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Tanjiro Nazar
Tanjiro Nazar
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Steel and Sushi doing E-rank missions  Empty Steel and Sushi doing E-rank missions

Tue Sep 10, 2019 1:44 pm
Mission Name: Someone to look up too
Rank: E-Rank
Type: Search
Character Requirements: Genin or higher
Mission Location:Konoha Academy
Word Count Requirements:500
Reward: 500 Ryo


Mission Name:Is Timmy stuck in a well?
Character Requirements:N/A
Mission Location:Konoha, Village
Word Count Requirements:500


Mission Name:Lumber
Character Requirements:N/A
Mission Location:Konoha, Forest
Word Count Requirements:500
Reward:500 Ryo


Tanjiro was tired of these low brow missions. He wanted to go out and do something more worth while. Plus he was tired of being paired with that fucking fish man. It was like the higher ups were trying to get the two shinobi to kill each other. It was time to do some more missions to get some food money. And he hoped that this time he could do them alone.

As Tanjiro made his way to the shinobi mission office he would make note of no fishy odor. That was a good thing! Once inside a familiar old ladies face would great him. "Good Mourning shinobi, how are you doing?" Tanjiro caught off guard a little would respond not in his normal tone. He some how managed a nicer dementor this time. She was just to old and nice. "Huh, I am ok, I guess. Gram. I think there are some missions for me." 

The nice old lady would duck behind the counter and within seconds pop back out with a few sealed envelopes. But Before he could open them something came in that smelled like a nasty. It was like the mixture of a training ground full of sweaty dudes and a hot day at a fish market.   

WC 206
Mukuro Ketsua
Mukuro Ketsua
Stat Page : The Mad Medic
Summoning Contract : Aoiryu
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Clan Specialty : Iryojutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 150400

Steel and Sushi doing E-rank missions  Empty Re: Steel and Sushi doing E-rank missions

Fri Sep 13, 2019 10:10 pm
"Oh now i'm going to be freaking late!!," rung the voice of a certain Genin as they breached the door on their home and ran toward their destination. Byakura had overslept after the events of a missions days prior and a little training among himself. What was supposed to be a simple eight hour sleep cycle turned into ten and thus he became in the current predicament. He was in quite a rush but managed to put his usual tracksuit on and rush out looking decent. The trek was not long by any means and given the short distance he was able to make it before any of the other missions had been snatched by anyone. His arrival was denoted by the wide swinging of the door into the mission request center.

Taking in a small breath he grinned a rather wide grin walking into the building and looking around. There had already been a few other genin sitting in the building, but one stood out to him among the rest. A blue male the likes he had never seen before. Amber eyes settled on the male as he walked over to the hulking behemoth and offered his hand," Have anyone to do missions with? I'm free and down to do any that you want to.," being friendly was a little awkward yes, but if it meant achieving his goal? He would definitely do it.

235 wc
Kaito Hoshigake
Kaito Hoshigake
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Steel and Sushi doing E-rank missions  Empty Re: Steel and Sushi doing E-rank missions

Sat Sep 14, 2019 12:20 am
Being a shinobi of Konoha, Kaito was expecting a bit… more. He went through years of training, nonstop conditioning, and testing to be granted this title. But what did it mean? It didn’t seem like he was being utilized to his full potential, instead being assigned odd tasks here and there that felt well below his level of competence. The shark man would don his standard attire, his loose fitting shirt showing his bare chest and some basic bottoms to keep from being indecent. 
The large specimen was making his way back to the assignment office, hoping that he would be able to convince them to grant him a serious mission so that he could do something meaningful. Kaito had gotten up on time today, and even managed to get in a three mile run before starting his trip to the offices. It of course wouldn’t stop him from still doing lunges all the way there, making sure that he is wasting no time. Nearly every moment of the day was an opportunity to train, and he wouldn’t waste any of that time.
Once at the building, he would go in and speak to the clerk. “Got any REAL assignments for me today?” Kaito would ask hoping that the village offered something more. The clerk would shake her head, pulling a packet out from under the desk and handing it to the large shark man. Kaito would open and scan the contents. More garbage assignments…
Tanjiro was seen, the shark man giving a glare in his direction before being approached by a new face. “You wanna knock these missions out? Sounds good to me. I’m Kaito by the way.” The large shark man would say, joining his hand to the extended offer and giving a strong, but not harmful grip and shake. He would scan over the documents one more time before handing it over to the new face. Ugh, assignment looks like they put the bald monk Tanjiro in the team again. Why does the village insist on pairing those us together?

WC: 342
Okuyama Sorai
Okuyama Sorai
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Steel and Sushi doing E-rank missions  Empty Re: Steel and Sushi doing E-rank missions

Sat Sep 14, 2019 6:22 am
A hand instinctively began to message some of the sleep from his eyes before Okuyama could even think to do so. This action was accompanied by a stretch and a stifled yawn, as he rose from bed. The man wasted little time in donning his dark blue uniform and fastening all of his equipment to his person. His final action before leaving the humble abode was to run a hand through his disheveled brown locks, giving it a slightly more respectable form than the mess it was.

Upon arriving at the mission center, he entered the office with no hesitation. Immediately he was hit with the wafting smells of a fish market and several sweaty, toned muscular bodies post work out, but of course the man's fishy odor was probably untrue.  A brief look of surprise would wash across his face as he took in the appearance of the man with blue skin, a shark fin, and other shark like features did happen to startle him a bit. Grandma never told him he'd be working with cross species shark people, and his mind began to wonder as to how that even came to be. Sharks were not gentle creatures, if he remembers right from his reading. The twisted soul that deemed one a suitable mate was probably deranged, but Okuyama would not pass judgement on this man-shark without first giving him a chance.

After all, money made the world go 'round, so it came as no surprise to him that the other two men whom he could only assume were fellow shinobi were here to grab their daily tasks as well. At first he had no intention of speaking to them beyond the expected and polite casual greeting, however they seemed to be willing to share tasks with one another and split the work between them. A light bulb shone behind his head, as he made his way to the counter to retrieve his own missions. Splitting the work and rewards could prove more entertaining than doing a bunch of menial tasks by one's self, so he chose to interject into their conversation at an appropriate moment, preferably after the shark man had just prompted the other man with his request to adjoin their efforts to finish these missions.

Okuyama would find eye contact with either one of the two men, and probe their interest simply. "Care for a third?" If the two seemed positive to his question, he'd go on to introduce himself. "Okuyama. These tasks are rather boring, good company may help alleviate that aspect of them." If prompted to shake hands, he would reply with one in turn.

[441 WC]
Tanjiro Nazar
Tanjiro Nazar
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Steel and Sushi doing E-rank missions  Empty Re: Steel and Sushi doing E-rank missions

Sat Sep 14, 2019 12:04 pm
Tanjiro was shocked to see the crowd that has managed to surround the shark man. Those other two shinobi must be men of great will or have a stuffy nose if they would dare the stench of the fish man. Tanjiro was standing five meters away and his eyes were still watering. But it seems they were all grouping up to finish these lowly missions quickly. That seemed like a potentially good idea. But did he have the will to wade those toxic fumes? Plus these missions would take all day for him to complete on his own, so more people makes the mission finish way faster. 

Maybe if Tanjiro showed the higher ups he was willing to volunteer to work with others, they would stop pairing him with people. Hit them with the old reverse physiology. So Tanjiro would try to breath from his mouth. Yet, that just resulted in the taste of something akin to sweaty sushi that made him gage a little. But Tanjiro knew what he had to do, so the young shinobi pressed on. Tanjiro would make his way to the other gathered shinobi, Introducing himself as Tanjiro Nazar. 

He was hoping to start this endeavor with somewhat of a good impression so when talking he tried to be nice. Turning his back to the source of the smell he would address the other two shinobi. “Yo, I am going to join yall in these boring ass missions. Faster we get it done the sooner we can all breath!” Tanjiro said this in quick spurts and shallow breaths. Trying to avoid getting too much of the smell in his mouth. It would be way too embarrassing to meet these people by puking on them. 

The first mission was to go help students at the academy. Tanjiro hated dealing with kids so like an old proverb his father told him about a boy, a fence and a lot of fools, he would get them to do the work for him. So in a somewhat friendly tone Tanjiro would say “Follow me, the first mission is to help some failures at the academy.” 

With the missions parameters given and the objective clear, Tanjiro would lead these shinobi to the academy and watch them work. Making sure to find some shade once he got there, where he can watch the others teach. He would pull out a Gag comic from his bag and laugh at the occasional funny panel. Who knew supervising was such hard work, he would need to get some food later. He need to restock on all of this hard spent energy.     

WC 436
TWC 642
Mukuro Ketsua
Mukuro Ketsua
Stat Page : The Mad Medic
Summoning Contract : Aoiryu
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Clan Specialty : Iryojutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 150400

Steel and Sushi doing E-rank missions  Empty Re: Steel and Sushi doing E-rank missions

Sun Sep 15, 2019 11:56 am
Once the two hands were firmly connected, Byakura began to shake as earnestly as he could. Even though his handshake was a little weak, he made it up for it with a firm grip. His father had always taught him while you can lack in strength you can never lack in etiquette when it came to making bonds. AS the two would depart from their handshake another would come into the fray, his amber eyes slowly turning to meet the male as he extended his to shake their hand as well. While the two were currently over there he decided to introduce himself to them," Nice to meet you Okuyama and Kaito. I'm Byakura. Nice to meet the both of you. Yeah i'm hoping that having more people would help out in the tedious day to day of these missions. How long have you guys been doing them by yourselves?," his smile sort of remained as he slid his arms into his jacket pockets and listened to whatever they would say.

As they talked however another came over to join their mission grind, someone with an apparent foul mouth from the looks of it. While they didn't show any outward form of distaste to their words, Byakura didn't necessarily think it was bad? Just how he handled introducing himself to the group. None the less he had no qualms about having more people join them. Since the first mission was at the academy he would walk to the right of Kaito sort of taking in the scenery of the village as he headed to where they all started.

Kaito Hoshigake
Kaito Hoshigake
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Steel and Sushi doing E-rank missions  Empty Re: Steel and Sushi doing E-rank missions

Mon Sep 16, 2019 4:08 am
So another new face would approach, asking if we needed another member. “Sure, man.” He’d reply, offering his hand with another firm shake. “With us all here the work should be easy and a little less BORING!” He would say this, hoping the clerk behind the counter heard him. Kaito didn’t mind having some company. Plus, knowing more folks never hurt anyone, right? Kaito would listen to the names of the newcomers. So Byakura was the blue haired guy that first approached, an Okuyama was the brown haired male that came after.
Then it would seem Tanjiro was making his way over, his thoughts on the missions much like Kaito’s own. These tasks were boring, meant to simply keep us busy. Where were the REAL missions? Where was the real CHALLENGE? The bald monk would make another remark about the “fishy odor”, though the shark man hadn’t a clue as to what he meant. The smell of a solid workout? Maybe, but not a fish market.  “And that guy is Tanjiro,” Kaito would add, making sure to let the others know who it was that insisted on taking charge and directing the unit since he failed to do so himself.
Once out in the open, Kaito would do his lunges while following the group, keeping his breathing smooth while he was keeping pace with the others. NO WASTED TIME! The day seemed rather cool, though not cold. A light breeze would blow at their faces, its gentle touch keeping Kaito cool… AND KEEPING WHATEVER SMELL TANJIRO WAS TALKING ABOUT DOWNWIND!
Once they were at the Academy, Kaito would go up to the students. He could see a couple of them whispering, but a simple look and smile was all it took for them to stop their gossiping. “Now what can I show you kids? Oh, I know.” He would reveal his empty hands, palms up to show nothing was in them. He would then flip them over showing there was nothing on the back, but when flipped palms up again a coin would be in his hand. “That is the Hidden Arms technique. It lets you quickly arm yourself in a pinch.” He would let out a laugh and then let the others show what they could. It wasn’t much, but the shark man wouldn’t imagine they needed to see some crazy powerful techniques. Practical beats flashy.
He would notice Tanjiro not doing anything other than reading a book of some sort. What a PUNK! He wants us to do ALL THE WORK AND THINKS HE’S GETTING PAID!?! Right as he was about to go over and smack that bald monk upside his head, a little dog would approach, yipping about something. Kaito didn’t speak dog, and had no idea what the thing wanted. Perhaps one of the others could figure it out.

Okuyama Sorai
Okuyama Sorai
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Steel and Sushi doing E-rank missions  Empty Re: Steel and Sushi doing E-rank missions

Mon Sep 16, 2019 4:42 am
Shark man seemed friendly enough, all things considered. Quite unlike the grisly creatures Okuyama had read about, for sure. The three so far had seemed to share the same sentiment about working together to knock these things out faster than intended, most likely. That said his words had some bite to them which seemed aimed at the the elderly lady behind the counter, and their intent was one he himself felt rather familiar with. Menial labor blows chunks.

Okuyama extended a callous, ex-farmer hand out to shake Byakura's. "This is day two for me," the male said in reply to other's question. He stuck both hands in his pants pockets after.

At this point Doctor Evil came over to the group and butted in without so much as an introduction. For some reason unknown to the rest of the group, he spoke in rather short, forced breaths. It didn't really occur to our titular and brave hero why they couldn't breathe during the mission, but maybe it was some sort of extra requirement. A challenge, he supposed. It would be one that he wouldn't do. Breathing was an essential part of life, some might say that going without it could kill you. Something seemed rather off about this fellow and it made Okuyama have second thoughts on this whole shinobi thing. That said, a fourth body to help with the labor wouldn't really hurt anything, would it? An eye would be kept on him, for sure, as he stated that they were to head off to the academy to teach some "failures" about how to properly conduct themselves in a manner satisfactory to being one of the revered shinobi.

Shark-hulk proceeded to introduce his chrome dome compatriot as Tanjiro. It was at this point Okuyama assumed they must have some sort of history together.

Following close behind Tanjiro on their way to the academy Okuyama began to wonder how exactly one might make a head so shiny as to nearly make out a reflection. Various images of barbers just polishing the skin like a bowling ball began to skirt around his mind, each vying for the spotlight. His eyes wandered to and fro, and he realized that Kaito was doing squats while keeping up with the group, and thus he realized how one can become so buff. Even years of farm work only served to make Okuyama fit, rather than buff.

Upon entering the academy, He-shark took charge and began showing the students a trick they could use. Being of a fairly competitive spirit himself, the lad took charge in showing them something more advanced than magic. Well maybe this was magic, but it was less party trick magic and more illusion. "Here's an even better one that doesn't require handseals." Briefly, he focused his chakra through his eyes and projected it upon each of the students, who would find themselves disoriented in a suddenly formless setting. Gone were the desks and walls they relied upon to ground themselves in reality, and so were their classmates and the man causing them this sensation. Crows would begin to rush the students, and if the screams were much to go off of, this was maybe a bad way to open the day. His cheeks could feel the heat rising to his face, and so he'd cancel the technique and begin to apologize. "My apologies, I didn't realize that might have been too much. I'll begin writing down notes on how you can perform this yourself while the rest of my coworkers teach you their lessons."

While Byakura and, mayhaps if Tanjiro felt like working today, Tanjiro, showed the class something, Okuyama would scribble out some fast notes that went over the details of the Mirage Crow technique, and how to channel chakra in one's body without handseals.

For some god awful reason a dog was in the building and began to make noise. Neither did Okuyama, probably the group's only cat person, speak dog. He thought to ask Shark-boy-man if he could since they he held animal like features, but figured it might come off as offensive so he held his tongue and simply gave the dog the stank eye for a bit.

[702 WC
1,143 total WC]
Tanjiro Nazar
Tanjiro Nazar
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Steel and Sushi doing E-rank missions  Empty Re: Steel and Sushi doing E-rank missions

Mon Sep 16, 2019 5:56 pm
Tanjiro was enjoying his gag comic as the other shinobi taught the students diligently. He was happy he got to avoid this task, his personality did not mesh well with kids. Most of the time they just cry when he talks to them. So reading this book was his contribution to the mission. 

A dog’s yipping would pull Tanjiro’s attention  away from his comic. There seemed to be a dog yipping at the shark man’s leg. “What could that dog possibly need?” So walking over to the barking mongrel Tanjiro would kneel down before it and ask. “What is wrong little buddy?” The dog would turn its attention to Tanjiro and with a pleading look in its eyes say “Bark bark yip bark yip yip.” Tanjiro  in a shocked expression would respond  “What you're owner Timmy fell into the families well? Let's go save him.” Tanjiro would look up to Kaito “Get the other two shinobi and some rope I will go ahead and see what I can do.” 

With the information passed on, Tanjiro would follow the dog in a shinobi run. The dog would lead him about five blocks away to a housing district. There was a well for a few apartments that seemed to be an extra source of water for these houses. “This seems a little out of place in a village with infrastructure. But who was he to question the villages layout.” So Tanjiro would be lead to the well with that dog barking loudly and scratching the well sides. Looking down, Tanjiro would see a kid who looks like he fell fifteen feet to the bottom. He would call down to the boy “Hey I am a village shinobi are you alive down there?” Upon hearing the Tanjiro a kids weak voice would call out from the well. “Hello, I am stuck down here. I think I may have hurt my leg. Please help!” 

Tanjiro would call down saying “people are coming to get you out now just hold tight.” Tanjrio would use surface walking technique to get to the top of the local building and look around for shark boy and the other two shinobi. Once the others got here Tanjiro would show them the way to the well. He would let them handle the rescue.    

WC 383
TWC 1,025
Mukuro Ketsua
Mukuro Ketsua
Stat Page : The Mad Medic
Summoning Contract : Aoiryu
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Clan Specialty : Iryojutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 150400

Steel and Sushi doing E-rank missions  Empty Re: Steel and Sushi doing E-rank missions

Wed Sep 18, 2019 12:11 am
As the names were finally given out and the group began to walk toward the academy, Byakura took notice of the others and their quirks more noticeably Kaito as they walked. His movements were a little odd considering they were only walking, but maybe he simply wanted to remain limber in any case of action. Never the less he marked him as an interesting character indeed. With their arrival to the academy, both Kaito and Okuyama wasted no time in teaching the new students a few jutsu, but since Byakura's jutsu repertoire was lacking for a better word he decided to help them with the more basic jutsu if they did not already know them. For some reason the other genin that had joined them was not doing anything except reading a book of some sort and that sort of bothered the amber eyed ninja a bit yet his job was to help the academy students. Not worry about what someone else had been doing.

Sometime in the middle of this he would hear the voice of the lazy bum alerting Kaito of an apparent person being stuck in a well and required some rope. Not knowing what else to do at that moment, he began to look around for any indication of rope before grabbing it himself and moving toward the group as fast as he could. Following the others to get to the well, Byakura would tie down the rope onto something both sturdy and strong before throwing the excess to the other two ninja that bothered to help. With that out of the way he would coordinate with both Okuyama and Kaito to get the child out of the well. Of course with this he did not see a sign or trace of Tanjiro helping them, his assumption being that the bald person was sort of useless.

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