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Saya Kirihara
Saya Kirihara
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What You Have to Offer [DAMON] Empty What You Have to Offer [DAMON]

Tue Oct 16, 2018 9:33 pm
Her thoughts were muddled. Reminiscent of a thick fog - ever present yet intangible. Seeing the clouds in front but never further than that. Saya inhaled the dawn air, eyes closed and simply trying to figure out where she was. Not a physical location, but in her mind and on the path she was currently walking. People have disappeared and people have made themselves known, however the genin was grasping at the bonds connecting them.

Speaking of. Saya’s attention turned toward the two visitors (unexpected as they were) who were now playing as guests in her home village. It has been more than a few days, but time blurred for her as she continually put her hours into hospital duty and the endless paperwork that accompanied it.

Yurei. Of course the girl would remember him. With his blinding white hair and skin, and his approach to subduing a scuffle. Saya opened her eyes at the memory and shook her head. Now, he was here with a friend or something. Their village was not their village anymore. It was not safe for them to be there. She wondered at that. How would she react if Kumo had turned on her? Would she have the courage to abandon her home, or bow to her duties and allow herself to bear the weight of her actions’ consequences?

It made her pensive. Again, reminding her of the other ex-Hoshi ninja. “Damon,” if she remembered the name correctly. Yurei had done all the talking, and so the kunoichi had yet to draw an opinion on him. Well, except that he was quiet and almost puppet-like with the way he allowed himself to be moved around since his entrance in her office.

Thinking about the two refugees spurned something in her. A curiosity? Once more the girl was hesitant in her thoughts, putting her off balance. Stupid, Saya thought to herself as she kicked off from her prone position on the dewy grass and began her trek towards the market area. It was too early for shops to be open in the morning, but she could always count on one in particular that catered to those that were active during the sleeping hours.

”Miss Mary?” Saya called out from the entrance of the small grocery store. A bell at the top jingled and announced her presence. The inside was brightly lit and showcased all of its wares - vegetables, meats, and other kitchen-y things. It was a small comfort that the scenery didn’t change whenever she entered the store. However, what did surprise her was another person standing before Mary, the owner and sole worker of the establishment as well as Saya’s commonly mistaken sister.

Both girls were very similar in appearances. Dark hair and blue-purple eyes. Even their personalities were scarily alike. The only difference between them was that Mary was obviously older, and the citizens did not doubt that Saya would look exactly like Mary in a few short years.

The genin did not recognize the person’s back and immediately Saya felt her body tense. Allowing herself to move further in, she asked, ”Is there a problem?”

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