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I Just Wanted Some Steak [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: I Just Wanted Some Steak [IO]

Sun Jan 14, 2018 7:58 pm
Damon smiled at what the albino Uchiha had suggested. “I appreciate the offer, Yurei, but I think… I think this is something I need to do on my own this time.” The two continued walking.

“You can’t keep running away from the past, Damon. It will catch up with you."

Damon did not respond to this right away, instead letting the words sink in. “I’m not running.” His fist clenched, as it was an action he had started to do a lot lately and was second nature to him by now. “I’m going to make my peace today. No more avoiding, no more grief.” The two rounded a corner, where they would see the ironpost gates of the cemetery and walked until they were at the entrance. Damon looked up at the gate itself, eyeing the wording: Starview Memorial Park. The words were formed by curved iron bars set between an iron frame, with posts on each side to suspend it into the air. “It’s time to let the past die.

The gate was already open, as Damon could see another family inside, wearing all black, watching a casket being lowered into the ground. He felt a pang of remorse for them, but for a selfish reason. It reminded him of the funeral for Yurei’s father, one of the last times he had seen Akio. Before Kenshin, before their eyes had changed to another form.

Before his outlook had been changed.

WC: 2236
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Sun Jan 14, 2018 8:35 pm
“I appreciate the offer, Yurei, but I think… I think this is something I need to do on my own this time.”
Yurei nodded in understanding. He would want the same. Some things just have to be done on their own. The Uchiha planned to do the same with his father after their makeshift ceremony for Akio. Things needed to be said – but the difficult part was knowing they couldn’t reply.
“I’m not running. I’m going to make my peace today. No more avoiding, no more grief,” Damon said as the pair continued walking. Yurei nodded, but he could not help but feel Damon was wrong. The black flames, Akio, this aversion to fire… Despite this, Yurei chose to believe in his brother. That growth was needed, and it was time to move on. Not completely, however. The past shapes a person, and to forget it was to abandon its lessons. The Uchiha knew that as truth, now, and he’d never forget the lessons he was taught and the future they would bring about. The white-haired Uchiha gazed at Damon’s hands, noticing that he had balled them into fists. This was no doubt difficult for him.
The chuunin gave an affirmative nod, asserting himself as confident in Damon’s ability, at least on the surface. As the pair arrived at the cemetery, Yurei spotted a family up ahead, dressed in the typical black known to accompany funerals. As such, the Uchiha meld his mind into a void, if only for now. This place brought back too many memories, and they were not something Yurei wanted to confront just yet. Akio came first.
As Yurei neared the back of the cemetery, Esu came into view. The dog had waited patiently at an memorial – one Yurei had created earlier. The dog’s head was low to the ground, as were his ears. “I told him to wait here until I found you. It’s nothing special, really, but I know how to work with tools, and it was the best I could come up with. When I was little, I used to make suits of armor with my dad. He showed me my way around a workbench.”

Esu stood, slowly walking to Yurei as the pair came to the memorial. The craft itself was light grey in a spire-esque design. In front of the memorial was a glass panel, housing a print of Esu’s paw, engraved into the stone.

WC: 2799 
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I Just Wanted Some Steak [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: I Just Wanted Some Steak [IO]

Mon Jan 15, 2018 6:03 pm
It’s beautiful, Yurei,” Damon said as he approached the memorial. He searched for Akio’s name, but could not find it. His face fell slightly, as he remembered what Kenshin had said.

“Remember that Akio's death is classified information, and spreading that information around will result in punishment.”

Damon steeled himself, refusing to let this unjust act define his attitude. “I wish his family could know. They must… they must be losing their sanity by now. I couldn’t imagine having a child who just vanished like that…” His voice trailed off as he stared at the paw print, the mark that symbolized that this grave belonged to Akio Inuzuka. A death that Hoshigakure would never know the truth about. Damon did not know what to do. Am I supposed to have a moment of silence? Should I say some words?

WC: 2387
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I Just Wanted Some Steak [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: I Just Wanted Some Steak [IO]

Mon Jan 15, 2018 9:05 pm
“It’s beautiful, Yurei,” Damon remarked, noting the memorial’s craftmanship. Yurei, on the other hand, was unsatisfied. There were imperfections all around the structure, and they stuck out to the boy like a sore thumb. Akio deserved better. He deserved more than a makeshift altar hastily crafted by someone who hadn’t practiced with tools in years. He deserved a burial, a gravestone, a funeral.

Right now, his family was experiencing what Yurei and Damon would have been. They felt that loss without a shred of the closure that Yurei and Damon had. To them, Akio was still out there. Wandering, alone, cold, and without Esu. I hate this village. I hate the Hogokage. I hate this shinobi world.

Yurei glanced at Damon. Hate was not within the pale young man’s gaze. Instead, it was only a cold somberness – that loneliness he could never hope to get used to. When Akio died, he took a piece of Yurei with him, as Yurei’s father had before. Pieces of the alabaster chuunin were being swept away one by one. It ate away at him.
“I wish his family could know. They must… they must be losing their sanity by now. I couldn’t imagine having a child who just vanished like that…” Damon said. He was right.

Yurei clenched his fists and grit his teeth. He gave a cold stare, cutting through the monolith. Esu whined, pawing the structure and then laying in the grass with his head down. Yurei emptied his thoughts, for within them was nothing but malice. Nothing but icy contempt.

“I will miss you, Akio,” he said, speaking up. Yurei’s voice broke a bit of silence. “I’ll make a world where no one will have to run away from their own home. I promise you, Akio.”

Damn this village. Damn Hoshigakure. Damn the Hogokage to hell for those orders. Damn this world.

Yurei tucked his his head, breaking off from the monument. He sat silent for a moment, in thought. Tears trickled down his cheeks, and the popping of his knuckles echoed throughout the cemetery. It was quiet for Yurei. Quieter than it had ever been. Should Damon speak, he would not hear his words. There was nothing but that deafening sound of nothingness, that damnable silence that tortured him every second. It swelled within the pale Uchiha for what seemed like an eternity, but, when it became too great, Yurei inhaled, shifting his silvery eyes to Damon. He made eye contact with Damon, staring at him for the briefest of moments. There was nothing but cold hatred within his flooding eyes.

Light from the dim sun reflected off of them, unveiling just how glossy they were. Yurei released the air from his lungs, exhaling. He broke off, passing Damon. “I need to speak with my father. Stay here as long as you want…” Yurei swallowed, relaxing his hands if only slightly. The white Uchiha marched up the sandy hills, headed to his father’s grave, to the place where this all began.

WC: 3300
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I Just Wanted Some Steak [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: I Just Wanted Some Steak [IO]

Tue Jan 16, 2018 5:37 pm
Damon put on a brave face and gave his fellow Uchiha a weak smile before he departed. As the white eyed Uchiha left to see his own father, Damon softly called out to him, “I’ll see you around, Yurei.” And so Damon was left alone at the grave of Akio Inuzuka, with no one besides Esu, the dog of his late friend, for company. He looked around, even with his chakra sensory, to make sure no one was around before exhaling deeply. “I should’ve been there. I didn’t know…” Damon closed his eyes with clenched fists. “I’m sorry, Akio.” His voice was low, barely able to be heard by his own ears. The Uchiha sat down on the grass opposite to the obelisk-like monument to his departed friend. “Maybe it’s because Yurei isn’t here anymore, but…” He shifted uncomfortably on the ground. “I always felt like the outsider between us three-” Esu perked his head up and looked towards Damon. “Sorry. Us four, I mean.” He sighed as Esu lowered his head, resting his saddened face across his front paws. “I’m sorry we didn’t have as much time together as we could have had.” He heard Esu whining and motioned for the dog to come over. Although they had first met when Esu bit at Damon’s rear, he still felt sorry for the ninken. Esu staggered over and rested his head in Damon’s lap as Damon began to pet him.

After a moment of silence, he continued, “I…” He paused once more, trying to find his resolve. “I think I’m going to go visit him. My dad, I mean.” Damon nodded with a newfound sense of purpose. “Yeah, I will. He’s actually in this cemetery, too. He uh… he didn’t have a funeral.” Damon looked towards Esu, who might not even understand what he was saying to Akio. But it was nice to talk about. “He didn’t have many friends in Hoshi… he was buried by the village.” Damon clenched his jaw and furrowed his brow, looking to the ground. He stood up from his spot on the grass. “It’s been nice talking to you, old friend. And I was wrong earlier, with Yurei. The past is something to hold onto, as long as you don’t let it control you. putting his hands in his pockets and turning away, walking down the cobblestone trail towards his father’s grave.


Hey dad. It’s… it’s Damon.” He avoided looking at the tombstone while scratching the back of his head. “Or… I don’t know what to call you. I found your journal.” He gave a small laugh. “I know you're not my real father. Your blood isn’t in my veins. I don’t even carry your name anymore.” Tears begin to build in his eyes yet refused to fall. “But you’ll always be the man who raised me. You’ll always be the dad I knew.” The first tear rolled down his cheek. “I… forgive you. For leaving me behind. For dying. I don’t think I have before now.

He was silent for a moment while more tears fell from his face. He used his sleeve to wipe it away before sitting down on the grass with his legs crossed. “It wasn’t even the fire that killed you. It took awhile for me to realize that, too. I was afraid of fire and of being around it. But now.” Another small chuckle. “Now I can cast fire with my eyes. Eyes you were afraid of me having. A friend of mine actually managed to find out more about where I came from. He’s like a brother to me now. Yurei Uchiha.” He paused while staring at the tombstone with no name. They did not think it needed one. “He showed me that I’m an Uchiha as well. These eyes… they’re not a curse, dad. They’re what’s going to change the world. I’ll be known by these eyes someday.” His weak smile faded. “I’ll get strong. Strong enough that what happened to you won’t happen to other people. I promise.

Damon sat there for a while, catching his father up on things. Thankfully, no one else was around to hear him. The other family had left long ago, after their loved one had been lowered into the ground. The Uchiha did not see anyone else around, either. After the sun began to dip below the horizon, he stood up. “I should probably get going. There’s always things to get done.” Damon put his hands in his pockets as a chilly breeze blew. “Love you, dad. I’ll make you proud.

WC: 3217
Claiming: 16 stats, 1998 words towards Uchiha Flame Formation (4000/4000), remaining 1219 words towards Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation (1219/4000)
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I Just Wanted Some Steak [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: I Just Wanted Some Steak [IO]

Tue Jan 16, 2018 5:43 pm
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I Just Wanted Some Steak [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: I Just Wanted Some Steak [IO]

Wed Jan 17, 2018 8:38 pm
Yurei maneuvered through the cemetery, weaving through the tombstones. Despite the sobbing of families, the Porcelain Chuunin could hear nothing. The world around him was dead. He focused only on himself and on the grave before them. Roshi Uchiha.

The young man stood in silence, staring at his father’s burial site. It had been so long since it happened, but the pain was still there. The guilt was still there. But something bubbled within Yurei, slowly rising. Something dark.

“Father,” Yurei muttered, looking upon the tombstone with distant eyes. “I’ve come back.” The Uchiha paused. He did not mutter a sound. He did not stir. He simply stood before the man who raised him, guided him. The man who struck him.

“You taught me many things, Father. More than anyone ever has other than my own experiences. I’ve learned a lot since we’ve last spoke…” Yurei tightened his hands. “I’ve come back to remind you that I set out to prove you wrong. To prove to you that shinobi were not evil, but guardians. Protectors. That they were good.”

Yurei chuckled, cracking a thin smile. “I was wrong.”

His faded eyes looked upon the risen dirt in its sporting of new grass. “I was naïve.” Tears began to emanate from his eyes, falling just past his eyelids. “This village betrayed me. It showed me just how wrong I was. That, despite all I sought to achieve and do, it would withhold information from me that bring me peace of mind. Others peace of mind. Shinobi are cruel. The Kage is cruel.”

Yurei pursed his lips. “But you were wrong, too,” he said. Ice was in his voice. “Shinobi were the target of your hatred, but I see now that it should have been something else. Something else entirely. Shinobi are cruel because this world is cruel. We live in it, every single day, and, despite all of our work, there is always hardship. And, more often than not, it is other people who cause so much pain. Not just shinobi. Shinobi killed your family. You hated them. And I became what you hate. But shinobi are not so different from other people. I’ve seen hate in them, too. In you, Father.”

The alabaster Uchiha shifted his eyes, gazing at the other graves. “You didn’t hate shinobi. You hated humanity – this evil world we all marinate in.”

“You became what you hated when you struck me. I have my regrets, and I thank you for my gift and the lessons taught… but you were the monster. I was a child – a child who wanted to change the world for you, for mother. And you only saw what you hated. Goodbye, Roshi Uchiha.”


WC: 3751

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Thu Jan 18, 2018 12:45 am
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