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Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
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Aspiring Assassins (p, nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Aspiring Assassins (p, nk)

Mon Jan 15, 2018 9:50 pm
Releasing the shadow imitation technique is a welcome relief for Satoru. He parts his hand from the rat seal lets them drop to his sides. The seven perpetrators previously making an unprepared attempt to assassinate some target within the Unseen University have been apprehended. Miyamoto and Satoru have made quick work of this situation, efficiently neutralizing the targets. The experience was thrilling, exhilarating, a taste of a ninja’s work.

But Satoru is quickly reminded that relishing in such emotions, taking delight in them, can cost one’s life. He is notified that the conflict is not yet over. A bomb goes off not far from the location here. It is close enough so that Satoru can feel the ground shake a bit and the wind created by the blast. He had let his guard down ever so slightly, enough to make his heart jump and to make his body flinch at the sound and the feeling and the suddenness of it all. He looks scared for a split second before he regains his cool, before Miyamoto sees his expression. It was like a civilian going about their day and a bomb like this going off. He partially ducked under his arms, hunched over, and shut his eyes tight. Like a scared, defenseless child. But, as was said, this lasts for no more than a second as he stands up straight and turns around to look at the cloud of black smoke with flames still present in them as they rise. The explosion just happened in conjunction with this attack. It is too much of a coincidence.

He turns towards Miyamoto as he speaks. The task is given to Satoru that he should head for the site of the blast and seek out one on one confrontations with the terrorists involved. He is also advised to wait for Miyamoto as he ties up the loose ends in this location.

Satoru moves swiftly, putting his previous slip of composure behind him. He is a shinobi. His legs are swift as he dashes from building tops to get a high ground view of the incident. There are already guards of the village apprehending all those who have reason to be suspects of the bombing. Not noticing anyone armed and prepared to engage on said guards, Satoru instead puts his attention towards aiding the officials in their work of gathering the potential suspects.

Satoru sees but one aside form the rest who are uninjured as well as just outside of the blast radius. So, reasoning that there are no terrorists as before in this area, as well as taking to heart the advice of Miyamoto to not engage anyone unless the confrontation is one on one, Satoru approaches and asks the man in question to come with him. He explains simply and calmly that none are to leave the premises and that he should come with Satoru in order to answer some questions about the events which transpired.

About here is where Miyamoto might appear.

Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Aspiring Assassins (p, nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Aspiring Assassins (p, nk)

Tue Jan 16, 2018 6:03 pm
Miyamoto would arrive just as Satoru would tell the lone figure that the premises were on lockdown and that he would be coming with him for questioning as he is at the site of a bomb explosion. Miyamoto watched as Satoru did what he did best and used his words to de-escalate the situation. He already had his Kanabo pulled out and waited for the moment that he would finally move in and strike. This was a good time though to see exactly how he would react to a dangerous situation. The lone man was not Isshin as Miyamoto would find out, but the dress was eerily similar to the man that trained with him before. If he was correct, it was one of the men that he fought against to prove to Isshin that he was not a puppet to his whims.

Scanning the area Miyamoto would keep a lookout for Isshin or any more of his followers as he tried to make sure that he had his teammates back. Should the two fight Miyamoto would step out of the shadows to find himself face to face with Isshin himself as Miyamoto would go to swing at the man before him, watching as Isshin would dodge and bat away his attack with ease he would point to both Satoru and the lone monk out in the bomb site.

"It comes to show, who is the better teacher then?" He would ask in a curious manner as Miyamoto would sigh and then resign himself to watching Satoru's fight only instead of helping him.

Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Ryo : 10650

Aspiring Assassins (p, nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Aspiring Assassins (p, nk)

Wed Jan 17, 2018 3:51 pm
[Quick mid-thread claim: 20 stats, 4,000 words towards mastering stage one of the heaven seal (complete)]
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Aspiring Assassins (p, nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Aspiring Assassins (p, nk)

Wed Jan 17, 2018 3:57 pm
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Aspiring Assassins (p, nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Aspiring Assassins (p, nk)

Wed Jan 17, 2018 6:29 pm
Mid Thread Claim

1500 towards Learning and Mastering Hidden Mist
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Aspiring Assassins (p, nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Aspiring Assassins (p, nk)

Wed Jan 17, 2018 6:48 pm
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Summoning Contract : Salamanders of Rain Country
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Ryo : 10650

Aspiring Assassins (p, nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Aspiring Assassins (p, nk)

Thu Feb 22, 2018 8:23 pm
(Comedic rambling begins here, read the next three paragraphs in a somewhat sarcastic tone)

It is likely due to Satoru looking weaker than the other shinobi in the area. They aren’t paying much attention to the current location and Satoru doesn’t even wear the forehead protector of the village let alone any headband at all. This particular person may feel as though Satoru is simply some ninja in training attempting to stand out by helping the real officers. Along with this, the situation is one versus one with the odds in the stranger’s favor. He might intend to kill Satoru, steal whatever money or valuables are on his person, and escape while everyone is shocked and confused.

Of course, none of this is known to Satoru until the hooded figure performs an act which clearly gives away his malicious intent. Really, it’s ironic. Satoru is basing his actions on refraining from engaging in an outnumbering confrontation and yet here he is one-to-one and in quite a bit of danger. Granted, how is he to know that this particular person is connected in any way to the bombing or that he is armed and dangerous? Without the ability to sense chakra, Satoru is blind to those around him whom he does not know. Anyone can be a threat and this hooded figure is no exception.

If we want to be realistic, one might wonder why this person chooses to stay near the scene of the crime as it is being searched and probed. It may be true that the explosion was set off through means of a chakra trigger, the likes of which require the person using their chakra to be within some small area in order to activate the charge. This is most likely the case as no shinobi in their right mind would be so close to the authorities when pulling off such a crime. That is unless they plan to hide in plain site. Of course, doing so would require more skill and precision than this hooded figure most probably has. After all, how suspicious does it look to be wearing a hood in this situation, in this kind of weather, in this kind of climate, at this time of day, in this type of village? The answer, you might be surprised to hear it, is very much so; it looks very suspicious to do what this hooded figure is now doing. Does Satoru suspect anything?

(End of comedic rambling, continue to read in a natural tone)

Satoru, before engaging this person, of course suspects danger from him. As a ninja with his wits about him, it is nonsensical to enter any area without first making sure that it is safe. Satoru ran this assessment before leaping to the ground and found that the area is indeed unsafe. He continues forward with caution until he comes upon the hooded figure who has failed to flee the area. Unable to sense chakra, he keeps his wits about him and forms the ram seal quickly in order to warm up his chakra for use

His tactfulness pays off. Just after Satoru makes it known that he acknowledges the stranger, said stranger proceeds to turn his head quickly towards him. The hood keeps Satoru from clearly seeing where his eyes are looking. In truth, they dart straight to Satoru for a very short period of time in order to assess him. This is where the assumption that Satoru is no substantial force is made. After eyeing Satoru, the stranger moves towards him quickly while pulling a kunai out from his cloak.

Satoru, prepared for a fight, forms the rat seal just as the stranger takes his first steps. By the time Satoru’s shadow entraps the assailant, the kunai has been pulled out. The gaining of momentum along with the sudden stop causes the stranger’s hood to rustle off. The face of this man is slender as must be the rest of his body underneath his black cloak. His skin is light, almost pale. His hair is a light blonde and his eyes are brown in color. An initial look at this person might lead one to conclude that he is malnourished or dying of starvation. However, his next actions say otherwise.

Satoru has experience with enemies who have enough physical strength to break out of his shadow imitation technique. It takes quite a high level of capability to be able to do this. In his experience, only two have been able to do it and they both specialize in their physical strength for their fighting style.

Stranger here is no different. After being caught in Satoru’s shadow imitation jutsu, he pauses for a moment and his body flinches under his cloak as though he is experiencing slight muscle spasms. Following this, he uses brute strength alone to move in opposition to Satoru’s grasp. The assailant does not increase in size or musculature as far as Satoru can tell.

This development does not cause Satoru to hesitate or pause in the slightest. Having experienced a similar situation before, he simply takes a few steps back and draws his shadow to retreat. Then, as the enemy once again makes a charge forward, Satoru makes his second move. In his head, as he executes his next jutsu, he is thinking about how bad his opponent’s judgement must be for him to perform the same maneuver twice in a row. To charge head on is one thing but to do it again after just being stopped is nothing near smart. This failure to discern the strength of Satoru is taken advantage of. No time is wasted.

Satoru’s shadow leaps up from the ground with eight thin, sharp protrusions. These tendrils dart towards the coming foe and pierce him through. No vital organs are struck, only muscles and ligaments. This sewing job utilizes thin strings so the bleeding is very little. This is taken into account as Satoru acknowledges that his assailant must be kept alive in order to be questioned.

His foe struggles against the needles made from Satoru’s shadow. He was stopped no more than a meter from punching Satoru through the building behind. Clearly restrained now, Satoru keeps the rat seal held and looks around for assistance.

(1,044/1,044) (WC from before the mid-thread claim is being left out)

Last edited by Satoru Nara <3 on Sun May 06, 2018 7:58 pm; edited 4 times in total
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Aspiring Assassins (p, nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Aspiring Assassins (p, nk)

Wed Feb 28, 2018 7:44 pm
Miyamoto watched the fight with interest that rivaled concern one might have for a family member instead of a team member. As the fight drew on, Miyamoto had to ask.

"Do you really think that the Kage would even be here in the university, or are you just trying to disrupt transitions of everyday shinobi. More so, how does it feel to have yet another disciple show you failure, except this time it is through loss rather than one turning away." Miyamoto tried to goad him on as Isshin walked forward to Miyamoto and with a smile he moved to attempt a simple strike at Miyamoto, but the televised movement was easy to track as Miyamoto blocked and redirected before giving his old teacher a grin in defiance.

"The games you play are that of an old world...dying ways of a dying man I say." Miyamoto further taunted the man as he watched Saroru and his opponent and Isshin at the same time. After a while, though it was apparent who was the stronger fighter in this scenario. Satoru was able to control and manipulate his chakra more freely thus allowing his shadow jutsu to be even stronger than what hea had even read about in those dusty old books that were in the library. When Satoru asked for assistance, Miyamoto glanced back to see that Isshin was no longer there. Retreat? Distraction? What was he planning?

Miyamoto was quick to arrive at Satoru's aide as he used Body Pathway Derangement to render the attacker limp as he fell to the ground. Once it was over Miyamoto looked up to his team member.

"Let us head inside to make sure that there is nothing more for these fools to think that they have a chance at taking the village Kage." He would say as shinobi forces were beginning to arrive en masse.

Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Ryo : 10650

Aspiring Assassins (p, nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Aspiring Assassins (p, nk)

Sun May 06, 2018 8:49 pm
Miyamoto’s aide is most welcome. As is typical of the Nara clan’s shadow techniques, the shadow sewing technique drains the stamina of the user quite rapidly when not properly managed. At the current state, Satoru may be able to hold the assailant for another thirty seconds or so before needing to release the technique and think of something else to hold the enemy at bay with. However, the chuunin arrives at the right time.

“This is the best I can help now. I’m sorry, but my shadow techniques drain my chakra too quickly.” Satoru informs Miyamoto. “This terrorist has been apprehended thanks to you. But this operation is obviously bigger than a genin such as myself. I should go. But if you need me for anything, I will be in the food district.”


[Claims: 1,000 words towards Curse Seal Stage 2, 5 stats]
Madrigal Kaguya
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Aspiring Assassins (p, nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Aspiring Assassins (p, nk)

Mon May 07, 2018 6:22 am
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