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Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari) - Page 4 Empty Re: Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari)

Fri Nov 16, 2018 12:57 pm
(Sorry, just a quick post)

Hikari would silently moan to herself as she drawn the lower card. She wasn't allowed to bring up the battle with one of the legendary tailed beast, so as such she had to come up with annother one. Well, she said 'Come up', but the more she thought about it, the more she realized that she didn't really do that much durring that mission, more just let Valen take care of everything.

"Um...." The maiden would think for a second. "Wow... I was really hoping to not have to do this one....

Well, if you pushed me, I would most likely have to say becomeing A chunin was my greatest accomplishment. It had trained and practiced and studied for months with the intention of becoming one, and when I finnaly submited my report to become a Hoshi Chunin.... Well, it was the culmination of all my time as a shinobi up to that point. It was different than my rank up to Jounin, since that more just kind of happened rather than me having to do so much to get the opportunity."

The girl would look up at Massashi. "How about yourself? You still hold the title of Genin, so I presume you haven't had many major mission accomplishments, so what could your biggest accomplishment be?"
Masashi Uzumaki
Masashi Uzumaki
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Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari) - Page 4 Empty Re: Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari)

Fri Nov 16, 2018 9:27 pm
"Um...." Hikari would pause. "Wow... I was really hoping to not have to do this one.... Well, if you pushed me, I would most likely have to say becoming a Chuunin was my greatest accomplishment. It had trained and practiced and studied for months with the intention of becoming one, and when I finally submitted my report to become a Hoshi Chuunin.... Well, it was the culmination of all my time as a shinobi up to that point. It was different than my rank up to Jounin, since that more just kind of happened rather than me having to do so much to get the opportunity." Masashi nodded in understanding. ‘That makes sense.’ The Uzumaki thought to himself. ‘It’s a greater accomplishment, and a more satisfying one, if you work hard to make it happen.'

Hikari would then look up at Masashi. "How about yourself? You still hold the title of Genin, so I presume you haven't had many major mission accomplishments, so what could your biggest accomplishment be?" That was an easy one for Masashi. Primarily because he hadn’t done much so far in his shinobi career. He didn’t even need to think of his response. “I’d have to say becoming a doctor, without a shadow of a doubt. I spent a long time getting to that point in my life. It was worth every moment to have the skills I have as a result.” He smiled at the Deputy Kage. “Although I expect that will change over time, when I’ve spent more time working my way up the ranks.

Looking down at the cards and then back up at the girl seated across from him, the Genin would say. “I believe it’s your turn to flip cards first.

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Hikari Namikaze
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Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari) - Page 4 Empty Re: Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari)

Mon Nov 19, 2018 8:49 pm
"Becoming a docotor?" Hikari would ask, a chain starting to go toward one of the desk. "That is a great title to obtain, you should deffinitly feel proud of that. However, if I may ask, what exactly made you choose to become one? Is it just that you enjoy helping people? Or is it the call of Ryo that entices you?"

The Card would flip and Hikari would take note what was said on it. 'If you were marooned on an island with one person whom you know personally, who would like it to be that person?'

The girl would then have the chain move over to the next deck, and flip the top card on that deck, revealing.....
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Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari) - Page 4 Empty Re: Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari)

Mon Nov 19, 2018 8:49 pm
The member 'Hikari Namikaze' has done the following action : Roll Dice/Flip Coin

'20-sided dice' : 11
Masashi Uzumaki
Masashi Uzumaki
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Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari) - Page 4 Empty Re: Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari)

Mon Nov 19, 2018 11:55 pm
"Becoming a doctor?" Hikari asked him as she directed another chain towards the deck of cards on the desk. "That is a great title to obtain, you should definitely feel proud of that. However, if I may ask, what exactly made you choose to become one? Is it just that you enjoy helping people? Or is it the call of Ryo that entices you?" Masashi chuckled at the question. “It’s a bit of both, and then some. I have no issue helping people, and one has to pay the bills somehow, even when you come from nobility. The primary reason I became a doctor was more to research genetics. The human genome fascinates me, and I want to learn more about how it makes everyone different.” He paused for a moment as he watched the chain move. “Especially what about our genes that cause different abilities among various clans. That kind of information could be invaluable.” There wasn’t much of an explanation to that, since it was something he had not had much chance to work on yet. With that he watched the chain flip over the first card.

'If you were marooned on an island with one person whom you know personally, who would like it to be that person?' The man’s eyebrow would raise. ‘Not sure how I would answer that, since it’s not something that I’d ever seriously considered.’ He thought to himself. ‘Particularly because we can walk on water, so we would never really be marooned.

Hikari would then flip over another playing card, revealing the 8 of clubs. “Let’s see if I’m still lucky.” Masashi would say with a smirk and drew his own card, revealing…

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Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari) - Page 4 Empty Re: Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari)

Mon Nov 19, 2018 11:55 pm
The member 'Masashi Uzumaki' has done the following action : Roll Dice/Flip Coin

'20-sided dice' : 14
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 276150

Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari) - Page 4 Empty Re: Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari)

Tue Nov 20, 2018 7:03 pm
Once More?

Hikari knew she was one of the most unluckiest girls in the world, but still, she had expected to win at least more than once! "Again?" She would groan slightly. She really need to start carrying around a rabbit's foot. Or two. Or maybe an entire family's worth of rabbit's feet. The girl would start to think. "I don't know..." The Jounin would think, "Maybe.... I presume it would be our Hogokage? Sorry, I had a close freind that recently passed away that I would of chosen... but I can't really pick her now. So Yeah.... I think I could trust Hogokage Akari with... just about anything." [/color]

The Jounin would sigh and look out the window, not out of bordeom, but curriosity. The Summit had been going on for a while at this point, how much longer until Valen and his body gaurds would return home?

"Of course, with our shinobi arts, this question is a little redunant, seeing how we could probably escape the island by just walking off it, but the thought remains. Anyways, who would you choose?"

Masashi Uzumaki
Masashi Uzumaki
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Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari) - Page 4 Empty Re: Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari)

Tue Nov 20, 2018 8:09 pm
…the 10 of spades. He had drawn the higher for the 5th time out of 6 now. ‘Perhaps I should take up card games as a new vice.’ Masashi thought to himself. "Again?" The woman across from him let out a small groan of disappointment. "I don't know..." She paused for a couple moments. “Maybe.... I presume it would be our Hogokage? Sorry, I had a close friend that recently passed away that I would of chosen... but I can't really pick her now. So Yeah.... I think I could trust Hogokage Akari with... just about anything." She then sighed and proceeded to look out of the window. Masashi would watch her for a few moments before staring off to one side while he thought of his own response to that question. ‘I don’t really have anyone that I would enjoy spending any significant time marooned on an island.’ He thought to himself.

Hikari speaking again brought him back to the present. "Of course, with our shinobi arts, this question is a little redunant, seeing how we could probably escape the island by just walking off it, but the thought remains. Anyways, who would you choose?"

Masashi didn’t really have a good answer for this one. ‘Oh well.’ He thought as decided what he was going to say. “I don’t have anyone that I would want to be stranded with for any significant period of time. If I absolutely had to choose someone though, I would pick my father as he is the one person I get along best with.” It wasn’t much of an answer, but the question didn’t say that the answer had to be a good one. He then doubled back on something Hikari said earlier. “I’m sorry to hear you lost a friend. I can imagine it’s not an easy process to go through. I’m guessing you were fairly close to them?” He asked.

While waiting for an answer, he went to draw a card, as it was his turn. While looking over the desk, he noticed a small wooden box off to one side, almost completely obscured by the obscene amounts of paperwork. It had some intricate carvings on the side that he could see. “That’s some nice craftsmanship there.” He said, pointing at the carvings on the box. His hand happened to be over the deck of cards now, so he would draw the top one; ‘What is one thing you would like to do before you die?’ He then went right on to flipping over another card from the deck of playing cards, revealing…

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Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari) - Page 4 Empty Re: Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari)

Tue Nov 20, 2018 8:09 pm
The member 'Masashi Uzumaki' has done the following action : Roll Dice/Flip Coin

'20-sided dice' : 3
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari) - Page 4 Empty Re: Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari)

Tue Nov 20, 2018 9:46 pm
"Sort of..." The Jounin would respond to the question about Shiroi and herself. "There are not that many Kunochi in the village, so the two of us naturally bonded, even though the two of us were very different." Hikari would think back to when the two of them met. It.... wasn't the best meeting, with the Hiyu beating up Hikari and forcing her to strip in front of a live crowd. (And yes, that did actually happen.) "That being said, I would still consider her my best friend in the village. So it was a big lost...."

The Deputy Kage would notice that Massashi was eyeing her parrent's old waving box. "Its nice, isn't it?" The Jounin would move it closer to Masashi in case he wanted to take a closer look, [color=#ffff99] "It's an antqiue that has been in my family for generations. My father always braged that it belonged to Saint Markovia, but I don't know if I belive him about that.  I don't have that many possisons from my late family, so I keep what I have close. Unfortunetly though, I don't have much to put in it, so I just hide a few things in it that might be useful, but not usualy." Inside held a few Candy Cane Kunai and Shruiken, her old peircing of swiftness, along with a few other things that the Jounin didn't use anymore.

At this point, the top card would be flipped, and to Hikari's surprise a 4 of clubs would be drawn. The girl was forced to hide a smile on her face. Had her luck just changed for the better? Sure, she had some bad luck in this game, but she had never drawn so low as a 4 before. Surely she had to do better than that! The chain from her hand would slowly make its way  over to the deck and flip the top card.
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