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Masashi Uzumaki
Masashi Uzumaki
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Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari) - Page 2 Empty Re: Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari)

Tue Oct 23, 2018 6:18 pm
"Ok then..." Hikari would say before placing the two decks of cards on the table in front of her, making sure there was desk space clear of paper work so that the game would not be interrupted. She would leave enough room between the decks so that a separate pile could be made with cards that were flipped over. Once the decks were on the desk, Hikari had moved her hands away, placing them on the arm-rests of her chair. After that, a curious thing occurred. A chain appeared out of her hand, slowly making its way towards one of the decks.

"I hope you don't mind," Hikari said to Masashi, "I don't have that much time to train right now, so I get a little bit of training in when I can." The Uzumaki Genin would shake his head. “I don’t mind. The last time I saw someone working with chakra chains was my father. I was not expecting to see anyone else wielding them in Hoshi. I’d heard that our unique abilities were hard to come by out in this part of the world.” The male would shrug as he watched the chain flip over one of the “Truth” cards. "I’m curious to learn how you managed to control that power, it’s escaped me so far."

The question was: What is the worst encounter you had with local law enforcment? ‘A very interesting start to this game.’ Masashi thought to himself. He was not one to run afoul of the authorities, particularly because of his standing. ‘I’ll have to think long and hard, assuming I end up having to answer this question.’ Once Hikari’s chain had revealed a card, it was his turn to do the same. He would reach out with one of his hands, and flip over the top card of the deck to reveal…

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Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari) - Page 2 Empty Re: Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari)

Tue Oct 23, 2018 6:18 pm
The member 'Masashi Uzumaki' has done the following action : Roll Dice/Flip Coin

'20-sided dice' : 17
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari) - Page 2 Empty Re: Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari)

Wed Oct 31, 2018 12:40 pm
(And I was confident at my 13! RIP!)

As the chains of the Jounin would escape her and slowly flip the top card of the deck, revleaing she had drawn an Jack of Spades. Hikari was super happy with her draw, thinking that she had pulled the winning card. As she drew, Masashi would ask her a question about the chakra chains she was using. The deputy kage would think back to a weeks ago when Kenshin had transplanted part of an Uzmaki into her, giving her acess to these chains. That being said, while transplanting DNA into oneself was not an illegal activity here in Hoshigakure, it was frowned upon. Hikari herself had only done it because she knew that Valen Akari had made the same choice in order to protect her village, and Kenshin had told her that she was unlikely to get anystronger without said transplant. As such, it wasn't something that the blonde felt comfortable talking about. No one but Kenshin knew at this point that Hikari had this power, not even the Hogokage Valen Akari.

Making a quick story up on the spot to cover up her mistake, the girl would reply with a soft giggle. The Jounin hated to lie, but for the sake of Kenshin Uzumaki, she decided that it would be for the best if she didn't openly expose the medic's tactics. After all, this wasn't part of the truth that she was supposed to be telling, right?

"How to control these chains? I belive I just said that I am practicing with them now. I still don't have good control over them yet, which is why I am practicing them right now." The girl would then stop and act like she was pondering for a moment. "Unless what you are asking is in general, how I am able to summon these chains? In which case I would have to tell you that I do not know how I am able to do such things. In my time at the accademy, I have had a few students in my day's teaching in the accademy who had the ability to summon such chains, I belive it is connected to a shinobi's bloodline." The Jounin would explain, "That being said, for most of my life, I have not been gifted with one of the rare bloodlines that give the select few that weilds them extra abilities in this world. I grew up outside of any villages, and no one else in my family was a shinobi, so I always presumed I held none of these abilities. That being said.... about two weeks ago while I was taking a shower and I droped my bar soap onto the ground, as reached my arm out to retrive it and bent over, a chain erupted from my hand and speared the it, kinda crazy, don't you think?"

The girl would break eye contact and look out the window for a second, her next comment was one of truth, "My only guess is that I must of had some sort of ancestor that held the trait that allows us to summon such chains, and it remained dormanit in my family lineage until it eventually came to me, and all of my shinobi training forced the trait to resurface." The Jounin would turn around and look at the genin. "If you are wondering how you can activate such a power, I am sorry to say this, but only time will tell if this trait flows in your veins. It is possible that your father did not pass down such a trait to you."

As the girl swung back around, the Jounin would look down and notice that Massashi had fliped his card and pulled.... a King of Hearts.

"Well.... looks like I lost the first round." Hoshigakure's Fuinjutsu Misstress of Light conceded defeat with a long sigh. "So.... worst encounter with law enforcment. Well, since I became the deputy kage, I have had to have a lot of arguments with the Queensmen in Haven. They mean well, but sometimes they are way out of their league on assignments they are put on. As such, I try to help them out by sending Shinobi aid, but then they argue about 'Juristiction' and other stuff, and it usualy doesn't turn out to be a good experience.'
The girl would bite her lower lip, thinking about what would be the worst though of her life. "That being said though, I did have an experience that was much more horrible then all of that. It was back when I was a fresh Genin. A queensgaurd by the name of Ser Atem just grabbed me and said that I needed to help him with something, and it was of the upmost importance. I wasn't sure what exactly was going on, but I followed him and he brought me to the royal palace. Specficly to Lady Tsuji's bedroom. Apparently she had been attacked mere minutes before hand, and someone had brought a Kunai the her neck and slit the princess throat, she had already been with out air for multiple minutes and had lost a lot of blood. They had wanted me to heal her." The Deputy Kage would speak a little bit slowly at this point, a hint of something could be heard in her voice. Was it Nervousness? Was it shame? Was it embaressment? Not even the deputy Kage understood what she felt about the situation. "Y...yeah, I am not that much of a medical ninja, I am only able to heal very small cuts with my own medical ninjutsu, nothing as deep as that."

The girl would then perk up a little, as she explained how she was able to solve the problem. "There wasn't any time to get annother medic. So I went ahead and just did what I could. I completely gave up on medical ninjutsu since I knew there was nothing I could do with it, and I just attempted to force through the issue with ninjutsu. I ripped some cloth off of the skirt I was wearing at the time and wrapped it around my finger and set it ablaze with fire style jutsu. I then used that to sear the wound closed and saved her life." The girl would sigh again the stress of the situation still haunting her. "Could you imagine what that must of been like? Having a problem like this ploped on your lap, with the fate of a member of the royal family at stake? And then, with out really anyidea what you were doing, you just attempted to force out an answer using Ninjutsu? I still have nightmares about that night."

The girl would then ask the Akari, "So.... that was pretty much it for me though. Would you care to share your experience as well? The game doesn't force you to, so you don't have to if you don't care to." If the boy choose not to, Hikari would just point at the two decks in front of them. "In which case, your turn to pick the card." Of course, if the boy did, she would listen to what the genin had to say before she would have any comments to give.

Masashi Uzumaki
Masashi Uzumaki
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Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari) - Page 2 Empty Re: Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari)

Thu Nov 01, 2018 3:34 am
Hikari had drawn the Jack of Spades, not the highest card in the deck, but certainly above average in terms of numerical value. 'Definitely will be hard to top that.' Masashi thought to himself. 'Not impossible of course. A queen, king, or ace will beat that for me.' As he was thinking this, Hikari would answer his question about her chains. "How to control these chains? I believe I just said that I am practicing with them now. I still don't have good control over them yet, which is why I am practicing them right now." The deputy Kage would then pause and think for a moment or two before continuing. "Unless what you are asking is in general, how I am able to summon these chains? In which case I would have to tell you that I do not know how I am able to do such things. In my time at the academy, I have had a few students in my day's teaching in the academy who had the ability to summon such chains, I believe it is connected to a shinobi's bloodline." 'Well yes.' Masashi thought to himself 'It is a power of the Uzumaki bloodline.' Hikari was still talking, so Masashi continued to listen to her explanation. "That being said, for most of my life, I have not been gifted with one of the rare bloodlines that give the select few that wields them extra abilities in this world. I grew up outside of any villages, and no one else in my family was a shinobi, so I always presumed I held none of these abilities. That being said.... about two weeks ago while I was taking a shower and I dropped my bar soap onto the ground, as reached my arm out to retrieve it and bent over, a chain erupted from my hand and speared the it, kinda crazy, don't you think?"

It did sound pretty crazy. It was a power that took a effort to be able to manifest. Normally it wasn't something that just happened out of the blue. If anyone would know, it was Masashi, since he'd spent a great deal of time grilling his father about the bloodline that they shared. That being said, every pool of data had discrepancies, and what the young woman in front of him was telling him could very well be the truth with what had happened, but the Uzumaki Genin would take her words with several grains of salt. His upbringing would not allow him to call her out, but he would file the information away to investigate that later.

Hikari would then break eye contact and look out the window for a moment or two. "My only guess is that I must of had some sort of ancestor that held the trait that allows us to summon such chains, and it remained dormant in my family lineage until it eventually came to me, and all of my shinobi training forced the trait to resurface." She then turned back to look at Masashi. "If you are wondering how you can activate such a power, I am sorry to say this, but only time will tell if this trait flows in your veins. It is possible that your father did not pass down such a trait to you.

Masashi took a few moments to gather his thoughts. That was also a possibility, but Masashi doubted it. For him it was definitely more a matter of when, not if. It was not something he had devoted a large amount of time to in terms of figuring out the proper calling of the chains. Now that he had seen Hikari's chains, it gave him at least a direction he could go in. He would smile at Hikari before saying. "It's very possible then that we could be distantly related, if your ability to wield those chains were indeed inherited, since my family has been living in Haven Country for quite a long time. Genetics was a branch of biology that I spent a long time studying while I was away at medical school, and I would be most interested to investigate that further."

Regardless of her response, Masashi would then take his turn to flip a card. It had ended up being the King of hearts. 'A lucky break for me indeed.' He thought to himself. Hikari seemed to agree with him on that front. "Well.... looks like I lost the first round." She said with a long sigh. "So.... worst encounter with law enforcement. Well, since I became the deputy Kage, I have had to have a lot of arguments with the Queensmen in Haven. They mean well, but sometimes they are way out of their league on assignments they are put on. As such, I try to help them out by sending Shinobi aid, but then they argue about 'Jurisdiction' and other stuff, and it usually doesn't turn out to be a good experience." Masashi would chuckle. "I'd say most people don't usually get along with the Queensmen. The number of times I've heard my mother talking about incompetence and stubbornness among their ranks."

It almost looked like Hikari wasn't really paying attention to his last comment though; She was biting her lip, lost in thought for a few moments. "That being said though, I did have an experience that was much more horrible then all of that. It was back when I was a fresh Genin. A Queensguard by the name of Ser Atem just grabbed me and said that I needed to help him with something, and it was of the upmost importance. I wasn't sure what exactly was going on, but I followed him and he brought me to the royal palace. Specifically to Lady Tsuji's bedroom. Apparently she had been attacked mere minutes before hand, and someone had brought a Kunai the her neck and slit the princess throat, she had already been without air for multiple minutes and had lost a lot of blood. They had wanted me to heal her." Her explanation was surprising to say the least. The Queensguard were fairly powerful shinobi in their own right. 'You would have thought that at least one of them would be a skilled medical specialist.' Masashi thought to himself as she continued her story.

"Y...yeah, I am not that much of a medical ninja, I am only able to heal very small cuts with my own medical ninjutsu, nothing as deep as that." Masashi nodded as Hikari perked up slightly, getting into how the situation resolved. "There wasn't any time to get another medic. So I went ahead and just did what I could. I completely gave up on medical ninjutsu since I knew there was nothing I could do with it, and I just attempted to force through the issue with ninjutsu. I ripped some cloth off of the skirt I was wearing at the time and wrapped it around my finger and set it ablaze with fire style jutsu. I then used that to sear the wound closed and saved her life." It wasn't what Masashi would do, even if he wasn't a medical nin. That was most likely because of the fact that he was a doctor in addition to be skilled at medical ninjutsu. Hikari had done the best that she could with the tools that she had. The fact that the girl had survived was a credit to the deputy Kage, especially for someone that had no background in healing.

Hikari sighed, seeming to reflect on the memory briefly before saying "Could you imagine what that must of been like? Having a problem like this plopped on your lap, with the fate of a member of the royal family at stake? And then, without really any idea what you were doing, you just attempted to force out an answer using Ninjutsu? I still have nightmares about that night." Masashi shook his head. "I've never had the pleasure of treating the royal family. That being said, I have had plenty of patients while I was in medical school, so I can understand the feeling of having a soul placed in your hands and needing to do your best with what's at hand in order to save their life."

With her having answered the question, Hikari then said "So.... that was pretty much it for me though. Would you care to share your experience as well? The game doesn't force you to, so you don't have to if you don't care to." Masashi nodded. "As the son of Nobility in Hoshi, it's a mark against my mother if I got in trouble for anything, so I try to avoid negative interactions with law enforcement. I guess you could say the worst encounter I'd had was a disagreement I'd had with a member of the Queensmen. I'd been speaking with one of Hoshi's more religious citizens and we were debating the validity of shinobi being in the village. The man got heated and gained the attention of a member of the Queensmen. Unfortunately they were more biased against shinobi, so rather than see the situation escalate further, I decided to remove myself from the discussion." Nowhere near as terrible as what Hikari had to go through, but it wasn't a competition after all.

With his story finished, he would flip over a Truth card: What is your goal in life?
With the next card revealed, Masashi would flip over a playing card to see what his chances were of sharing first.

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Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari) - Page 2 Empty Re: Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari)

Thu Nov 01, 2018 3:34 am
The member 'Masashi Uzumaki' has done the following action : Roll Dice/Flip Coin

'20-sided dice' : 19
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari) - Page 2 Empty Re: Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari)

Sun Nov 04, 2018 10:05 am
Hikari would look down at the card that Massashi pulled, a king of spades. Groaning, the girl would moan out a little bit. "What is with your luck on drawing cards?" The Akari would ask, have her chain turn annother card, revealing....
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Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari) - Page 2 Empty Re: Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari)

Sun Nov 04, 2018 10:05 am
The member 'Hikari Namikaze' has done the following action : Roll Dice/Flip Coin

'20-sided dice' : 7
Masashi Uzumaki
Masashi Uzumaki
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Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari) - Page 2 Empty Re: Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari)

Tue Nov 06, 2018 6:39 pm
Masashi would look at the King of Spades that he’d just pulled. ‘Another lucky break.’ The medic thought to himself. ‘Assuming she doesn’t pull an Ace.’ His draw had pulled a groan from the woman across the desk. "What is with your luck on drawing cards?" she asked him, causing the Uzumaki to chuckle. “That is a great question. I don’t normally play card games, perhaps I’ve found my true calling.” He would say with a smirk as she went to draw her card.

It turned out to not be an ace, but the nine of diamonds. ‘Looks like I can go second this time as well.’ He thought to himself as he waited for Hikari to answer the question on the card.

WC: 123
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari) - Page 2 Empty Re: Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari)

Thu Nov 08, 2018 1:41 pm
Hikari would pull her card, joking as she did. "Well, maybe you should join a card game leauge? I am sure that you could fit that in between all of your shinobi training."

The Deputy Kage would pull out a nine of Diamonds. "Yeah, lucky you." As the girl would talk her voice would sound distant, distracted by her own thoughts. What was her goal in life? A question that had been changed so many times, the woman wasn't sure herself. "You, may of caught me at a bad time to answer that question. When I was younger, my only goal in life was to become a Shinobi. My parrents hadn't beaten into me that our ninjutsu arts were demonic, or anything crazy like that. However, after becoming a shinobi, I slowly started to realize how difficult the life was. To be hated by the civilians, the constant training, the constant combat, taking other human being's lives.... it wasn't as romantic as I had thought it would be." The girl would take annother second to pause and think. "Once  I stopped wanting to be a shinobi, my mind moved to marriage. Maybe I was being a naive teen girl, but the thought of just being a stay at home mom seemed fun for me. Taking care of my wonderful children, and just focusing on supporting my husband, I always loved supporting others, and I felt like for a while that was just my calling in life.

I thought about retiring from the life of Shinobi on multiple occasions. There were multiple men in the church that had asked me to occompany them to church gatherings and other forms of dates, but I always turned them down, since most of them were not aware that I spent my days practicing shinobi arts. That being said, once our last Hogokage died, I was asked to take over the roll as the deputy kage."
At this point the woman would point out the various stacks of paper that were surrounding the players. "I wasn't able to get out of it, and as such I was forced into the role. It didn't take long for me to find out that the life of being a deputy kage is an all encompasing one. With how busy my life is, I wouldn't be able to stay at home and take care of my children. Looking at it realisticly, I probably wouldn't even have the luxary of taking maternity leave." The Jounin would take a deep breath before continueing. "I couldn't do that to either my future husband or my children, to never be around and able to support them. I don't want to leave my children in the shinobi's child care center. So, I just gave up on that dream and just started to focus on my life as a deputy kage, and am trying to focus on supporting the village the best way I can. I suppose I just kind of look at the village as if it was my husband...." The girl would chuckle at the thought of what she just said. "He's very abusive, keeping me up all night doing stuff for him."

With that, the girl would look back at Massasshi. "Sorry, I guess that was more my life story than an answer. Basicly, I don't have much of a goal in life right now besides to try to make Hoshigakure a safe place for all."

The Chain connected to Hikari's hand would go out and flip over annother card, as she flipped it the girl would ask, "What about yourself? Do you wish to share your goals? If you don't want to, this is kind of personal."

Flipping her next card it would reveal another question, asking 'Which would you rather be, a guy or a girl? Why?'

Right after pulling that card, the Akari user would flip the top card of the normal deck over, being careful to not peirce the paper with the chain's sharp point. Once it was flipped, the card would reveal.....
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Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari) - Page 2 Empty Re: Masashi needs a teacher (IO, Hikari)

Thu Nov 08, 2018 1:41 pm
The member 'Hikari Namikaze' has done the following action : Roll Dice/Flip Coin

'20-sided dice' : 13
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