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Princess Love
Princess Love
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Intense training - Page 8 Empty Re: Intense training

Sun Jan 07, 2018 8:18 pm
(Your WC 566/250 Fuuin Lock. 316/250 Fuuin Breaking. 66/250 Mark Seal.)

"No, but they probably wouldn't be able to take it off. It wouldn't have any effect; If a different fuuinjutsu was used the formula could cover an area of a person's body and immobilize it. You can dual wield the locking but the breaking must be done with the dominant hand." Love almost facepalmed at one of his questions. "No." There were fewer questions this time so Love spent more time watching than explaining. He successfully locked it now he needed to unlock it. Love would continue watching until he successfully unlocked it, then she would place the scroll back in her weapon pouch and move on. "This last fuuinjutsu is called the Mark Seal. Watch carefully because it will disappear very quickly." Like before Love simply poked the boy's hand and a simple dot only millimeters wide appeared on his hand and then vanished. "It can be used for human summoning although the original use was for tracking. However, a higher ranked version called Mark Tracking can be used for that. The user of this jutsu can tell whether the seal is still active or not, but anything else requires that separate ability. The mark seal can be spotted through chakra vision like the sharingan and byakugan, but only Fuuinjutsu users can recognize it as a seal, though they still need to know this jutsu to be able to tell exactly what it is. So basically at this level, I can only tell whether you're alive or not. As for the human summoning, I don't know the non-animal summoning jutsu so you don't have to worry about random teleportation. Although if I did you could choose to ignore it however if my chakra level remains higher than yours I'd still be able to summon you even though you rejected it the first time."

WC: 304
Atarashī Senju
Atarashī Senju
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Intense training - Page 8 Empty Re: Intense training

Sun Jan 07, 2018 9:24 pm
Atarashi unlocks the fuuinjutsu lock and then he undoes the generic sealing jutsu that held the kunai knife in the scroll so that the kunai knife appears on top of the scroll. "Do you know the animal summoning jutsu? If you do, what animals can you summon? What are your summons like? How much more chakra do you need to force a human summoning than you would need to summon the human if they accepted the summons? When I figure out how to perform the mark seal can I please mark you with it so that I can try to figure out how to perform the human summoning jutsu?" Atarashi starts thinking about how he might perform the Mark Seal fuuinjutsu. 'It is justust a simple seal, and yet it can allow me to perform a human summoning and it can tell me if someone is alive or if they are dead. How can I do that with just a seal? What about the mark seal allows for that kind of information?' Atarashi starts swirling chakra in his right index finger tip as he starts to look at the spot where you marked him with the mark seal jutsu. 'It also disappears after the initial application of the jutsu. That would be simple enough, but the other things are where the problems arise.' Atarashi starts to concentrate some of his chakra into his right index finger. He then pushes his right index finger into your exposed finger. Atarashi inserts some of his chakra into your finger. Atarashi establishes a rather basic connection to the chakra in your finger and then pulls his right index finger away from you. For a moment there is a black dot on the tip of your finger and then it disappears after a moment.
Princess Love
Princess Love
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Intense training - Page 8 Empty Re: Intense training

Sun Jan 07, 2018 10:04 pm
(Your WC 365/250 Mark Seal. 115/250 Ventriloquism.)

"I can summon any kind of bear but so far I've only summoned one, a Japanese black bear. Marezou is a smart mouth, pain in the ass, lazy, gluttonous bear. A second try at human summoning after being denied would require the same amount of chakra as the first. Sure." Once the boy placed the mark seal on her Love would teach him the last thing he can learn from her. "The final jutsu of the day is a handy little puppetry technique I taught myself. It's the Puppet Art: Ventriloquism." She would first say in her own voice. "Not only can I change my voice to any voice I've heard or just a different sounding voice. I can also project my voice to sound as if it were coming from another location within 15 meters of myself." She would say in Atarashi's voice. "Send a little chakra to your vocal cords and give it a try." She said once again using her own voice.

WC: 165
Atarashī Senju
Atarashī Senju
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Intense training - Page 8 Empty Re: Intense training

Mon Jan 08, 2018 7:49 am
Atarashi stares in amazement at the use of the ventriloquism jutsu. But he then frowns. "Wait, this is the last jutsu? There aren't any more jutsu that you can teach me? that kind of sucks. This i really fun. Is there nothing else that you can teach me?" How he's able to say that he had a good time in spite of his earlier emotional break down is beyond you. There may be more to this kid's mental problems than you first thought there was. Atarashi starts to build up chakra in to his vocal cords in preparation of performing the ventriloquism jutsu. Once the chakra is in his vocal cords, Atarashi begins to force the to vibrate in such a way that the sound resonates in his mouth and that forces the sound of Love to be heard from right behind her real self. "Is this right?" (fuuin lock claim. fuuin breaking claim. 263/250 ventriloquism claim.)
Princess Love
Princess Love
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Intense training - Page 8 Empty Re: Intense training

Mon Jan 08, 2018 12:45 pm
"Unfortunately it is, you're not a Hyuuga nor do you have the lightning element." Love paused for a moment to comb over her arsenal. There was another genjutsu that she could teach him but it might put him into shock again. "Everything else comes with rank... Well, you already knew genjutsu release and I just taught you Body Flicker and Generic Sealing." Love thought aloud to herself. "Along with those jutsu, there is a skill that Chuunin are taught after receiving their rank up. If I teach it to you now becoming a Chuunin won't be as fun for you." However, if he decided he wanted to learn it any way she would teach him. "There is one other genjutsu I can teach you as well if you think you're up for it." Love would rather let him decide than to just withhold the knowledge.

WC: 145
Atarashī Senju
Atarashī Senju
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Intense training - Page 8 Empty Re: Intense training

Mon Jan 08, 2018 2:19 pm
Atarashi perks up when he hears that you will still be able to teach him. "Another genjutsu? What is it? Why did you not want to teach it to me? Is there some kind of drawback to using it?" Atarashi smiles and he gets really excited. He starts to build up his lost chakra in preparation.
Princess Love
Princess Love
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Intense training - Page 8 Empty Re: Intense training

Mon Jan 08, 2018 2:36 pm
Love forms the boar, dog, bird, monkey, and ram hand seals. "Demonic Illusion: Descending Hell." She says and suddenly there's intense heat filling the entire area. It's coming from a giant fireball in the sky, one hundred meters in circumference moving at a speed of fifty-five. The enormous thing seems to take up the entire sky and should Atarashi get up and run it will only follow him. Love decided that it would be easier to show him than it would be to tell him. Not to discourage him but to better explain her hesitation in teaching him. If she had flat out told him what would happen it might sound cool and he might've ended up feeling tricked once he actually experienced it first hand.

WC: 126
Atarashī Senju
Atarashī Senju
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Intense training - Page 8 Empty Re: Intense training

Mon Jan 08, 2018 7:59 pm
Atarashi watches you perform the hand seals very closely and tries to keep that combination in his mind so that he can try to perform the jutsu later. When Atarashi feels the heat he starts looking around the immediate area for what might be the source. He notices that while he can feel the heat pressing against his skin and making his clothing really uncomfortable, he doesn't seem to be sweating. Atarashi finds this really odd but decides not to comment on it as he's not sure if a genjutsu can even force you to sweat. He'll probably bring it up when he starts asking questions. Atarashi looks up to see the giant fireball in the sky and he watches as it continues to fall. Atarashi watches in awe as the fireball continues to fall and the heat in the area continues to increase. "This is so intense. If feels so real." Atarashi looks around the environment to see if the genjutsu will do anything to the surrounding environment. "What is supposed to make this jutsu convincing? Are there any jutsu like this that actually exist? Is it just supposed to exude heat and look like a giant meteorite? Does it do anything else? Am I immobilized?" Atarashi moves around in the genjutsu. "I don't seem to be immobilized in here but what about in the real world? Should I be sweating from the heat for real or should I be sweating from the heat jutsu in the genjutsu? Either way, I'm feeling the heat but I am not sweating." Atarashi waits for your reply.
Princess Love
Princess Love
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Intense training - Page 8 Empty Re: Intense training

Mon Jan 08, 2018 9:51 pm
"In a combat situation, you wouldn't have seen this coming. It would've felt like I'd actually created a giant fireball to kill you." As Love says this the giant heap of fire got even closer. The boy mentioned that he wasn't sweating but he just didn't feel it, not until now, his delayed awareness would probably lead him to be covered in more sweat than he thinks he's emitting once the jutsu is over. "I would imagine that the Uchiha who are mainly fire users have a jutsu like this. This is not a flaming space rock, it's pure fire. Like all genjutsu, the purpose is to distract. You're not immobilized but where you go it follows." Shortly after Love finished answering his questions the fireball would hit the earth and consume the boy. Luckily for him, it was only an illusion and he hadn't actually died. The landscape would've returned to normal like he was waking up out of a nightmare, with even his heart beginning to slow to its normal pace. Something he probably hadn't noticed either.

WC: 179
Atarashī Senju
Atarashī Senju
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Intense training - Page 8 Empty Re: Intense training

Mon Jan 08, 2018 10:45 pm
Atarashi starts too look himself over and starts taking "notes" as he observes everything that the jutsu did to him while he was under it's affects. He makes an estimate of how much he's perspired and how much his heart was rate accelerated. Atarashi then begins to contemplate how he could induce these effects with a single genjutsu. "I wouldn't have seen it coming, but that jutsu, like..." He tries to think of the right words to describe the point that he's trying to convey. " was, like, blotting out the sky. I've never heard of a jutsu that could blot out the sky with it's size like that giant fireball did. It was just so fricking big. A lot of the shock came from just how crazy a scenario was put in front of my eyes by the genjutsu. If that was based off of a real jutsu it has to be some kind of forbidden jutsu or a jutsu that requires a large amount of people collaborating on it to get it that big. That or it was some kind of jutsu that could only be cast with something like, I don't even know what." (I want to say rinnegan but I don't know how much of the Naruto lore has carried over to this system) Atarashi starts trying to ponder what kind of jutsu that could be based off of. 'If it was just a made up scenario created by the maker of the jutsu, they must have either not known that most single ninja can't cast a jutsu like that or he meant it for some kind of scenario that I can't think of right now. Maybe it would be best used in a large scale battle where that kind of large scale jutsu would be more possible to surface. Though even then, could a giant fireball like that even appear in a full blown battle between several nations at once? How could a jutsu like that fireball exist?' Atarashi stops his train of thought before he gets too far off track so that he can continue to work on figuring out this jutsu.

Last edited by Atarashī Senju on Tue Jan 09, 2018 12:39 am; edited 1 time in total
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