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Matteo continues the onslaught of words (solo) Empty Matteo continues the onslaught of words (solo)

Mon Jan 21, 2019 11:38 pm
Apparently, it was not a big deal that he could somehow be just about be able to do an A rank technique. It seemed kind of lacking however, that he had nothing to use the wind rejuvenation tech. It seemed like such a waste of time to only use that and get all fast with so much chakra, but yet not really make much out of it. Perhaps, part of the issue was that there was really no jutsu to use it with. Matteo decided to at least try and learn a technique so taht it would be useful. Also probably helpful to get that stamina up. There were a lot of issues, he did not really have any health, or strength or speed. All of these problems seemed to need working on, but it was never very clear on where to start. All he could realize, was that at least, he got chakra out of the way for a bit. Perhaps the way to go now, was to go and learn some sort of technique that would allow him to use this chakra increase. He would look around and think about what he would want to learn, perhaps it would be a good idea to try to figure out what kind of offensive technique he would like to do. Perhaps, the library had a good book on a technique. Matteo would come in and think about what his technique he would want to use. Eventually, Matteo would find a book, although very dusty, which would include various things about how to do some kinds of elemental techniques. Perhaps the things that he could do would involve some sort of wind techniques. It really did not make much sense to be unable to to only do stat boosting techniques. It looked like the best way to do this was to go and try to do something use to go and at least try and attempt to do this technique.

It looked like perhaps, the wind god technique might have been the best way to go, at least it would look like that, one would assume, considering how strong this tech was. It looked like it could be very effective, considering how strong this thing was, especially considering the range and the amount of movement and flexibility that was available. It was definitely strange that he would be jumping to another A rank, and he would actually only know E rank, and A rank techniques, but it seemed, that that was really just the way that it was just going to go and work out it seemed. Who knew what was really going to come, nobody would really know unless they tried, and who had.

After that bit of thought about how strong and powerful this techniqe was, he decided that the best way to go ahead and do this technique learning was to go and think about how he could make use of this powerful and strong ability that would allow him large amounts of flexible and effective stuff that would allow powerful attacks of course. Who knew what he would really be able to do when he would learn this powerful and potent ability. PErhaps the tornadoes would allow him to do even more strong and dangerous wind techniques. It was so cool and he really thought that the best way to try and do this was to figure out at least what hand seals and chakra movements and other stuff in regard to the various things required to know this strong and powerful effective and good technique that would be useful in various ways to go and try to do this kind of jutsu anyway. The best way to do this it seemed, was to look at the various hand signs, and it seemed like perhaps, the way to go and was to think about what happens in the techniques, especially in regards to how to go ahead and form the various components to use the very effective powerful and other necessary adjectives required to go and try to go ahead and do these powerful tornadoes. PErhaps if some sort of grammar expert decided to read this, they might have decided to stop reading at this point, especially considering how obviously bad grammar, this stuff was it seemed.

Eventually it would be obvious that the best way to try and figure out was to go and learn how the things that made the components and composition onf the parts and necessary ingredients required to make the tornadoes. IT looked like the most important thing was some sort of wind stuff, which also seemed to always be there kind of almost no matter what happened. It really seemed like it would not matter too much, perhaps all he ahd to do was to figure out that the way to make tornadoes was to go and heat up air in one side, and make cold air somewhere else, it really did not matter much, and it really seemed that any method would really work for this effectice and powerful and generally useful technique that was extremely flexible. IT really seemed like perhaps, the best way to try to do this jutsu traininng was actually to go and try to figure out how to make the hot air and cold air work together. If he would be able to do taht, it would be extremely useful considering he would not really need to worry much about the various requirements for hot air and cold air.

Matteo would think about it, and would decide to practice making hot and cold air mix. He heard that that was how tornadoes seemed to work. It seemed that whenever a cold front and hot front would meet, it would almsot always cause some kind of tornado thing that would cause a lot of destruction. It seemed like the best way to go and try to do this kind of thing was to practice making hot air, because it seemed like it was not trivial. It seemed like he need to train making the hot air, perhaps lkater also cold air. Regardless of what happened, MAtteo would start and practice this kind of stuff that would involve making hot air, at least air that was less cold than what was in the hoshigakure stuff. It always seemed so cold, so it seemed like it would be extremely helpful to go and figure out the best way to make air hot. It always seemed like when air was compressed, it got more hot. MAtteo did not realize that the reason this would happen was that there was more condensed heat within a certain area. Matteo assumed that compressing air would not increase the heat in air because of the air having the same amount of air. Matteo would practice compressing air a bit more, but he also realized that perhaps that was not the only thing, perhaps the best way to go and make his kind of thingwas to go and try compressing the air and then trying this thing where he would go ahead and try removing the air, to see if he could try heating the air up more. Matteo would try this, but the problem was that it would not ever seem to go and let him try and make the air less cold. It seemed that whenever air would get removed, it would end up dropping the temperature again, and would eventually return the air back to what it was before. Matteo thought that it might need some kind of fire technique, but Matteo would also eventually realize that he did not have the fire element, especially considering he did not have much in the way of stuff that was considered fire. Matteo did not want to try and see about how he would try and figure out the way that he would go and learn the fire element considering how little he wanted to go and learn some kind of element anyway. IT always looked like perhaps, the best way was actually to try and go and try to see just how much incoherency was possible in a topic like this considering how obvious this topic of whatever it was was using some kind of problem with a really bad lack of punctuation and run on sentences of some kind of bad thing is stuff whatever. Who knew what would possibly go wrong with a topic like this, especailyl since it was so slow and that it would never really need any kind of ability to go and know english. Matteo would go and apologize to anybody who did not know english as a first language considering how horid all the english int his topic especially with the endless long and run on and overly convoluted sentences with all the crap and garbage that was in this topic and shit. Who knew what else would possibly be unreadable, it really seemed like perhaps at least a paragraph would be helpful.

After the technique would move on with the learning of some sort of hot air kind of thing that involved some sort of learning of making air hot or at least trying to heat air up to some sort of good wiriting stuff. It looked like the best way o try next was to try whirlying the air around a lot because it looked like it might be possible to go and try and do something and try spinning air around and with the fast spinning air that would quickly allow the air to heat up. The problem was the way to go and try making the air cold, and that seemed like it would be a pretty big issue as well it seemed at least one would think it considering the various kind of stuff that involved any kind of whatever it was. Eventually, the air started to heat up a bunch, but the problem with the various stuff involved was the issue that was with all the hot air. IT really seemed difficult to go ahead and try to go ahead and do stuff that involved useful stuff and it really seemed that considering making cold air was hard when he was also trying to make hot air, perhaps he needed to go and make the air to go and see what he would be able to try doing that. He decided that to make cold air, he would make the air next to him more cold by making nearby air move more quickly. IT was wonderful that he was able to make this work so well and it would allow him to try and see what else he could go ahead and try to attempt to do some kidn of stuff.

It did not look that the best way to try and get this learning stuff next was to practice this. It looked like perhaps the best way to try this was to go and see how long it would take to try and learn how to go and try making the tornadoes. IT seemed like it woudl be tought to make 20 meter wide tornadoes and 6 of them. It seemed that considering the difficulty of the stuff needed to do the various stuff here, he would be able to go and try to do all this stuff of sorts and stuff that was kind of related. IT seemed like perhaps, the best way to try and see what was required to now make the tornadoes. HE would practice making the hot and cold air, one of course by rubbing air together, and it would suddenly occure to him that hte way to make the air go and be hot on one side was to go and try making the air rub against each other. He would successfully manage to go and try to go and see what was needed, and would eventually find out that this was a much better way to see about the way to go ahead and try making some sort of spinning like wind and air mixture more like that of a tornado. The way that it seemed to work, it was best to go and try to make these as close to 20 meters as possible. It was pretty obvious that he would not need to worry too much if they were like 19 and a half meters or something like that. The point of the technique was to go and try to make the tornadoes, not some sort of precision contest of any kind at least not in any serious sense anyway.

Perhaps the best way to see what else he could do, was to try and see if it was now possible for Matteo to go and try to make some sort of tornado that was in multiples, heck if it was possible, even maybe some sort of tornado that had 5 others of the exact same kind at least hopefully. IT looked like maybe that was the way to go if one would not be able to think of anything better in the moment, probably not at all really though. Perhaps the way to go was to see if 2 was possible. IT really seemed like the best way to do that was to try making 2 whirly swirly stuff that would allow a very fast speed of travel and rotational ability. His word vomit would continue as he would figure out that the best way to think about this technique was to practice this 2 tornado thing. It seemed like that would involve concentrating in his mind and making 2 tornadoes, and making sure that none of them would accidentally hit him, or at least hopefully, Matteo would be able to control it so that should any end up next to him, he would not get sucked in and hopefully not get sent flying. Matteo was really not looking forward to try and figure out how he would see about doing all 6, but it seemed like that was only an issue if he ever really got there, he was getting better at doing 2, but he still had to do 3, 4 5 and then 5 afterwards. IT really did not seem like that would happen soon. Matteo would decide that it would be better after eventually learning how to do 2, to move to 4, because it would not take so long, at least it hopefully would not take so long anyway. IT seemed like perhaps, the best way to try to do that was to try and see if he would be able to go and see if it was possible to make that jump all the way to 4, it seemed kind of difficult to skip right over 3, but if he could do that, he would be able to skip over 5 as well, at least one would tink hopefully. IT really would seem like that would make sense at least. IT seemed like perhaps, Matteo would go and see what he would need to figure out.

It looked like this 4 was eventually working, although it did seem to be difficult. It seemed as if the way to go was to see if he could learn how to move on after this, it seemed like that was the best way to go about if it it really mattered in any sort of manner. It really was not clear that it did, for if it did, it would have shown earlier with the book having managed to mention it at least once in that time when Matteo went ahead and read the book a while ago at least. Who knew what was really necessary anyway, Matteo did not master this technique, and knew that if he did have to at some point, he would need to go and see how he would go ahead and try to learn this stuff because of how important it was to see about doing it anyway. Perhaps the best way to see about making this work, was to go and look around and see if there was a clear spot to go. Matteo was realizing that it was pretty unfortunate that he was just trying to learn this technique in the middle of training grounds, because that would cause many many problems. Hopefully, MAtteo would not have to worry too mcuh about all the shit that was in this wordcount post that was in the various things needed to go and try to do all this crap. At least one was not trying to read this wordcount post probably, especially considering the huge amount of pain and suffering anybody reading this topic would suffer from because of the lack of coherency and various other kinds of diseases and illnesses that would probably afflict the reader from all the garbage they are trying to read. Back to the topic, Matteo would eventually find a clearing where he could try and learn this technique. IT really did not seem like it would be much of an issue considering how little problem there was in the way of going ahead and trying to go and make some stuff work. It seemed like the clearing ground was pretty muddy, and that was probably way nobody really seemed to want to try here. Matteo did not really mind though because of how little he seemed to care about trying to see about what the heck he was trying to see about going and doing anyway, at least it did not seem to matter much to Matteo, or really anyway, considering how little it mattered about the quality of the way of training, at least as long as Matteo eventually would manage to go and try to learn this technique. MAtteo would eventually go and try and see if it was possible to try and see if he could make all 6. MAtteo would do a pretty good job of making, 5, but it seemed like 6 was kind of difficult. IT seemed like that would not be that bad though, it seemed like it was really not that difficult all things considered, it really seemed like all he did need to do was to see about how he would go and try to see if it was possible to go and try and make 6 now. It really seemed like he was so wonderfully good at making 5 tornadoes, that it would really not be that difficult to go and try to make 6. It really looked like it would be pretty easy at least when Matteo would go and try to learn this stuff. IT really could not be that difficult considering the level of effort that Matteo was putting into this kind of technique stuff.

Eventually, Matteo would be able to make 6 of theese tornado things, it really seemed like it would now be the time to go ahead and see about trying to go and make some sort of movement of tornadoes. IT really looked like the best way to see about the way to do taht was to go and make 1 tornado and then try making one move after it would be created. MAtteo would go and make one work, but he was not really sure about the way that he would go and try to make the tornado stuff work considering how little it seemed to matter about the specific method he would go to use to imprecisiely make the tornado fly around and move. Matteo eventually would determine that the best way to see about doing this kind of thing was to go and try making the tornado go and move around by changing where the hot swirling stuff was hapening. IT would really not seem like it could ever be that difficult considering how little it seemed. It really looked like it could not be difficult when he would eventually get around to trying to make all 6, Matteo would practice this tornado movement stuff and would eventually manage to go and try to make this stuff work. It really seemed like he would be able to go and try to see how he would go ahead and try making the rest of the 6 tornadoes to goa head and move around. IT seemed like it could not be that difficult to go and do this especially to go and see how he would figure out the way that he would be able to go and make all 6 move. Matteo would pretty easily get the next 2 to work well together, especailly since he already managed to make at least 2 of them work it did not seem like transitioning to 4 would not ever really be that difficult, at least not the way one would think anyway. IT seemed like that the only issue about this stuff was really that he was somehow having a lot of problems with making alll 6 of them move around without crashing into each other. Matteo would practice this move and would eventually manage to go and try and see if it would be possible to go and try making all this crap work together. It really seemed like the best way to go and see about how he would go and try maknig all this stuff work, especially considering the jumbled mess of words that Matteo had just written in real life to go and learn this stupid technique. Matteo would eventually go and think about how he was only able to seem to ever get the tornadoes to go and only be able to make them get to about 40 meters away from MAtteo. IT really seemed weird that he would not be able to go and try making this stuff work anyway.

Matteo would eventually realize that this was kind of a side effect of this technique, and that there was really not much that he would be able to do about it considering how annoying it would be to go and try to fix that, especially considering how annoying it would be to try to go ahead and redevelop the jutsu to make this work for this kind of thing. It really seemed like that would never really be a big issue, anything worse would probably be ok too, so it really seemed like it would not matter too much if the wind technique could only go and reach some sort of high range, it seemed, that there were really not many good long ranged techniques, at least not any that seemed to be really close anyway. IT seemed like it was such a weird thing that tornadoes could ever really be made this effective. The tornadoes were really strong, and were well able to go and make the trees around in the area go flying in the air. Matteo had to be careful not to go and get crushed by a tree and get killed that way. IT would have been pretty tragic had such a horrible thing happened. Not like it mattered anyway, considering how little was really needed to be done now anyway. Matteo was really unsure about how little he would need to go and try to do to practice this technique. MAtteo would go and think about what else he would need to do, it really seemed like it would not matter much, especially considering that he would not need to do much, it seemed like he would not have much to do, it seemed like all he needed to try to do was to go and try making some sort of final test. Matteo would go to another clearing, and would go and practice this technique, and pretty easily level the area around him, without making any of these tornadoes hit him, at least that was pretty good considering how quickly he had managed to do it.

(4002 words, learning,, + 20 stats)
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Matteo continues the onslaught of words (solo) Empty Re: Matteo continues the onslaught of words (solo)

Tue Jan 22, 2019 12:05 am
I count the word try 85 times.

You can do better.

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