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Tanjiro Nazar
Tanjiro Nazar
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Full day of training ahead (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Full day of training ahead (Open)

Sun Mar 17, 2019 9:51 pm
He stood back and watched the female shinobi try to rile up the other surrounding shinobi. Sugimoto respected her efforts, but saw them as futile. What Kumo needed wasn't a bunch of shinobi fired up and ready to fight, what Kumo truly needed was someone to stand up and lead these ninja. Someone to Organize their efforts, show them how to get stronger and plan and lead a defence of the village proper. Someone who at least had the strength of will and body to lead us in the fight proper, but sadly Sugimoto had yet seen anyone in this village who seemed like they would take up that mantel let alone could take it up.

If no one took on that burden, Sugimoto predictions were that the future for Kumo was dark indeed. He had no love of the village that let his clan be exiled from their own land all those years ago. But now he had people he cared for and wanted to protect, so he would do what he could to protect them.

Sugimoto would pack up his thing and start to leave the training grounds. He hoped the other shinobi the best of luck in there training and hoped the lady shinobi gets them fired up and ready for the fight. Yet he felt like he had more important things to do like his own preparations for getting the people he cared for out of the village safely.          

WC 243
TWC 483 + 277 + 243 = 1003

stats 5 
Telepathy Seal 1000wc - 4000wc = 3000wc left
Jiro Uchiha
Jiro Uchiha
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Full day of training ahead (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Full day of training ahead (Open)

Tue Mar 19, 2019 11:11 am
It seemed the lady had grown aggravated, due to nobody wanting to partake in her training exercise. She started questioning people’s strength and showing off the money she had offered as a reward. One of the presumed genin was already making his way toward the exit. A few of the people that were watching had grown disinterested in the events and had turned back to their own training.

Jiro stretched a bit, what held him back earlier was no longer as serious a threat. He knew the girl would destroy him in actual combat, but this was training. “I guess, I won’t be merely watching. I have no interest in your purse however.” He would say with bravado entirely sure he could not take her money even if he wanted.

The chuunin would begin to circle the young lady in a fast-paced walk attempting to assess her abilities. He had never met this woman and had no clue as to what abilities she may possess it was best to see where her abilities lie and then go from there. “You wear your emotions on your sleeve miss…?” He would ask not sure of the person standing before him. Jiro had never met most of the people in the village, so asking people their name was a common occurrence.

Jiro had weapons in his pouches along his hip, he wasn’t entirely sure if they would be of much use yet. He however found some comfort that they were there none the less. He only had a few jutsu that could help him. For now he hoped paralyzing the girl would secure him victory, but he had recognized this person’s chakra early and knew she could break it, so long as she could use genjutsu release without seals to focus.

If Hato sent a massive jutsu he could either move or send it back, he wasn’t sure which he would do at that moment. He had been pacing for quite a moment. Hopefully, Hato would say something to get things moving and keep things entertaining. “So, were you born here in Kumo?” She was aware he was from Suna, so knowing where she hailed was only fair. Whether she would be willing to say was a different matter in its entirety. Perhaps she was not the talkative type for example or perhaps she was and was in the mood for a conversation about anything.

WC: 402
TWC: 1003
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

Full day of training ahead (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Full day of training ahead (Open)

Sun Mar 24, 2019 3:50 pm
Hato would stand and wait until someone approached her, willing to fight. This training field needed a battle to make things more exciting. It was pretty boring just punching bags and wooden poles. Thankfully, Jiro, the chunin from earlier actually approached her. “I guess, I won’t be merely watching. I have no interest in your purse however.” He explained, approaching her. She smiled at him, "Thank god, I was going to be really disappointed if no one in this village wanted to engage in a spar." She placed the bag of ryo away in her bag as he explained he didn't want the reward. She was perfectly fine with not needing to spend any money. 

The chunin started to pace around the blonde, analyzing her. It wasn't uncommon for two shinobi to anaylze their opponents before a match. Hato followed his movements.  “You wear your emotions on your sleeve miss…?” Jiro said as he continued to trace her with his eyes. Hato wasn't sure what he meant by that. "Excuse me?" She said in a confused tone. As he continued, he also asked, “So, were you born here in Kumo?” Hato smiled as it was unusual to hold a casual conversation as they were in the middle of a spar. "Ah, trying to get me to spill my guts to learn more about me? Well, if you must know I've lived here my whole life." As stated before, Hato knew that the chunin was from Suna as he announced it earlier. She wondered why there were so many shinobi from Sunakgure and not as many shinobi that have lived here.

She would allow the conversation to continue but she wanted to the show on the road. After weaving one sign, two clones that formed in front of Jiro's path, and one right behind him. The clones were less than a meter away from him. They appeared with a speed of 67. Jiro was only 5 meters away from Hato. After the clones appeared, the one directly in front of Jiro use it's sharp claws to attempt to slash his chest using both of it hands, from his top right chest to the lower left (speed of clone is 47 and sharpness of claws is 30).  

WC: 375
TWC: 1690
Jiro Uchiha
Jiro Uchiha
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Full day of training ahead (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Full day of training ahead (Open)

Tue Mar 26, 2019 3:57 pm
[ltr]Seeing Hato move her hands Jiro would activate his sharingan, he could see the chakra begin to swell and the hand sign she used. A mass of chakra erupted before him and from the sound one behind. He couldn’t do anything to stop the claws from sinking into his skin even with his fancy eye. Maybe it was what he deserved, perhaps he should have taken his initial judgement and ran with it. This person was better than him in every sense of the word. 


[ltr]Falling to the ground Jiro’s eyes remained open things were a blur. He could see the two clones and their master, but he lay there unable to do anything. He wasn’t dead, but his consciousness was fading. The eyes realizing their sheer and utter loss would evolve once more into a more useful state. Everything was still a blur however and he would finally fall unconscious.  


[ltr]In his mind he knew what he was weak. His dream even showed him so, he was repeatedly kicked by the girl. However, her face morphed time and time again first it kept the face of the woman, then morphed to Maku, it continued to change back and forth until it became blank. The unknown was even kicking him now. How pathetic for a chuunin to lose against a genin. He taunted himself the ethereal figure did not need to. Had the girl wished him dead it would be over, him even having this dream was a blessing. 


[ltr]Even though the thoughts were negative he would wake up after a bit a resolve burned into his heart. “I will get stronger and face you again!” He would say whether or not the young lady stayed to watch him was as of yet unclear.  Jiro hoped she was.

WC: 294
TWC: 1301[/ltr]
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

Full day of training ahead (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Full day of training ahead (Open)

Sun Mar 31, 2019 11:49 pm
As soon as Hato released the jutsu, it seemed Jiro didn't stand a chance against her. The clone's simple swipe took out the chunin with ease. Luckily, the clone behind him was close enough for them to catch Jiro in their arms. He's got a higher rank than me? Maybe there is more too him but holy shit this was too easy. Hato then thought, Maybe it's some sort of test? Better go heal him just in case. She would then rush over to the injured Jiro that the clone whilst weaving ox and tiger. Her hands would start to softly glowing as she arrived the injury. She placed her hand on a the marks that covered his chest. The skin cells start to reconnect and his tissue gets restored. "You gotta at least to attempt to block or evade the attack." Hato scolded Jiro. This is when she was able to look at Jiro's eyes close up. "Those eyes." She would mutter to herself. "Are you related to Zyxis?" She asked simply as she would take him from the clones arms into her own arms. She remembered the time they went on the mission to the vampire's home and Zyxis, the uchiha, activated his eyes. She was always curious on the powers of these eyes. 

WC: 216
TWC: 1906
Jiro Uchiha
Jiro Uchiha
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Full day of training ahead (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Full day of training ahead (Open)

Mon Apr 01, 2019 2:56 pm
A pretty girl holding him in her arms staring deeply into his eyes as he woke up, the dream had taken an odd step in another direction. She said something about blocking or dodging, reminding him that they were still in the training grounds. He would lay there as she kept looking into his eyes and asked if he was related to someone name Zyxis. Jiro would clear his throat blocking the cough with his arm, keeping it out of Hato’s face.

Sitting up he would answer her question about Zyxis. “I don’t know anyone named Zyxis does he look like me?” He would ask in tandem with denying that he had any relation he knew of. “As for blocking and dodging, I am not much of a ninja. I haven’t done a mission since I was a genin four years ago in Suna. Just guard duty pretty much. I wasn’t even around when Suna was taken. When the ninja were split between Kumo and released from duty, I was part of the half sent to Kumo. Basically, I am really rusty which is why I took your challenge.”

“For a genin you are pretty strong I could sense your chakra. It was like a beacon among the crowd and for some reason I can see it right now.” He would say looking back at the swirling energies surrounding the girl. Why he had decided to just give the girl his story was unknown to him, maybe he felt as a fellow shinobi in the village she could understand. “Do you want to keep going? It seems I have found a good partner. One that can beat me up and heal me after.”

Looking around he could see others holding seals and the auras produced. It seemed a few people were laughing at Jiro’s flop. It seemed they were aware most would lose to the girl. What are these auras I saw them at the meeting too, this time is has a slight difference they are clearer and things seem slower. The chuunin would stand he had an idea for what he wanted to do, he needed to work on his speed for now along with strengthening his chakra. Hopefully, Sato had something in mind for them to do otherwise the day would go on without him getting even a little payback, which he did not have anything malicious in mind for.

WC: 402
TWC: 1703
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

Full day of training ahead (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Full day of training ahead (Open)

Mon Apr 08, 2019 12:55 am
Unfortunately the Uchiha that laid in her arms didn't know who Zyxis was. It was a shame, being that they had the same eyes. But at the same time, it didn't matter too much. "No. He has white hair. However, your eyes are the same. Red with weird shaped pupils around the main one. What is it?" She would ask, still curious. She would stare into his eyes, and caress his cheek making it seem like she was just checking up on him whilst also trying to make him comfortable.

Jiro then explained that he hasn't been on a mission for a hot while due to the moving of villages thing. He also explained that her chakra levels were like a beacon, always a nice compliment to get unless you were attempting to sneak around. Jiro thought Hato was good partner, as he exclaimed, saying that it was nice to have a partner that could beat you down and bring you up. That part made her chuckle a bit. "Ah I see. Well I guess that means we have some work to do getting you back up to shape. Taking some beatings might shape you like a muscular god if i do it enough." She jokes, of course. Hato couldn't just beat up the rusty chunin, he wouldn't be able to improve. She wanted to see the full capabilities of this kekki genki.

The young woman would pick up Jiro after all his injuries were healed and their compliments were done. "We can continue. However, we'll change it up a bit." She backs up 2 meters from him and asks, "What are your specialties? And what kind of jutsu do you know? That way I can help you improve the field you're in."

WC: 293
TWC: 2199
Jiro Uchiha
Jiro Uchiha
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Full day of training ahead (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Full day of training ahead (Open)

Wed Apr 10, 2019 12:43 pm
Red with weird shaped pupils around the center one? “My sharingan has awakened?” He would ask looking at his hands and the chakra running through them. So, in the kage’s chambers this was an effect of the sharingan. “The pupil looking things are tomoe how many do you see, the sharingan evolves as the person does. Three tomoe is the mastered form of the basic sharingan.” Jiro hoped the answer would be three then he could start working on sharingan genjutsu a genjutsu with no equal. It could make others see what the user wanted them to see.

“The sharingan is mostly used for genjutsu, but it has other abilities such as copying. It also allows one to see chakra as it is formed.” It wouldn’t be bad to tell the girl the abilities maybe it would one day save her life, especially when she was given the next tidbit. “When you hear the name Uchiha make sure never to look them in the eyes it is the catalyst for their genjutsu.”

Jiro would stand after that. Sano had made a joke of making him into a muscular god, which earned a slight chuckle. “I am not the muscle type.” He was a little embarrassed having been asked what jutsu he knew, as the number was few. “I know a paralysis genjutsu and a portal jutsu. My specialties are space and time ninjutsu and genjutsu. I can also body flicker and detect chakra. It's not like seeing it though more just sensing.” He would finish noting that detecting was not the same as seeing one was a feeling the other an actual sight.

Jiro wondered if Sano had any interest in what he could teach, at the moment he was interested in training his eyes to produce illusions. “I need my eyes to evolve further to make them capable of copying and producing illusions, but I have no idea how to make them do so. Perhaps it is a practice thing.” The Uchiha would ready himself for the beating that was about to come. Maybe this time with the sharingan he could react this time.

“I think I am ready.” He would say unsure if he was actually ready to get beat up again. The Uchiha would keep his sharingan at the ready, so that he could train it. “If you see a change in my eyes please let me know.” He would add hoping the change would be quick.

WC: 410
TWC: 2113
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

Full day of training ahead (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Full day of training ahead (Open)

Thu Apr 11, 2019 11:12 pm
The chunin seemed surprised that his sharingan was awakened. Hato found it odd that he didn't even know his own gifts. He looked down at his hands like he was scanning for something while explaining that the pupils are actually called tomoe and that, like most kekki genkis, they grow stronger with the advancements of the user. Jiro would then explain the abilities of the sharingan. “The sharingan is mostly used for genjutsu, but it has other abilities such as copying. It also allows one to see chakra as it is formed." Hato thought this technique with their clan was very interesting. He explained further that Uchiha use their special eyes for their genjutsu, making it very formidable. The young woman took note of this ability. Then Jiro explain his abilities. “I am not the muscle type.” Jiro explained, but Hato didn't really need that explained to her.  “I know a paralysis genjutsu and a portal jutsu. My specialties are space and time ninjutsu and genjutsu. I can also body flicker and detect chakra. It's not like seeing it though more just sensing.” The young woman nodded as he went on with his list of abilities. Just like her, he was more of a chakra user than a physical body user. Finally, the chunin explained that he wanted to work on getting stronger. 

Hato took in a deep breath. "Well it seems i have my hands full with you. However, I think training your abilities will be easy." Hato would walk over to an earth structure that was near by the training field. It was carved into a pillar due to years of erosion slowly taking bits of it away. She would jump up to the top of the nearly 10 meter high formation. There was an identical formation only a couple meters away for Jiro to hop on top of. "Anyone else that wants to join us can!" Hato quickly called to the ground, she wasn't totally unwilling to teach the shinobi and to learn about their individual abilities. 

Once the chunin and whoever else wanted to join, came up to the rocks, Hato would request something of Jiro. "I want you to learn about a very simple genjutsu that even I was able to learn. It's called False Surroundings Technique. It's basically the ability of the imagination." After weaving the hand sign, ram, she would release the jutsu onto the boy, creating a world around him full of thorns. The detail could trick the simplest of minds. "I also want you to break out of this genjutsu using your chakra. Hopefully you know how to already." 

WC: 438
TWC: 2637
Jiro Uchiha
Jiro Uchiha
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Full day of training ahead (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Full day of training ahead (Open)

Sat Apr 13, 2019 1:11 am
A deep breath a sign of disappointment, emotions on one's sleeve. Check. He would not say it out loud she was willing to help him. So, in turn he would be respectful and listen to what the genin had to say. Even if he was a chuunin he wasn’t all knowing and would gratefully accept the instruction.

She would soon confirm her disappointment by vocalizing it. Earning a sigh of disapproval for himself. Yeah, I suck. He would even nod to his inner monologuing. She would then climb some rocks and announce that others may join. Jiro would climb a formation on the opposite side. Sano would then explain a jutsu she would use. With a single seal she created thorns a vast array of them. She said to escape, but something seemed off. He could see through the thorns his sharingan evolving once more to see through the illusion. “These thorns they seem off, look off.” Seeing through the thorns and being told this was an illusion he knew it wasn’t real. But he still couldn’t help but bend down and wave his hand through one finding nothing. “Seeing through vision based genjutsu is another ability of the eyes.” Without moving he would flood chakra into his eyes dispersing the genjutsu.

Everything has slowed down.  He would think looking at all of the previously quick ninja now slowed in time almost as if moving frame by frame. Strange. “Did my eyes shift again?” The answer would likely be yes because everything had gotten weird while under that genjutsu. If that was the case perhaps it was time to learn the genjutsu his clan took pride in. He would look at the girl hoping to lock eyes with her if she caught them the tomoe would spin like a motor becoming one black blur rapidly moving.

WC: 306
TWC: 2419
Mid-thread claims 12 stats, 2 & 3 tomoe sharingan 2k wc, saving the other 419 for later use
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