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Alister Yama
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The force in us (yen, love) - Page 3 Empty Re: The force in us (yen, love)

Mon Feb 25, 2019 3:40 am
"Good. One thing about water chakra to understand is so long as your chakra wills it. It shall be done. Like a muscle think about each watery substance. But focus your chakra to have the water from this  stick to your hand. By doing as such you are familiarizing the chakra with the element"

Yen stated as he let go of the whip and the whip resolved into water around love and in her hand. The droplets were but sudden as yen smiled, and gazed at love.

"Before focusing more on the medical arts. I was pretty accomplished in water ninjutsu. Now I'm getting back into practice with it. At times it is a bit easier, or harder at times depending how I feel. Granted it is not as easy. There were many I utilized. Rain, few creatures. Water merely takes the shape it must, but with chakra its shape is by the disire  of the jutsu user. "

Yen leaned back and laid on his back in the grass as he felt the earth and the wind. Wonderful feeling of each element. As such he now looked back at love. 
"So what made you want to focus water love as another element'

Yen asked as he gazed at the sky.
Princess Love
Princess Love
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The force in us (yen, love) - Page 3 Empty Re: The force in us (yen, love)

Tue Feb 26, 2019 8:26 pm
Love nodded as she listened to Yen, water probably was the most compliant of elements. She wasn't too sure having it stick to her hand was a good idea, not being able to drop it without canceling the jutsu is risky. Plus she already had that ability and could do it without hand seals although this whip was a lot longer. When he ended the jutsu she kept what little water she had in her hand instead of letting it run off. This would now give her two objectives to try at once, one hand would continue gathering droplets from the grass with the intent of eventually floating up to her palm. And the other hand would be focused on keeping the water from dripping with the intent of forming a small thread when she eventually flipped it facing down. Even the weakest of shinobi knew how to stick to water but having the opposite happen would be like surfing without a board. The Hyuuga had never engaged in the water sport so she could only imagine, her mind would create the similarity of having rocks propel you into the sky.

However, with water, there was no need to surround the feet in the element because it would be so obedient there was no risk of falling. If that were true she'd definitely once she mastered it yet before she began planning a day out of the office the red head would stay focused on Yensung's words. She wasn't aware that male had studied the medical arts, only that he used ninjutsu and genjutsu. Love had planned to ask him a question next but he had beaten her to it so she'd answer first, with a shrug. "It compliments my lightning. Besides, I'm not free as the wind nor do I have the personality to fuel a fire." And even if she wanted one to learn one of those other two there's a possibility she's incapable of doing so. Well, now that that was out she'd ask her question, "How'd you get from gen to medical ninjutsu?" A simple inquiry, they were training but Love knew that this was gonna take a lot longer than learning earth. Rocks and dirt had actually come to her that time but now there hadn't been any indication that this would be the next element she learned. It's even possible that it was her refined chakra control pushing the droplets together and they'd never fly up. Though if that turned out to be the case they'd just move on to whatever other element Yen knew because it couldn't possibly be lightning.

WC: 437
Alister Yama
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The force in us (yen, love) - Page 3 Empty Re: The force in us (yen, love)

Wed Feb 27, 2019 3:02 am
"Makes sense. It's good to make use of ways to compliment your own technique likewise. It is good to have many ways to respond to combat. With it you will be capeable of many things. So long as your imagination allows it love." 

Yen said as he rested his arms under his head and counted the clouds and looked upside down behind him at love and smiled. She had definitely began to get a solid grip on the water chakra.

I reckon a bit more and I shall begin testing her chakra for compatibility.

Yen thought as he studied the girl for a moment as she asked her question of why genjutsu to medical jutsu.. The wander was simple and apart from what most beloved. They were two sides of the same coin.

"Genjutsu is the art of conjuring illusions. It takes both a strong mind, will, and control of chakra to manipulate the very being of a person. While driving the strongest part of the mortal body. The brain. In the case of medical I am not a person that is crule as you know. I help people. Heal wounds, and the sort love. The genjutsu arts, and medical arts are two opposite side's of the same coin. One can effect the flesh, and the systems of the flesh. The other effects the mind and breaks the will of a person. With both you sort of have a balence of yin and yang."

Yen addressed as he rolled over onto his stomach and glooked up at love.

 "The mind and body both work in synergy, but should you effect one. The other will surely work. In the hands of an crule person you can do many things. Because no matter what you can even mimic various ailments on induviduals. I too am capable of many such things. But I help my home. Just my opponents will know on my bad side lies the very disregard to their hopes and dreams."
Princess Love
Princess Love
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The force in us (yen, love) - Page 3 Empty Re: The force in us (yen, love)

Thu Feb 28, 2019 8:18 pm
"Yup." Love replied with a quick nod as the male laid back to enjoy the day. He still kept his eyes on her as she tried to impose her will on the water and even when thinking of a way to respond to her question. Listening to his answer she did agree that they both affected the body there was no debating that. However, "two sides of the same coin" was a bit of a stretch if she had to word it she'd say "cut from the same cloth" but that's just a minor variance. He then rolled over onto his stomach before continuing what he had to say. "Having knowledge on the inner workings of the human body would definitely benefit genjutsu and those that use it. Whether for torture or to be therapeutic, even forced relaxation can be used to get someone to talk." This is probably what he meant but she still preferred her saying. "I was thinking about getting into med, it'd be good to fall back on once I'm too old for this." She added with a smile, of course, she was way too young to think about retiring but you never know what could happen in their line of work.

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The force in us (yen, love) - Page 3 Empty Re: The force in us (yen, love)

Fri Mar 01, 2019 12:05 pm
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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The force in us (yen, love) - Page 3 Empty Re: The force in us (yen, love)

Sat Mar 02, 2019 8:21 am
"Medical is your idea for the future? You will do well with medical jutsu as it would show with your eagerness and natural skill with chakra. As i am certain you will defintly do nany things."

Yen stated as he sat up and took a breath and sighed softly.

"No matter the method. You also realize you cannot get every person to speak. The eternal question that we ask in our duty as shinobi will be awnsered at our time if it comes. Still we should keep our minds and bodies at the ready for facing such challenges. After all as i know a genjutsu breaks many people with ease. Still i am greatful i never had to resort to such methods yet."
Princess Love
Princess Love
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The force in us (yen, love) - Page 3 Empty Re: The force in us (yen, love)

Mon Mar 04, 2019 10:37 pm
"Thanks." The young Hyuuga would reply as she continued to play with the water in her hand. The male rolled over and went on with his speech. Either he couldn't get comfortable or there was something causing him to be fidgety today. Before that could be address she shrugged at his continuance. She was willing to push the envelope even if it leads to a crack, of course, Konoha had a non-genjutsu way to do that in the form of the Yamanaka clan. She glanced at Yen after he spoke his last sentence, he was directly responsible for the death of a man he held as a close friend. That kind of occurrence had yet to reach the young red head despite that she was certain, taking the life of a stranger wouldn't shake her. "You need a vacation brother." She'd come out and say. The death of a friend, wife, children, and a student piled on top of a fight with another close friend and the duties of a deputy kage he didn't have any time to process things healthfully.

Vacation was a word to look forward to, sabbatical was rather depressing and we didn't want that. Yet Love wanted him to see around it, to the opportunity to dilute and shed the weight of these tragedies. It'd take a large set to deny the chance to help run a major village especially when it was the kage asking you directly. But Konoha has been maintaining itself without a deputy for years and it's not like he'd be gone forever.

WC: 261
Alister Yama
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The force in us (yen, love) - Page 3 Empty Re: The force in us (yen, love)

Thu Mar 07, 2019 3:29 am
A vacation? The concept was not unusual. He did plan one with the late wife when things died down, but then reality sunk in. Sad how things worked in such a crule sense. Yet love brought it up which made yen go silent as he stared at the ground in a moment of self reflection. All he did was teach and work. Now the village was partially on his shoulders. He thought to the times he made time to cook on his own amid looking over the papers for both chuninn, and now the village. But behind it all was a sense of exhuastion he rarely showed.

"Well... you make a good point love. It does seem i cpuld at one point take time off.. but not yet, still when i do why dont you tag along. Company will always show suite to such a trip. Itll be refreshimg"

Yen stated after a few moments of silence and looking up at love with a big smile now he defintly lovedvthe idea. A break to quiet the mond and perhaps really take time to himself was becomming more and more possible with himself reflecting it.

New ingredients, new foods to make. Even suna was a small vacation in a sense, but time to myself. Yess itll be great.

Yen thought as he shot a grin at love and chuckled.

"Well love for such a fine thought. I will let you pick tonights meat and veggi of choice. Tell me and ill have it at the ready for you for your dinner."
Princess Love
Princess Love
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The force in us (yen, love) - Page 3 Empty Re: The force in us (yen, love)

Wed Jun 05, 2019 7:47 pm
As Love sat, pulling water with on hand and maintaining it in the other there was a moment of silence while Yen contemplated what she'd said to him. She smiled when he did reply and took a few seconds of her own before replying to his offer for her to join him on a vacation should he ever take on. The Hyuuga didn't feel that she'd done nearly enough to warrant time off yet she wasn't against traveling to new places so she'd cheerfully accept the male's offer. At this point, he had a huge smile plastered across his face and even chuckled at something he kept in his mind. He'd be the first to speak after the moment of happiness, it was yet another proposition. What did she want for dinner? Love hadn't thought about food the entire time they were here and it was one of her favorite things to do, she must've been more focused than she thought. She needed to pick a meat and vegetable, "I guess beef and cabbage." A rather boring and basic combination but she just said the first thing that came to her mind, surely if the Aburame found it too bland and mundane he'd pick other veggies to liven it up. Not to mention spices went far when trying to stretch money naturally she wouldn't know anything about that and doubted that Yen did either but that didn't make it any less true.

Now before they got too far off topic the kunoichi turned the hand that was maintaining water on its side. Love figured she'd spent enough time slowing its departure from her palm and that it was now time to try getting it to stand. Only horizontally for now though, she still lacked the control necessary for it directly defy gravity. Should his one yellow eye have glanced down at her hands he'd see that the droplets were still reluctantly coming together in her other hand. While Love herself didn't have any ideas of how else to tackle that task perhaps Yen did, though she had half a mind to swirl some water with a finger and have it follow her ascendance they were sitting on the grass. Thus not enough liquid to test the idea; had one of them been a Hozuki like Kyson that wouldn't be a problem, at least she didn't think so. Although they'd fought once Love hadn't thought to research more on his bloodline and its relation to natural water. It'd probably a good idea to go do that after she got finished here, with this upcoming test brushing up on other kekkei genkai would be helpful in coming up with on the spot collaboration jutsu.

Until she heard from him on her progress the red head would stop relying on ninja magic to connect the droplets to her hand Love would send her own chakra down to connect with it. Although she couldn't see it right now she had a pretty good image in her head of what it would look like for her chakra to pull the water up. The switch of technique in both of her hands actually felt good and made her feel confident that her attempts were actually working. Unless she was actually delusional and the lack of food was causing her to imagine things but Love had faith, her stomach had yet to growl after all. Of course, when that moment of embarrassment did strike Yen would know to get started cooking their meal, that is if he didn't already do so after hearing the girl's ingredient selections.

WC: 600
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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The force in us (yen, love) - Page 3 Empty Re: The force in us (yen, love)

Thu Jun 06, 2019 4:40 pm
"Cabbage and beef huh love? Well then that is certainly nothing too hard to make"

Yen began to devise of various ways he could enjoy the prospects of the dish. Of course it was nothing too challenging to cook up. As he looked over her working he wondered if love enjoyed a little "spin" to the dish. The mixture of a little kick with some hot peppers in the base soup. Perhaps a hint of a few herbs added into the beef for a more fulfilling meal. All added into an grand mix of deliciousness which for the girl would be appreciated. 

[I]She defintly does need this indeed...[i/]

Yen thought as he observed her work, and nooded with approval.

"In the case of water how about i get you started on some indepth stuff. Granted the jutsu are easy, but it is about application. An solid example is the hidden mist technique lovely."

Yen voice would become a bit more lecture like as he would weave the tiger handseal and the area would fill with mist thick enough to be an hindrance to most normal civilians, but not a bother for shinobi.

"Though this love. Stealth and other such motions would be a tad bit easier, but that only goes so far. An water jutsu is about utilizing it for perhaps more practical uses. Lets say mixing poison in the air, or water. Even obscuring an visual lock between the target and yourself. Lets say an practitioner in genjutsu with the sharingan. These are but small examples of said uses love."

Yen stated as he dispelled the mist.
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