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Kiro Uchiha
Kiro Uchiha
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[IO] [NK] The Meeting Empty [IO] [NK] The Meeting

Sun Aug 26, 2018 5:57 pm
Kiro slowly woke up and released a faint yawn, raising a hand to his eyes to wipe off anything that would interrupt his sight. He turned his head from left to right and scanned the room where he was currently at, resulting quite familiar to him even if he was unable to figure out who owned it; a spark of memories stroke his head and made him remember everything that happened yesterday with full clarity. He stepped outside of the bed and looked around himself in the attempt of finding any clues of who put him in the Uchiha girl’s bed and the reason that explained why he was in her bedroom. He shortly after shook his head and glanced down to the floor, picking up his dark sandals and putting them on. The boy nodded his head once and focused his eyes on the biggest mirror in the room, silently approaching it by walking across the room, looking at his current attire as well as checking if the person that kept him here took his ninja supplies. Thankfully, though, they didn’t do that and were most likely going to put him through some kind of test where he would need to accurately use them and to not waste the bunch of kunai and shurikens he had in his holster and back pouch. He looked at his surroundings and finally ended on the door that led to the exit of this room that was owned by a young female that was around his age. He turned in the direction of the wooden exit and pushed it wide open from right to left, hoping to be able to escape from this building so he could continue with his daily routines and anything of that matter. Before he could walk past the door, he saw the dark-haired female that he had met before and whose father taught him one of the favorite techniques of his clan and that frequently talked about in their district by the new generation of the Uchiha that hoped that their parents would eventually teach it to them. He was lucky enough to be able to learn it at a very young age and that was something he liked. He proceeded to walk by her to the next room that was the living room and was stopped by her once she grabbed his sleeves and questioned about where he was actually going. ”I’m going to leave the Uchiha district for now and go somewhere else to meet new people and to train,” he replied to her in a calm and convincing tone of voice, making the woman release her weak grip on his shirt, and looked forward once more in the direction he was going to take to leave this house.

The boy continued to walk across the room in a slow yet normal pace until the exit of the house was opened. He locked his eyes to a decently big wall, starting to jump from side to side as a real ninja and hoping now to fall by using the chakra infusing technique that would allow him to walk up walls, trees and across the water which he thought was very useful and that could give him an advantage battle when he wanted to dodge an attack by walking up a tree and jumping off it, performing hand seals and unleashing a powerful jutsu against his opponent. It was something he wanted to practice using before the Chûnin exams started but he knew it would most likely take a while for the exact timing to be announced by the Kages of each village because they were currently speaking to each other about the changes that should be made and what they should most likely be doing at this exact moment aside from fighting against each other. He was excited to know that he was going to be able to join the exam when the registration period had finally begun but the thought of him losing in one of the rounds just made it hard for him to decide if he should either join or wait until another year where he would be prepared to fight. ”I know that would take a lot of time, so it will be better to just train and hope for the best when the tournament actually begins,” he faintly mumbled to himself while rushing up the wall to which he had finally climbed using his previously learned Ninja techniques. It did certainly feel like he was going through a training session and that he was actually practicing the Jutsûs and abilities he learned in the single day he went to the Academy after the sudden and shocking news of the death of his sisters. Just remembering how he felt at that time was enough to crush his heart in pieces, which was one of the reasons that he avoided thinking about his dear older sister that was always his example of a perfect Shinobi and one that he wanted to become once he was older. Though after learning the truth of what actually happened to her from her own mouth had left him without the ability to react of the scene before him that eventually ended in the death of his parents once his sister revealed his Sharingan and when his parents did the same. He thought that it was not something that he should remember at a time like this, and proceeded to jump down the wall to enter the part of Konohagakure no Sato that was filled with merchants and the like, believing that he would be able to meet new people that would help him to grow in this world where power consisted great warriors like the Mizukage, who was the one responsible of making the entire village bow down to him and to let him take control over them. The boy was not considered to be a Shinobi at that time and was like any other civilian that he didn’t mind asking to come to the gates, because to him they most likely didn't have much value. He was most likely right about in mentality, but not in manners.

[WC: 1039]
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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[IO] [NK] The Meeting Empty Re: [IO] [NK] The Meeting

Sun Aug 26, 2018 11:27 pm
Another day. another sunrise and sun set. Time was a very fickle thing in the life of shinobi. Some would say that to make it far one needed dumb luck. Some even said that skill was second to none at their stage. Others spoke of many that were grand almost irreplaceable leaders, but yen was an individual that knew the truth. Rank was only a small portion of what it meant. It was the heart to do what it takes, and even go the distance. 
With a black cloak covering his small frame. The black hat was resting on top of his head, and for those that did not know him he was merely a small man in a large cloak. But those that knew of him would recognize the not doubtful ever flowing force of his chakra.  The ripples felt from a long distance off. For he had his flak jacket, and the trademark eye patch that covered his long-gone left eye. A single yellow eye beaming at the distance ahead as his pale face was obscured by a long shadow even under the sunlight.
He walked through the village his arms simply obscured within the folds of the cloak. yet hands together as he was used to fighting with it on and such. Having not yet fully been tested. The knowledge of the full extent of his abilities were known by now only himself as thus was his preference. He had quietly wandered through the streets.  As even though mysterious and seclusive to his studies. Yen still taught Surprisingly a bit more than most individuals would give credit for. The masses were aware of his seemingly high-end mastery and knowledge of the genjutsu arts. As it was a subject which he would gladly divulge hours in lectures on the mere basics of the particular combat art. 
yet today was a quiet day to him. He stopped by an bench and eased himself up to the top of the bench and sat there his legs dangling off the end pf the bench his feet merely a foot or two from the ground. His small stature of four foot would seemingly throw off that he was indeed much older then he looked. With that he spoke far older than his age let off. The art had changed the young man as he delved deep within the creases of the known. Tapping into the unknown, and even seemingly having the hand to guide one down a realm of mystery should one encounter him.
Now yen merely waited quietly. What did the day hold for him? If it was anything it was very little to worry about nor concern himself over. The village was slowly transferring to an uneasy, but necessary peace. He could sense this shift as he was one that was silent in his actions. Subtle in his intentions, and the results good or bad would not be felt for a long time in the coming. Instead he merely showed face with the trademark smile he possessed. A warm but often mysterious smile behind it.
Wc: 516
Kiro Uchiha
Kiro Uchiha
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[IO] [NK] The Meeting Empty Re: [IO] [NK] The Meeting

Mon Aug 27, 2018 5:47 am
Kiro wasn’t having any issues thus far in the day and that was something he appreciated a bunch; from having a few Uchiha clan members chasing him around and then letting him roam free through the village felt very strange to him to say the least, but was still happy because he would get the chance to leave the Uchiha district to go and meet new people that he eventually wanted to befriend and take on missions, between other things. The blue-haired and eyed child looked around himself and started to inspect the area where he was located, being unable to find anyone wearing a headband aside from a few Jounins enjoying themselves at a restaurant. They were eating some sort of ramen, which was a very famous food that almost every higher-up used to eat either in their free time or when someone was invited to speak about important matters while cooling the ingredients. ”I wonder if I’ll ever be invited by someone to eat. I hope I will, but for good reasons,” he faintly whispered, rubbing his chin, and started to think about a good way of making teammates and friends. He had to investigate about them and to find out what they liked to do, their history and things he didn’t have to mention about their dear family members. Most of them died in the battle against the Mizukage and shocked the children of those Shinobi, most likely sending many future prodigies outside of the village because of their incapability of holding emotions like sorrow and sadness in their heart until they returned to a place where they could be alone and to release those dark feelings. The dark clothed child with a crest on his back lowered his head and observed his arms shaking in fear to see what happened to him, to someone else; it was something that he would never wish someone go through which was why he wanted to get stronger to protect everybody and reform this world full of bloodshed. The path that he was going to take would be full of difficulties, but he knew that they would be ones that he would be able to withstand and keep going forward until reaching his goal.

”In my dream world, everyone was happy and was smiling because there was no more suffering and threats between villages. Everyone was getting along very well, and the Chûnin exams rules were changed and disallowed killing with the threat of receiving a final blow by the Kages if such actions were performed,” he thought to himself and clenched his fist, raising his head high enough to look to the ground and gaze to the dark sky full of clouds. He could see his dear older sister on those clouds holding her sword tall enough to charge forward and deliver a final blow to their parents that started to bleed out of the deep cut. He knew that what she did was wrong but their parents did not any real reason to threaten to kill her either, neither did they have a reason to permanently kick her and her teammates from the village just because something called power that allowed them to ask the village council out to threaten them and to lie to the entirety of the village. The boy lowered his head and turned forward to walk in the direction of a park or something of that matter, knowing that most of the kids of Konohagakure liked to play at that place. His pace was slow, calm and confident but was enough to get to the park without any troubles and just a few minutes of time. Once the boy arrived at his objective, he looked at his surroundings and noticed that there was a dark hooded man sitting on a bench near it. Kiro approached the man and sat next to him, focusing his gaze on him while examining his looks from down to left. He was very short but his facial appearance made him look like a very old man, in his mid-twenties. He decided to not to guess how old the man was and instead to reach out to him; the two seemed quite similar because they were alone most of the time, and he wanted to change that. ”Good evening, sir. My name is Kiro, and I’m a Genin,” the boy said in a joyful and happy tone of voice, noticing that the man was wearing a Jounin flak. He could not believe his eyes and guessed that it was better to hear it from his own mouth aside from making up assumptions.

He looked forward and started to observe the rest of the part, seeing multiple children playing together to be a ninja. That game was something he used to play with his friends before he joined the academy and thought that it was pretty fun when there were no major threats powerful enough to cause them any harm. Their weapons were all made of rubber so the damage dealt with them didn't damage them unless they aimed to the eyes, which was something the agreed not to because it could cause them to be blind for their whole life. No one wanted to become blind so they decided to aim their weapons lower and their fists up to someone’s chest and nothing above. The dark clothed Uchiha revealed a gentle and nostalgic smile when he was watching the children play like that, even if he was one of them himself just a short while ago when he joined the Ninja Academy but graduated the day after. ”There is a lot going on at the moment, so I appreciate that they let me take the Genin exam so early in time,” he faintly whispered, moving back on the bench until his back reached the bench’s end. His legs were still on top of the bench and weren’t even close to the ground, but seemingly the other Shinobi was.

[WC: 1012]
[TWC: 2051]
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 16500

[IO] [NK] The Meeting Empty Re: [IO] [NK] The Meeting

Mon Aug 27, 2018 1:53 pm
People came and went yet yen sat there on the bench. Quiet simply watching. Sensing the shift from the people in their mindsets required observation. Study, and even trust of ones intuition. The painful quib in his ches as the young children played around. The pain of the responsibility he had as a former father, but now lost all that he gained. 

The iorny of that. To see that life merely flows on. But induvidual turmoil merely grows... the gnawing of guilt, and loss nothing till it is felt.... such is the fate of life i suppose.

Yen thought as a sigh escaped his lips as a boy approached. The boy greeted him and announced himself as a geninn. Which was good. The boy took to introducing himself and well. It was acceptable.

"Nice to meet you"

Yens voice was not deep, but somewhere in the middle. It was kind, but held many emotions as it was unique.  It merely was his very voice apart from one that shifted to understanding.

Listening to tje boy yen merely shrugged at the boy's optimistic approach. It was estatic, but things were not as they seemed. It was what yen himself observed.

"You can simply see change if you sit still long enough to observe it. You just have to let your duty and your actions reveal to you. Who you truely are. In time you will grow to know what it means to be a shinobi. Each one has diffrent purposes and way's that their love shows."

Yen spoke as he pointed to the kids.

"You may see each of the children. But should they become a shinobi. How many will remain the same  person and embrace their child? How many will turn out for the worst? And finally how many will grow beyond your wildest dreams? Questions you should awnser as you serve your rank as a geninn"

Yen simply said as he did not turn towards the boy. He merely gazed at the people as they passed by.

"Tragedy always shakes the the foundations of your home."
Kiro Uchiha
Kiro Uchiha
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[IO] [NK] The Meeting Empty Re: [IO] [NK] The Meeting

Mon Aug 27, 2018 5:45 pm
Kiro sat down next to the male and crossed his arms, pushing himself back in his seat while observing the children sitting down in the grass. They seemed to be like him and friends when they were younger, supporting themselves and protecting each other to achieve greatness. His eyes glanced from side to side and started to gather information about this place because he had never been to a park like this in the past. He used to be blocked from leaving the Uchiha district by his parents and the other adults, with reasons like the danger that awaited them there and the pain they would suffer once the village turned their back in them. That never happened to neither him nor his friends which made him wonder why the higher-ups invented such a lie to keep them from entering and traveling throughout the rest of the village. He was, however, allowed to leave when he reached the rank of Genin with the permission of his recently murdered father and mother because they thought he was skilled enough to protect himself in there and to buy whatever equipment he required from there. His eyes widened when one of the children grabbed sand from the playground and eventually formed a sand ball with it, launching it at one of his friends, and receiving the same treatment from them. The older man had finally replied to him with a greeting, surprised by the tone of voice he had, considering the age he thought the man had, as well as what he felt came from them. It was a nice and warm feeling, but at the same time sharp and heartbreaking and could be enough to cause a mental breakdown to someone; one that would be very hard one to break through, too. The adult proceeded to shrug and swiftly yet elegantly cleared his throat, explaining to him what would happen how things change in this world and how just sitting to observe would cause many differences, both good and bad. He also mentioned the purpose that every Shinobi had and the way each line of them decided to take before becoming one. The boy agreed with the lines that the male spoke till now and decided to continue listening to him until he was over with his speeches, to reveal his opinion about his words.

The boy nodded his head once in acknowledgment, only being able to understand half of his statement where he mentioned the path that each one of them decided to take before becoming one. He quickly lowered his head and realized that the higher up brought up a finger and pointed it directly at the children that were fighting against each other furiously from what they had planned to be just a nice and gentle game of throwing sand at each other. In this particular scenario, he was able to understand what the man meant by just observing everything and to see how things changed, but in other cases, things wouldn’t change for him if he didn’t do anything.  The child proceeded to return his gaze to the man and listened to his words, withdrawing a small notebook from his pocket and started to note down his words exactly as he said them. He wanted to reply to those questions as soon as possible to see if he was worth a promotion or not and to continue growing as a person and Shinobi. The boy clenched his fist and focused his gaze on the people passing by at the same moment as him, gritting his teeth against each other. ”I think you’re right on almost every single word you spoke, aside from the first statement. Things will for sure change for others because they would make decisions, but if you don’t do anything yourself and choose what to do in your life, you won’t progress either as a person nor the job that you had chosen to do for the rest of your life,” he began, lowering his head and looking straight to the ground. Tragedy does surely break everything apart, and I have lived it with my own eyes,” he stated to the man, raising his head once more and looking straight at his eyes with a sad look on his face. The child was clutching both of his fists tightly to the point that blood could most likely come through if he continued to push his skin harder, releasing a single tear from his right eye that rushed passed his cheek and was led to collapse against the floor. ”W-would you mind listening to my whole story, sir? Y-you can tell me yours in exchange, too,” he said in a heartbroken tone of voice, raising his right arm to wipe off his tears and eventually revealed the same bright and heartwarming smile as before. Everyone has their secrets, and he was about to tell him.

[WC: 828]
[TWC: 2879]
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 16500

[IO] [NK] The Meeting Empty Re: [IO] [NK] The Meeting

Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:57 pm
The boys responses were good. One of the few that he would admittingly say that meant he had a good grasp on life. But he would say as much if he was more outspoken. Instead yen merely listend as he spoke and nodded quietly  at the response.

The boys request would simply provoke a small laugh from yen.

"Life exchanges are best given through actions young kiro. I will listen, but perhaps ill tell a little about myself. The thing is while you may draw conviction from what has happend. Even i have done the same. You will only make it only so far. You must always see ahead of your actions, let yourself learn from the risks you may take, and failures that will follow. No victory is flawless. But you will gain very little  if you are curious about a way up in rank.... you must forge your own way. Find the paths that may connect to the goal you reach."

Yen said thoughtfully as he removed his hat revealing his  shoulder length black hair and the eye patch that covered it the missing left eye. He glanced at the boy with his one deep yellow eye as he spoke.

"It is like the same in any action you may do as a geninn. I sort of when i was a geninn was adventurous. And seen a bit. But i followed my philosophy in life as in combat. My next  moves will always allow me to keep ahead. Something that means when you speak you must not blind yourself to what happens, but keep in mind that your next words, or movement may affect your outcome. So tell me. What will your next actions in life lead to? What will your dream as a shinobi ammoumt to on your account? And what steps do ypu belive you must take to reach them?"

Yen asked as he smiled curious to the boy's awnsers.
Kiro Uchiha
Kiro Uchiha
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[IO] [NK] The Meeting Empty Re: [IO] [NK] The Meeting

Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:20 am
Kir silently watched the male laugh to his request, clenching his fist in anger and disbelief that he provided such an act towards him. He released his tightened grip and released a sigh of relief because the male wasn’t actually laughing at him but at his intentions. The blue-haired child listened to his words and nodded his head once, rubbing his chin and trying to process the information he was given. He understood that life was lost once someone chose the wrong decisions and didn't think about the consequences that they would lead to in the future; the future of his and the destiny of the others. The male also understood that there would be a point that it would take him long to surpass, which is why he had to forge his own paths to glory and to not follow that others made. He lowered his hand and rose his head to look directly at his eyes, nodding his head once, agreeing with the terms that the male had spoken. The truth was he was already building his own path that he mentioned previously and was continuing to walk across it slowly but surely, with a Will stronger than steel and with a determination of Fire that would burn any threats attempting to do him evil. He turned to sit down properly on the bench and revealed a gentle smile on his face, glancing at the clouds with his fist lifted to it. ”Did you know? Clouds take the form of what you want to be in the future, and will always guide you on the right path,” he joyfully said while his eyes shone brightly as he looked across the dark yet beautiful sky. The clouds he saw weren’t dark, however, but of a very pure white color that protected the sky from any sort of rain and allowed them to continue speaking and sharing information. This adult was the only person he was able to speak to like he normally would with little to no complications, and that he could feel free around because of the fact he would not be forced to perform certain actions to please his wishes or expectations, unlike many others. The higher-up swiftly removed his hood and revealed a single golden-colored eye that stared at him in a nice yet piercing manner. He giggled and rubbed the back of his head, as he didn’t mind the man looking at him like that because he had gotten used to it after their conversation. His eyes slightly turned to a side and noticed that the male had lost an eye which was covered by an eye patch. ”What happened to you?” he immediately asked worryingly and started to nervously play with his fingers to such an image.

The child wasn’t a medic ninja and didn’t have the ability to heal lost limbs, and didn’t know anybody in Konohagakure that specialized in the art. The older man started to speak to him and to explain the events that took place to him when he was a Genin and where his actions took him. He was suddenly asked a pair of questions and smiled lightly, raising a single finger to point to the sky and the clouds he had mentioned previously to the male to make another reference regarding them. ”My next actions in life will lead me to become a strong and experienced Shinobi with enough power to defend everyone I care about and to make this world a better place. I will most likely take many risks that will lead me to make mistakes, but not ones that I will regret making and being unable to fix,” he replied to the Aburame, pointing the tip of his finger at himself. ”To reach my goal, I have to become the Hokage!” he exclaimed in happiness, finally understanding what he had to do to achieve his goals while also being unable to think about it previously. He would have to train a lot to be able to pass the Chûnin exams and any other challenge the village would put him against, but those would surely not be something that he couldn’t take with the bonds he would be forging as time passed by. Kiro silently waited to see the Aburame’s reaction and hoped that his answers were enough to satisfy him.

[WC: 739]
[TWC: 3618]
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 16500

[IO] [NK] The Meeting Empty Re: [IO] [NK] The Meeting

Tue Aug 28, 2018 11:27 am
Yen merely shrugged as he heard the boy's statement abput the clouds.

"They are worth their weight. But you cannot stare up to the sky in hope. You are only a fool to belive that something else will come and save you."

Yen simply said in retort to the boy's lighthearted cloud statememt. It seemed the boy lightend up. It was good, but leaders would not take a break. Something yen knew  as he was slowly testing the boy's fortitude naturally.

The walls of the mind were a fun thing. You learn much about what means something to a person. Then you also learn what doesnt matter to them at all. The lower ranks would call this simple manipulation, but yen merely called it testing. The obvious question was asked.

"Simply lost it training a few geninn. Stray kunai. Pulled it out. Kept training them. Passed out. Surgery. Thats all."

Yen simply said as he recalled the day with ease. It wasnt much to him. The birth of his former kids were burried away so he purposly skipped over that.

The boys remarks made him nodd his head. A typical high and climb the ladder. Get stronger, and protect everyone at the same time. Become hokage. The same dream as it seems to be every single shinobi. It simply brought him back by the time he was a geninn simply debating among a few chuninn, and jouninn their wishes. At that time. He in tune and tone matched them foot by foot. 

It was marginly impressive by his standards particuarlly. Yet he sighed.

"You may say. That is the dream on the surface. But dig deeper. You must also look at reality as how it is. You cannot save everyone, nor protect everyone. Your strength while it can grow powerful. It is not absolute. Nor the very pinnical of where you reach. The more "power" you claim to have. The more blind you become. You simply stare at the facts. Then you must understand how well did the "power" seekers do when kirigakure attacked here?"

Yen went silent for a second as he let his words sink in. They were light by his voice, but the weight in importance was to not be ignored by the boy. It was cn undeniable truth. Unlike a squad leader. Yen wouldnt  stuff the hope down a kids throat, but reveal the rough nature that they live in.

" remember the kids kiro. Which will rise? Which may fall? Which may exceed all expectations? This is the reality. Your words and actions as well as heart must align with all parties to be a kage or even any high rank. Your limited only by how far you are willing to push and prosper from your actions you see. Thus your results must be earthshatteringly high kiro."

Yen simply stated. He could just as well run a leadership class for shinobi in this case.

"So once more.  Look at the reality. How will you rise? How do you fear you may fall? How can you attempt to exceed anyones expectations of you?"
Kiro Uchiha
Kiro Uchiha
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[IO] [NK] The Meeting Empty Re: [IO] [NK] The Meeting

Tue Aug 28, 2018 12:30 pm
Kiro listened to the older man and shook his head in disagreement, raising a single thumb to the sky once he finished speaking the first sentence. ”I agree with you to a certain extent, but I never said that I will just stare widely at the sky and wait to become what I want to become! I will strive further even without the beautiful sky full of clouds that reflect my future self and how I view myself in a few years,” he stated to the male in a determined tone of voice, revealing a small and happy smile on his face as his joyfulness took over once more. He knew that his dream would never be turned into reality if he didn’t work hard for it to become an actual thing which was why he was training to take one of the most difficult steps in his adventure as a Shinobi, where he would have to pass the Chûnin exams. All of the recordings of the exams he has found didn’t explain exactly what every test was made of and that it changed entirely every year so they wouldn’t have any chances of cheating. The Kages of every region where speaking to each other about what to include in it and there was no way for him to find out about that information even if he went ahead to ask a Chûnin about what they did in their exams. The child knew he would be either lied to or told that they changed every year, the latter being what he preferred to hear of the two. He turned to face the older man and noticed that he was smiling while speaking to him, figuring out that he was most likely laughing at him and not taking their conversation seriously. He swelled some air into his right cheek and angrily stepped out, releasing a “humph” sound at the same moment while crossing his arms and looking to his left which was the opposite direction to the Jounin.

The adult proceeded to answer his question with a neutral tone of voice like it wasn’t that much of a deal. His eyes widened in response and being unable to understand why he didn’t bring wooden kunai with him to the training sessions to avoid injuries. Perhaps he wanted their training to seem more realistic and like an actual training session, or maybe he wanted to have an eyepatch cover his eye to look cooler. In any case, he grit his teeth and turned around with a pissed glance. ”Why didn’t you ask them to replace your lost eye with another one or to heal your injured one to its previous state? It would’ve taken them more time and chakra, but it would also save the sight of a high-ranked Shinobi,” he angrily said to the man and released his hands. Kiro proceeded to continue listening to what he had to say and shook his head in disagreement, once more. ”I won’t be blinded by the power I will earn and I will never walk off my path until I reach my goal. You may be right about not being able to protect every single person in this village are separate areas but I will do my best to pass down my knowledge to the others so they can protect themselves,” he said with a smile on his face and turned to face the children that the Ninja pointed his finger to, placing his palm on his arm. The boy suddenly lowered it to the ground and chuckled lightheartedly, rubbing his chin. ”The future of the children will never be secured until they take their actions, so those questions cannot be answered by just looking at them. We have to get to know them better and to see if they would be worth any positions,” he replied and went through a single hand seal of the Shunshin Technique to reach the top of the top of a nearby building.

”I will rise and fall many times, but I will always succeed in my task. As a Shinobi, I’ll complete every task I’m given like my older sister and become the greatest of this world. With that much power, I will protect everyone!”

[WC: 725]
[TWC: 4343]
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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[IO] [NK] The Meeting Empty Re: [IO] [NK] The Meeting

Fri Aug 31, 2018 7:07 pm
Yen would agree with the geninn, but first they needed a more broader view then what they currently see. It would seem where optimism was. There was the the blind sight of growth and suscess. Even the drive in some. 

Admireable, but give it a few years. Your passions will change kiro.

Yen thought as he left his first statement to float in the air. The cherry response only showed that where one may feel compelled to always strive forward. Reality did not leave the gates , and the torch of glory for the person to pick up at their choosing.

Instead yen merely awnsered the boys question abouth the eye.

"Yes repairs are simple, but you do no learn nor appreciate your work when simply heading and having someone fix you up. Ninjas grow and learn from injuries. They keep you on your toes. If it doesnt kill you. It only makes you stronger"

Yen said simply as if it was an obvious awnser. It was quiet the awnser. As you learn to adapt and grow from your past mistakes. Not throw and make same mistakes. A wounded animal finds a way to survive. They adapt. So too should a ninja. In yens eyes that it.

Yet the boys next statement made yen chuckle.

"Confidence is good, but you cannot see the future kiro. Only dream of it. The manefestation of your dreams and hopes will change. Because you will change. Time and age shows you this. Because you must sacrifice much to go up. To say tlyou never will change your goal. Will only hinder your ability to change when nessary. Stead fast and dumb. Does not beat a willow willing to bend and wave without srltruggle."

Yen spoke ss the boy would too find that his ideals wouldve been questioned countless times and 1. Before comming up with such a fanality. 

"The future kiro only can be awnsered if you are willing to make the motions now. A teacher must be willing to reach and mark a pathway. A senior studemt will walk it. Because that is how it is done. By stepping.and showing others to step ahead in their own way. You will look to see who will you guide and study who will be next to hold a mantle."

Yen simply said to the boy. As he continued.

"After all your teachers were too once students. They now teach at the academy. A jouninn was once a geninn. And kage were once chuninn. Now all seek who too will be to expxnd their knowledge."

Yen finished as he simply sighed.

"If power was protection. Then villages would be of one, not composed of many. Suscess does not come without its sets of failures. Just like you cannot have victory. Withoudefeat of the self, the mind, and the body. "
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