But just before he headed out of his bedroom, he grabbed his one last thing. He grabbed his headband protector and tied it tight against his forehead. Now he was ready to get going for the day. Takeshi went into his kitchen and he was going to make his daily breakfast. Tomago Kake Gohan.

When Takeshi cooked rice, he always used the cheapest rice, because that’s what he could afford. But by the time the dish is done, the flavor is so outrageously amazing, you can’t really tell. Takeshi grabs the rice and measures it out to have the correct amount of rice. He pours the rice into a sieve. Which he uses to rinse the rice until the water that runs through the heap of rice comes out clear after going through the rice. Once the rice is washed, Takeshi pours the rice from the sieve into a bowl and sets it aside. Once the rice is washed and set aside, he then grabs a pot to make the rice in. Takeshi measures out the correct amount of water for the amount of rice that is intended to be cooked. Takeshi puts the water in the pot and sets the pot on the stove and turns the stove onto a high heat. Takeshi sprinkles a small amount of salt into the water that he plans on throwing the rice into to cook. Takeshi waits for this water in the pot for the rice to begin to boil. Once the water begins to boil he pours the rice into the boiling water and allows it to cook for only a few minutes on a medium to high heat. Then Takeshi covers the pot with the lid and turns the heat down to low heat and allows it to cook for around twenty minutes. While this is happening, Takeshi uses the time to meditate and to think about his training and see what areas he still needed work in and needed to figure out what exactly he was going to do to become a much better ninja than his peers, and really how to become the best ninja that he could be. When the rice finishes cooking, Takeshi goes to the stove and he inspects the rice through the glass on the lid for the pot. Takeshi, removes the lid and he takes a small amount of the rice, ensuring that it is cooked to perfection, once it is deemed done, Takeshi sprinkles a small amount of salt and pepper on top of the rice, stirs it in and fluffs the rice at the same time, then it is ready to serve. Now with the rice done, Takeshi can begin making his Tamago Kake Gohan. Takeshi grabs an egg from his basket that hangs next to the stove, eggs are a pretty common food eaten in Takeshi’s household. Takeshi makes a well inside the mound of rice that he has set in the bowl, cracks the egg directly into a bowl and mixes in the mirin and shoyu (also known as soy sauce). Takeshi mixes all of that together and, when it is all whipped together, he pours the mixture into the well that he had made in the rice earlier. After poured in, Takeshi mixes it all together and allows to sit for five to ten minutes. This allows the mixture to thicken and create what is known as Tomago Kake Gohan. After this point, Takeshi will often top the Tomago Kake Gohan with fish or Furikake or something of the sort and chow down. On days that it is especially cold in the village, Takeshi will also make a nice and hot batch of Miso soup to go with his Tomago Kake Gohan. Once finished with the cooking and eating his breakfast, Takeshi takes his dishes over to the sink and begins to clean the kitchen after cooking the dish. Luckily, this dish really only uses a few utensils and cooking pieces, so the cleaning the dishes process really doesn’t take very long.

Takeshi was now finished with his daily morning routine and it was time for him to hit the training grounds for some actual training. Takeshi grabbed his backpack, went through everything one last time to make sure he wasn’t forgetting anything. Just before he walked out the door, he stopped by the sign that hung next to the front door. After staring at it for a few seconds, he read it out loud, “Prove her wrong.” Takeshi always reminded himself that no matter what his mother may have done to him, she was just another one of those people that Takeshi was going to prove wrong before too long. Takeshi was already stronger than he was, he was already stronger than some of the ninjas that he knew. Now he just needed to prove it to everyone that he was something of worth, he was a respectable ninja, just like they were.

Takeshi arrived at the Hogokage’s estate and took a long look at the mission boards. Takeshi saw one notice that was a protection/escort detail. Takeshi was excited because after his mission with the couple trying to get married, Takeshi had found a new liking. This liking was all things protection. Takeshi loved the feeling of protecting someone from a foe that they, by themselves, could not take on their own. So when these people reached out their hands for help, Takeshi loved the feeling of his hand, being the one that grabs theirs and pulls them through whatever they need to be helped through.

Takeshi asked the ninja at the counter overlooking the giving out of missions. Takeshi asked the ninja where this man that needed an escort out of the country was. Takeshi was given a location, so he headed on his way. Takeshi had hear a lot about the man he was about to escort, he had been getting into a lot of controversy with his opinion on Shinobi, he felt them to be much closer to equal than that of the general consensus had been thus far throughout the rest of the village. While more accepted than they first were, Shinobi in Hoshigakure were still treated as though the were abominations in their world. So most of the time the shinobi kept quiet and didn’t make too many waves, the last thing anyone needed was a war within the village of Hoshi between the regular civilians and the shinobi of Hoshigakure.

Takeshi had neared his subject’s location and he already heard people yelling the man’s name. “Daikil get out here now!” The mob was screaming and acting uncontrollably. Takeshi knew that if he was seen going anywhere near the man, he was surely going to be answering for it very soon and for a very long time. So Takeshi ran up the walls a block over from Daikil’s house. Takeshi used the rooftops to block anyone from seeing him. Takeshi walked down the back wall of the house and climbed into the house through an open door. “Daikil?” Takeshi whispered. “Hello?” Takeshi whispered again. Takeshi activated his Byakugan to try and find him. Just as he was activating his Byakugan, Takeshi noticed a broom coming straight for his face. Takeshi lunged backwards and rolled backwards onto his feet, drawing his kunai knife. Takeshi saw who the broom wielding assailant was. Takeshi smiled when he saw who it was. “Daikil. I am so happy it’s you and that you are okay.” Daikil seemed puzzled and he was still pointing the broom directly at Takeshi. Takeshi then grinned at the man and put his kunai knife back into his pouch. Takeshi slowly raised his hands as to show that the was unarmed and that he was not a threat. “Hello, Daikil. I am here on a mission to bring you out of the country, as you requested.” Takeshi slowly dropped his hands and held one out to shake Daikil’s. Daikil slowly dropped the broom and shook Takeshi’s hand. Daikil seemed to have been crying, most likely out of fear of the mob. Takeshi told Daikil to pack everything that he could take with him in as little amount as possible.

Daikil did just that and he began to pack. Takeshi, with his Byakugan activated, was keeping a tab on the mob outside of his house. The people in the mob were still yelling for Daikil to go outside. Now Takeshi needed to think about how they were going to escape the building without that mob noticing. Takeshi thought about this while Daikil packed. When he had finished Takeshi had a few ideas, but was still not entirely sure as to which option he was going to choose. Daikil walked up to Takeshi and told him that he was ready to go. Takeshi, still trying to decide the best plan of escape from here, heard a loud noise coming from the bottom floor of Daikil’s house. The angry mob outside had just busted down his front door and were now storming the stairs trying to find Daikil. Due to their anger and the tools they had in their hand, it didn’t look like they were there to just talk. They looked as if they were actually there to kill Daikil, probably to keep his religious ideas from spreading throughout any more of Hoshi than they already had. Takeshi grabbed Daikil and they both jumped out the window. Takeshi had hopped out the window and used his Chakra to walk down the wall, while holding Daikil. Takeshi and Daikil reached the floor and they both knew that they needed to be gone quick and in a hurry. So the both of them ran off and started heading for the village gates.

Takeshi made sure to use as many back ways as he could as to not arise suspicion or to be seen by another mob. Takeshi and Daikil heard another mob combing the entire village trying to find Daikil, they were searching the alleys, the main roads, they even had some lookouts on the roof tops. Takeshi tried his best to think about just how he wanted to pull off this escape plan. Takeshi about his options. “I don’t think we’ll make it out purely with the Body Flicker technique. I am not entirely sure if we’ll be able to evade the people, even if we get to the rooftops, there are scouts all over up there. I need to get him out of this village, then out of this country, but I still want the people to think that he is still in the village. This way by the time they figure out he is gone, Daikil will be well out of the country by then. Takeshi didn’t want to stay in one place too long as to increase the chance of being caught. Takeshi guided Daikil farther through the city until the two were only about 100 meters to the village gates. Takeshi had a clone of his transformed into a stack of boxes to hide Daikil as he was trying to devise a plan to get him past the gates. Takeshi looked using his Byakugan to see who exactly was waiting for them to cross the gates. Takeshi found four men, who were just standing there, looking vigilantly for Daikil, waiting for him to try and sneak out of the village. Takeshi couldn’t think of anything fancy or innovative, so he decided to go with an old classic.

Takeshi walked over to the men, Daikil still waiting behind the stack of boxes that was Takeshi’s clone. Takeshi had said to the four men waiting for Daikil and told them that one of the mobs was coming under attack some evil ninjas on the other side of the town. “I ran away because I was scared and was worried that the ninja was going to hurt the others. Turns out Daikil was there too and they were all having a huge fight!” Takeshi’s eyes teared up to try and sell the ruse. Luckily for all of them, this worked and the men ran over to where Takeshi had said the mob under attack was. Takeshi sprinted over to Daikil and grabbed his arm saying that now was there chance. Daikil and Takeshi began sprinting over to the gates. Once they had gotten there, Daikil asked to stop and have one more look at the village that had been his home for many years. Takeshi allowed this, but only for a moment. Daikil walked over to the village gates and rubbed his hands against it, he knew this could be the last time he ever saw this village again. Takeshi saw the mob with his Byakugan, they were rushing to the village gates after they had found out Takeshi had duped them. Takeshi grabbed Daikil by the arm and they began to run out of the village. Takeshi and Daikil ran as fast as Daikil could until they got to a wagon that Daikil had told Takeshi about. Daikil knew this day would come, so for weeks he had been staging a wagon about a mile outside of the village. Takeshi led him to the wagon and got Daikil onto the wagon. Used his Byakugan to find the horse that Daikil needed to make the wagon work. Takeshi went out to fetch the horse. By the time he had brought the horse back, Daikil was still waiting on the wagon, but Takeshi saw the mob had left the village and had begun to come their way.

Takeshi quickly hooked up the horse to the wagon, slapped it on the backside and the wagon was off. Takeshi ran by the wagon for a couple miles until he knew that Daikil was going to outrun the mob and get out of the country safely. Daikil and Takeshi said their goodbyes and Daikil was off. Takeshi then ran back to the village, avoiding the giant mob that had given up chase by this point and headed back home.

Word Count: 3085

+3600 Ryo

Added 7 stats

Added 829 to Level 2 Medical Ninjutsu (Learned)
Previous progress is above

+698 to Chakra Suppression
Previous progress:

+500 to the Headhunter Technique (learned)

+500 Hidden Mist (learned)

+250 to Rock section came (learned)

+250 to Rock tools (learned)

+58 to Haze Clone (58/500)

Last edited by Takeshi Hyuuga on Tue Oct 29, 2019 6:44 am; edited 2 times in total
Zaled Uchiha
Zaled Uchiha
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 222000

Takeshi Hyuuga Mission Log Empty Re: Takeshi Hyuuga Mission Log

Mon Oct 28, 2019 12:18 pm
Takeshi Hyuuga
Takeshi Hyuuga
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Takeshi Hyuuga Mission Log Empty Re: Takeshi Hyuuga Mission Log

Tue Oct 29, 2019 6:43 am
Ghost of a Rose - B Rank

Takeshi didn’t really have plans for the day, he was going to go to the Hogokage’s estate and see what kind of missions that were available, Takeshi had been taking a liking to fill his days with as many missions as he could possibly go on. It was actually very therapeutic for him, it got him out of the house and being on a mission with something to do, was actually able to keep his mind off of his past and kept his mind from wandering. Takeshi had been noticing that Ryuu had been much quieter lately. Takeshi was not entirely sure why or where he had been. Ever since his conversation with Ayato. He noticed Ryuu showing up less and less. Was this because his grieving process was beginning to go to the next step and I didn’t need him anymore? Is it this curse mark that Ayato had placed on him? Takeshi had plenty more questions than he did have answers.

Takeshi’s life had been taking a whole new turn into an entirely new area, he was sleeping through the night, his night terrors had subsided for the most part. The nightmares of his mother that he was having on a nightly basis were beginning to turn into dreamless nights with occasional nightmare, which Takeshi took that as a giant step forward. Takeshi began to stir in his bed, the sun was coming into his room at the perfect angle that filled his entire room with the golden light coming from the sunrise on the horizon. The sunrise used to remind Takeshi that he was alive, and it would make him depressed. It would remind him that he had to get out of bed, and deal with his mother again. But now, while he still needed to deal with his memories, he knew that he was finally safe. Something he had never been before that night with his mother.

Takeshi started to open his eyes, the sun beaming directly into his face he held his hands up to his face until his eyes could finally see straight. Takeshi rolled out to the side of the bed, placed his feet onto the wood floors that covered the majority of the house. It felt cool against his already cold feet. Takeshi pulled his feet back into bed and threw his covers over him. “Come on, man. Gotta get up and do something with your day.” Takeshi told himself. Takeshi threw his blankets all the way off the bed, to discourage him from picking them up again. Takeshi grunted and groaned and slowly lifted his body out of his bed.Takeshi threw his blankets all the way off the bed, to discourage him from picking them up again. Takeshi grunted and groaned and slowly lifted his body out of his bed. He set his feet on the wooden floor one more time, let his body acclimate to the coolness of the floor of the room, and the room itself. Takeshi stood up, stretched his entire body, and headed over to his dresser.

Takeshi looked into his dresser and found the clothes that was going to wear for that day. Takeshi took his clothes out of the dresser and laid them all out onto his bed. Takeshi inspected his clothing, ensuring that there were no holes, flaws, or weak spots. Once he was finished ensuring of this, Takeshi ironed all of his clothing and made sure each corner was square, and everything was tidy. Once he finished with his clothing, Takeshi moved on to his weaponry. While Takeshi had in fact overlooked his weaponry every single night, Takeshi strongly believed that you could never look at your weapons enough, you can only look at them just enough or not enough. Takeshi also loved the feeling of the weapons in his hands, he always felt so comfortable with them. Takeshi continued to sharpen them until they were at an absolute razor’s edge. Takeshi grabbed all of his weaponry off of the top of the dresser and began to place them in their rightful spots in his weapon’s pouch. Takeshi ensured they were all secure in the pouch, and began to put his combat gear on. Takeshi started with combat shorts. These shorts are black shorts with plenty of pockets. Takeshi put these shorts on, then he would continue with his weapon’s pouch. Takeshi wold wrap his left leg with a black and gray wrap, so to prevent the rubbing of the pouch against his thigh. Once Takeshi had his weapons pouch secured and ready for battle. Takeshi moved on to his shirt and combat vest. The shirt that he chose was a dark gray colored shirt that had no insignia on it. Takeshi put on his all black combat vest and made sure everything was on tight and functional. Takeshi grabbed his backpack and looked at himself in the mirror. But just before he headed out of his bedroom, he grabbed his one last thing. He grabbed his headband protector and tied it tight against his forehead. Now he was ready to get going for the day.

When Takeshi cooked rice, he always used the cheapest rice, because that’s what he could afford. But by the time the dish is done, the flavor is so outrageously amazing, you can’t really tell. Takeshi grabs the rice and measures it out to have the correct amount of rice. He pours the rice into a sieve. Which he uses to rinse the rice until the water that runs through the heap of rice comes out clear after going through the rice. Once the rice is washed, Takeshi pours the rice from the sieve into a bowl and sets it aside. Once the rice is washed and set aside, he then grabs a pot to make the rice in. Takeshi measures out the correct amount of water for the amount of rice that is intended to be cooked. Takeshi puts the water in the pot and sets the pot on the stove and turns the stove onto a high heat. Takeshi sprinkles a small amount of salt into the water that he plans on throwing the rice into to cook. Takeshi waits for this water in the pot for the rice to begin to boil. Once the water begins to boil he pours the rice into the boiling water and allows it to cook for only a few minutes on a medium to high heat. Then Takeshi covers the pot with the lid and turns the heat down to low heat and allows it to cook for around twenty minutes. While this is happening, Takeshi uses the time to meditate and to think about his training and see what areas he still needed work in and needed to figure out what exactly he was going to do to become a much better ninja than his peers, and really how to become the best ninja that he could be. When the rice finishes cooking, Takeshi goes to the stove and he inspects the rice through the glass on the lid for the pot. Takeshi, removes the lid and he takes a small amount of the rice, ensuring that it is cooked to perfection, once it is deemed done, Takeshi sprinkles a small amount of salt and pepper on top of the rice, stirs it in and fluffs the rice at the same time, then it is ready to serve. Now with the rice done, Takeshi can begin making his Tamago Kake Gohan. Takeshi grabs an egg from his basket that hangs next to the stove, eggs are a pretty common food eaten in Takeshi’s household. Takeshi makes a well inside the mound of rice that he has set in the bowl, cracks the egg directly into a bowl and mixes in the mirin and shoyu (also known as soy sauce). Takeshi mixes all of that together and, when it is all whipped together, he pours the mixture into the well that he had made in the rice earlier. After poured in, Takeshi mixes it all together and allows to sit for five to ten minutes. This allows the mixture to thicken and create what is known as Tomago Kake Gohan. After this point, Takeshi will often top the Tomago Kake Gohan with fish or Furikake or something of the sort and chow down. On days that it is especially cold in the village, Takeshi will also make a nice and hot batch of Miso soup to go with his Tomago Kake Gohan. Once finished with the cooking and eating his breakfast, Takeshi takes his dishes over to the sink and begins to clean the kitchen after cooking the dish. Luckily, this dish really only uses a few utensils and cooking pieces, so the cleaning the dishes process really doesn’t take very long.

Takeshi was now finished with his daily morning routine and it was time for him to hit the training grounds for some actual training. Takeshi grabbed his backpack, went through everything one last time to make sure he wasn’t forgetting anything. Just before he walked out the door, he stopped by the sign that hung next to the front door. After staring at it for a few seconds, he read it out loud, “Prove her wrong.” Takeshi always reminded himself that no matter what his mother may have done to him, she was just another one of those people that Takeshi was going to prove wrong before too long. Takeshi was already stronger than he was, he was already stronger than some of the ninjas that he knew. Now he just needed to prove it to everyone that he was something of worth, he was a respectable ninja, just like they were.

Takeshi was outside of his building when he began listening to one of his neighbors talking betwee themselves, Takeshi being a nosy type of person, decided to quietly eavesdrop on the conversation. Taekshi hear them talking about how their daughter was sick, and that the village’s doctor had run out of the plant that they made the cure out of. Takeshi felt sorry for his neighbors, but unfrotunately Takeshi knew nothing of botany and he didn’t really know what he could do to help, which had become Takeshi’s worst feeling was when he was unable to help someone, whether or not it was his fault, it was still something that made Takeshi want to get stronger and smarter, because one day Takeshi wanted everyone to come to Takeshi for help, and Takeshi wanted nothing more than to quickly do everything they needed so he could help them and make them happy.

Takeshi continued walking out of the residential district of Hoshi and he was continuing to think about what he could do to help his neighbors with the plant ingredient that the village was currently out of. Takeshi continued to walk through the village at a slower pace, Takeshi felt like today was a day that he wanted to enjoy the weather and soak up whatever sun that he could, and he wanted to stare at the sky and enjoy the company of the clouds. Takeshi to walk down the road and he past the training grounds. Takeshi enjoyed the thought of training, as much as he wished he could train today, but he just felt called to carry out a mission today, maybe it had something to do with his neighbors and their daughter, or maybe it was something else that was pulling him toward the mission field today. Takeshi stopped by the ramen shop and he ordered himself a bowl, realizing that he had forgotten to bring himself a lunch. Takeshi wanted to compare their Ramen to his own and see which bowl of ramen was better. Takeshi got his bowl of ramen and took a long, thorough whiff. As Takeshi was able to smell the different aromas coming out of the bowl in front of him.

Takeshi compared the smell and he thought the smell was similar, the stock that was present in both dishes Takeshi felt was nearly identical. While the noodles were identical to Takeshi’s, Takeshi like the texture of their noodles better than his own. Takeshi also compared the meat to his own and this was the point that he could not give an edge to his own dish. The ramen shop’s meat was so tender and so absolutely good. Takeshi begged the shop owner how he cooked their meat. Takeshi was not surprised that the shop owner laughed when he had asked these questions. Takeshi thanked the shop owner for the wonderful bowl of ramen and continued his trek toward the Hogokage’s estate so he could see the mission boards and see what there was for him.

Takeshi turned the corner and saw that there was no one else surrounding the mission boards, which was the usual for it being the middle of the day. Takeshi took this as another sign that today was the day that he needed to carry out another mission. Today was the day that he was going to help another person. Takeshi reached the mission boards and he began to read through the mission requests and one of the requests caught Takeshi’s eye more than the others. Takeshi read through the mission to see what exactly was needed of Takeshi for this mission to be considered complete. Takeshi began to read out loud, “Recently, the Hoshigakure Botanical Society has discovered a white rose that contains a natural cure to most common poisons. Naturally this rose was harvested to make antidotes, until they ran out. A team was dispatched to find more of these pale white desert roses but they had no success. To this day, no one knows where these roses grow or how, nor the conditions that lead to their blossoming in the desert. All anyone can really say is that a few of these roses can be found after it has recently rained. Due to the lack of rain in Haven country, further research has been stunted.

Your task for this mission is to attempt to locate one or more of these roses and if possible, provide insight on how/where they grow for future use. These roses are to be handled with considerable care due to their value so if any harm were to come to the plant, your mission will be considered unsuccessful.” Takeshi read and understood exactly what was expected of him and he wanted nothing more than to carry out this mission so he could help the entire village. Takeshi was ready and excited to go find those such sought after roses.

Takeshi was now running toward the village gates. Takeshi had the Byakugan, which was exactly what Takeshi needed to find these roses. All he needed to do was to get within a mile of these roses and he was going to be able to find them. Takeshi started his search by going to the nearest water source from the village gates. Takeshi was kneeling in the shore of the water and activated his Byakugan, Takeshi chose this to be his starting point, but he full well realized that this could take a long time. Takeshi checked a mile radius circle around his position off of the water and he had no luck. Takeshi moved a mile out from his first position and he performed the same procedure. Takeshi continued this same procedure until the sun was beginning to go down. Takeshi stopped his search to have a quick dinner. Takeshi flipped his backpack around and opened up the big pocket of the backpack. Takeshi grabbed the box that contained his lunch out of the box. Takeshi at his dinner as quickly as he could, threw everything back into his bag, and continued his search. The sun was beginning to get real close to having nothing above the horizon, Takeshi began to feel discouraged. So Takeshi decided to look one more time. At this point, he was forty five miles away from the village. But he had seen a grotto with his Byakugan and Takeshi figured that would be the last place he would be able to check before it was time for him to begin the trek back into the village. Takeshi crossed the waters and after pushing himself through a few thick groups of brush and trees, he finally got to the grotto that was surrounded with water. Takeshi used his chakra to walk on top of the water and walked toward the grotto.

He got the grotto and he pushed the vines out of his way and ducked underneath them and took his first look inside the grotto. When he looked he saw the white roses. A couple hundred of them in fact, they seemed to grow perfectly in this grotto, it did have a hole on the top of the grotto allowing plenty of light in and the ground underneath them was perfectly damp for any type of water loving crop or flower. Takeshi grabbed a bushel of flowers, memorized the area in his head, and he then headed back to the village. Takeshi couldn’t wait to tell the others at the village what he had just seen. Takeshi arrived at the Hogokage’s estate, told his assistants about the grotto full of white roses. Then he was given his reward and Takeshi headed home. Takeshi was so excited to tell his neighbors that he had found the flowers that their daughter needed to feel better. Takeshi ran home and he saw his neighbors outside again. Takeshi said to them “Hello! I just found an area lush with those white roses that our village has been out of. You should take your daughter in first thing in the morning, that way she should be able to be treated.” Takeshi smiled and walked into the house. The neighbors ran inside to tell the daughter the good news. Takeshi felt happy inside, knowing that he helped them.

TCW: 3005

Adding 8 stats

+3000 Ryo

+7 AP

Adding 250 words to discipline (learned)

Adding 250 words to 1000 years of death (learned)

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