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Alister Yama
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The force in us (yen, love) - Page 2 Empty Re: The force in us (yen, love)

Fri Feb 22, 2019 7:32 pm
Her hug was warm and well obviously unlike the fabled fears of hugging the aburame. Love did not get an single insect on her as per yens command. Breif as it was love did meantion a thank you. Snd yens reply was a small smile and resting his hand on the side of her cheek.

"You are always welcome love."

Yen spoke with an kind sweet smile and as such he lowered himself as he backed away down to the ground. Being lowered  gentle on the ground and landing on his feet.  It would take sometime till he would use the flight technique, but on that yen noted love's flared enthusiasm.

"Well we begin at anytime. But first i want to know have you been keeping up your training while you were gone love?"

Yen asked as he was curious to her development thus far in her work. It has been sometime since she  had been with yen. So it was good for a refresher. He too had slowly been working on his own stuff. Few things he would not reveal for safety, but of course it was an awnser all in itself. Where could she be before taking this examn.

Ap: 1,398/1,518

Rag doll technique ended.
Princess Love
Princess Love
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The force in us (yen, love) - Page 2 Empty Re: The force in us (yen, love)

Fri Feb 22, 2019 10:56 pm
Love would smile back at the man when he told her that she was always welcome. He then proceeded to gracefully return to the ground, sadly that wasn't an option for her. So when she ended her jutsu she'd just fall, of course, she landed in a squat to protect her knees and popped right back up. The red head comically scratched her brow with one finger after the question he asked her. "See that's a funny story... I was in jail during most of my trip." Yen's reaction to that would be rather entertaining since Love generally wasn't the law-breaking type. 

WC: 102
AP: 749
Alister Yama
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The force in us (yen, love) - Page 2 Empty Re: The force in us (yen, love)

Sat Feb 23, 2019 1:47 am
The words being in jail practically made the one eyed aburame raise an eyebrow in surprise. Out of all he least expected the girl to be in jail. Hell he would been fine if she returned with a boy toy from the other village. Much less a document. But she was obviously in the slammer. 

His mouth woulda been opened but his face betrayed amused yet understandable comidics.

"Did you like walk in the wrong building at a bad time?"

Yen asked slightly amused yet he did not burst out laughing.  More wondered if love was imprisoned for a task. Then either she was nsughty or she was mistaken for something. In that case he looked her ovet and motioned love go stand next to him. 

"Well you can definitely get in the air. Which is great. Bug for many things it is good to have tools at the ready. An keen example is my protective technique. But also attacks that you can seamlessly use.  If you have an advantage. It is wise to use them to your fullest. Like wise..."

Yen paused for a second or two before speaking once more.

"I would suggest you please get into the air love. This hits far and hard."

Yen stated as he with seeming ease had already built up the webbing within him before he spat out a tho k blob of webbimg which hit the ground and at a rapid speed of 105. Covered the entire 100 meters surrounding him including trees, branches and the likes. The area was coated white like snow. Yet the webbing was unforgiving my powerful. (Exhuasting web hunter:  power:105 speed:105 health:95, strength required to break free, 105.)

Standing at the center yen glanced at the area for a second as he spoke up to love.

"I'm known this for awhile, it would've been useful against kiri, but perfection of technique often means to keep allies safe love. As such i would say the same. If you. Take a moment you will by no doubt find the use behind it. It is jutsu like this one must be ready to use. So what about you love. What do you have at the ready to change the flow of combat?"

Yen asked as with seemingly his will as the command. The jutsu disrntigrsted away before love's eyes. As he would find it useful more later.

"I have developed many jutsu some precedent to teach. Others are rather complex."

Ap: 1,328/1,518

-70 for exhuasting web hunter. (Ended)
Princess Love
Princess Love
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The force in us (yen, love) - Page 2 Empty Re: The force in us (yen, love)

Sat Feb 23, 2019 11:45 pm
"No nothing like that." The red head replied as the Aburame being to think of reasons why little Love could be jailed. "So aside from watching the bijuu fight, I 'eased dropped' on a secret conversation and 'stayed after being told to leave'". Love would make the air quotes as she spoke, if he wanted to go into the detail she would but the gesture should be enough for him to know she was in the right...mostly. What he said next let her know that they would be moving on however the male took a second to pause and then ushered a warning. Heeding the man's words Love did a small hop three feet into the air, once she was out of the way Yen proceeded. What he did was a little weird spitting out a white glob of web, she'd heard of spider monkeys but spider cats was new. But suddenly the web started to grow and covered everything in the area, the Hyuuga looked round and round to see the entire range. "That's impressive." She commented and then nodded when the male stated that it would've been useful against Kiri. Love gave a toothy smile when he, in turn, asked what she had at the ready while dissipating the webs. With them gone she'd hit the ground, the male added on after the question and Love shrugged.

There never came a time when there was nothing she could teach a person although the more difficult things tended to be clan jutsu. "It took quite a while to get here." On the last word, Love would hold up her arms and around her hands, two giant lion heads would appear. Their manes would cover both forearms, moving like flames the embers crept past her elbows. She'd let him examine them before explaining what they could do.

WC: 307
AP: 749-20-100=629
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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The force in us (yen, love) - Page 2 Empty Re: The force in us (yen, love)

Sun Feb 24, 2019 5:31 am
Her reasons were justified. As for bijuu naturally there wasn't much thought on it. The village either handled it. Or it like it should be in yen's eyes was free, and enjoying itself in freedom. 

"Well must've been a sight. If they failed. Good. The bijuu should be doing just fine. Even if sealed. The bijuu would be freed eventually and just do as it pleases. Only shows how short our lives our compared to theirs. And as such gaining power on their behalf is an insult to their vast knowledge.'

Yen stated as he observed love's technique and smiled. A solid makeshift of chakra around her arms in the shape of lions. Impressive control and execution.

" as I would suspect these play a big enhancement to your gentle fist hand to hand art. It is good that they are well formed and clearly the work on your chakra it does is great. Marvelous technique. Might just show its value in the future. Well done love."

Yen stated as he smiled and looked at the girl now. 

"So naturally I say it is wise to keep ever improving. And improve you will. What will you like to learn today?"
Princess Love
Princess Love
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The force in us (yen, love) - Page 2 Empty Re: The force in us (yen, love)

Sun Feb 24, 2019 3:57 pm
Love giggled at Yen's response. "Yes and yes." Love nodded side to side, not a yes or a no. She understood his stance on not containing them but beings that can destroy entire villages in a single swipe for little to no reason need to be tamed. She knew they could talk but would any of them really make an agreement to spare a certain land, especially when the inhabitants have no way of protecting it? But they were on to her jutsu now. "Correct." Would be the answer to his hypothesis, she'd hold out one hand directly in front of one of his own so the lion could clamp down. Then Yen could experience one of the jutsu's mechanics and gauge its power. "Thanks." She'd reply to the compliment and per usual he'd ask what she'd like to learn that day. With a smile, she asked if he was able to teach her how to control water.

WC: 158
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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The force in us (yen, love) - Page 2 Empty Re: The force in us (yen, love)

Sun Feb 24, 2019 5:25 pm
Yen smiled at loves response and chuckled.

"I had the honor of meeting one through a host before. Still reminds me to enjoy the time we got. Regardless love I say yea want water hun?"

Yen smiled as he considered and different approaches and studied love for a moment. 

"Water is my natural element. It is a simple element to understand love."

Yen stated as he touched the lions on her fists on the side. The Chakra consistency was very impressive to the aburame head. And as such he did not need to test the gentle fist. He was well aware of its capabilities.

"With water, you must look beyond it as a quantity of life. You must leap beyond the idea it is for cups. But it is in all of us. It is life. And it will help you. Defend you. And destroy you if not careful love. Understanding this you must replicate your chakra as such."
Princess Love
Princess Love
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The force in us (yen, love) - Page 2 Empty Re: The force in us (yen, love)

Sun Feb 24, 2019 7:29 pm
"That's cool. Certainly less stressful than how I encountered the four tails." She said with a light laugh before he moved on to what she'd asked. Right of course water was his main element, he'd said it before and always spoke fondly of it after. Her lip poked out in a mischievous pout when the male chose to test the strength and density of the lions rather than let one bite him. Since he was done examining it she would cancel the jutsu as she would need to focus. Even though she could still use other jutsu and weave signs learning new elements was the hardest thing for shinobi to do. The girl listened thoughtfully to the male's words, the mention of cups caused her to smile but what came next sparked an idea: How hard would it be to manipulate the water in another person's body? It was a tad dark so she'd hold off on asking if that was possible.

The rest of what the jounin said was rather vague but Love was going to get right to it. She'd descend to the ground and sit with her legs in a pretzel style. Some of the grass was a bit wet so she'd try to draw the moister to herself, if she was successful with this then she'd move on to try depriving the green blades of their nutrients. That is if Yen didn't have her attempt something else first.

WC: 242
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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The force in us (yen, love) - Page 2 Empty Re: The force in us (yen, love)

Sun Feb 24, 2019 9:59 pm
Granted love began to work with it and yen smiled. As a simple showcase of water jutsu in the essence yen would simply weave a few seals before the girl and out formed a long 16 meter whip made completely of solidified water formed from his hand. (Water whip: power/sharpness 40)

"You see love just with water unlike lightning it is more solidified. Liquid bends at your very will and desire as it is known. With such as that it is much like moving your own body. With practice it only gets better. Because you can feel the flow of water to its fullest. It is also beneficial.  In the  suna desert i did not need to carry a score of water. As such i merely created most to refurbish of hydrate as needed."

He stated with a grin and held out the whip made of water to love as he sat across from her.

"Feel the water, but i suggest you observe my chakra flow maintaining it with your bayakugan. Observe the points and the flow  and mimic the exact control of the chakra you are seeing. So while touching this feel the wet yet solidified nature of it. As your chakra will mimic your will."

-20 ap for water whip
Princess Love
Princess Love
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The force in us (yen, love) - Page 2 Empty Re: The force in us (yen, love)

Mon Feb 25, 2019 1:15 am
Love had already made it to the ground when Yen activated a jutsu he wanted her to observe. Love hadn't created any lightning bolts so she couldn't really say which element was more solid. The red head was looking up at him as there was now a really long water whip pilled next to her. She'd missed the hand seals if any but those were always the easiest part of a jutsu and she'd memorized them a long time ago so all he needed to say was the name. Him mentioning Suna and being able to materialize water from the air reminded her of her journey back after it was annexed. As hot as the desert was during the day it became that cold at night and the girl had wished she could manipulate fire. While reminiscing the few drops on several blades of grass had come together forming a tiny ball. It wasn't much but it was a start.

The Aburame had joined her on the ground, she almost sighed when he told her to use the byakugan. Sure being able to see chakra made using and understanding it easier but it was so effortless. She did touch the whip though, it was solid like ice yet it wasn't cold and it felt wet like free water rather than getting stuck to her skin.

WC: 225
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