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Nekrun Uzumaki
Nekrun Uzumaki
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 3610

Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo) Empty Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo)

Tue Nov 20, 2018 6:11 pm

Nekrun woke up to a knock on the door he slowly got up guessing that it wasn't anything nearly important enough to cause him to get up so fast. He sat up and rubbed his eyes to wake himself up still hearing the knocking. Nekrun stood up as the knocking stopped and walked to the door. When he opened the door there was just a small box sitting on the ground. On the top of the box there was a small note that said "For the two ninja that live at this house" Nekrun went and woke up Fuyo telling him to come out to the living room. Nekrun was sitting on the couch and waited for Fuyo to show up to the living room. When Fuyo had arrived Nekrun would explain what happened and open the box. Inside was 2 ryo and another note. The note read thus "I am looking for protection on my next voyage specifically a escort there. I have been targeted by some Missing Ninja and am worried that they will attack me on my voyage there" The note also disclosed a meeting location for them all. Nekrun would read this note aloud to Fuyo waiting for his reaction. Nekrun would tell him to get ready and meet at the location mentioned on the note. Nekrun would immediately leave with all his stuff with him. It was very sunny out with no clouds in the sky, nor was there any wind or anything to ruin their day at all. Once Nekrun got to the location he wanted to "prank" Fuyo, he would go into a room off to the side and put on the Tiara he had and the Fairy costume, making him now a beautiful women. He would wait for Fuyo hoping to get much joy out of this prank.


Last edited by Nekrun Uzumaki on Wed Nov 21, 2018 8:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
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Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo) Empty Re: Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo)

Wed Nov 21, 2018 2:41 pm
An eye would open, seeing the blurred blankets that covered the body, as Tadashi would open the other eye, getting up slowly, but surely. Checking the green alarm clock, reading 9:25, making the young Namikaze get up his bed, and opening the window blinds just to the left of his bed, revealing the bright light that shone through the bedroom, forcing the crimson haired Genin to close his eyes defensively from the light. What was really weird was the fact that on the past few days, it was really gloomy in Konoha, having chilly weather, forcing citizens and ninjas alike to seek refuge from the warmness of their jackets and or scarfs, burrowing their faces in them, certainly a stark contrast than what the Fire County was advertised for. It was nice to see Konoha back in its former glory. "That's Konoha for ya..." Tadashi sighed. The crimson haired Genin felt like enjoying the outdoors today since he hasn't for the past few days, putting on his modified flak jacket, masquerading as his signature black and white jersey zip jacket, with black slim and straight pants. Instead of putting his katana on a strap on his back, he would strap it on his left hip... Because one of his favorite main characters does that in a book he just read, also it is much more practical to use. Putting his ninja pouches on his right and left back pockets, he was ready.

Upon opening the door, Tadashi would check the mailbox, just in case someone wanted to send him a message, or to give his parents or Raiu the mail, good thing he was the only one in the house, due to them taking a business trip along with Raiu, the oldest child. There was a new letter, from the Konoha Government, to summarize, it was a letter from someone saying that he wants to be escorted by ninja to the for a voyage, and he is afraid to go there alone because of Missing Nin, the rendezvous location is at Ichiraku Ramen Shop. The letter couldn't be a scam, because it had the Konoha Government emblem and signature on it, so it would be imperative for him to meet up at Ichiraku Ramen, shoving the letter in his left pocket.

Tadashi would take a light jog there, entering the restaurant with no pauses, taking around 2 minutes. Upon entering the restaurant, a man with the sign in front of him that read, "LOCATION" happily slurped on Vermicelli Ramen noodles, an ocean of well salted, a brown beef broth that covered the thin- white colored noodles, crunchy seaweed, working like borders around the bowl. Daikon radish sprinkled around the beef broth, working like a spicy condiment, accompanied with fried Tonkatsu chicken, mayonnaise fried inside of the chicken, adding pure yumminess to the plate. Lastly, the pork cutlets, seasoned with soy sauce, and onion root, as it lied comfortably next to the to the seaweed, not letting the beef broth drench it, at all, the whole dish created a savory sent, combined with the other people's dishes. For a brief moment, drool was about to roll down the crimson haired Genin's mouth, mesmerized with the scent of the ramen, BUT! He wouldn't falter, shaking his head repeatedly to keep him in check. The man had a magenta colored suit, and pants, black colored tie with a white shirt under the suit, gold watch on left wrist, and brown, a suave and debonair-like hairstyle, aqua blue eyes, a perfect smile, and gleaming white teeth, and a well-groomed small beard. The definition of rich. Tadashi's eyes would widen at his appearance, not once had he seen such a rich and confident-looking person, almost envious of him.

Tadashi would stand next to the man on the right of his side, "Hello sir, I believe I am an escort sent to accompany and protect you, tasked from the Konoha as the Genin Rank. Tadashi Namikaze, the name sir, I am at your service." Giving the rich man a 30-degree bow, holding it for one second. The man would burst out laughing, as the crimson haired Genin would reply with a dumbfounded face, "No need to act so respectful kid! Tadashi, was it? Just sit down, and let me finish my meal!" The man energetically said, the young Namikaze would sit down in the process. "May I ask you, why did you hire me? I'm just a Genin, wouldn't it be much more beneficial to hire a Chunnin or better yet, a Jounin, sir?" "Um... I didn't specifically state which rank, I wanted some bodyguards, it doesn't really matter which rank there is, at least they can service. So, they just chose some random Genin, and, Genin seem to be more lively and funny from my experience! Speaking of bodyguards, where are the other bodyguards, I thought I asked for 3?"

"There are other bodyguards?" 

WC: 931
Fuyo Uchiha
Fuyo Uchiha
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Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo) Empty Re: Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo)

Wed Nov 21, 2018 8:14 pm
Fuyo Awoke to nekrun bursting into the room telling him to come to the living room. With the shock of the sudden appearance Matatabi was wide awake and so was fuyo so he got up grabbed Matatabi and placed him on his head put on some deodorant and colone brushed his and Matatabi's teeth and walked slowly to the living room. Fuyo sat down in his recliner across from nekrun and asked him what was so important, Then Nekrun pulled out a box with a note and a small bit of money inside and so he read out loud what the note said "I am looking for protection on my next voyage specifically a escort there. I have been targeted by some Missing Ninja and am worried that they will attack me on my voyage there" Fuyo Eyes opened wide (This would be Fuyo's first Official Mission.) Fuyo got up and ran to his room leaving Matatabi on his chair. Fuyo grabbed the normal gear for his things like his cloak, shirt, pants, finger less gloves and Matatabi's collar. He ran back into the room put on Matatabi's collar and nekrun told fuyo were to met up. 
*Later That Day*
When Fuyo Was on his way to the spot he ran into a woman who dropped all of her items so he had to stop to help her out. Fuyo ran to the woman and sat down and started to pick up food off of the ground and as a reward for his niceness Matatabi got a fish to eat so Fuyo just sat there waiting for Matatabi to finish up her meal. and after being disgusted by Matatabi gulping down a helpless fish he got up and started to run for the location that nekrun gave Fuyo earlier in the day. When fuyo got there Nekrun jumped out around the corner in some sort of princesses get up and it was hilarious to see Nekrun in a tight princess gown. Fuyo and Matatabi started to roll around in pain of choking out of laughter.
TWC: 345
Nekrun Uzumaki
Nekrun Uzumaki
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Ryo : 3610

Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo) Empty Re: Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo)

Wed Nov 21, 2018 9:27 pm
Nekrun would correct fuyo's post not caring about capitalizing the name anymore saying that he wouldn't have only tightly fit into the costume due to the crown changing his physical body, then he would leave and change back into his own normal attire. Nekrun almost started to sweat due to the heat outside continuing to rise by the minute. Nekrun looked over and saw some people tanning while others decided to stay in there homes for the day not caring that it had been sunny out for once. Nekrun got back to Fuyo and told him they should actually get going and off the ground now. 

Nekrun walked towards the ramen shop and noticed two people standing there. He hadn't heard of anyone else being in the letter but guessed there was two people they had to transport after all it wasn't the craziest assumption he had ever made. Nekrun waited for Fuyo before going any closer to the shop and now it must have been 90 degrees out, it was only about 80 a half hour ago but that's how things go I guess Nekrun thought to himself. Nekrun was about to make his way to the shop but saw something in the corner of his eye. When he looked there was nothing, he could have sworn there was something, or someone standing there watching him. Nekurn looked back over at the task at hand ignoring what he had just thought he saw and he walked closer to the shop, as he over heard the voices coming from the inside and immediately recognized one, It was Tadashi!, Nekrun listened to the other voice knowing from the conversation it must have been who they were escorting. "There are other bodyguards?" Nekrun would hear Tadashi say, obviously he hadn't noticed the other two come up. "The party has arrived boys!" Nekrun would say as he walked up to the client and Tadashi. "it looks like we were both assigned to this mission, oh yeah and... uh" 

Nekrun would say this in a bit quieter tone almost sounding ashamed "Fuyo has to go with too, I guess" Nekrun would then look back up at Tadashi "I'm kidding Fuyo's fine, I mean I do live with the guy how could I do that infront of his face" If Fuyo wasn't already up by the others Nekrun would motion for him to join the other three quickly. Nekrun would ask "So I guess you got the same package as us then?" Nekrun would also motion to the guy sitting next to Tadashi. "This who were transporting?, he seems chill" Nekrun would let Tadashi explain his answers to the question but knew he wanted more wc so he kept going with the story. Nekrun would try to ask about everyone's strategy's for the exams and anything they knew about the other contestants. Nekrun already knew there would be 18 people which is a lot even if it's all the villages competing in one exam. Nekrun would wait anxiously as the answers came in listening to every last detail memorizing them forward and back word.

 Obviously Nekrun wouldn't give away his own strategy for the battle trying to keep it secret the only one who knew what he was planning was himself and that's all that really mattered to him. Nekrun would kind of trail off into his mind imagining the battles that would happen the unknown possibilities then he would catch himself as he had pulled out his copy of make- out paradise and continue reading it mindlessly until one of the other three snapped him out. The book was like a trance and Nekrun was caught in it reading it letter by letter word by word and page by page. Nekrun kept reading unless he was interrupted in which case he would put away the book wondering what caused them to make him stop reading so early and the old man wasn't even done eating yet.

 On second look he had been done for a couple minutes and they were all probably just waiting on Nekrun but if they weren't that would be a score for Nekrun. Nekrun would continue to re enter the conversation trying to find out what they were talking about. If they hadn't already suggested that they should get going Nekrun would say it. "We should get going before it gets even hotter out. It's beating down like there's no tomorrow out here so lets get a move on please". Nekrun would watch as the old man lead the way to his caravan. It was a very nice dark shade of blue that pleased the eye at any time of day. The caravan was obviously supposed to be carried by horses but they had none. So that meant they would have to travel on foot the whole way to their destination.

Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo) Empty Re: Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo)

Thu Nov 22, 2018 1:32 pm
Tadashi would jolt up in confusion, hearing the familiar sound of his friend, Nekrun Uzumaki as he would say some words to lighten up spirits, "The party has arrived boys!" The Uzumaki would say, the young Namikaze turning his head instantaneously, almost giving Tadashi some whiplash due to the ferocity of the turning, "Nekrun?! What a coincidence! I never thought to see you in a mission already? Well, this is great!" Tadashi happily said, his face quickly switching to stifled laugh, seeing the young Uzumaki saying some playful banter about Fuyo being in the mission. To be honest, Tadashi wasn't that phased about the Uchiha joining, after all, he is the most inexperienced out of the group, and it would be almost necessary for his peers to help him out. Good thing the joke wasn't mean-spirited and was just some playful banter. 

Regarding the letter, Tadashi explained, "Yes, I believe I got the same package as you, but it was in the format of a letter, guess the Konoha post office messed up this time!" The crimson haired Genin sheepishly and quirkily joked, pulling out his opened letter to show to Nekrun, Fuyo if he arrived at the relatively same time as Nekrun, and the rich escort for confirmation. "No, you're wrong Badahi-" "It's Tadashi... You got it right last time, why now?" The young Namikaze thought in annoyance, not showing it in the outside.

 "I felt like wanting to mix things up, so I gave one person a letter, and the other ones a package, I'm such a trickster, right?" The man charismatically said in a confident voice, making people in the ramen shop look at the rich man as if he was a chosen prophecy, attracted by his charisma. After that, Nekrun would examine the rich man, concluding that he was a chill guy, during mid-sentence, the man would stop slurping on his ramen noodles, eyes turning sparkly, and a ray of light would envelop him comedically standing up passionately, "You could say that... BOY, I AM THE FOURTEENTH SON OF SOUPA CORP, EIJI SOUPA! MAKING SOUP AND PLATES THROUGHOUT THE 4 BIG COUNTIES, MAKING MORE MONEY THAN YOUR PARENTS EVERY COULD, DON'T TAKE! MY DAD MIGHT PASS IN THE NEXT MONTH, DUE TO HIS HEALTH DETERIORATING, AND I MUST MAKE AN EXPEDITION TO THE VOLCANO COUNTY SO I CAN ADD MORE PROFIT FROM CUSTOMERS, MAKING MY DAD MAKE ME THE HEAD OF SOUPA CORP WHEN HE PASSES! I MUST DO THIS, SO PLEASE, PROTECT ME!!!!!!!" Eiji loudly begged, letting sweat drip down to his magenta suit, resuming back to his warm noodles, as everyone in the Shop widened their eyes in dumbfoundedness.

Tadashi sweatdropped... About 4 times during those sentences, whispering to Nekrun, and possibly Fuyo if he was here, "You got your answer." The crimson haired Genin simply said. Regarding the Chunnin Exams, Tadashi wouldn't say that much about his strategy, because there is a 1/15 chance that Nekrun would be his enemy and an another 1/15 that Fuyo could be his enemy. As much as he cared for his friends, he couldn't jeopardize this chance to be of Chunnin Rank. Nekrun would proceed to read... Tadashi probably doesn't even know what's called at his ripe age, but the crimson haired Genin wouldn't judge, as he pulled out his ninja encyclopedia to study more on the jutsus, after all, the Chunnin Exams are in like a week. 

After Eiji was done eating he would beckon Tadashi, Nekrun, and possibly Fuyo to go to the Konoha gate to go inside the caravan, as Tadashi would show the guard patrol, protecting the Konoha gate his letter, authorized by the Konoha Government, and the Guard Patrol would give the three a map and road to the Volcano County, as the group would walk out of Konoha, departing to the Volcano County. No road, til the one that ends!

WC: 757
TWC: 1688/1333

Last edited by Tadashi (Tracer) Namikaze on Fri Nov 23, 2018 12:47 pm; edited 1 time in total
Fuyo Uchiha
Fuyo Uchiha
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Village : Konohagakure
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Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo) Empty Re: Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo)

Thu Nov 22, 2018 7:59 pm
Fuyo arrived soon after Nekrun made his stupid joke, Matatabi on the other hand was already there memorizing everyone's conversation to repeat to Fuyo if he ended up confused. so when Matatabi finished telling Fuyo what was happening, Fuyo listened to everyone as they talked. After the old mans exploding speech about his family fuyo only heard one part of it that made his blood boil. "Making more money then your parents ever could!" Fuyo thought of his family "Job" of assassination. His father made tens of thousands of ryo for each kill he manged. And when he finally died his fortune was stolen because of his and his mother poor state of mind and body they couldn't do anything to stop the robbers from taking anything. And those memories made him think of his mothers death so instead of lashing out at the old man Fuyo just turned back trying to hold back tears but he couldn't mange to stop them all because a single tear fell from his eye after that Tadashi  said that we should go to the village gate to head out of the area so we left the roman noodle shop leaving the mans bowl and his tab. When Fuyo noticed that the old man didn't pay for his tab that he probably wont pay for this trip fuyo walked up to the man and took 5 ryo from his pouch and placed it next to the bowl of roman then we started to walk twords the hidden in the leaf's village gate. The whole time that our group and the old man walked up to the village gate fuyo kept thinking of the old man and if he would pay for our services that we would do for him to go to the volcano country. But to take his mind off of the old man Fuyo stopped turned around and sneakily hid his cat ear headband to talk to Matatabi under his white spiky hair. He picked up Matatabi and placed him on his head and started to talk to his cat.
"So what do you think of this guy Matatabi, I think hes really fishy." 
"Fish! Where ooohhh can we stop and get a fish PLEASE!!!" 
"Comon' actually what do you think if you actually tell me things i will buy you a fish after the mission." 
"Well fine i think that he's just an old dude that has a big ego." 
" I dont know did you see that he didn't pay for his food at the romen shop that we just were at." 
"Okay this is what im talking about you ask for my opinion on something and you think the very oppisite of what i think! plus you pick pocketed him to pay so its fine!" 
" you know what... *Sigh* Fine i give up your right i'll let you do any three things you want today BUT IT CANT BE ME BUYING YOU SOMETHING!" 
"Okay sweet! First if we get into a fight i get to join."
 "okay you know wha-"
"ah-ah-ah you said any three things." 
 "Fine what other two things" 
" you have to do what i ask and um..." 
"What we are almost at the gate!" 
"oh and you have to ask the old man why he didnt pay for his ramen." 
"why that last one." 
"i want to know too."
 "Fine... Hey old Dude I noticed that you didnt pay back at the ramen shop whats up with that." 
"OH REALLY I FORGOT!! well i guess were to late now, make sure you tell me to pay for the next time okay!" 
" Ya sure..."
And that is when everyone go to the gates and Tadashi shown the guards the letter from the Kage Then the doors opened wide and Fuyo's first mission was a go!!
Nekrun Uzumaki
Nekrun Uzumaki
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Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo) Empty Re: Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo)

Fri Nov 23, 2018 1:52 pm
Nekrun would listen to the old man as he made his speech but still kept reading his book, he started to fill with rage as he heard the old man almost make fun of his parents. Nekrun had a flash back to seeing the bodies of his dead parents laying on the floor. Nekrun took a few steps back to recollect himself and calm down before his rage could take over. 

Nekrun sat down in a meditation and calmed himself down then stood back up and listened to the rest of the conversation. Nothing else in the conversation bothered him as he listened. Nekrun would follow Tadashi when the time came for them to get moving. Nekrun put the book back into his pocket and noticed that Tadashi also had the jutsu encyclopedia. The temperature finally stopped going up and stayed at 90 degrees Fahrenheit. As they made their way to the caravan Nekrun wanted to try to make conversation but couldn't think of anything to say that could strike up something interesting. So he took out his jutsu encyclopedia and read it on the way there learning many and being the fast reader that he is he got through almost the whole thing, he even surprised himself with how many pages he read this time. Nekrun put a placeholder into the page of the book and put it back into his bag. Nekrun noticed by this point they were at the caravan and it had nothing to carry it so they continued on foot. Nekrun continued to the gate hoping that Tadashi and Fuyo was following. When they arrived at the gate there was one guard there. 

"What are you doing here you are not allowed to leave without proper approval" Nekrun walked up to him not nervous at all, he knew this would happen if they had to leave so he brought with the letter that had the konoha government stamp on it. "Actually I have what I think you're looking for right here let me just-" He pulled out the letter and showed it to the man "this should be it hopefully that's enough because that's all they gave me". "yes that is enough, you may pass through" Said the guard as he moved aside for the genin. Nekrun walked through hoping that the others followed him. After everyone had made it through the gate Nekrun would talk to the man they were escorting "so do you expect any Missing Ninja to come after us on our journey" Nekrun would look at the man hoping he had a answer until the old man said one word. "yes" Nekrun would watch for any MN and listen for them too.

Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
Survived 2021
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Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo) Empty Re: Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo)

Fri Nov 23, 2018 1:56 pm
NPC Stats:

Oda was waiting at the spot he knew Eiji and his guards would pass through, having intel from the man who hired him. The spot was out of Konohagakure, but still within Fire Nation borders (close to the edge of the nation). He did not hide, nor use any methods of trickery, but boldly waited for the carriage to arrive in the middle of Eiji's route. When Eiji and his guards approached, Oda raised his hand in front of them signaling them to stop. "Hand the man over and nobody gets hurt.". He had one of his reinforced Katanas in his right hand, the other free.
Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo) Empty Re: Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo)

Fri Nov 23, 2018 3:17 pm
Some Battle Music:

A missing-nin? Already? Standing in front of the group 10 meters away from them, bold and firm with a katana on his right hand, the left hand raised to motion the group to stop. The group was in a triangle formation, 5 meters spaced apart from each other, with Eiji in the middle. The young Namikaze, katana on left hip, strapped, in the front of Eiji, Nekrun on the left behind Eiji, and Fuyo on the right of the escort. The crimson haired Genin wouldn't turn his head but would make 1 nod motion, it wasn't to say yes to Oda, yet he could have mistaken that, but in reality, it was towards Nekrun and Fuyo to get Eiji in someplace safe, now, it was in luck's hands to deliver the message.

There was no turning back, after making the nod, in one fluid motion, without halting at all, veins would circulate around Tadashi's muscles as well as a Black Aura that would envelop him, showing his unknown heritage of the Black Dragon, and coupled with Quicksilver Earring on his left ear, it would boost his Speed to 100 and his Reaction Time to 195, now, there was nearly nothing Oda could do in his arsenal that Tadashi couldn't react to. The ninja pouch on his left hip would open, two Kunai would be pulled out, held between his left hand's Index and Middle finger, and the other between his Ring Finger and Pinky Finger, integrating it with Chakra instantly, the Sharpness and Health now 60, thrown at a Speed of 105, and a Total Range of 52, in an arc swipe format, causing in the Kunai on the left to be thrown at Oda's left shoulder, most likely blocked by his raised hand, as it would puncture the palm, creating an unsightly sound. At the same time, the right Kunai would be parallel to the left, so it would be targeting Oda's right shoulder. Both Kunai would hit at the same time unless interrupted by an outside force.

Whenever the Kunai hit or not, it wouldn't be Tadashi's problem, as just after he would throw the Kunai, he would unsheath his Katana at a Speed of 100 with his right hand, this time infusing it with Lightning Release Chakra, more specifically, the same Chakra that he uses to power his Chidori. It would Sharpen the Katana by 30 at a Speed of 45, and due to his Sword Mastery ability, it would increase the Katana's sharpness by 10, giving a total Sharpness of 90. The Health and Power of the Lightning would be 45. Keeping the same constant Speed, He would viciously flank in an arc to the left of Oda, covering the 10 meters of distance, as he would slice horizontally and deeply to the side of Oda's stomach the total Sharpness being 122, the Lightning would numb the Missing Ninja's body, allowing him not to move and for Nekrun and Fuyo to perform combo attacks. Tadashi would keep his Katana unsheathed, sullied with the blood of a missing-nin, 5 meters away and left from Oda after his slash. If everything went according to plan, the young Namikaze would keep pointing his katana at Oda's head, his Chidori Katana still active, chirping energetically, Martial Prowess, still having that dark aura pulsate through his veins at any moment, Tadashi could behead the Missing-Nin.

WC: 642
TWC: 2330/1333

Jutsu/Skills Used:
293 AP Left

Last edited by Tadashi (Tracer) Namikaze on Sat Nov 24, 2018 1:30 pm; edited 2 times in total
Fuyo Uchiha
Fuyo Uchiha
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5250

Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo) Empty Re: Another mission (ask to join, Fuyo)

Sat Nov 24, 2018 12:35 am
The Slow nod of his comrade triggered something in his mind Fuyo knew that Tadashi would never give in to a simple threat. Making that connection something clicked in Fuyos mind, the nod was to him and Nekrun to get the old man out of the fight and in to the town since we were not far from the village gates and Fuyo knew that there were joinin guards at the entrance of the gate. So Fuyo hiddenly perform his hand seals for flicker movement with Fuyos new burst of speed he picked up his cat and grabbed the old mans arm and ran toward the village gates. Fuyo wasent truly ready for a missing Ninja just to appear so soon, It was a very smart idea just to leave me back to the village gates and to protect the old man while the others fight the missing ninja. the old man screamed in terror Fuyo could see in the old mans eyes that he was screaming for his life. fuyo ran as fast as he could into the village when he past the oaken gates of the village Fuyo placed the old man by the guards then he placed matatabi on the old mans lap. Fuyo now had to convince Matatabi that she was evolved in the fight without her being harmed in the possess.
"Okay, Matatabi you need to guard the old guy okay."
"What I dont want to be here with this old geezer i want to fight with the guys!"
"Matatabi, Guarding the old dude is the most important part of this job he is the source of income right now an i did promise you fish just please stand here and guard the old man."
"Uhg but i dont wa-"
"Matatabi please."
"Matatabi the guys might be dead if i stay here any longer with you. And if you come with me the old man will die you need to stay its the only logical thing to do please just stay..."
"Fine... Go."
Fuyo got off his knee and started to run back into the battle, Matatabi got into her battle stance protecting the old man crying on the floor too scared to move.

flicker movement -15 ap, 
ap remaining:85
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