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Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo)

Tue Dec 04, 2018 1:15 pm
(OOC: Hi! Sorry for the hold up! Because Nero has left staff, he will no longer be NPCing this mission. Instead, I will be attempting to take his place. Due to the workload on my plate, I can't promise that I will be able to take over though. As such, if I haven't posted within 72 hours of this post going live you all have permision to skip the NPC and claim mission rewards.

Looking forward to possibly NPCing this! )
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo)

Thu Dec 06, 2018 3:55 pm
(Sorry, I won't be able to get to this. Feel free to claim a hit on the NPC and claim mission rewards! )
Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo)

Sat Dec 15, 2018 9:14 am
Tadashi would still look down at Oda's body, his throat still paralyzed and dry. Nekrun would try to comfort him, but it wouldn't work, the weary eyes of Tadashi would look at the Uzumaki while catching the katana." The crimson haired Genin's eyes widened once more when he saw forward, the splattered brains and cord-like structures, connecting the brain to other parts of the body. The missing ninja's body looked like someone, someone familiar, familial... Tadashi would cover his mouth, the mouth threatening to vomit out chunks of food, and bacteria. The body was reminiscent of the lifeless, full of death, eyes of his Mother, Naomi Namikaze... With the sheer willpower of the boy, the vomit wouldn't spurt out in a spray of disillusioned colors. For a brief second, flashes of his Mother's body, and her last moments would ring through the swordsman's brain, reliving it in a way. It was too much, Tadashi would fall to the ground, breathing heavily, in high pitched gasps, losing carbon dioxide quickly. He couldn't take it anymore, the past had come to haunt him, he had taken a life... If it was a Missing-Nin or not, he had committed an act that was forbidden for a future Hero. An insult to injury, it was just like his Mom. "I just killed Mom..." Tadashi murmured. If someone had attempted to come towards him, besides Nekrun's previous comment, the crimson haired Genin would swipe his hand in a horizontal arc, not wanting anyone to be close to him...

"I just killed Mom... I killed her...." He mutterred. 

WC: 374
Fuyo Uchiha
Fuyo Uchiha
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5250

Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo)

Thu Dec 27, 2018 4:49 pm
Fuyo still shielding his cat from the crimson blood turned around and removed the blood soaked cloak and threw it over the corpse so he didn't have to look at it any more. Fuyo sat down next to the corpse and stared at Tadashi and something Tadashi said brought pain to Fuyo. "I killed her, I killed my mother!" Memories of his mother cam to his mind  Fuyo grabbed the shovel staining his eyes of blood once again the red never left his eyes. Fuyo went to the head stone and started to dig in the rock hard mud for each time he struck the ground he remembered a time were his father would strike him. He struck the mud over and over screaming with each strike and cursing at the top of his lungs each time he threw the mud that he collected with the strike of his shovel. The Black mud flung vissisly over his shoulder. Every once in a while while trying to to throw up the earth his knees would buckle and he would fall to the ground and cry. When finally he made it to 16 feet Fuyo created a small crevasse type thing to place the hard plastic container that contained his mothers eyes the rain and his tears struck the container. Fuyo turned and threw his shovel to the top of the hole and grabbed roots in the ground and started to make his way up when one root snapped and he fell 10 feet back down he nearly hit the container with the hyuga's eyes. Fuyo got up and could feel the cracks in his ribs he grabbed another root and started to make his way back up using the some vines and root sticking out of the hole that he made when he got to ten feet he tugged at each root and vine to make sure that it could support Fuyos weight with each movement fuyo made he could feel his bone in his chest move away from were they were supposed to be causing pain and tears fuyo reached up for the top and help on for life he could feel the warm grass and the sleek mud Fuyo hosted him self up and sat on the edge of the grave looking down at the eyes that looked at him with love. he closed his eyes and said goodbye he grabbed his solve and started to fill the hole for about 10 feet or so and at that point he put his mothers body in a oak box and put the box in the now 6 feet deep hole he said good bye to her body and threw the first clump of mud down in to the hole... this memorie torched Fuyos very being fuyo stood up and walked away from the body that belonged to the missing ninja he left tadashi to weep for him self. he slumped agenst a great oak tree and cryied. But somthing happend to fuyo. fuyos vision grew a new shade of red for every tear that fell from Fuyos eyes. fuyo cried and cryed untill his eyes refused to give a single drop left. the river of tears stoped as soon as his vision and his irisis were the color of the blood driyng on his hands and his arms
Nekrun Uzumaki
Nekrun Uzumaki
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 3610

Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo)

Thu Dec 27, 2018 7:10 pm
Nekrun handed the katana to Tadashi giving him time to grab it, if he didn't grab it Nekrun would simply set it next to him. Nekrun walked towards the body looking at it closely, he checked the pulse, but there was nothing there. "He's dead" Nekrun said in a low tone as he continued to look over the body checking for any scars or any other things on the skin. 

As he examined the man he saw that there were what seemed to be burn marks on his lower arms, chin, neck, and under his eyes. Nekrun looked at the man and saw he had a few katana on him, but decided to leave them here for the Missing Ninja. Nekrun looked into his bag where he found a scroll he had recently acquired. Nekrun told the others something so they wouldn't have too many questions as to why he was talking the man's body.

 "I'll dispose of the body" Nekrun used the scroll and put the man into it. A puff of smoke came up around where the corpse had been but it quickly dissipated into nothing. Nekrun sat there thinking over what had just happened. He had a flashback to when he saw his parents corpses on the floor and the man try to get away. He had been running from this thought for a while, and still didn't want to confront it. Eiji was standing there in horror, he was covered in blood like everybody else. Nekrun didn't mind the blood soaking his uniform in fact it soothed him it's warmth going onto his whole body. he felt at home again but at the same time he felt lost in a deep forest, with nobody to come help him facing the number one enemy, himself. 

Nekrun kept going through the forest running, but wherever he went he saw another one of himself facing him at every turn. He was trapped and then he looked down and saw his parents lying below him. Nekrun got down and a tear rolled down his cheek. "don't cry for u-us" He could hear his mother say to him as he tried to stop himself from breaking down. "It's okay just go back to safety don't worry about us" He heard his father say. Nekrun's father suddenly started to cough up blood until he died leaving a huge puddle of red below him, Nekrun, and his wife.

 Nekrun turned to his mother looking deep into her calming eyes, he couldn't stop from letting more tears run down his face as she looked at him saying one word before dying "goodbye". Nekrun couldn't do anything but sit there and watch as his parents died in front of him again. Immediately Nekrun felt himself jump back into the real world, it turned out he had layed down exactly where the body of the missing Ninja had been laying. Nekrun jumped up looking around at his comrades seeing what was happening. 

Tadashi was still standing there looking petrified (if he was like that when Nekrun took the body), meanwhile Fuyo was doing his own thing. Nekrun didn't know what to do and it seemed he was only in his dream world for a few seconds. Nekrun got up and walked to Tadashi. If Tadashi was still petrified Nekrun would start to shake him and yell, "Wake up!" Nekrun yelled and yelled while shaking Tadashi vigorously until he came back. Alternatively, if Tadashi was back into "our world" Nekrun would go and sit by him until somebody said something. 

Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo)

Sun Feb 03, 2019 2:34 pm
"If the leader was the human body, then we are the honed weapons that serve fiercely, all across our time, till we take our last breath, even then, our steps and dried blood still remains somewhere. We mustn't betray our village, because... that would be betraying your family, friends, and leader that stays with you. That is my belief in the shinobi code." That was what Raiu Namikaze, the crimson haired Genin's sibling, said to him. If shinobi are doing the right thing for their village... then why did Tadashi feel so empty, so disgusting? As if, he was doing the wrong thing. The crimson haired Genin had slain a Missing-Nin, someone who has committed atrocities, and has proven to be unfaithful to his village, so why? Why did he feel bad, why did he feel like the bandit that killed his mother? He nodded slowly as Nekrun requested to dispose of the corpse.

"I don't understand anymore? Am I a bad person?" He murmured to himself. He vowed to protect his village the moment he graduated as an Academy Student, and the moment he picked up this blade. Is killing people part of it? His pleas from his friends, couldn’t wake him up from this self-doubt, he didn’t even realize Nekrun already took the body away, and Fuyo was on the ground. Inexorably, someone will serve another, subserviently, because, it was their caste. They knew their place, and they knew who to serve. That is called instinct. No matter how much you tried, was that truly the reality of a shinobi? To revert to your primal instincts to serve unyieldingly to a kage that will simply see you as a tool? Do the ends justify the means? Massacring people for your village? This was fucked up… Blood was on his hands, and the Hokage wouldn’t really care about this. He had different affairs to do with; to the leader, Tadashi, Nekrun, and Fuyo were just some disposable pawns, ones that were simply convenient for the job. Light and Darkness, Ying and Yang… There can’t be that much darkness. Ninjas will inevitably, create light and darkness. They are nothing more than normal people atop a barren mountain of reality, doing their job. They weren't special, just, nothing more.... than swords. Mindless puppets that are used solely for the masterminds benefit... Tadashi chuckled, in a shrewd manner, realizing his impulsiveness.

"We ninja, are truly fucked up. We kill, lie, steal, fight... In preservation for the greater good of our village. We don't own our narrative, we just obey the kages."

Tadashi looked down, now with a pondered glint in his eyes. They only served the kage, not themselves, not their pride, not the lives of people.

"I don't know how to really say this, hell, I'm still shaken by the turn of events, and I'm deeply sorry for what you had to experience, Mr. Eiji. Listen up, Nekrun and Fuyo, as ninjas we are to serve the kage and follow him to the future of Konoha... But, for me... I'm not gonna become a tool, nor messenger for the kage, rather the tool for the people, the messenger of balance. We have killed someone today. That is not the question to be asking ourselves, preferably, what was it for? If you answer and say the kage..."

The crimson haired Genin stood up; dauntlessly turning his head like whiplash at the two ninjas. Fire in his golden eyes, "Then you are nothing more than a tool, a weapon for the kage to use at any means. We serve the kage, but he doesn't own us. We should kill, lie, steal, and fight, for the common good... Own our narrative, and that's how we truly become enlightened as people. It's ok to be shocked and cry, guys, but you chaps better get up soon, cause it won't help you to preserve the future of Konoha. Showing emotion is ok, but it matters whenever you move on." Tadashi walked towards Fuyo, as he would grab him by the collar gently, making the Uchiha stand up, a smile raising up from the amber-eyed boy's face. He held out a fistbump towards the silver-haired teen, "You did an amazing job Fuyo, kudos to you for getting Mr. Eiji outta the way."

After that, he would revert his body to Nekrun, "Thanks Nekrun, you got my back all the way. I'm grateful, buddy." A small grin appearing on Tadashi's cast.

Eiji would shortly dust himself off, he had been waiting for the boys to finish, as he clapped joyously, "Great show, great show boys! You guys truly are magnificent, and great bodyguards to have. My eternal thanks. One day, I will make it up to you lads, perhaps a drink once you lot have grown hair on your face?" The last statement, he sneered vivaciously, clearly happy with his... interesting joke.

"Perhaps so... Mr. Eiji, I apologize about the complication with the Missing Ninja earlier, high noon has run its course, nearing dusk in about a few hours. We will begin boarding the caravan if you do not mind." Making a short bow, the tracer would walk towards the caravan with horses waiting submissively for the boarding. Beckoning the 3 to make their way into the passenger seats on the caravan.

"Sure! Onwards to the Volcano County!"

Tadashi sat on the rider's seat, holding the rope to control the horses easily, looking behind to see if Nekrun, Fuyo, and Eiji were in the passenger's seat, as he would start to ride the caravan when everyone was in. Riding to the Volcano County to fulfill their mission.

Pondering in his thoughts, he would smirk.

"I don't want to protect everyone just in my village, but people outside of the Fire County, wherever I go. I believe this is what people call, a "HERO"."

WC To Use: 1101
TWC to Use: 1475


WC Required: 4000 WC
WC Required Per Person After Calculations: 1333 WC
TWC For Tadashi (Not to use): 4320

2000 Ryo
+5 AP
TWC to use: 1475
All WC Towards This (2343/3000) Previous Training is Here
Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo)

Wed Feb 06, 2019 4:27 pm
Fuyo Uchiha
Fuyo Uchiha
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5250

Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo)

Thu Feb 07, 2019 6:17 pm
Fuyo sat down next a large oak tree and as he held his eyes from the pain they were causing him he sat there and pondered why? Fuyo knew the answer to his question. he and his friends were pawns sacrificeing them self to win against other pawns and all as our “King” (Kage) watches The bloodiest of massacres of all time drawn across that one game they kill us for no reason so they could just win. Oh what we get new ones every year so why shouldn’t we we have life’s to spare, let’s just shorten our stock of pieces. We would never put a child’s life in danger, Bullshit most of the people that die are children. My father murdered hundreds yet thousands of children for his kage he had no repercussions from what he did to them.
So children are tools for our village and that’s all we are a toolbox to “Fix the world of war” more accurately we are the tools to fan the flame of war and genocide.  Fuyo had came to peace with the new terms he had finally could read on the small print contact he already signed. He was a murder like his father even though his mother had warned him of the path his father had chosen to walk into him self. Fuyo looked up and watched his two friends freak out about the situation that they made for them selves. Fuyo didn’t know but he had what his mother called the eyes of the devil  In other words the first tomo of the sharingan. He had fallen to the level of his clan known for there sins The Uchiha clan is what path his body had chosen for himself. He knows that his mother was crying in heaven because she would never be reunited again with her. His father on the other hand was laughing In The deepest fiery pit of hell. Fuyo was now his Fathers son, a demon, the Devils child. 
         Fuyo looked up to read tadashis lips "I don't understand anymore? Am I a bad person?" Fuyo then knew his comra- no his friends were going through a hard mid life crisis. Foo them closely examined tadashis eyes they were stunned and they questioned every action they took they hated something or someone. But fuyo knew that look all to well fuyo knew a small boy with that look he was frail and smart. Everyone asked him what was wrong with him but he never answered them  he was to afraid of what would happen to him if he told anyone any one at all. So he never talked he sat there in silence he never said a word for years. Until his father died from man slaughter the boy never said a word. When the boys father died all The boy got was a casket and a will. The boy gets every thing except the money that will go to the wife. The boy hated his father so much that his first words in years were”I HATE YOU!” The boy was Fuyo. He knew that look because he had that look in his eyes for years. Fuyo snapped from that thought to come back to Tadashis laughter followed by him speaking normally 
"We ninja, are truly fucked up. We kill, lie, steal, fight... In preservation for the greater good of our village. We don't own our narrative, we just obey the kages."
Fuyo saw that tadashi has found what fuyo found years ago that we are tools disposable pawns to a never ending game of chess. Tadashi looked down now with a new look in his eye his fierce golden eyes lit up and became the leader he had always been.
"I don't know how to really say this, hell, I'm still shaken by the turn of events, and I'm deeply sorry for what you had to experience, Mr. Eiji. Listen up, Nekrun and Fuyo, as ninjas we are to serve the kage and follow him to the future of Konoha... But, for me... I'm not gonna become a tool, nor messenger for the kage, rather the tool for the people, the messenger of balance. We have killed someone today. That is not the question to be asking ourselves, preferably, what was it for? If you answer and say the kage..." 
Tadashi stood up with confidence. Fuyo couldn’t break his gaze from Tadashi plowing through his feelings 
 "Then you are nothing more than a tool, a weapon for the kage to use at any means. We serve the kage, but he doesn't own us. We should kill, lie, steal, and fight, for the common good... Own our narrative, and that's how we truly become enlightened as people. It's ok to be shocked and cry, guys, but you chaps better get up soon, cause it won't help you to preserve the future of Konoha. Showing emotion is ok, but it matters whenever you move on." 
Tadashi walked towards Fuyo with a new confidence and grabbed Fuyo by the collar and brought him to his feet  and held out the fist bump and said
"You did an amazing job Fuyo, kudos to you for getting Mr. Eiji outta the way." Fuyo looked at him with his devils eyes and ignored the fist bump and hit him on the hard lightly and said “you idiot I think you scared nekrun for the rest of his life.” And walked over grabbed his cat threw her into the  carriage and then jumped on top and watched the others.
Tadashi walked twards Nekrun and said "Thanks Nekrun, you got my back all the way. I'm grateful, buddy." Tadashi was trying his beast to lighten up the mood. Tadashi then turned to echi. The ech I burst with enjoyment saying "Great show, great show boys! You guys truly are magnificent, and great bodyguards to have. My eternal thanks. One day, I will make it up to you lads, perhaps a drink once you lot have grown hair on your face?" echi laughed with his quirky joke and Fuyo snickers as well dimming put his demon eyes. Tadashi then said
"Perhaps so... Mr. Eiji, I apologize about the complication with the Missing Ninja earlier, high noon has run its course, nearing dusk in about a few hours. We will begin boarding the caravan if you do not mind." Tadashi then walked up to the driving seat and waved nekrun and echi to get in the coach. Echi then lately responded to the tracer "Sure! Onwards to the Volcano County!" echi then sat in the coach Fuyo turned around still on the top of the coach and lightly bumped Tadashis head and said “ thanks for those speeches I think they needed to hear that.” And then the tracer smiled and cracked the whip and we rode on to volcano country
First tomo sharingan(Nero said I could claim) 
Temp paralysis (Masterd)
18 stats
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 42970

Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo)

Fri Feb 08, 2019 2:12 pm
Nekrun Uzumaki
Nekrun Uzumaki
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 3610

Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo)

Wed Feb 20, 2019 6:20 pm
As Nekrun sat there he heard one of the two start to talk "If the leader was the human body, then we are the honed weapons that serve fiercely, all across our time, till we take our last breath, even then, our steps and dried blood still remains somewhere. We mustn't betray our village, because... that would be betraying your family, friends, and leader that stays with you. That is my belief in the shinobi code." Nekrun didn't know who it was at first until he looked around and saw it was Tadashi speaking. Nekrun didn't know where this was coming from. He didn't know if he was suppose to respond or keep quiet. He would listen to more that Tadashi said, he wanted to learn the other genin's ideals as it seemed that's where he was 

"We ninja, are truly fucked up. We kill, lie, steal, fight... In preservation for the greater good of our village. We don't own our narrative, we just obey the kages." Nekrun felt in a similar way, but at the same time it was very different. Nekrun knew that many ninja left the villages for their own lives. We did have our own choice in this, but maybe Tadashi didn't see it that way. From what Nekrun could understand all Tadashi saw was this one night, he couldn't see the possibilities of his future. What could come of his deeds, what he could become, but to do that they would all have to make it to their future. They passed this obstacle, but there would be many more in their future, even harder than this one. Nekrun didn't hate what he had to do as a ninja, it gave him a lot more freedom than as a normal citizen. He got to go on missions which occasionally went outside of the village. 

"I don't know how to really say this, hell, I'm still shaken by the turn of events, and I'm deeply sorry for what you had to experience, Mr. Eiji. Listen up, Nekrun and Fuyo, as ninjas we are to serve the kage and follow him to the future of Konoha... But, for me... I'm not gonna become a tool, nor messenger for the kage, rather the tool for the people, the messenger of balance. We have killed someone today. That is not the question to be asking ourselves, preferably, what was it for? If you answer and say the kage..."  Tadashi's comment first made Nekrun wonder if Tadashi was actually crazy, leaving the village?, was he going to become a mn? Nekrun didn't know, but for now Tadashi was on there side so the future didn't matter right now. 

The crimson haired Genin stood up; dauntlessly turning his head like whiplash at the two ninjas. Fire in his golden eyes, "Then you are nothing more than a tool, a weapon for the kage to use at any means. We serve the kage, but he doesn't own us. We should kill, lie, steal, and fight, for the common good... Own our narrative, and that's how we truly become enlightened as people. It's ok to be shocked and cry, guys, but you chaps better get up soon, cause it won't help you to preserve the future of Konoha. Showing emotion is ok, but it matters whenever you move on." Tadashi walked towards Fuyo, as he would grab him by the collar gently, making the Uchiha stand up, a smile raising up from the amber-eyed boy's face. He held out a fistbump towards the silver-haired teen, "You did an amazing job Fuyo, kudos to you for getting Mr. Eiji outta the way." 

After that, he would revert his body to Nekrun, "Thanks Nekrun, you got my back all the way. I'm grateful, buddy." A small grin appearing on Tadashi's cast. 

Nekrun enjoyed the praise for a few seconds, but wanted to give Tadashi another perspective to look at before they all left. Nekrun got up and walked over to Tadashi getting ready for his small speech that he had thought over. "What was it for?, Well to be honest the answer to this question would be for Eiji here. We saved his life. I like not to think of those we lost, but of those we saved. Think of how many more would have died if this one missing ninja didn't. We don't only serve the kage, but we also serve the people through the kage. The kage gives peach and protection to our land, and the people in our land. We work to help the kage in this task, without us helping the kage, there would be no people to help."

Eiji would shortly dust himself off, he had been waiting for the boys to finish, as he clapped joyously, "Great show, great show boys! You guys truly are magnificent, and great bodyguards to have. My eternal thanks. One day, I will make it up to you lads, perhaps a drink once you lot have grown hair on your face?" The last statement, he sneered vivaciously, clearly happy with his... interesting joke.

"Perhaps so... Mr. Eiji, I apologize about the complication with the Missing Ninja earlier, high noon has run its course, nearing dusk in about a few hours. We will begin boarding the caravan if you do not mind." Nekrun heard from Tadashi as the three made their way onto the caravan and left for volcano country.

"Sure! Onwards to the Volcano County!"

twc after mid thread claim:1917
twc before mid thread claim 2194
claiming 2k ryo
5 bonus ap
wc towards  Summoning Jutsu (409+1591=2000/2000) proof of previous is here
remaining 326 wc towards Shi (326/3000)
and oda's body in corpse scroll

Last edited by Nekrun Uzumaki on Sat Mar 30, 2019 11:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
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