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Kaito Hoshigake
Kaito Hoshigake
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Steel and Sushi doing E-rank missions  - Page 2 Empty Re: Steel and Sushi doing E-rank missions

Wed Sep 18, 2019 2:33 am
Kaito would notice that Okuyama would jot down some notes as to how he did the technique so that the children can practice based on those notes. He didn’t even think to try and write down how it was done. Well, he was glad these guys came along, otherwise he probably would have completely dropped the ball on this mission. It made a ton of sense that they had to at least TRY to teach the kids how to perform the jutsu, not simply show them. Or was it a simple demonstration? Well, he would scribble down a quick guide as well, though the children likely would have a difficult time following it since it was almost illegible. “I can’t believe I didn’t think to do that…” He would mutter to Okuyama as he left the notes.
Well, if that wasn’t the strangest thing that he has ever seen, and that is really saying something coming from the bipedal, walking, talking shark man. Tanjiro was somehow able to understand the yipping dog. Well, regardless of the oddity, it would seem as if Tanjiro was actually on to something. He led them to a well, which would seem to have someone trapped in it. Kaito was more that capable to help pull the person out of the well, but he didn’t have any rope. Luckily it would seem that Byakura would quickly procure some and tie an end off against a sturdy tree, tossing the rest to the group to feed it down the well to the captive. “Environmental awareness coupled with quick thinking and even quicker actions. You saved us a lot of time!” The shark man would say to Byakura as he readies himself to pull.
“Hey, you think you can hold on tight?” Kaito would ask as he looked down the well. They would nod and Kaito would look to the others. “Anything to add before we try and pull this guy out of there?” If everyone was on board, he would count off to three and then begin to help the others pull and lift the injured person out of the hole.
Was there anything left on this to do list?

Okuyama Sorai
Okuyama Sorai
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Steel and Sushi doing E-rank missions  - Page 2 Empty Re: Steel and Sushi doing E-rank missions

Wed Sep 18, 2019 12:09 pm
Okuyama would follow his freakish compatriots to the next obejctive. The dog, despite the distaste he had for their species, did well to bring them here. Byakura seemingly took the lead on on this one. To him this job seemed like two people would be enough, but he'd answer Kaito's question first. "Not really, unless one of us wants to go get him out."

His hope was that the poor kid could hold onto the rope. If they had succeeded in pulling the young boy out, Okuyama would try and usher them into their next task. "Great, the kid's been rescued. What's next?"

He really hoped it wasn't more lumber.

[112 words
1,225 WC total. Short post, just to keep it moving.]
Tanjiro Nazar
Tanjiro Nazar
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Steel and Sushi doing E-rank missions  - Page 2 Empty Re: Steel and Sushi doing E-rank missions

Wed Sep 18, 2019 3:00 pm
Tanjiro was impressed how fast the blue haired Boy? Girl? reacted to the situation. It picked out a rope from somewhere and with quick thinking dealt with the situation. Tanjiro would keep his eyes on this blue haired thing, it seemed to have some potential as a lead or decision maker. After the kid was safely out of the well due to their combined efforts, Tanjiro would thank them for their hard work. “Congratulations! We managed to something productive today. Now off to the next boring and obnoxious task, Chopping some fucking Wood! 

Tanjiro would head in the direction of the forest around Konoha to gather some lumber. He would just listen as the other shinobi talked and walk by somberly. Once they have gotten to the gate the Guards would see that we were shinobi on a lumber mission  and say something patronizing like “Keep up the hard work Genin.” and had them their axes. Tanjiro would scoff at the remark and just take the axe and keep heading out.  

Once in the woods Tanjiro would proceed to chop down one medium tree. It would not take long with solid strikes from above and below. A few swings in and chucks of wood would fly off the tree and not to long after the tree would fall. Tanjiro would chop the tree into smaller bits and then carry those back to the village. He would leave without any goodbyes since Tanjiro was still in the mindset of being an asshole means you won’t have to deal with any messy emotions. So he would head back to collect his mission rewards and go back home and take a nap.    

WC 279
TWC 1304        

Exit Mission 

3 stats 
Mission rewards 
600 ryo + 600 ryo + 600 ryo = 1800 ryo
3 ap 
1000wc to Five-Seal Barrier
304wc to Fuinjutsu Breaking

Last edited by Tanjiro Nazar on Thu Sep 19, 2019 8:13 pm; edited 2 times in total
Mukuro Ketsua
Mukuro Ketsua
Stat Page : The Mad Medic
Summoning Contract : Aoiryu
Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Iryojutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 150400

Steel and Sushi doing E-rank missions  - Page 2 Empty Re: Steel and Sushi doing E-rank missions

Thu Sep 19, 2019 12:58 am
"One has to be aware of the progressing situation and their surroundings in order to be a promising shinobi. My late master taught me that and i've never forgotten it, now let us get this poor boy out of the well,"  Byakura was being sort of enthusiastic about the situation though he was still very concerned about the young male stuck in the well. As the three began to pull young Timmy from the well, he couldn't help but wonder why the fourth genin was off being Mr. Boss when they were all the same rank. None the less after Timmy had been saved from the well, Byakura would give both Okuyama and Kaito a very well earned thank you and good job while Tanjiro got...nothing. For those that did nothing to help the boy get out of the well, they would receive nothing. At the highlight of their day they were quickly taken to their last destination.

A small furrow of the brows would show the males discontent with the last mission as it was something he had done only days prior to joining this group for this one. The overseer of the lumber mission had actually recognized young Byakura and offered him a small wave. Without further ado he began to go at the wood rather quickly, striking it with enough force to bring the trees down by himself. After a moment or two he would chat up with the other two, getting to know them a little better before finally calling it a day. Turning to both Okuyama and Kaito there would be a small two finger salute before they spoke," Thank you for allowing me to undertake these missions with you. Hopefully we can do more of them in the future," and with that he would be off to head back to the office to collect his reward and go home. A thought popped into the back of their mind as they began to walk home with a sufficient amount of ryo and the satisfaction of being done with the day. The village had been filled with people, many of which he had yet to meet. With the sudden introduction of two other genin and a third he made him wonder if it would be more beneficial for him to get out more.


3 ap
1800 ryo
3 stats
1000 words to learn putting it at 1000/1000
200 words toward (200/2500)

Last edited by Byakura Hozuki on Mon Sep 23, 2019 5:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
Kaito Hoshigake
Kaito Hoshigake
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Steel and Sushi doing E-rank missions  - Page 2 Empty Re: Steel and Sushi doing E-rank missions

Thu Sep 19, 2019 5:58 am
Once the man known as Timmy was pulled from the well, Kaito would also thank the others and then follow the others to the next location for their tasks. He looked over the briefing once more. Lumber? It was just simple manual labor, something that did not need shinobi to do at all. Are civilians not able to do anything at all? Kaito would shrug, unsure of what the deal with that was. He would grab an axe from whoever was passing them out. “Thanks” He would say, his level of enthusiasm clear in his voice.
It wasn’t difficult to chop wood, so Kaito would hack away at the trees, striking the tree over and over until its structural integrity was completely compromised. “TIMBER!” He would shout out, just to make sure the others knew a tree was falling. The last thing he needed was a superior breathing down his neck for toppling a tree on another person, be it civilian or shinobi. One tree didn’t feel like it would be enough, so Kaito would hack down a second before cleaning the branches off and dragging them to the final destination of the day. The lumber mill was glad to have so many shinobi bringing them wood to process.
“It was rather easy. Nothing more than some labor, ya know?” The lumber mill would then smile and offer the man a more permanent job bringing them wood. “Uh, sure I guess. It will be okay supplemental exercise for my daily routine.”
Well, the tasks were all completed and so Kaito would offer each of them a, “Thanks!” and, “It was good both meeting and working with you.” To the new faces. Tanjiro left before Kaito would be able to say anything to him. Kaito didn’t know what to make of that guy. The monk was just weird…


wc: 307
TWC: 1486 (missions complete)

3 ap
1800 ryo
3 stats

1486 wc Towards []Chakra Infusion[/url]
Okuyama Sorai
Okuyama Sorai
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Steel and Sushi doing E-rank missions  - Page 2 Empty Re: Steel and Sushi doing E-rank missions

Thu Sep 19, 2019 2:07 pm
Okuyama's spirit left his body upon hearing that they would indeed be chopping wood. It wasn't how he wanted to earn his money. The man was looking to become legend and retire to the easy life, and gathering lumber wasn't going to help him achieve that goal any time soon. Nonetheless, he'd comply with the task and travel to the lumber yard with his companions of the day.

Upon arrival he would pick a tree and go through the motions of cutting it down. Upon cutting it down and completing his task, he'd say his goodbyes to those he met today and head on home.

[TWC 1,330
- Claiming 3 AP
- Claiming 3 stats
- Claiming 1,800 Ryo
- Claiming 434 WC towards Mirage Crow
- Claiming 896 WC towards Temporary Paralysis Technique]
Tanjiro Nazar
Tanjiro Nazar
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Steel and Sushi doing E-rank missions  - Page 2 Empty Re: Steel and Sushi doing E-rank missions

Thu Sep 19, 2019 7:33 pm
Tanjiro Nazar wrote:Tanjiro was impressed how fast the blue haired Boy? Girl? reacted to the situation. It picked out a rope from somewhere and with quick thinking dealt with the situation. Tanjiro would keep his eyes on this blue haired thing, it seemed to have some potential as a lead or decision maker. After the kid was safely out of the well due to their combined efforts, Tanjiro would thank them for their hard work. “Congratulations! We managed to something productive today. Now off to the next boring and obnoxious task, Chopping some fucking Wood! 

Tanjiro would head in the direction of the forest around Konoha to gather some lumber. He would just listen as the other shinobi talked and walk by somberly. Once they have gotten to the gate the Guards would see that we were shinobi on a lumber mission  and say something patronizing like “Keep up the hard work Genin.” and had them their axes. Tanjiro would scoff at the remark and just take the axe and keep heading out.  

Once in the woods Tanjiro would proceed to chop down one medium tree. It would not take long with solid strikes from above and below. A few swings in and chucks of wood would fly off the tree and not to long after the tree would fall. Tanjiro would chop the tree into smaller bits and then carry those back to the village. He would leave without any goodbyes since Tanjiro was still in the mindset of being an asshole means you won’t have to deal with any messy emotions. So he would head back to collect his mission rewards and go back home and take a nap.    

WC 279
TWC 1304        

Exit Mission 

3 stats 
Mission rewards 
600 ryo + 600 ryo + 600 ryo = 1800 ryo
3 ap 
1000wc to Five-Seal Barrier
304 to e rank Fuinjutsu Breaking
Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : ~Hikari's Stats~
Remove Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Byakugan
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 75700

Steel and Sushi doing E-rank missions  - Page 2 Empty Re: Steel and Sushi doing E-rank missions

Thu Sep 19, 2019 9:44 pm
Approved Tanjiro, Byakura, Kaito, & Okuyama <3

@Byakura: Next time could you add up your total WC and list it on your exit post please? ^_^
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