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Lynn Uchiha
Lynn Uchiha
Stat Page : Le Stats
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5000

He's Trying? That's a Lie! [Genin Exam/Tokiatsu] Empty He's Trying? That's a Lie! [Genin Exam/Tokiatsu]

Tue Nov 06, 2018 9:37 pm
After the night Lynn had been met with some mysterious stranger in the forest, his whole attitude towards life had started to change. It was very abrupt, sure, yet what the hidden man told him had told him to essentially become a protector. No, they never told him this directly, but they played on the little pride he had left to start a spark he had long since lost in his young life. With more determination than he ever felt before, Lynn ran up to the Academy early in the morning the very next day to plead and beg to be given a chance again. Since it was so jarring and pleasant for the boy who gave up to come crawling back to them, they eagerly accepted him back in, though under his own condition. Private lessons, and that he be given all the books needed to study for passing the Genin Exams. Then, for that whole week, he vigorously crammed every bit of knowledge he could into his ever growing mind, pushing his body past the limits at the training grounds in secret in the middle of the night, exerting himself to make sure he could actually perform what was needed. The last subjects he focused on was utilizing the Academy's required Ninjutsu, which was always the hardest part for him in the first place. Yet, due to his age and more honed mind, he was successful in finally activating both the Transformation Jutsu, and the Clone Technique. While he doubted he'd be any better at Ninjutsu after this, he was at least excited to get his life going once more, in order to be the guardian of not only his home, but nature itself, though less an activist and more that he wouldn't let anyone be a bother to the natural order of life. 

Once that harsh week had passed, the day prior to the present, he requested to be given the Genin Exam, so he could finally graduate and be out of their hair. While they hesitated at first, the glimmer in his once sullen eyes was enough to convince them that the Uchiha might stand a chance. So, with the test scheduled and a proctor readied, Lynn slept the night, despite being restless, waking up to the warm embrace of the sun in the early morning on the day he'd get out of the hell hole that was his parent's house. Although a bit sleepy, he stood up, slipped right into his blue and white fur coat, then jumped out the window readily, making his way towards the Academy Building. Through the course of his training, his endurance had dramatically increased, so sprinting the way there didn't take a whole lot out of him. Plus, with how much energy he had going into this, it was no surprise he couldn't be tired out by a measly run.

With a soft, pleased sigh, he made it to the meeting area, where his exam proctor, Tokiatsu, was told to congregate with him. His long, green hair in a ponytail, he stood beside a light post pole, his hands shoved unceremoniously into his pockets, foot held against the iron, as he awaited Tokiatsu, enjoying the crisp breeze that enveloped Konoha this moment. While no one else was to come here to neither watch nor celebrate the accomplishment he would go through today, he knew he was going to show both his washout clan, and the world, just what he was capable of, despite his anguished body and unfortunate illness. No one would stop him from proving it anymore. Excellent.

[Current WC: 600]
[Exam Proctor: Tokiatsu]
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

He's Trying? That's a Lie! [Genin Exam/Tokiatsu] Empty Re: He's Trying? That's a Lie! [Genin Exam/Tokiatsu]

Wed Nov 07, 2018 2:59 am
Another day in Konohagakure for the Watchman, Tokiatsu Hidemori, and his ally Bossk. He had been back in the village for a few weeks now and his routine had fallen perfectly into place. He had roles that were to be fulfilled in the village on a weekly basis; Gate duty, patrolling the village perimeter, assigning missions, to name a few. Today would start differently however. One of the Students in the Academy was ready to take their Genin exam, and as such, required a proctor. This was not a problem for the Hidemori Chuunin. He took great pleasure in teaching and watching young blood excel. After his morning meditation, he would don his normal attire and make his way to the academy to oversee the Genin, one Lynn Uchiha, as they attempted to prove themselves competent enough to become a Genin of the village.

Tokiatsu's walk to the Academy was fairly uneventful. There were some people going about their business. Shops were just opening up for the day. "Reminds me that I need to run some errands later today." The Watchman said to Bossk as his serpentine companion lounged around his neck. "Do not worry, my friend." Bossk said to Tokiatsu. "I will make sssure you do not forget." Tokiatsu could not help but smile, thinking about the bond of friendship he shared with the cobra. "I appreciate it, Bossk."

The Academy had not really changed since Tokiatsu had last been here. The Academy was a proud structure, boasting its success in terms of how many students graduated to become full shinobi of the village. Though most of that could be said was thanks to the staff that worked to ensure that each generation was fully equipped with the knowledge needed to become a proud shinobi of Konohagakure.

Tokiatsu and Bossk had arrived in the examination area and looked around. There was only one other person here. A young man was standing, leaned against one of the light post poles that ringed the waiting area. The boy was pale, slightly below average height, with long green hair. Tokiatsu would make his way over to the boy. "Lynn Uchiha." The Watchman would say to the examinee. "I am the Watchman, Tokiatsu Hidemori. I am to be the proctor for your Genin exam. Are you ready to begin?"

Assuming that Lynn was ready, Tokiatsu would lead the Uchiha teen to examination room four. He would open the door, let the boy enter first, and follow him in while closing the door behind them. He would then sit at the desk at the front of the examination room. Bossk would slide onto the table, watching Lynn intently. "You are free to begin whenever you are ready." Tokiatsu would say to the boy, advising him that the floor was his to do with what he will.

WC: 472
Lynn Uchiha
Lynn Uchiha
Stat Page : Le Stats
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5000

He's Trying? That's a Lie! [Genin Exam/Tokiatsu] Empty Re: He's Trying? That's a Lie! [Genin Exam/Tokiatsu]

Wed Nov 07, 2018 2:54 pm
Fortunately for the young man, it would not take long for his exam proctor to arrive. As they made no attempt to hide their presence (and why would they?), he slowly turned over to Toki as he heard the sound of footsteps approach. Their attire was simple, but it was clear they were experienced, much more than Lynn could ever dream of at the moment, told even more by the reptile that coiled around his neck. Most younglings would probably recoil at the sight, even some adults, but he did not. Snakes were probably one of his favorite wildlife critters, helped by the fact that he too had some features that were similar. Of course, they weren't extremely noticeable, except for his tongue, though you'd be hard pressed to see that sticking out. Either way, while normally he wouldn't smile readily at a stranger, the sight of such a creature being all around his proctor ended up making him do so, albeit it only a small one. His evergreen eyes took a moment to take in the snake's beautiful form before they flickered to the man he was waiting for, under those tinted shades of his, taking steps towards them to greet the pair.

"Yeah, I'm Lynn. It's nice to meet you. I'm ready whenever you are...after we're done, do you mind if I pet your friend there? Assuming they want to be."

Lynn was fully aware that the snake might not want to be handled by a stranger, so he hoped the way he worded it was respectful. No matter what happened, he proceeded to follow the Chunin to the Examination Room, stepping in when invited to go first. It was rather plain, though it didn't exactly need to be complicated either. This was for Academy Students, not Genin preparing for the Chunin Exams, after all. The standards for a new Genin were much more lenient compared to a new Chunin's. Once the door was closed, and the snake lazily laid on the desk separating him and Tokiatsu, Lynn took his own position, nodding at the duo, then bowing in respect. With that, he officially began, like he was asked.

While he didn't doubt there could be more to the test due to individuality being involved, Lynn, at the very least, would do the basis of his exam first. His plan was to go with the Clone Technique first, then go for Transformation second. After that, he figured he would show off his vastly improved stamina through jumping around the room with his exceptional seed as well. Then he'd end it all. He took a deep breath, then exhaled, with his eyes closed, before forcing them open, and performing the Ram → Snake → Tiger hand seals in tandem, as swiftly as he could manage at his own level. Luckily for him, the technique went off without a hitch, an identical, intangible clone of himself appearing beside him. They then both turned around, and gave each other a high five, causing the fake to disappear at the touch, since they weren't real in the first place. Though he wouldn't admit it outright, doing this had ended up making him sweat just a tad, showing it took a lot for him to actually accomplish it. Even with his improved training schedule, he was still horrendous at Ninjutsu for his age's standards, so the fact his clone hadn't failed was a surprise in itself.

Afterwards, he'd turn back to them both, eyeing the serpent in front of him once more, examining as many features as he could in a few seconds. When he was done, he proceeded to cast the Dog → Boar → Ram hand seals in rapid succession, which caused his body to puff into a small cloud of white smoke. When the vapor subsided, they'd have to look at the ground in order to see what he became; a replica of Bossk. Lynn then waited for a few seconds, flicking out his even more snake-like tongue to try and feel more like what he was. Hopefully this display didn't offend them both. Whether or not it did, he'd continue from there, dissipating the form he took and returning back to normal. By now, it was clear he had trouble with performing that technique as well, having to use all his concentration for such in order not to flunk his exam. Yet he did it, sweaty or not, with his dignity intact.

For his final demonstration, he began to jump around the room, bouncing off the walls like a ricocheted bullet, gaining speed with each stride. While this took a bit of energy, to keep himself from crashing or wasting his stamina, he kept it up. Of course, to anyone significantly more skilled than him, of course this display would be mediocre at best. However, he was still Academy level at the time, and was trying to pass the Genin Exam. At the very least, his speed had to be better than most at his stage of being a Shinobi. Eventually, he ended his last part, landing in the middle of the room abruptly without hurting himself, and causing a tuft of dust to rise as a result of the landing. Then, he looked up, panting a bit from his exertion, hoping that he'd get the pass.

[Current WC: 888 + 600 = 1488]

Techniques/AP Used:
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

He's Trying? That's a Lie! [Genin Exam/Tokiatsu] Empty Re: He's Trying? That's a Lie! [Genin Exam/Tokiatsu]

Thu Nov 08, 2018 2:35 am
The young man slowly turned to look at the Watchman for a few moments before standing up and walking towards him. "Yeah, I'm Lynn. It's nice to meet you. I'm ready whenever you are...after we're done, do you mind if I pet your friend there? Assuming they want to be." Tokiatsu would chuckle at the request. The snake itself would answer first. "Let usss sssee how well you do in your exam first, young Uchiha." Bossk would say to the student in front of them. "If you do well enough, I may consssider it." Tokiatsu smiled at Lynn. "There you go." He said to Lynn. "Assuming you do well enough in your exam, Bossk said you may pet him. Not a bad way to start things off, that is for certain."
Once Tokiatsu had taken his seat at the desk. Bossk would slither down onto the desk and coiled himself into a small pile on one side of the desk. Tokiatsu would nod in response to Lynn's bow. The boy would then take a few moments before making the hand seals for the Clone jutsu at a speed of 10. 'Not bad for a student..' Tokiatsu would think to himself. The boy had performed the technique flawlessly, causing the pair to attempt a high-five. Of course it didn't really work since the clone itself was an illusion and not really there. The Watchman couldn't help but smirk though. Without missing a beat, Lynn immediately moved into the next technique, the transformation technique. when the puff of smoke had cleared, there was a copy of Bossk coiled on the floor. "It seems the boy likes snakes." Tokiatsu would murmur to Bossk, only loud enough for the snake on the desk to hear. "Perhaps if the boy shows enough merit, we can allow him to sign the contract." Bossk didn't answer, simply hissed quietly. Tokiatsu would smile and say nothing else. The transformation did not last long. 'Perhaps he needs some work on endurance.' He thought to himself. 'At least the exam doesn't require the technique to be maintained, only that one can do it.' It did not appear that the boy was finished there though, for he then took off around the room, leaping off the walls in what would appear to be an attempt at showing speed and agility. Of course it was nothing compared to the Chuunin's current level of skill, but the Watchman was impressed. As soon as Lynn had landed again in front of him, Tokiatsu would look at him and smile. "Quite the impressive display there, Lynn Uchiha." He would say. "I'd say that satisfies all of the requirements for the Genin exam. Congratulations, you've passed." With that, the Chuunin would pull out a Konoha Hitai-Ate and toss it towards Lynn for him to catch.
A few moments later, Tokiatsu would ask him another question. "Now that you are a Genin, do you have any goals that you are striving towards?"
WC: 495
TWC: 967

OOC: Congrats on becoming a Genin. Go to This thread and claim Genin Rank up. You will make the claim for the following in this thread when you post your [EXIT]:
-You may claim your total WC - 800 (for the exam requirement) towards stats and jutsu.
-You gain an additional 15 stats for reaching Genin
-You gain your first specialty for free
-You gain the following 2 techniques for free:
Substitution Technique
Tree Climbing/Surface Walking
-You have the following Jutsu limits (to be updated on your stats page):
Unlimited Canon D-Rank and lower.
5 of every rank of jutsu above D, excluding S-Rank.
No Custom Jutsu.
3 bloodline jutsu.
Lynn Uchiha
Lynn Uchiha
Stat Page : Le Stats
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5000

He's Trying? That's a Lie! [Genin Exam/Tokiatsu] Empty Re: He's Trying? That's a Lie! [Genin Exam/Tokiatsu]

Thu Nov 08, 2018 1:56 pm
The wave of relief that hit Lynn when Tokiatsu had told him he passed caused him to let out a huge sigh of relief. It was over...the scorn of being an Academy Student this old, this weak, was starting to pass. No more would he be held by the shackles of schooling, for he was to become a Genin! He'd smile softly to himself as the armored headband came flying towards him, to which he caught by just the tips of his fingers, gripping it tightly. The coveted item felt wonderful in his delicate hands, soft yet firm. He'd quickly apply it to himself by wrapping it around his right shoulder, since that's where he felt it would look the best at for this current moment. Then he'd look up at the Chunin, nodding to him, before replying to his question.

"Thank you, Tokiatsu. From here, I plan on making myself stronger, getting more skilled, and making a name for myself. I don't wish to be popular, but I no longer want to be treated like a good for nothing. It's time for me to show the village just what I'm capable of, and make them regret what they thought and said because of me, all without doing anything to ever harm them, as I also wish to protect this place. While it is the holder of all of my pain, I still love my home, my country. It's innocent of any sins some of its people may have committed. I can show them my worth without seeking vengeance. That is my goal."

With that, the young Genin simply left right afterwards, but not before hugging the man that passed him.


[Final WC: 281 + 1488 = 1796]

Thread Claims:
Also Claiming:

Last edited by Lynn Uchiha on Thu Nov 08, 2018 3:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

He's Trying? That's a Lie! [Genin Exam/Tokiatsu] Empty Re: He's Trying? That's a Lie! [Genin Exam/Tokiatsu]

Thu Nov 08, 2018 2:09 pm
Approved @Lynn

Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

He's Trying? That's a Lie! [Genin Exam/Tokiatsu] Empty Re: He's Trying? That's a Lie! [Genin Exam/Tokiatsu]

Thu Nov 08, 2018 3:27 pm
Approved of Edits @Lynn
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

He's Trying? That's a Lie! [Genin Exam/Tokiatsu] Empty Re: He's Trying? That's a Lie! [Genin Exam/Tokiatsu]

Sat Nov 10, 2018 1:31 am
The boy answered quickly. “Thank you, Tokiatsu. From here, I plan on making myself stronger, getting more skilled, and making a name for myself. I don't wish to be popular, but I no longer want to be treated like a good for nothing. It's time for me to show the village just what I'm capable of, and make them regret what they thought and said because of me, all without doing anything to ever harm them, as I also wish to protect this place. While it is the holder of all of my pain, I still love my home, my country. It's innocent of any sins some of its people may have committed. I can show them my worth without seeking vengeance. That is my goal."

Tokiatsu would nod thoughtfully. “I am glad to hear that you are not going to let the pain of the past dictate how you move forward. That is very admirable, and is a sentiment that is not easily brought about. If nothing else, I respect you for that. I am confident that with the right guidance, your goal will be not just met, but exceeded.”

The brand-new Uchiha Genin would then leave the classroom, but not before hugging the Watchman. Tokiatsu was surprised by the reaction but he would let Lynn hug him, patting him on the head in a paternal manner before the boy walked out. Once he was out of earshot, he would turn back to his companion. “I am interested to see how the boy progresses now that he is a full shinobi.” Tokiatsu would say to Bossk.

The snake was silent for a good few moments. “Indeed, Tokiatsssu. Perhapsss it may benefit the boy for you to train him yourssself. He doesss have potential, and who better to guide him than you?”

Tokiatsu would smile at his friend. “Something to think about, my old friend.” He said to Bossk. “Come. Let us be off.” With that, Bossk would climb back up around Tokiatsu, and the pair would leave, heading back to the Hidemori clan’s compound.


WC: 345
TWC: 1312

1065 WC towards Chidori (3000/3000, 25% max stat discount)
247 WC towards Storm Release: Jupiter's favour (C-Rank, 247/1500, 25% Max Stat discount)

OOC: Will update speech colours tomorrow

Proof of Chidori progress here
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 42970

He's Trying? That's a Lie! [Genin Exam/Tokiatsu] Empty Re: He's Trying? That's a Lie! [Genin Exam/Tokiatsu]

Mon Nov 12, 2018 5:15 pm
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