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Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Morgue-ly Satisfying (P, Kenshin) - Page 2 Empty Re: Morgue-ly Satisfying (P, Kenshin)

Tue Oct 29, 2019 4:48 pm
The moment his fingers touched her again it was like needles touching the skin, even though they were separated by her clothes it was the only thing she could focus on. The cold from his hands still leached through, spending so much of his time in a morgue he probably hadn’t noticed how cold he had become inside and out. The cold continued over her thighs and back up again slowly and painstakingly methodical - and it moved every spot it touched instead burned like white hot fire. They were two extremes of opposite things and she would bet he was using it against her, she showed her hand to soon and had gotten carried away - the cage she thought he was drawing him into coming crashing down on her instead. As his thumb reached her cheek she would stop breathing - the cold heat freezing her in place as he pushed some of her hair back behind her ear until suddenly she wasn’t frozen, she was shattering. 

Grabbing and thick handful of her hair again he would pull her back to meet her eyes once more, gracing her with another chuckle to indicate no immediate danger. The intensity he was gazing at her was beyond anything he had shown thus far and it was mesmerizing - as if she was seeing just how deep the rabbit hole went.Checkmate indeed, was the only thought she could manage before her mind went blank in shock.His other hand had tightened on her with ease pulling her simultaneously closer to his body and his face. Their kiss was unexpected and so disarming, her arms were still around his neck, one hand still holding the glass that was slowly slipping from her fingertips as the urge to grab his hair and return the same lust she was suddenly feeling - a second more would pass until the glass finally slipped free of her slackening grip and fell shattering on the metal table they were perched on and splashing her legs with some of the drink. 

As if the shattering of glass was a trigger for her she gained control of herself again allowing them to slide up into the thick shaggy black hair and returning the possessive quality of the kiss in kind - holding him with the same desperate claim to the other. Just as she came to this thought he would break the kiss and pull a little away from her, a smug smirk shifting into a feral grin - like a wild animal catching his prey after a long chase. Dragging her fingers out of his hair she would lace them together, anchoring herself to him subconsciously as a devilish grin would form on her lips- a small twinkle of mischief glinting in her violet pools. “Its a two way street.” she said it with so much confidence it was as if she was stating a fact. “You’re as much mine as I am yours, though for our first round… I gotta give it to you. Next round though,” she narrowed her eyes at him playfully, You won’t see it coming and I am more than determined to win.”detangling her fingers she would let her hands slide over his neck as she hopped off of  his lap, landing on the floor with small tap she would run her fingers through her hair moving it back over her right shoulder. Kenshin would notice by now that this was all just to give Mizu her sense of control back - straightening her clothes, placing her hair where it belongs - little things like this would be telling if he were watching. Letting out a short breath she would look back at him - eyes wide in curiosity and hunger. “When you need some more fun… don’t hesitate to find me.” She would leave that comment vauge because there were two meanings to it, two of which she was confident he could figure out; mentally stimulating and physically enticing. She would stare a second longer than normal before breaking the gaze and heading for the door. She needed to collect herself, he had gotten to far into her mind, he knew how she ticked… at least well enough to break her so easily… but he didn’t break you, he bent you to see how far he could. She couldn’t help it, she was impressed and very curious how far he would bend her next time. “Goodnight Kenshin…” She would say as she turned once more to look at him before shutting the morgue door behind her again. Leaning against the closed door, eyes shut and heart pounding, You’ve done it now Mizu.. you have his attention, now keep it. Taking a steadying breath she would push off the door and head back outside, the air cooling on her skin which was burning from the drink and her confusion toward her feelings for Kenshin. She raised her eyes longingly up to the sky, the moon illuminated in her troubled violet tinted eyes, the moon was a beautiful sharp crescent and reminded her of her own nature - always hiding her full self in shadow- but not with him he saw who she was and he hadn’t flinched from it, he embraced it with desperation. 


[WC 872]

[TWC 4800]

Claims: 24 stats- +12 to Chakra and +12 to Stamina. 401 WC toward Water Wall 1500/1500, 500 to Hidden Mist 500/500, 1500 to One Thousand Needles of Death 1500/1500, 2399 to Great Vortex Technique 2399/2500
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Morgue-ly Satisfying (P, Kenshin) - Page 2 Empty Re: Morgue-ly Satisfying (P, Kenshin)

Fri Nov 01, 2019 4:42 am
Approved Mizuki
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Morgue-ly Satisfying (P, Kenshin) - Page 2 Empty Re: Morgue-ly Satisfying (P, Kenshin)

Mon Nov 04, 2019 12:38 am
Kenshin would hear the sound of her glass shattering, and feel the chilling liquid that went flying soak through the back of both his tattered cloak and his jacket, the icy liquid on his back contrasting almost beautifully with the warm form of Mizuki upon his lap. The sound of the glass shattering almost seemed to act as a wake up call to the blade in the dark, as she almost immediately began to return the embrace with all her energy… but it was a little too late, as only moments later The Raggedy Man would pull back and break it. He would feel her fingers lightly tangle and root themselves in his hair as he spoke, and the twinkle that appeared in her eyes as she announced that he was as much hers and she was his almost managed to make his grin widen even further. The challenge she issued near the end was clear to him, and it made his eyes almost seem to darken in hunger as she pulled away and began to straighten herself up, trying and failing to regain some sense of control that he has so effortlessly stolen away from her. 

The rather open ended invitation that she gave him before departing was almost enough to make him simply abandon game and pursue her for a night filled with unspeakably wicked acts… but while such an action would certainly prove to be enjoyable in the short term he knew that it would simply sour the experience if he rushed it. No… he would not allow himself to lose control, he would pry every last vestige of it from the little puppeteer and dangle it like a carrot before her… and based off tonight he could tell that it wouldn’t be all that difficult to accomplish. It would likely take some time for her to crack in the way that he wanted, but he knew that it was a certainty at this point… the only real question was how far she would manage to push him before she managed to reach her breaking point… whether she could break him before he did her. Oh yes… this game would certainly be fun for the two of them, and it was obvious that both were playing for keeps… it was strange, he could simply flex his power and force her to crumble that way… but he knew that such an act would both ruin the game AND sour his victory. 

But now that she was gone he could get back to what he had been doing before… so he would turn to face one particular jar that sat atop his desk, almost empty save for the lump of flesh that sat within… the organ of an Uchiha, specifically one of the kidneys of Kutari. He knew that the flesh of The Wraith would help him grow far stronger, as he had long since outlived the usefulness of the Uzumaki kidney that he had transplanted so long ago… he has always known that it was the weakest of his transplants, but until recently had been unable to part with it simply out of sentimentality towards his deceased mother. But now he had reached the point where he had no other choice if he wished to truly get stronger… so with but a thought his jacket and cloak would seemingly begin to deform, simply merging with his pants. He would manipulate the threads within his body to both open a sizeable hole above the kidney and sever all connections his body had with the organ, pushing it out onto the desk as Kenshin grabbed the organ of his most trusted follower. He would allow his threads to take hold of it and pull it within his body, and with a rather significant pulse of chakra he would activate the healing form of his Scarlet Spheres from within his body, flooding it with an intense and powerful burst of healing chakra. 

WC: 661


TWC: 6493

Gonna do the transplant roll before I make my claims, wish me luck (1 = Success, 2 = Failure)
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Morgue-ly Satisfying (P, Kenshin) - Page 2 Empty Re: Morgue-ly Satisfying (P, Kenshin)

Mon Nov 04, 2019 12:38 am
The member 'Kenshin Uzumaki' has done the following action : Roll Dice/Flip Coin

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Morgue-ly Satisfying (P, Kenshin) - Page 2 Empty Re: Morgue-ly Satisfying (P, Kenshin)

Mon Nov 04, 2019 12:49 am
Welp, there goes my luck for the month I guess. Watch me legitimately get shit on by birds


1500 words towards Uchiha Genetics transplant adaption, claiming (25% max stat discount)

4993 words towards Mangekyo Sharingan, 3007 words remaining
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Morgue-ly Satisfying (P, Kenshin) - Page 2 Empty Re: Morgue-ly Satisfying (P, Kenshin)

Mon Nov 04, 2019 12:53 am
Approved kenshin
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