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Kuniko Hyuuga
Kuniko Hyuuga
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 21445

The Funeral of Takeshi Hyuuga Empty The Funeral of Takeshi Hyuuga

Sat Feb 01, 2020 11:30 pm
Two days after his failed mission Kuniko stood in front of a solitary gravestone in the middle of a small clearing. It was early morning and the sun's golden rays revealed a small gathering before the grave. Kuniko noticed a priest and shrine maiden who were from the temple Takeshi had helped save from a jewel thief; a widow who's husband's grave was desecrated, but Takeshi captured the men who were responsible; a local baker that Takeshi had saved from a fire; Sakuragi's grandmother who had become accustomed to feeding him when he came over; and of course a flock of various birds of prey perched along tree branches at the edge of the clearing. 

Kuniko had asked around to see which graveyard would be most appropriate for him, as a Hyuuga, or as a shinobi. Without any answers the young genin took custody of the body from the village mortician (as Takeshi had no other family) and chose a lovely spot within the walls for him to have his final rest. It wasn't too far from the Hyuuga compound but still out of the way enough for him to enjoy some peace and quiet. Kuniko silently prayed for Takeshi and hoped his spirit would finally know peace. 

The few attendants spoke kind words about the fallen ninja, sharing stories about how he had helped each of them. Kuniko walked behind them towards the edge of the clearing to see if anyone else would arrive. 

WC: 245
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The Funeral of Takeshi Hyuuga Empty Re: The Funeral of Takeshi Hyuuga

Mon Feb 03, 2020 7:59 pm
Ever since he graduated the exam, Yasaki eyed him regularly on his growth it was fascinating. He examined him as the child of revelation. One who could develop into a true king of this village. To receive such news, it hit him strongly. It truly did, but the same thing took place to Genki Uchiha. Since the title of kage was represented to him it sounded everything went from one hundred to zero real quick. Yasaki greeted the scene where the cherished Takeshi was being buried. The six-foot-nine inspected the whole situation as then he notices Kuniko near the edge. He nodded at him, knowing Kuniko lost his comrade.
Kuniko Hyuuga
Kuniko Hyuuga
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 21445

The Funeral of Takeshi Hyuuga Empty Re: The Funeral of Takeshi Hyuuga

Sun Feb 23, 2020 9:25 pm
Kuniko still stood at his post by the edge of the clearing watching the small group of villagers as they began to disperse. As he had feared, not many had attended the funeral of the up and coming shinobi. Poor Takeshi had lived fast and burnt out like a candle in the wind. Kuniko heaved a small sigh thinking about his friend. Movement caught his eye and the young shinobi looked up to spot the Hogokage among the small gathering. The giant man gave a nod to Kuniko. 

Kuniko was surprised by the visit. It would be disrespectful of him not to say anything, so Kuniko straightened himself up and walked over to where the taller man stood. He stopped at a respectful distance and gave a bow. In a calm and measured tone he said, "Lord Hogokage, thank you attending. I am sure Takeshi is smiling in the next life already at the thought of your visit." He then looked up to see find the gaze of the great man before him. Despite being at his friend's funeral, Kuniko felt honored by the personal visit, which no doubt shown on his face.
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 9000

The Funeral of Takeshi Hyuuga Empty Re: The Funeral of Takeshi Hyuuga

Mon Feb 24, 2020 8:27 pm
It seemed no one else attended the funeral expect Kuniko. The Hogoage eyed as Kuniko came to him. The young man gave a bow as he then continued with his speech. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Kuniko Hyūga.” Both of his hands were behind his back as he shifted his focus to him. Yasaki was a giant so looking down at this kid who stood five feet five he hoped he didn’t get any back issues. “Yes...Yes, He is.” He took a pause and continued. “How are things going lately for you?” He would ask.
Kuniko Hyuuga
Kuniko Hyuuga
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 21445

The Funeral of Takeshi Hyuuga Empty Re: The Funeral of Takeshi Hyuuga

Tue Feb 25, 2020 11:25 am
Kuniko looked up at the Hogokage with a pearly white smile. He was in the presence of one of his heroes. There were only a few people in the village that Kuniko wanted to speak to as much as the leader himself. He didn’t even mind that he had to tilt his head straight up to look at him. The young genin could so easily be caught up in the moment… 

Trying to regain his composure, Kuniko brought his fist to his mouth with a cough and then brushed his long black hair back over his shoulder. Speaking softly and calmly, Kuniko said, “I have my share of woes, Lord Hogokage. Losing Takeshi is like losing my right arm. And with Sakuragi missing it is as though I am running on one leg. My Team has been shattered. I don’t believe it’s even worthy of being called a team any longer. Do you have any advice for a useless genin such as myself?” He looked up at the Hogokage with an innocent gaze, he spoke straight from the heart and without a trace of self pity.
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 9000

The Funeral of Takeshi Hyuuga Empty Re: The Funeral of Takeshi Hyuuga

Wed Feb 26, 2020 7:47 pm
It happened all fast, didn’t it? Yasaki scanned throughout the area as he would shift his eyes towards Kuniko. As a tall giant, he smiled at the individual he eyed as he brushed his long black hair. He would respectfully listen to what this young kid would say it wasn’t a big issue. He lost his beloved Takeshi and Sakurgai. They all were Hyuuga another respected clan in the village, but he was after advice, the kid needed some comforting as Yasaki placed his giant right hand on his shoulder and would say calmy.

“It’s always one possibility you ask yourself if they were alive, wouldn’t you have the same drive and motivation? And wouldn’t they want the best of you? So you put like this, even if they are gone you vow that the same thing shall not happen again. They are watching you closely knowing you are capable of anything no matter what.” 

Yasaki would drop his hands down as he would the kid, nodding.

Last edited by Yasaki on Tue Mar 03, 2020 7:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
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Ryo : 435700

The Funeral of Takeshi Hyuuga Empty Re: The Funeral of Takeshi Hyuuga

Sat Feb 29, 2020 9:23 pm
The nectar curtain of dawn coaxed the earth and surroundings with the first rays of the setting sun. So wonderful was the view for Ayato's white eyes, to gaze upon and it captivated him so, that he nearly missed the Kage’s entrance at the Hoshi cemetery.

Today he was guarded by Atarashi Nazaar, one of Ayato’s sworn brothers of the Nova Corps. Usually, the honor to guard the Kage would have fallen on the Commander’s shoulders, but today Ayato’s duty was to his family. Today at the wrestling match in his heart between the ANBU Commander and the Hyuuga Clan lord, the latter had dominated the former as he would every other day in his life.

As the Lord of Hyuuga, he now was he learned he had to make himself presentable at all times. The combat attire of black woolen breeches and gray flak jacket, that he was so fond of had been left at home. On its place, he wore long-sleeve elaborate robes as black as the night sky. The robes were tied with a red linen sash around his thin and free of muscle fat waist. Over them, he wore a dark gray sleeveless surcoat reaching down to his ankles. His hair had grown longer, falling past those shoulders of his in thin black locks. His face was the same as any other day, Ayato had been born plain of face and sharp features and was a man of few smiles even as a child. Joyless and introverted, far more mature than his peers and combined with his sprout in height, it made him appear much older than his 17 years. 

And now, that he was to escort his own relative at their final destination, he felt much older than he currently was too.

The Nova Commander remembered the deceased Takeshi and the soft plump flesh of his face covered in countless half-healed scars, flecked with dirt, giving him a somewhat hostile appearance, and perhaps pitiful. He had looked nothing like a Hyuuga of the Byakugan -like those gathered here today- with black hair and long face. But there was no doubt looking in the eyes he had in life. Those eyes colored like dirty snow. 

The first time and last time they had seen each other, Ayato was tasked with passing judgment on him. But despite Ayato's own feeling on the matter, being an ugly Hyuuga bastard was not the crime someone deserved to lose their head for. No, the judgment he was tasked with passing to Takeshi was that of matricide. A mother who had been a crippling alcoholic, and had abused him for most of his life and had almost killed the boy after her husband's, -a true Hyuuga’s- passing. 

Ayato’s unease about the massive physiological scar of his brethren did not stop him from placing his faith in him. Deciding not to put a kunai in Takehi’s face but in his hand. Soon after the legend of Takeshi’s the bastard’s bastard was exploding over Hoshigakure like wildfire. Stopping a jewel thief, capturing grave robbers, saving a baker from a raging inferno in the middle of the city. Becoming a brother to Sakuragi and Kuniko, both members of the Hyuuga branch house and part of the next generation of Hoshigakure.

And today his grave would be at the Hoshi cemetery. His death at the hands of bandits, protecting his friends. In a way, Takeshi died better than he lived. From a mother killer to hero. 

“Pardon me for not announcing my presence earlier.” The taijutsu master stated with cold courtesy to Yasaki. "Lord Hogokage" He said bowing his head slowly and then turned to face the raven-haired, white-eyed Hyuuga of the branch house. "Kuniko do you want the honor of saying a few words for our fellow kinsman?" After all, you were the one closest."

WC: 648
Kuniko Hyuuga
Kuniko Hyuuga
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Ryo : 21445

The Funeral of Takeshi Hyuuga Empty Re: The Funeral of Takeshi Hyuuga

Wed Mar 04, 2020 4:38 pm
Kuniko stood as tall as he could before the Hogokage. The old shinobi was telling him that he should keep acting the way he did before. That Takeshi was watching him even now. Kuniko was unsure about his intention though. If by what he meant was that Takeshi’s ghost was somewhere about watching their conversation, then it was an unnerving thought for Kuniko. Even Meeting a familiar ghost sounded like an encounter Kuniko didn’t want to be apart of. But if the kage meant that Kuniko should try his best to avoid this situation again, wasn’t that just an impossible task?

Kuniko raised his eyebrows timidly at the Hogokage as he spoke. He was confused at what he was trying to impart. Most of Kuniko’s teammates died gruesomely before his eyes to the point that it seemed unavoidable. But he had already accepted this fact and moved on. It was in part due to his own failings of course, but that wasn’t something Kuniko was upset by. The younger shinobi pulled his purple hakama up to cover his neck from a cool breeze. Perhaps Takeshi’s ghost was about and watching, the genin thought. 

Still, Kuniko thought he better answer the kage quickly to show that he still had his resolve. He spoke up with a serious tone and a look of determination on his face, “thank you for your wise council, Lord Hogokage! I will double my efforts to protect the village and my fellow shinobi.” He then pointed upward towards the sky, “watch and learn, Takeshi! I will make you regret leaving this world so soon!” Kuniko nodded more to himself than anyone around, quite pleased with his declaration. It was at this point that he noticed the arrival of his young master, Ayato. 

“M-Master Ayato! I had not seen you arrive! Forgive my inattention.” Kuniko quickly bowed twice to Ayato. He was still fired up from before. It had also been a long time since they last met, but the circumstances were not much different than before. The young lord of the Hyuuga asked if Kuniko wished to speak in Takeshi’s honor. The offer was tempting if only to send off a fallen friend, but Kuniko could not so easily accept. He should let his master have that honor. To show his loyalty, the genin instead quickly said, “I have known him for his time in Team Summer, and he was my dear friend, but it would be presumptuous of me to say that I knew him better than anyone in this village. You were, are, and shall always be our master, Lord Ayato. It is your honor to eulogize, not mine.” 

Last edited by Kuniko Hyuuga on Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:00 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Spelling error)
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 9000

The Funeral of Takeshi Hyuuga Empty Re: The Funeral of Takeshi Hyuuga

Sun Mar 08, 2020 7:45 pm
So there it was, the young man he once knew planted six feet down. Yasaki only hoped there was something he could have done at that moment. But it had to happen, he took a glance down as he deeply thought to himself as a figure started to approach, Yasaki lifted his head up looking at the man. It was Ayato from the nova corpse, a man he promoted for the efforts he has done for this village. With a bow from him and a speech, Yasaki would nod his head in return. He placed both of his hands in his pocket as he would nod to what Kuniko said afterward.
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

The Funeral of Takeshi Hyuuga Empty Re: The Funeral of Takeshi Hyuuga

Sun Apr 12, 2020 3:16 pm
Kuniko had the right of it. The young branch with a tone of solemn courtesy towards his lord and distant cousin from the main house excused himself from the eulogy of Takeshi Hyuuga. Stating it would be more appropriate that Ayato as Lord of House Hyuuga be the one to deliver the eulogy. Adding to the count that he was Nova of Village Hidden in the Stars, and had also had been Takeshi’s mentor in life.

“He has learned well.” The Taijutsu expert allowed himself a small moment of prideful joy for Kuniko before going back to the solemnity of the funeral. 

One-step and then another Ayato took his position in front of the bed of caked mud, encasing a coffin made of the finest oak. It was a shallow grave in truth, but in a way, it felt like a small abyss. An abyss that would melt his skin and worms would feast on the remains. They wouldn't find much though. Takeshi had been more of a doll than a human at this point. All his internal organs and bowels had been removed postmortem. An act that made the weight of the casket far lighter upon the shoulders of those who carried it. And more importantly, transplanted into someone who may need it to stay alive. 

“People arrive here from all around the world. They have different faiths and different ways of honoring their dead. What we all share is the desire to speak about loved ones the best way we can.

Ayato posed for a moment. Having added to his voice so he could be heard clearly by all amassed here today, was more taxing on his vocal cords and disposition than he would have liked to admit. As if to consider what he was about to say next he took a short pose and then went through. 

“Takeshi came to us from the slums of Hoshigakure, claiming some distant kinship to the Hyuuga. Becoming a shinobi so he could to serve the village and protect its people. Putting his life on the line and fighting to the last with his friends against those rogues and cutthroats that fester our land.  A shinobi's nindo is not defined by how he lives but by how he dies, and there is nothing nobler than sacrificing yourself for a greater purpose. May we keep fighting so we can keep his memory alive."

WC: 401

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