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Midnight's High Empty Midnight's High

Tue Jul 31, 2018 11:12 am
The air remained hushed in unsettling fear as its nerves misfired to influence the stillness around. The beaming sun seeming to linger in it’s unorthodox position, peering down upon the village from an uneasy angle. The trees remained stagnant, unable to move as it sensed the attitude of the village some distance away, the Tekiatsu lake keeping to itself and guiding it’s chakra mended forest to follow suit. One of its former visitors moving on with their life, aiming to attain a new sense of understanding and comprehension of freedom and independence, finding it troublesome to figure out if they will succeed upon their newfound purpose; If they will ever be seen again. From the distance this troubled soul sat unwavering, taking in the staggered world that failed to rid itself of the continuous buffering going on. A streamlined hiccup and inaudible conversation as the townspeople seemed like poorly designed figures all bunched up together, a studying eye coming to this same conclusion. Watching the typical passersby from a hard working vendor, a mundane elder picking out oranges for her family, lazy boys walking the street searching for some new clothing. In its most thriving of times, it was all such a bland ordeal, one that summoned a sour distaste among his lips.

Kutari had gotten soft. These same individuals that held the major population of the village were the focal point of Kutari’s sudden queasy attitude, a moment's time away from the life of misery and survival would be all it took to revert back into a scary crybaby. How pitiful of him, to be easily torn down once given a moments rest, reconsidering his entire life choices and passions all thanks to this god forsaken village. Upon entering this village, he was a hardened boy able to handle any circumstance always being on his toes, suppressing such ridiculous thoughts. Yet now, this change in scenery not only shed away the tough skin he obtained over the years, but caused him to reconsider the life of a Shinobi, the only thing he had left in his life. A flock of birds soaring high in the sky as he stood atop of a roof within the village, his yellow eyes tracked the flock as they made their way right above him, keeping their steady approach as they traveled far and beyond the territory this village had to offer. Like a bird destined to fly, taking away their wings would only mean death as they’d be left behind as a burden to the flock in question, stripping away the only thing the avian had to live for, what drove its survival. Such a similar phenomenon happening right before his eyes, the walls of this village once making him feel so anxious and restricted, offering an idea of protection the boy never once felt before. Now the same walls bestowing joy and freedom, away from what the true world had to offer, the many mysteries to be discovered. He was trapped here, withering away within the confines of the village. After only but a few days of rediscovering himself, it would be time to finally come back to reality and escape this living hell that aimed to keep him oppressed. No longer would he fall victim to this place and it’s shams. Tonight would be the night he’d never have to fill the hollow clutches of these walls again, comforting him in a crude manner as they stripped away all of which he once possessed and held dear to his heart. The village would lose another, for the better good of his own life goals. Getting up from his long isolation, he’d hurry along to begin gathering his belongings.

Midnight would present itself heroically as the village continued it’s enjoyable slumber. Throughout this time, Kutari kept to himself as he planned and prepared for his adventure out, leaving behind where he once received hospitality, recognizing his overstay. He had little to begin with, living on what he could obtain and purchase from the markets of the village, bringing a backpack with food supplies. His ninja tools being within his weapon pouch. It would be a long journey wherever it was he would travel to, and he’d need to make haste soon enough to gain some distance from the village. He knew full well the consequences of his actions, though he had enough of playing house in this wretched place. Having already been named a Shinobi for this village, he also knew the typical guard rotation for the village gates upon nearing them, and how to take care of any watchmen that would likely be an obstacle in his path to freedom. Treason meant nothing to the boy, having little comprehension of such a policy after what he’s experienced. Leaving behind the headband he was gifted as being a Shinobi of this village in his small home, he left what was becoming too comfortable. Donning a black cloak underneath his typical formal attire of black slacks, black shoes and a button up white t-shirt, he would leave with haste.

Nearing the gates in the dead of night, he stuck to the shadows as he studied the guard movements all around the gate. During a time of peace and prosperity, the number of guards would come to be very few in comparison to a high alert situation. After several minutes of watching these lax Shinobi guard the out to the village, Kutari figured it was time to act. Seeing the two guardsmen in front of the gate, not including those operating the actual opening and closing of the gates within the building beside, Kutari would start by creating a clone of himself to move on the opposition side of the wall as they both neared the exit. Advising his clone to rustle some bushes and create a distraction on its side, Kutari would swoop in while the guards would be distracted to execute his plan. First targeting the closest to him as he watched his partner go check out the sudden noise, Kutari would bring his arm up to his head as he masked the potential screams or audible resistance from the male, having his other hand wielding his kunai to slice the man’s throat. Feeling the limp body losing life, he’d ditch the body as he ran with the same kunai behind the distracted guard as he leaped towards her with his legs sunk into his chest. His kunai out and open, he’d land on her back as he allowed his other hand to grab her hair fiercely and force it in a downward motion as his feet plunged into her back and his kunai pierced the girls neck. Taking this leap as she walked towards the distraction, she’d be put off balance by this sudden force plunging to the ground where he’d bury her face into the sand below, muffling her screams and cries as she lost her life in the line of duty.

Now ridden of these two generic looking guards, he’d make his way towards the guardpost building after transforming into the female guard he just killed with his jutsu. Casually entering the building, he’d wave towards the final Shinobi inside relaxing and waiting for his shift to end. Unable to mimic the girl’s voice as he no clue as to the tone, he could only make kind gestures to give the man a calming expression and comfort. The same comfort that would be the end of him. Walking towards him as Kutari continued to be mute to attempt and “recover” an item in the post, as seen from Kutari’s outward gesture with the left hand from an object beside the sitting fellow, taking advantage of the resized bust to try and appeal to the man’s fantasies, once getting close enough he’d have his same kunai in the right go up and over the guard’s body and into his heart from the front, making sure to stick it deeply within as the man tried to retaliate, his own desires putting him to rest. Quickly preparing the latch to open the gates after dispelling his transformation, he’d watch as the gate doors began to open in full throttle. Knowing time was of the essence in this situation, he quickly acted upon phase two of his escape.

Knowing that two guards would be posted on the other side of the village gates to welcome any visitors, he’d send out his previous clone to gather their attention as he made sure to keep the dead guards outside the post in plain sight, hoping to tempt the guards to fall for the trap of Kutari’s clone being the culprit. As he ran beside their shocked attitudes, acting as if he wished to make a quick escape, the two would follow as the clone aimed to lead them to the left of where they were once positioned. Taking the bait, the two would follow, just as the real Kutari came from the post and took after the two once again distracted guards. As they would close the distance between the clone and themselves, Kutari would make up for that distance by launching his previous murder weapon and another at the two to end them simultaneously, aimed towards the back of the skulls as the clone made sure to keep them on the same trail as they surely believed their currently closing distance meant the fastest approach. Just as they ceased calling out for his clone and prepared their own weapons to kill with, the two would only seconds later lay lifeless on the ground. Running towards them to extract the kunai’s and add them back to his arsenal, he’d dissipate the clone and begin to run into the night as he was close to finally making his escape from this hell. Knowing full and well he’d never return here, giving one final glance at the sight of the village as he felt his safety evaporating, so far within his plans yet having no regrets. This was the proper way to go about his wishes, it potentially meaning death but of no importance to his mission at hand.

WC: 1692

Exit Hoshigakure

Claiming Missing Nin 
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Midnight's High Empty Re: Midnight's High

Tue Jul 31, 2018 11:34 am
It truly was a beautiful night, the air still and the sky free of clouds, allowing the celestial body to bathe the stone paved streets of Hoshigakure in its ethereal light. Standing atop one of the many churches near the northern gates of the village was a tall masked figure clad in a hooded grey cloak. Said masked figure was none other than Kenshin Uzumaki, Commander of Hoshigakure’s Nova Corps, although the last part was only known by one other. The mask upon his face had been dubbed Alpha, and it was the face that all would eventually come to associate with the Nova Corps Commander. Truth be told Kenshin loved the anonymity that the mask provided him with, despite the fact that this was the first time he had actually worn it. Hmm… would it be that he found it so comforting because he was used to masking his personality? Probably… but what did it actually matter in the end?

Suddenly a faint sound was heard from the direction of the nearest gate, only thirty meters from his current position. Normally he would pay no mind the the sound of a bush rustling, due to the fact that even the faintest gust of wind could cause the sound… but such a sound on a still night? that was suspicious. Not enough for him to both activating his Sharingan, but just enough for him to tilt his head away from the moon and down towards the gates. The sight that greeted him was surprising, but not necessarily in a bad way… the familiar figure of that lonely boy from the Tekiatsu lake… standing behind a rather terrified looking Chunin, as he slid his blade across the man’s throat. Hmm, the boy was actually rather impressive; the fact that he had not even flinched as he slid his blade across the unsuspecting Chunin’s throat only elevating his opinion of the boy further. Truly the boy had potential… no doubt he would become great if he were only given the chance to actually grow in strength and experience… it was a shame that he would never get to experience any of that.

Kenshin would casually slip his right hand into the right side pocket of his cloak and retrieve a single kunai. With a small application of chakra he would create a small, transparent disk in the air beside him, which he would then place the kunai on. He would take one final look at the form of the obviously maddened boy, who had just begun to leap at the plain looking woman who seemed just as oblivious as her partner, before looking back up at the moon.

“Such a shame…” he would mutter to himself as he made a small wave with his left hand, sending that single kunai shooting towards the boy at a speed of 162. The speed of the Kunai far outpaced the speed of the boy, especially since he had chosen to jump. Should all go to plan the kunai would meet the boy directly in the center of his forehead, and due to the high speed (and thus impact force) it would blow clean through the center of his head, showering the area behind him in bone, blood and grey matter

WC: 545
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Midnight's High Empty Re: Midnight's High

Tue Jul 31, 2018 8:13 pm
The boy’s actions were so close to bearing fruit, yet sadly he failed to take the proper protocols behind making a swift and silent escape. If it being due to the rust formulating around his joints, or the helping hand these walls influenced upon his deteriorating moveset he would never know. So close to victory, yet so far. Only moments away from being outside the limitations of the gate, able to discontinue his connection to this forsaken village, though maybe it was something greater that he had wished to distance himself from, potentially the world beyond as he little drive to continue onward. A final push of heckled strength that would uplift his sound to a conquering status, reviving the lost boy that once failed his mission of being true to who he was. Kutari choosing to reside in the confines of the village rather then seek out adventure and freedom, the moment he deviated away from his once shackled lifestyle having nowhere to turn as he feared for the future to come. Once seeing his time here as a moment of relaxation and recuperate from his time and then leave, instead sinking too deeply into this newfound life.

It all would of worked out perfectly if it weren’t for an assassin in the night, of a much higher quality and class then he was at his current stage besting him in a matter of seconds. He had heard of a certain someone inhabiting this area, one of the stitched sins this Shinobi village had to offer. Shrouded in a sea of mystery and darkness, his seemingly selfless acts for the village truly coming from an internal lust for calamity. As the blade pierced his forehead in such successive speeds he could never comprehend, the boy could only but see a silhouette in the night as he fell backwards losing consciousness. Locking eyes with a mask casually looking towards his person, loathing around as if he was nothing more then another kill. The moonlight illuminating perfectly upon these guard’s heroes. Given the time of night and ominous persona, he could only assume it to be the mad scientist which haunted the streets of Hoshigakure with a spiteful fist. He’d smirk as he toppled over onto his back, finally meeting an ends as he was unable to handle the pressure of it all. His final attempt failing, becoming a failure and false production of the creator which made him who he was, the endless torture and agony he dealt with all being for nought. Good riddance would say some, as a pure and true plague would surely rise from it’s ashes, caring for the grave that would replace the rising life soon to come, embodying it’s aspirations and will. The true rider that would combat this pale masked man in title and infamy. He would leave behind the body he once knew, hoping to return with a much greater purpose and drive deriving from his most pure emotions.

Despite all the mystical and metaphysical comprehension and potentialities, one thing was for sure: 

That mask was totally Alpha.

WC: 516

Claiming the death of my foolish anti hero Kutari Momouki

And I guess 2206 WC? Honestly not sure how that one works.
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Midnight's High Empty Re: Midnight's High

Wed Aug 01, 2018 11:37 am
And so the tale of the boy came to an end, not due to a grand battle or even a flashy jutsu but to a simple kunai launched by an unseen opponent. The unsuspecting Chunin the boy had been leaping towards had no idea just how lucky she had truly been on this night, even as the body of the boy landed harshly only a meter behind her last position. The sudden appearance of the body earned a small shriek of shock from the unsuspecting woman, who almost immediately withdrew a kunai and began to scan around the area in clear panic. Kenshin’s disgust was only increased when she saw the rapidly cooling body of her partner and shrieked again, dropping the kunai that she had withdrawn and rushing over in some vain attempt to save his life. How this woman had reached Chunin rank was beyond him, but then again as was Kyousuke of all people being made Hogokage, and himself being made Commander of the Nova Corps. Yes, he was indeed one of the most powerful people in the village, and yes, he was by far the coldest and most calculating shinobi that Hoshigakure had to offer… but even the densest of people could tell that he was not truly loyal to the village.

Whatever, it’s not like that mattered now anyway. For now he needed to appear before the near hysterical Chunin and retrieve the bodies of both her partner and his murderer. Kenshin would give a small exhale before forming the Ram hand seal, and with a quick application of chakra he disappeared from the church rooftop at speeds far beyond what most were capable of. Not a second later he would seemingly appear out of nowhere half-way between the body of the boy, and the pathetic Chunin that was currently wailing over the corpse of an equally pathetic Chunin. Here he was, standing only around three meters from the woman and making absolutely no effort to hide his presence… but apparently she was so lost in her own grief that she had not yet taken note of his sudden appearance. What struck him most about the situation was that the woman had no way of knowing that the boy, who was now missing most of his head, was the one responsible for her partners death. Meaning that she had absolutely no way of knowing that the one that had taken her partners life was not still in the area… hmm, could she be so filled with grief that she actually wanted to die? Perhaps, but the silver haired youth felt that she was likely just in shock over what was currently happening.

Ignoring the wailing woman for now the hooded and masked figure would make his way towards the corpse of the teen that he had met so long ago. As he stared down at the lower half of the boys head, or at least what little was left of it, he felt an inkling of something that he had only felt a handful of times in his admittedly short life… guilt. Unlike most of the lives that the Half-blood Uzumaki had taken he took no sadistic pleasure in ending this lost child… he felt only the slightest inkling of guilt. Although admittedly this guilt came not from the fact that he had killed the child… but from the fact that he had killed him before he had the chance to become anything more. How he wished he could see what this child could have become if he had been given the chance, if he had not been unfortunate enough to have made his mad dash for freedom with Kenshin lurking nearby. Would he, as Kenshin believed, have become one of the few that actually thrived outside of their respective villages? Would he have become somebody truly powerful? Or would he simply have been one of the countless fools who felt that they would thrive and was simply devoured by the monsters that lurked outside the safety of their village walls? Unfortunately nobody would ever know, as the life of the boy had been stolen in moments by one of the truly rare monsters that dwelled within the walls of a village.

Well, at the very least Kenshin would ensure that the death of this unfortunate soul did not go to waste… yes, he could rest easy knowing that his killer would use his death to grow even stronger. Hmm, now that he really thought about it, perhaps that knowledge wouldn’t actually help him rest easy… but unfortunately for him that would change nothing about what has happened, or what was going to happen. As Kenshin knelt down beside the body of the boy he would form two familiar Hand Seals, utilizing the Storage Displacement technique to retrieve one of the spare Corpse Storage Scrolls that he had stored within. As he unfurled the scroll he would will a rather large hole to form on his hooded cloak, revealing snow white skin marred with pitch black stitches that seemingly held the macabre jigsaw together. Inky black tendrils would slither free from the body of the kneeling figure and descend upon the boy, swifty slicing through both flesh and bone as they sought out their prize. When said prize was claimed and safely nestled within his chest Kenshin would seal the body away into the scroll and will the hole in his clothing to close. With that done the masked man would look back at the distraught Chunin who had been kneeling above her fallen partner, and it was a bit of a relief to see that she had gone almost catatonic as she stared blankly down, directly into the glassy eyes of the dead man.

The heart thief would release a small hum as he slipped the now filled Corpse Storage Scroll into one of the free pockets of his hooded cloak, before pushing himself up and moving slowly towards the still living woman. When he got within a meter of her position he would clear his throat in an effort to gain her attention, but it seemed that she was too far gone to actually notice anything happening around her. Great… this is just what he needed.

“He is dead. Get over it” he would say, trying to gain her attention through other means. And it seemed that this was indeed the right option, as the woman’’s head immediately shot towards him. He was not suite so dense as to miss the look of murderous hatred she was shooting him for his callous remark, but he didn’t particularly care about it either… as all he needed was her attention. Before she could speak he would activate his Sharingan, and using the eye contact that she had established with him he would place her within a rather powerful Genjutsu. She broke surprisingly quickly, but he knew that he shouldn’t exactly be surprised after soome of the memories that he played within the Genjutsu… apparently the two had been more than simple partners. In the end it mattered not, and using the Genjutsu he modified her memory so that rather than his callous words she received a rather heartfelt speech from the man known as Alpha, leader of Hoshigakure’s Nova Corps. Froom what he had seen he didn’t need to leave any suggestions that she spread word of his kindness or strength, as this woman was apparently quite the gossip.

With that done Kenshin would simply step out of sight and release the Genjutsu, leaving the woman wondering just how Alpha had managed to vanish so suddenly.

WC: 1271


TWC: 1816

1500 words towards Water Heart assimilation, claiming (25% max stat discount)

Claiming Corpse of Kutari, along with any items/ryo that he had upon his body

Discarding any remaining words
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Midnight's High Empty Re: Midnight's High

Wed Aug 01, 2018 12:08 pm
Approved @ Kenshin Unless interupted

Kutari...... good question about how that works. I am going to be honest I am not entirely sure, but here is what I am going to say, you can still use the WC to claim whatever, and just when you make annother character you will get half of that back as per normal rules, sounds fair?
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Midnight's High Empty Re: Midnight's High

Wed Aug 01, 2018 12:19 pm
Sounds good to me fam.
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