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Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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Routine Update (Xyxer) Empty Routine Update (Xyxer)

Fri Dec 14, 2018 4:02 pm
The morning was early when Naoki entered the administration building. He would show up here from time to time because certain things required his attention as the deputy Mizukage in the absence of Xyxer. The Uchiha and the administration staff had already worked out a system that suited Naoki who did not appreciate a ton of needless work that would distract him from his research. By the time he entered the meeting room, the dozen or so secretaries and administration clerks were already prepared for him. They had everything reviewed, compiled and digested so that only the absolute minimum information and decision making handled by Naoki himself. Anything that he did not need to stick his hand in was already taken care of by somebody he trusted to do the job well enough. The time since last such meeting did not see any real crises or issues in the village so the former leader expected to get this over with in under an hour.

After hearing through the various reports, approving a number of small policy changes which he had already discussed with the relevant parties before and going through a number of different papers Naoki's attention caught the latest routine update with the Mizukage at the Exams. The always concealed sharingan of the male quickly ran through the text making sure everything important was there and saw the inclusion of one Asami Miyamoto having been granted the status of a wanderer ninja and the permission to conduct her investigation outside the country. Naturally it marked Naoki was the one who authorized it. Well, it was to be expected. Stamping the report as approved the deputy Mizukage moved on to the other matters. It did in fact not take him an hour to do everything and shortly he was already strolling out of the building and thinking about Hyperfrequent interseal chakra modulation.

[Exit, so some retard doesnt jump me in a letter thread duh]
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