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Higuto Aburame
Higuto Aburame
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Training for More (p) Empty Training for More (p)

Sun Jan 14, 2018 3:10 pm
Higuto stepped onto the field as he felt that it was yet time for another day of training as he looked out over the river and smiled at how beautiful of a day it was. He felt that maybe it may have been time for him to learn a new jutsu or skill which would help him out in his shinobi endeavors. To that end he took off his jacket, headband gleaming in the sunlight as it dangled on his sleeve, as he went over to a tree and set the jacket down. He didn't know what he'd do or what he'd learn today but he knew it would come to him if he put forth the necessary effort.

To this he smirked and walked over to the river which ran through the center of the field and thought on whether or not he'd learn another water technique in order to make himself that much stronger. He go the idea that the next water technique he'd need to learn next would be a jutsu he heard of which involved him being able to make it rain using only his chakra to support it. He smiled as such a jutsu he felt would be an excellent addition to his arsenal as it could provide him with a way to not need a water source near him in order to use the majority of moves that he knew. He sighed as such a technique would require a large amount of chakra for him to do and he felt he didn't contain quite a large number enough for him to learn it just yet so he decided he'd learn another jutsu instead which was something he felt he needed to learn soon to accommodate the new element of jutsu he had just learned to control very recently: his Storm element.

He would learn the Storm Release: Laser Circus today and he was quite eager to start so he took in a deep breath once more as he got onto his hands and began with his standard set of push ups as he usually always did in order to warm up before a hard day of work and sweat. He did a set number of push ups before he felt he did a good number of them and let himself up to his feet and smiled to the fact he wasn't as tired as he normally was after such menial labor.

(WC 407)
Sarah Uchiha
Sarah Uchiha
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Training for More (p) Empty Re: Training for More (p)

Sun Jan 14, 2018 3:26 pm
Akane was bored. She had been sitting around and waiting for something interesting to happen as she waited for the time of her Genin exam to come and she knew she would need some training before she took on the challenge of the exam as she felt she wasn't quite yet ready. She thus decided that there was not a better time then then for her to take to the training field and learn a few more jutsu and gain a little bit more strength to prepare for the exam. Upon thinking this she was already on course to the training field and she felt that today would be a great day for training as the sun was shining and the birds were singing to signify how beautiful of a day it was.

She then stopped short of the gate as she noticed a young boy who was already hard at work on the field doing some push ups. She thought he was a bit young to be focusing on exercising as he couldn't have been any older than ten or eleven as she then took a look at a nearby tree which was used to prop up a jacket which she was led to assume was his. She saw something shine in the sun as she focused on it and saw that there was a Leaf headband tied to the sleeve of the jacket as she was stunned at the thought that this young boy was possibly a ninja. Would that have been the reason he was hard at work in training? Was he trying to become stronger in order to serve better as a ninja? To that thought she thought she'd step up and meet with the boy in order to help them with their training in case they needed it.

She stepped onto the field and called out to them just as the boy was getting up to his feet. "Hey! Would you like some help with your training? I'm not a ninja myself quite yet but I'd love to get a little bit stronger myself. Would it be cool if we trained together?" Hopefully the boy would be friendly to her suggestion and possibly be open to such an idea as she got within 5 meters of Higuto with a soft smile. She couldn't help but have the suspicious feeling that this young ninja was quite powerful already as she stood there near him.

Higuto Aburame
Higuto Aburame
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Sun Jan 14, 2018 11:08 pm
Higuto's attention perked up as he heard the voice of a girl he didn't recognize call upon him and he turned to see a teenager close to becoming an adult making their way to him. He returned a smile to them, not wishing to be at all rude, as he watched her approach and suggest they train together. "Hmm... Well I'm not one to turn down a fellow aspiring ninja down for a spot of training. I'd love to hear what you had in mind, miss...?" He raised the miss question as a way of getting a proper introduction to the newcomer. "My name is Higuto of the Aburame clan, by the way."

He then thought of what they could do as a method of training as his mind began to wander towards this thought. He thought that maybe they could either go for a jog together or hit at the stumps or maybe even a concrete spar with each other just to test their fighting capabilities. Being an academy student, however, Higuto knew that he'd need to keep a majority of his strength in check due to the fear of severely hurting her in case she did want to spar. He thus hoped that she would have something else in mind.

(WC 214)
Sarah Uchiha
Sarah Uchiha
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Tue Jan 16, 2018 12:08 pm
Akane was quite pleased to hear the kind and gentle tone the child had while speaking to her. She couldn't help but think about what kind of upbringing the child had that made him seem quite nice. She then realized, upon the boy introducing himself as Higuto, she had realized that she didn't introduce herself yet. "Oh! I'm so sorry. My name is Akane... Akane Uchiha. It's nice to meet you Higuto Aburame." She smiled soft to him as she compared the two's heights and found she was actually only a little bit taller than Higuto as she nodded on what she wanted to do. "Well I was actually wondering if we could just go for a spar right now since I'm in need of challenging myself in those aspects. Do you think it'd be ok if we start?

She would then get into a fighting stance while standing the initial 5 meters away from Higuto as she waited for his response. She wouldn't react until he gave his answer as she didn't wish to be rude or otherwise to him and would channel her chakra through her as she prepared herself for a possible fight.


Last edited by Akane Uchiha on Tue Jan 16, 2018 2:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
Higuto Aburame
Higuto Aburame
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Tue Jan 16, 2018 2:29 pm
Higuto couldn't help but feel a little guilty at the fact that she was wanting to spar with him in order to train but he felt that if it was indeed something that she wanted to partake in in order to get stronger than who was he to argue? He didn't know whether or not he was to go easy on her or if she would want him to go all out being as some ninja saw the term 'holding back' as a form of insult to the ways that they went about most fights. He nodded upon her suggestion as he watched her take a defensive stance before he himself would take his hands out of his pockets and stand before her. "If you wish to get the most out of this I'd suggest you come at me with everything you have. Don't worry about hurting me. I'm quite sturdy enough to take anything you have to dish out."

Higuto would then bow before his opponent as he'd put one hand into a pocket while keeping his left hand still out. He'd keep the 5 meter distance between himself and Akane as he would wait for her to make the first move before he commenced with his.

(WC 209)
Sarah Uchiha
Sarah Uchiha
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Training for More (p) Empty Re: Training for More (p)

Tue Jan 16, 2018 10:37 pm
Akane smiled as she looked at Higuto and thought of the best way to go about things as she was surprised at how unorthodox his fighting stance seemed against her. Was it possible she was being underestimated? Was it possible he was that much stronger? And then he had said that she didn't have to worry about hurting him. Did he feel she was too weak to hurt him? She didn't understand what to believe from his actions but she was beginning to have doubts on what she'd do in order to initiate the spar.

She felt that, if he was indeed too quick for her, then she could try to strike deceptively in order to test the waters and see what he'd do. She brought her hands up and did the Ram, Snake, and Tiger seals as quickly as she could before disappearing in a puff of smoke before the smoke cleared and there were two more of her standing side by side. Her three forms would then move, keeping their 5 meter distances from him, until they had made a triangle formation around him. One of the forms from his right side would then strike out at him with a punch to his arm. She had hoped the strike would connect and that he'd be confused enough to take the hit.


(AP used 5/80 = 75 AP
Jutsu used: Clone Technique)

Last edited by Akane Uchiha on Wed Jan 17, 2018 12:26 am; edited 1 time in total
Higuto Aburame
Higuto Aburame
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Tue Jan 16, 2018 11:02 pm
Higuto was surprised by the Genin's actions as he recognized the seals she put forth immediately as the seals needed for one to initiate the clone technique. He prepared himself as he had the feeling she was going to come at him with an attack that led more to confusing him rather than effect. His suspicions were confirmed for as soon as the smoke cleared he saw her disperse herself and her clones until they were all standing in a flanking type of formation as he couldn't help but feel she was about to utilize a good strategy.

It was then he saw movement from the corner of his eye as he saw one of them come in for a punch from his side as he could see the punch coming at him. He had no certainties about whether or not this was the punch of a clone or if it was her actually coming in for the hit but he wouldn't take his chances as his speed allowed him to dodge the punch by ducking as he would direct a sweep with his leg to the attacker's legs and hopefully trip them. He had a feeling it would be a clone and therefore he kept his guard up all while he kept his right hand pocketed.

(WC 217)
Sarah Uchiha
Sarah Uchiha
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Training for More (p) Empty Re: Training for More (p)

Tue Jan 16, 2018 11:18 pm
Akane watched as Higuto seemed to dodge the blow as though it was nothing special before she then saw him go for a leg sweep. She giggled as, luckily, she was witnessing all this from his front as she saw one of her clones coming in for the attack as his legs simply passed through the clones legs as she charged forth while bringing her hands up to form seals once more. She formed them, once again, quickly as possible as she formed the Tiger, Boar, Ox, Dog, and finally Snake seals before bringing one of her legs around and aiming a kick at his head.

Whether or not he would somehow get out of this she had no idea. She was feeling cautious, though, as instead of rushing in willy nilly and hoping she would get a hit in eventually. She had performed the necessary hand seals in order to summon up the chakra necessary to perform the Substitution technique and it was to serve as her plan C in case this Plan B attack didn't work. Luckily there were plenty of logs around the immediate area that she could use in order to get out of a jam in case it popped itself up.


(AP used 10/80 = 70
Jutsu used: Substitution Technique)

Last edited by Akane Uchiha on Wed Jan 17, 2018 12:27 am; edited 1 time in total
Higuto Aburame
Higuto Aburame
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Training for More (p) Empty Re: Training for More (p)

Tue Jan 16, 2018 11:37 pm
Higuto had the feeling from the beginning that the form of Akane he was attacking was going to be a clone version of her as he directed his legs to the clone's legs. He saw his foot pass straight through as though he was hitting a mirage as he noticed her charging at him afterwards. The fact that he knew it was coming was enough time for him to draw out his right hand as insects began to come out from him as he started drawing out quite a bit for his upcoming strategy. His speed was enough for him to do this and to also allow him to get an arm up in order to catch her leg in a block before she could fully hit him.

While he was able to see the kick coming he had not seen her prepare herself for the Substitution Technique as his back was turned on her at the time. He thus didn't know that his next attack would more than likely be useless as he threw up a hand in order to direct his insects out towards her face and body as their teeth would sink into her skin and try to suck out her chakra.

(WC 205)
Sarah Uchiha
Sarah Uchiha
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Training for More (p) Empty Re: Training for More (p)

Tue Jan 16, 2018 11:50 pm
Akane was amazed at how quickly Higuto was able to react to her movements as well as how tough he was as he stopped her kick with one arm as though it was the most natural thing to him. She then noticed the insects as she could see them coming at her face in a swarm as she got freaked out from the teeth that she could see coming after her. That was until she then disappeared in a puff of smoke as a log which was about three meters away was switched out from her location as the log hovered with Higuto's insects latched onto it.

She would then charge forth after him as she felt she was finally close to hitting him as she directed yet another punch direct to his face. This time she felt the confusion of her being replaced by a log would be enough to lower Higuto's guard and allow her to finally get a hit in from what was proving so far to be a fruitless strategy. If she had finally hit him she would then drop back until she was a good 5 meters away from him and wait for him to commence his next move.

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