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Clean Energy, Progressive Future Empty Clean Energy, Progressive Future

Tue Nov 20, 2018 4:52 pm
Letters had been dispatched to the entrants of the Chuunin Exams, simple and to the point. Instructions were on them to immediately attend the harbor and board The Silence, the infamous warship of Xyxer. It went without saying that they were expected to not talk on the journey, at least around the presence of the mute crew that worked arduously. Whether they all arrived or not was irrelevant, as the ship was set to sail within a short time frame, yet they'd obviously been given warning prior to this. Obviously.

[Exit to the borders, waiting on Hayate Nero & Oriton if need be]
Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
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Clean Energy, Progressive Future Empty Re: Clean Energy, Progressive Future

Tue Nov 20, 2018 7:42 pm
Nero would have missed the ship if not for the letter. He made it in time, nodding to Xyxer and joining him in his travels.

He was trying hard not to run his mouth so he wasn't thrown off the ship.

[Exit with Xy and others]
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Clean Energy, Progressive Future Empty Re: Clean Energy, Progressive Future

Wed Nov 21, 2018 12:00 pm
Oriton nodded towards Xyxer as he boarded the ship, "Kage."

He nodded towards Nero, "Friend."

Underneath his calm stature was a bundle of nerves. He didn't think he was going to do well, but he couldn't show any weakness in front of his other shinobi. He hoped that he didn't die on this little venture.

[Exit with others, 48 hour exit]
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Clean Energy, Progressive Future Empty Re: Clean Energy, Progressive Future

Wed Nov 21, 2018 5:16 pm
If going to the Chuunin exams last time, a jaunt through the forest with his friend Asami and the respected and closemouthed but mostly likeable yousei, had been exiting and almost unbelievable for the young Genin, this time it partially crossed the border into the surreal. Obviously they would bring a larger, more impressive delegation to represent Kiri at a 4 village exam, but this? He intially was close to thinking the letter was a joke or a prank, but here Hayate stood in full combat gear, on a mist shrouded dock, mere feet away from the infamous warship of the kage himself. The feeling was furthered by the mute workings of the crew and those on board, with only the sound of the waves and the fastening of rope or creaking of wood.

Hayate stepped to the full jounin guard, in Hayates mind no doubt an elite ANBU, and went to present his letter, but the ninja's face just looked slightly more annoyed and nodded his head toward the gangplank, indicating to board. Of course they had already verified who would board, and wouldn't leave it to a stealable letter. Stupid. He didn't know why the intimidation of the village authority made his normally well prepared actions awkward and left him second guessing himself.

He didn't dare to gawk at the ship and look around to see if he could spot the kage or other participants, and very carefully kept his eyes straight ahead as he boarded. He began to physically feel a judging stare on him the whole way up, each footfall proclaiming him not worthy of stepping aboard and angry at the sacrilege being committed, though surely that was his imagination. As he reached the deck he saw the other two genin not far off, and stepped in line with them, without a greeting, waiting silently. Hoping they took his actions as being ultra calm, cool, and comfortable with what was going on, an old hand at this, and didn't see to his nerves inside.

[exit with others]
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Clean Energy, Progressive Future Empty Re: Clean Energy, Progressive Future

Wed Nov 21, 2018 8:16 pm
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