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You did what.. (Nobu) - Page 2 Empty Re: You did what.. (Nobu)

Sun Jun 17, 2018 2:07 pm
As he examines his decisions closely, it seems there was nothing to worry about. As he made it inside the main building. It was time to retrieve the documents. But this was going to be a little more difficult than the other objectives. Kyson won't be telling Nobunaga the location of the enemies inside of the building. Since in a real mission, Kyson would not know where they are located. he would have to find out on his own. Each floor in the main building has 2 hallways that intersect each other perfectly. A "+" shaped hallway on each floor. With Rooms side by side along each wall. With a room number above each room door. There was roughly 5 people on each floor in the hallway. One person in the middle, and the other 4 at the end of each hallway. With 1 person in each room. It was like that on each of the floors. Except with two people inside of the room with the documents. But there are also stairs at the end of each hallway to lead up or down to the next floor. 

"Alright, this time I won't tell you where the enemies are since I won't have that information in a real mission. But like I said, the documents are in room 304. Make your way up there and try not to be seen. I'm pretty sure there might be people in the that room so be aware. That's all I can say for now." Kyson said to Nobunaga. He was walking in blind this time and it was up to him to figure the rest out. He waited to see how he would attack this. This was where the real challenge began. In all honesty, he'd be surprised if he made it pass this part.
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You did what.. (Nobu) - Page 2 Empty Re: You did what.. (Nobu)

Mon Jul 02, 2018 1:36 pm
'304' and 'person in your room' were all Nobunaga really heard before his hightened senses picked up the guard within the room he just stepped into. Before, all of his focus had been put on the guards outside the building, hoping not to alert them, but none of his attention was put on the inside of the building. He was so focused on making it into the building that he would only focus on that step of the mission was he actually penetrated its defenses. "Damn it!" He thought to himself as he quickly pivoted on his heel to face the direction of the guard within his room. How could he be so foolish as to not have been thinking several steps ahead. Did his foolish errand out the mission in jeopardy? The room appeared to be an office, with the guard within it sitting at a desk to the right, his left shoulder facing Nobunaga's direction. Nobunaga was as stealthily as possible when it came to opening and closing the door, however that was only the case for the guards outside. The one guard sitting on the inside would have heard the shift is noise upon the opening of the door. The blowing wind and rustling leaves from outside instantly notified him that the door to his left had been opened. Based off of the location of the office, being the first door right beside guards posted as sentry's outside, it was probably a tracking post to keep record of who was on duty and such.

"Your shift aint over ye...." Just as Nobunaga finished pivoting on his crouched heel, the man simultaneously looked up so see the low standing massive shadow of a figure that was an imposter. "What the..." shouted the guard as he quickly started standing up from his desk. Unfortunately for him, he was caught off guard. But for Nobunaga, despite not having expected someone to be in this room, he was already in stealth mode, his body, senses and nerves were already in mission mode therefore he was able to act quickly and decisively. Pouncing forward with all his might and speed, Nobunaga would bolt across the front of the mask desk with his right arm out stretched. His massive hand would clamp itself across the mans face, preventing him from speaking any further and potentially alerting anyone else within the nearby rooms out outside hallway. Once the mans face was within the clutch of his powerful grasp, Nobunaga would wrap around him, coming up behind him. Keeping his hand over his mouth, the Hiyu would wrap his left bicep around the man throat and pin the guard to his upper body. Flexing his left bicep to tighten the strangle hold on the mans neck, the Hiyu would lift the man off the ground, putting him into a helpless situation before moving his head up close to the mans hear. "I'm going to let go of your mouth. If you make so much as a whimper ill snap your neck immediately." The tightening of Nobunaga's left arm around his wind pipes would have prevented him from backing any noise louder than a squeak, but the threat was more of a warning to show that the Hiyu would not hesitate to kill this man if he had to. The man quickly nodded, the fear of death was apparent in his eyes. Knowing that he would obey, they Hiyu removed his right hand from the guards mouth and slightly loosened the grip of his bicep around his throat. But he did not let the man go and his right arm now went over his right shoulder and behind his back, making use of his right arm impossible. Still holding the man in the air by using his chin as leverage, the Storm Op would whisper. "There are documents stored away in this facility, important ones that are being deliberated over right now." The Hiyu did not know if the latter part was true or not but it was a safe assumption to make. The last time he was actually on a very similar mission to this one, the case was true. "I... I dont know what you're talking about." The Hiyu squinted his eyes as he peered into the mans. He could have been telling the truth but the Hiyu didint buy it. Even if he truly knew nothing about the documents, he must have overheard or seen something and that was the information he was going to extract from the man. Nobunaga would move his right arm towards the mans left side, pulling his right arm with it. Stretching out his right arm, a searing pain would flood through his shoulder and down his arm. However with Nobunaga's left arm tightening around his neck, all shouting and grunting in anguish was impossible so the man simply grimaced in pain. "Not good enough." Grunted the Hiyu in the man's hear, a hint of annoyance apparent in his voice that the man had picked up. He knew if he didnt give something up soon this monster of a man standing behind him would kill him without question.

"Alright, alright." Couched the man, Nobunaga slightly loosening the grip around his neck but not on his shoulder. "I honestly dont know anything about any documents. But on the way to my post, I did see some higher ranking members making their way to the 3rd floor. Thats all I know, I swear." With a stern, unmoving face, the Hiyu gazed down at his captive, giving no indication to the man as to what he was going to do next. Nobunaga would have pressed him for more, but knowing that this illusion could not be held forever, time was of the essence and 3rd floor was good enough. Once up there he could easily located which room had the most people within it. The Hiyu would unwrap his right arm from around the mans shoulder, releaving him from that pain, almost as if he was going to let the man go. But without a moments hesitation, Nobunaga's hand was on the back of the mans head and they were tiling downwards towards the ground. Smashing his face into the ground with more than enough force than was required, Nobunaga knocked the lights out of the guard. Leaving the guard alive since he cooperated, he would remain unconscious for quite a while. With the man unconscious on the floor, the Hiyu would move over towards his desk and swiftly start searching through the papers and notebooks that littered its surface. There was no information on the documents he was trying to retrieve however he did see that the next guard change was with several hours therefore he did not have to worry about anyone from the outside coming inside. Everything he needed to worry about was now in front of him.

The question was, how to get to the 3rd floor? There was surely a stairwell somewhere outside of this room but was that really the most optimal solution? Moving towards the door that led out into the hall way, Nobunaga would press himself right up against the door and reach out with his heightened senses. Reaching out with his hearing, he could hear the footsteps of the guards outside patrolling the halls and the scriblings and slight murmurs of other guards within the adjacent rooms. The inside of this building was heavily maned and for good reason. In order for Nobunaga to get to the stair well, he would have to use chakra in order to try and slip past them, but the use of chakra would alert all of their senses and inevitably lead to him having to fight them all. Also, if he stepped into the hallway and tried to slip past them without the use of any chakra, he would surely be spotted in which case he would have to fight his way past them all as well. It would seem that stepping out into this hallway meant he was stepping into an arena with who knows how many enemies. Was taking the stair well truly the best option?

How else could he get to the 3rd floor? Stepping away from the door and back to the center of the room, the Hiyu's mind would begin to run wild with ideas. One option was to step back outside and scale his way to a 3rd floor window. But that would prove to be perhaps just as difficult for the guards that he fooled previously would now be on high alert and standing right in front of the door he had just entered through. There was no way he could take out the guards on the ground level and the one on the roof before some sort of alert was sent out. That left one more brash route to take. Looking up at the ceiling that was not too far above him, the Hiyu though of the last option which was to break his way up to the 3rd floor and once there activate his chakra sensing to find the room that had the most people within it. By his estimations, this was the best option. The first one required himself having to go out into the open hallways and fight through who knows how many guards. This was not the matrix and he was not Neo. The second required him having to go back outside, where he would have to take out the guards he just fooled. The risk of being alerted to the rest of the camp was too high. Breaking his way up to the 3rd floor was the best option. No one knew he was inside, therefore the sound of the floor breaking would cause everyone the investigate the source. By the time they did, Nobunaga would already be on the 3rd floor. Once they realized they had been infiltrated and made their way over to sound the alarms, the Hiyu would be allowed to use his chakra and therefore would have found the room where the documents were and thus would be able to retrieve them, hopefully. Nobunaga would have to risk alerting the base to his presence however at this point that seemed inevitable in order to retrieve those documents.

Reaching over his right shoulder, Nobunaga would grab the bandage wrapped handle of his massive great sword. Unhooking it from its chain, he would pull it through his cloak and up over his shoulder. Holding it down to his side, parallel to the ground, with his other hand Nobunaga would pull the hood of his cloak further down his forehead, tightening his hold around his face. Gripping the long handle with both hands as he brought the blade before him, the Hiyu would crouch while locking his gaze onto the ceiling not too far above him. Springing into the air with all the strength his massive legs possessed, Nobunaga would shoot upwards at an angle like a missile launched from its silo. Before reaching the ceiling, with one powerful swing his sword would arch over his head and cut right through the wood and plaster of the structure he was speedily heading towards. With his sword easily cutting through the floor of the second floor, Nobunaga would collide right into it with his right shoulder and burst forth through it as it were made of water. Sending bits and pieces of the floor flying through the room, now hovering in the air Nobunaga caught sight of the one guard would was sitting on a couch, now caught off guard by the shadow that just burst through his floor. While suspending in the air, Nobunaga would launch a shuriken into the base of the mans neck. That would save him several milliseconds as he landed next to the whole he just made before performing the same action a split second later.

Bursting through the floor of a level 3 room, Nobunaga would slice the guard in half that was standing next to him with one swing of his massive great sword. Simultaneously, as the guards corpse dropped lifeless to the ground and as Nobunaga landed perched at the back of the room, his chakra senses would flare, grabbing hold of each and every individual within range. He could feel the chakra signatures moving into the first level room, and moving towards the one right bellow him. The ones on the first floor had not caught a glimpse of the body lying unconscious on the floor and the hole in the ceiling. They now knew their perimeter had been breached. This presumably gave Nobunaga only a few seconds before the alarm was set off. The guards on the 3rd floor were already making their way out of their rooms, down the hallway and towards this room for they had heard the ruckus the Hiyu made when he broke right through the floor like a speedy bullet. But his chakra sensing also found a group of huddle individuals in a room at the end of the hallway to his right, in room 304. It was at that very moment that Nobunaga re-hooked his sword onto his back while simultaneously pulling off his cloak and having his armor spread across his entire body. His appearance would now be concealed as it was replaced with the demonic appearance of his fully body armor. Clapping his hands into the Ram seal, Nobunaga would activate the Enhanced Cell Transformation jutsu, the S rank Hiyu based Taijutsu he had developed himself. As his skin from underneath his armor began turning a dark burgundy color, The simultaneous activation of his full body armor and his S rank Taijutsu would alert everyone in the bulding to his presence. As if everything was moving in slow motion, he could sense the gaurds scrambling across the two lower levels and the guards on his level, mobilizing towards the room he was currently in. The ones in room 304 had not been alerted to his presence yet for they did not hear the commotion and the alarm had yet to be sounded off. That would all change in a moments notice.

Rushing forward like Juggernaut, as an unstoppable force, Nobunaga would smash right through the wall to his right with ferocious speed and devastating power. The wall would explode as if hit by a bomb and before the guard within even knew what happened, Nobunaga would bursting through the other wall, the mass of metal of muscles practically teleporting from room to room with exploding walls and flying debris. The individuals in room 304 hovering over the documents were not aware of Nobunaga's flaring chakra signature for they were not looking for it. They were more focused what was before them, expecting that the guards would do a reliable job and protecting them. However they soon became aware of a problem with the sound of snapping wood and breaking material soon made it to their ears. But by then two metaled demons came bursting through the last and final wall separating Nobunaga from those documents.

Having created a shadow clone at the last second, two Hiyu's came bursting through separate portions of the wall, one through the base and one through the top of the wall. Now, the alarm from within the building had sung, alerting every guard inside the building and every guard outside that there was an impostor in their midst.

The Nobunaga on the ground had his sword held in his right hand across his chest and out to his left side with his left arm across his chest out to his right side with lightning flickering and glowing in the palm of his hand. Swinging both arms out to their respective sides, the great sword would leave through the several guards that were standing in front of him and out of his left hand would come leaping a lighting tiger, pouncing over the table and crashing into those who stood on the other side. The other Nobunaga landed right on top of the table, cleaving the remaining guard with his sword before hooking onto his back and picking up the documents that littered the table beneath him. Just as he slipped them into a slit in his armor and as the lighting cat disposed of what little remained, a slew of enemies came pouring in through the front door and through the hole in the wall Nobunaga had made to penetrate this room. He had retrieved the documents but now he was surrounded. Or so they thought.

Just as the guards were filling the room, pouncing into action to attack and strike down the two armored titans, the Hiyu not standing on the table would swing his sword from right to left and simultaneously let go of the large, wide arching blade. The blade would transform into a moon shaped crescent blade, swiftly expanding to the length of 100 meters wide and 50 meters tall. The crescent blade would shoot forward like a fast moving wall, disintegrated and cleaving through anything it touched, flesh and wood all alike. The blade would completely obliterated everything and everyone in its path, exploding out the left side of the building and completely destroying the entire second and third floor of the entire compound. Using this mass destruction as a distraction, the Hiyu on the table with the documents would turn towards the back wall while swiftly performing a series of seals. Crashing into the back window, with shattering glass Nobumaga would burst his way outside and just as he did his entire body would transmute into a lightning bolt. Crackling through the night sky, the lightning bolt would dart its way into the forest, maneuvering around the trees with jagged motions and hard pin point turning, avoiding all the trees and brush in his way. Using the destruction of the compound from his shadow clones Final Slash, Nobunaga would make his way 50 meters into the forest before taking his original form. Swiftly deactivating both his armor and S rank Taijutsu enhancer, he would momentarily pause to sense if the guards were making their way towards his location, despite the mass destruction he had caused back at their base. Keeping his shadow clone alive till it ran out of chakra to keep the distraction alive, the real Nobunaga in the forest would then dart forward, heading as far away from the compound as he could possibly get, with the documents in hand of course.
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You did what.. (Nobu) - Page 2 Empty Re: You did what.. (Nobu)

Tue Jul 17, 2018 2:01 am
He told Nobu that he wasn't going to let him know what was awaiting for him inside. If he gave him all of the answers, it wouldn't really be much of a test. But what was more surprising, was the fact he was able to get in undetected with such a large frame. As big as he was, it took some talent for him to be unseen. As he sneaked inside the main base of the building, he made use of the resources around him. And the best resource when looking for something in particular is taking a hostage. Though it could backfire, but if done right; it could result in being a huge help. And even though he was meant to be undetected, using a clone for a distraction wasn't a bad idea. It took a lot of weight off of his escape and allowed him to flee the scene with a lot more ease. Once the enemies had found out it was a clone, it was then too late. The mission had already been completed. 

As the boy noticed he was finished his mission, Kyson would signal Leo to release him from the genjutsu. Putting his mind back to reality and out of the illusion. Leaning against his Kage desk with his arms crossed, he was fairly impressed by his bodyguard. "Seems like the mission was a success. Though I expected nothing less. So how was it?" He would ask him. It was the first time he ever did something like this to anyone. So he wasn't sure if it was going to go as planned. But surprisingly, from his view it looked like things went pretty well. But he wasn't the one doing the mission, so he wanted to hear his personal opinion.
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You did what.. (Nobu) - Page 2 Empty Re: You did what.. (Nobu)

Thu Jul 26, 2018 6:39 pm
Zooming through the darkness forest, everything around him would soon come to vanish as his mind left the grip of the Genjutsu cast upon him. Everything remained black as his mind came back to the real world, his eyes now gazing at the inside of his eye lids. Slowly opening them, the Hiyu would blink several times to have his blurred vision return back to the point where he could see clearly, as if he were waking up from a nap. His gaze would shift over to Kyson, leaning right in front of him against his desk. "Partially successful." Responded Nobunaga to his leader's words in slight disapproval. "I may have obtained the documents, but my mission was to retrieve them going unnoticed." Raising his right arm, Nobunaga would begin to flex the ringers of his right hand while rubbing his forearm with his left hand, trying to get some feeling back into his limbs. "I caused a huge commotion and had to reveal myself in the process. If this were the real world, I'd have a target on my back and thus there would be a target on the village." Having known that the Genjutsu could not be held forever, the Hiyu was forced to act fast and take what was given to him, but he understood that if this were the real world, he would have failed the mission and he wasn't going to use the excuse of time constraints to exempt him from his responsibilities. "I need to be better next time."

"How was it?" Thought the Hiyu to himself. Thinking it over, Nobunaga's greatest weakness of Genjutsus. It was his Achilles Heel. He was not proficient in its use and and nearly as bad in its defense. Despite knowing he was in a Genjutsu, while in it he could not tell the difference from reality. Everything felt, smelt, looked and acted as if it were truly in the waking world. "It was...real. Perfect for simulating real world situations without having to actually put yourself in harms way. I could think of no better way of training warriors than this." Despite having been mentally in a mission, only Nobunaga's mind was at work and although he was mentally fatigued, his body had truly done none of the heavy lifting and he was getting tired of being seat. Standing up from the chair and raising to his full height, he would continue "If perhaps a joint Genjutsu were possible, where several people could be linked within the same Genjutsu, then we could have shinobi face one another without the risk of actually harming each other." Shaking his legs as he ran the thought in his brain, he would continue in his usual course voice "Would be good training for those who you wish to test out to join our ranks."

Once he was done shaking the rust out of his joints and the numbness out of his muscles, he would look down at Kyson before asking. "I still have more in me if there is a second phase to this training program of yours, my Lord."
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You did what.. (Nobu) - Page 2 Empty Re: You did what.. (Nobu)

Sun Aug 05, 2018 12:12 am
Listening to his review on Kyson's little test. It seemed it was a success. And this idea could be used in various ways. But it seemed he wasn't satisfied with his results. It was natural for someone to think they can always do better. But its a good thing to have a trait like that, it pushes yourself to do more each time. But Kyson thought he did a great job, especially for someone of his size to be able to be under the radar for so long. It was quite impressive to him. "Ah you did fine. Though I guess it be a good idea to hide your headband so shinobi won't see what village your from if you were to be seen. I didn't honestly think about that. Just keep that in mind if you were to get in a situation like this." He said.

As far as the genjutsu simulation went, it seemed everything went good as far as feeling real. That's what he was actually aiming for. But maybe this was a good way for shinobi to test out abilities without actually injuring themselves physically. But he didn't know, it was something that just felt off about it. "Its a good idea, but one thing it really lacks is intensity and pressure. There's no pressure if you fail and there is no consequences. You just won't get that same feeling you do in the real world. But we'll see." Kyson replied. It was still a test to see how efficient it was. So we'll see how things go in the mere future. It seemed Nobu was ready for another run. But Kyson looked over at Leo and noticed. "Ehhh, I think Leo is a bit exhausted. That jutsu does take up a lot of chakra. Especially on a place as big and detailed as that." He said.

"So what's been going on with you. We've been here for a while now. I guess your starting to get used to it. Any interesting people you've met.... maybe a lover?" Kyson would say in a jokingly manner. He was just curious to see what his response would be. He didn't see him as being that type.
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You did what.. (Nobu) - Page 2 Empty Re: You did what.. (Nobu)

Sun Aug 05, 2018 1:20 pm
Now that he was standing and shook all the numbness out of his limbs, the Hiyu would cross his arms along his burly chest to continue the conversation with his leader. "Not only the head band, but my armor has a distinct look to it as well. There aren't many people who carry around weapons that look like this either." Placing his hand on top of the hilt of his blade, the Hiyu would give his blade a one over, looking at how large it really was and would continue "All of these are distinct to me. Any idiot can gather enough knowledge on that alone to learn that it was a Kumo nin, then that puts a target on the rest of the village. I will do better next time."

Crossing his arms once more, he would continue listening to Kyson as he went on to explain how he was not fully on board with using this type of training method to train other shinobi. "True," responded the Hiyu, agreeing with Kyson's concerns. He knew exactly what the Hozuki was talking about since he had endured the Genjutsu. "The only real pressure I had was the time constraint. Knowing that Leo could not hold the Genjutsu forever forced me to have to think and act fast." However, despite agreeing with Kyson on the lack of consequence and pressure, there was an aspect of this type of training that the Hiyu could appreciate. "But, if two people could simultaneously be put under the same Genjutsu, that would allow them to push themselves to their limits without any threat of actual harm to one another. If would be good for testing the limits of their skills and just how far they could push themselves. It's a good way of learning which abilities and jutsus to use when gauging how long the fight will last, in order to not overwork oneself early on. However whether the Genjutsu can contain two people at the same time would be up to Leo." Casting the Genjutsu on Nobunaga alone took a toll on the man named Leo, doing it on two people at the same time was probably too much for him.

It appeared that was it for Nobunaga's training today. Leo was quite clearly exhausted and although he was not showing it, the Genjutsu had taken quite a toll on Nobunaga's mind as well. He was mentally drained and the exhaustion was having an effect on his body as well. He felt lax and slightly sluggish. However his gaze remained stern as ever, not showing any signs of weakness and if there had been another part to this training he would have forcibly pushed himself through it.

Nobunaga curiously eyed Kyson, catching that the way he asked his question was a joke but not really one at the same time. If he truly had found a lover, Kyson would have wanted to know. But the answer was "No, I have not found a lover." Of course, if fate wanted it and the Hiyu had somehow found someone he had fallen in love with, he would let it play out. However, fate had not been so kind to him as to bless him with a companion, nor would he truly want one here. "Aye, I am getting more comfortable here but this is not a place I'd make my home or have a family in. I am okay with being here and have accepted my duty under you within this village. But I will always know that this was the village responsible for the destruction of my Home." Turning away from Kyson and gazing out the window and out into the village, he would continue "Since we arrived here and you took over the responsibilities of Kage, I have seen an improvement in the state of the village. It is a village that appears to be more in your image, a better one with less filth and crime. A place I can live in and fight for, for I can see this improvement and wish to play a role in that improvement for the people here do not deserve to suffer under the mistakes of the previous administration." Turning back to Kyson with a gaze more stern than before, he would finish "But this is not my home. No matter how comfortable I get living here or being with the people and no matter how much I accept my role within the village as a shinobi, I will always feel like an outsider."

Nobunaga did not know if Kyson would understand his view point. This after all was Kyson's real home and now that he had taken lead over the village and started making it a better place to live, it was perhaps becoming the home he had always wanted it to be, which was something Nobunaga could sympathize with. "I know that Kumo is your home my lord and that is why I will work tirelessly and endlessly to make it a better place. As long as it is your decree, I will work to make this place in your image, to make this place the Home You want it to be." That was good enough for Nobunaga. He did not need this place to be his home, but he would continue his duty and service under Kyson to turn Kumo into the Kumo he wanted it to be.
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You did what.. (Nobu) - Page 2 Empty Re: You did what.. (Nobu)

Mon Aug 06, 2018 4:44 pm
He didn't seem satisfied with his results of the mission. Kyson smirked as he crossed his arms. What could he say, the mans a perfectionist. And there was nothing wrong with that. "I guess your right, then just make sure to do better next time. That's the reason we were here, just to see what you knew and a little practice." He would say to his bodyguard. After the two finished their conversation about the simulation training. Kyson was curious to see what the man has been up to since this change of scenery. Its been some time since they arrived here at Kumo, so surely it was a big change to him.

But it seemed he was getting used to it. And he was satisfied with how it was going since Kyson took over for a little. But things weren't going as smoothly as he wanted. It wasn't like he was officially Kage, he wouldn't even want to put it in the books as him being Kage. He just took the job only because his leader was busy on a mission. Still curious as to what mission since he left him out of it. But he assumes he has his reasons.

"Yeah, I can understand that. I wasn't born nor raised in Suna. So my connection to it wasn't nearly as deep as your connection. But nonetheless, it always treated me like home. So I owe a lot to it. But I'm glad you have no problem with using your strength to help the village. With you being such a high rank above most, it really helps out a lot. I haven't done nearly as much as I wanted to do. Being head of STORM and taking care of village responsibilities puts a huge toll on me. Its hard managing both at the same time. So it gets a bit overwhelming." He would say to his bodyguard. Being an outsider can be very difficult. Kyson knows that better than anyone. Being an outsider from Suna. To being an outsider to the village he was born in. As he went back to his seat behind the desk. Sitting down and looking at the unfinished work.

"Also, don't let this village change who you are. And never lose track of yourself. Your not from here so you don't have to force yourself to have the same ideals. Stay true to your ninja way. You have a lot light in you, I feel like it balances the darkness that's grown in me overtime. So it means a lot to have you as my bodyguard." The young shinobi would say. He hasn't spoke too much with any other shinobi that came from Suna. He isn't sure how they were taking the change or if they were even used to it yet. 

"But anyway, I have a meeting to attend to. So, I'll have to wrap this up." He said as he got any paper work he needed for the meeting. Grabbing his coat and any other belongings. "Remember what I said though, especially with you being a Jinchūriki, your a lot more valuable than you think you are. Some might only use you for power and try to target you. Not just allies, but enemies as well." He said as he would do a quick wave as he exited the Raikage chambers.



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You did what.. (Nobu) - Page 2 Empty Re: You did what.. (Nobu)

Mon Aug 06, 2018 10:20 pm
"Do better next time." Thats what Nobunaga got from todays training and thats exactly what he would do. Whether he liked it or not, he would never be satisfied with where he was at. He failed once before and as a consequence he lost everything he had. Now, he had very little and he had to do better in order to make sure he did not lose that as well. Doing better would become his life's work. Kyson went on to explain how he understood the current state Nobunaga found himself in, having been an outside finding a place of comfort in Suna. It was for that reason alone the Hiyu found himself here, in the very village that destroyed his home and took everything away from him. Kyson was all that remained of Suna and therefore that was where Nobunaga's allegiance lied.

"You're doing the best that you can." Responded the Hiyu to Kyson explaining the overwhelming nature of trying to lead the village and head its Anbu division at the same time. Nobunaga never took on a leadership role therefore he could only image the work load and stress Kyson was putting himself through. But the fact that he was doing it was a testament to how hard he would work and that he would put himself through the grueling work if that's what was need to make this villager a better place to live. "And you're doing it because you care." Finished the Hiyu. It was because Kyson cared that Nobunaga knew he was following the right person. Koroshi had picked the right heir, whether Kyson could see that or not. Nobunaga had faith in him.

Nobunaga would bow after Kyson told him to stay true to who he was and that he was glad to have the brute by his side. The Hiyu did not show his emotions, his face remaining stern as every however it was relieving to know how Kyson felt. Nobunaga followed Kyson out of a sense of duty since he was the last link to Suna, however now knowing that this partnership had a positive effect on the Hozuki only emboldened Nobunaga's will to serve his young master. "My blade is yours my Lord, now and always." Raising from his bow, he would continue "I will not sway from my ideals, you have my word."

Grabbing the bandage wrapped handle of his massive great sword, the Hiyu would lift it before swinging it around his right shoulder and simultaneously clipping it onto the hook on the back of his armor's breast plate. "Of course my Lord." Bowing one final time as a farewell this time, he would finish "I'll leave you too it." Making his way towards the door, he was come to a halt before opening it as he listened to the final words of the interim Raikage. He would not say a word, he would simply grunt and nod his head. He knew the precarious situation he found himself in by being a Jinchuriki. Allies would want to use him for his power and enemies would want to hunt him for that very same power and that it would be a struggle to remain the same person and not let that very same power corrupt his person. He knew he could do it, and Kyson leading him down the right path, he had nothing to worry about. Knocking the door frame with his right fist as a sign of approval, the Hiyu would exit the office of his master, closing the door behind him.


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You did what.. (Nobu) - Page 2 Empty Re: You did what.. (Nobu)

Mon Aug 06, 2018 10:30 pm
Approved and what not.
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