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Bobby Hill-chan
Bobby Hill-chan
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A new leaf (p) - Page 2 Empty Re: A new leaf (p)

Wed Dec 27, 2017 3:56 pm
The messages Thor was sending to Tsume were all falling short so he decided he may need to be more up front. Then Thor saw the beautiful bird and he saw Thor, then he realized something Haku was his wing man. The bird was going to help him, the boy might be oblivious but the bird wasn’t.

Then the steaks were done they sat down and ate. He cut small chunks and savored the red steak it wasn’t salted and that was the way he liked it the meat was speaking to Thor. Then the bird and Tsume had a conversation and his wing man came through. From what Thor could gather from one side of the conversation, Haku wanted him and Tsume to go out leaving him alone.

“We can go to the wild life reserve or the water gardens it is your pick.”
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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A new leaf (p) - Page 2 Empty Re: A new leaf (p)

Wed Dec 27, 2017 8:28 pm
Tsume sighed but smiled. Hakucho was a strange bird but they both knew each other really well.  What Tsume could pick up was that Haku saw something in Thor that Tsume didn't. Thor chimed in giving two beautiful options for places to go. "Hmmm," Tsume thought out loud. "What about the wildlife reserve, all the winter animals are really nice looking." Tsume got up and opened a closet towards the front door, pulling out his katana and coat. It was a slick black coat made of wool. He attached his katana, which he never left the house without. He slipped on some gloves, a hat and a scarf. "Alright, I'm ready," Tsume announced. He looked at Haku. "Don't cause trouble." He teased. The Chokyoshi waited for Thor before slipping outside with him. 

Tsume walked through the snow and to the wildlife reserve hopefully with Thor beside him. "I don't know what's up with that bird, he's never really acted like that..." Tsume explained. "Normally he would leave with me, he worries me sometimes." The Chokyoshi chuckled.
Bobby Hill-chan
Bobby Hill-chan
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A new leaf (p) - Page 2 Empty Re: A new leaf (p)

Wed Dec 27, 2017 10:48 pm
Thor sat there as the boy grabbed the katana and his coat Thor grabbed his black sweater and ring from where he had left them. Then he picked up his plate with the pieces of steak he had saved for Haku and walked over to his post and set it down whispering “thank you” under his breath so Tsume couldn’t hear it. Then he walked over to the door and opened it letting Tsume out the door saying “after you”.

After Tsume walked out Thor would follow closing the door behind him. Then he would start walking towards the wild life reserve. Walking side by side with Tsume.
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
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A new leaf (p) - Page 2 Empty Re: A new leaf (p)

Wed Dec 27, 2017 11:16 pm
Tsume wasn't sure how to feel, it curtain felt different going out with a guy without Hakucho. Although Tsume might have pieced it together, he wasn't certain, but his assumptions might be right. But again, he wasn't certain. He didn't wanna blow it with Thor to the point where it would ruin their relationship as it was. 

They arrived at the reserve. It was so beautiful with all the pure nature. It was so well kept even in the cold of winter. "So," Tsume started, "Do you have your eye on any girl?" This question was to lure him in, to see if his assumptions were true. Hakucho was always good at seeing if two people were good couples. Tsume could even call him the love expert. The Chokyoshi himself liked people but wasn't great at flirting or when he gets flirted on. Tsume continued the question, "I hear that love is the best way to find happiness, so I was just curious.

Last edited by Tsume Chokyoshi on Wed Dec 27, 2017 11:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
Bobby Hill-chan
Bobby Hill-chan
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A new leaf (p) - Page 2 Empty Re: A new leaf (p)

Wed Dec 27, 2017 11:54 pm
As they arrived at the wild life reserve Thor was walking beside Tsume slowly just ahead by mabey a 1/4 foot. Then he heard Tsume say so thir turned and looked at the boy deep into his eyes almost getting lost. He was ready for a relationship but he didn’t know if Tsume was the one or Haku.

Then the man asked him if he liked girls in the most roundabout way possible it ticked Thor off slightly. “Sometimes it depends on the girl but right now the thing I like is you.” Then he would look down ever so slightly. And creep his hand towards the boys placing it upon tsume’s allowing him to grasp it if he wants. Then look up into the boy’s eyes his own blazing with delight and passion just wanting the shinobi he likes to do the same thing to him. Slowly he would creep getting closer to the boy unless he rejected Thor hand in which case Thor would get up and take out his kuni before cutting a small turf of the boy’s hair out. Then he would stuff the hair into the boy’s ear and storm off
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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A new leaf (p) - Page 2 Empty Re: A new leaf (p)

Thu Dec 28, 2017 12:29 am
Now, it was time for the shock of his life. Thor responded with a not just a broad statement, he responded who he liked as well. Which was him. This hit Tsume hard, but not in a bad way, a good way. He had never had anyone tell him that they had a crush on him. "M-me?" He replied meekly. Thor placed his hands on Tsume. He let him, but he was shaking a bit. He looked into Thor's eyes as he looked into his. Tsume didn't know what to do, but he wanted it. He's always dreamt of having someone in his life like that. Boy or girl, it didn't really crush the desire. Tsume tried regaining himself, "'re the first to ever tell me that..." Then, Tsume wanted to just kiss him out of pure joy outburst. But he didn't because he didn't know if it would be taking it too fast. "Thor..." He started and looked back into his eyes. " you too." Oh, you couldn't imagine how much work it took for Tsume to say that.
Bobby Hill-chan
Bobby Hill-chan
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A new leaf (p) - Page 2 Empty Re: A new leaf (p)

Thu Dec 28, 2017 1:09 am
The boy responded meekly and this made Thor skip a beat. Was he going to tell him no. Then he didn’t reject Thor hands and he realized that the man before him was shaking. He leaned in close holding him tightly till the shaking subsided. Then Thor leaned back out and the conversation continued. He said that this was the first time anyone had ever said anything like this him. That didn’t surprise him he was bird boy in everyone else’s eyes.

He said he liked Thor back and then Thor closed the final gap between them. Going for the kill.
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
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A new leaf (p) - Page 2 Empty Re: A new leaf (p)

Thu Dec 28, 2017 11:55 am
It was too late for Tsume to take back anything at this point. Well, not like he wanted to take anything back. He meant every word. The next thing Thor did almost have Tsume a heart attack. He took a step closer, a sign that he wanted to kiss Tsume. It was tempting, so very tempting. So, he gave in to the temptation. Tsume also moved closer until their lips made contact. He didn't care what happened next, he was living the moment. 

Hakucho, which followed the couple to watch this happening, watched from a nearby tree about 5 meters away. If Thor allowed Tsume to kiss him, Hakucho would watch it happen.
Bobby Hill-chan
Bobby Hill-chan
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A new leaf (p) - Page 2 Empty Re: A new leaf (p)

Thu Dec 28, 2017 11:34 pm
Thor looked deep into Tsume’s eyes using temporary paralysis on him as this needed to be done. He wasn’t cut out for this world. Thor had resigned his fate the date he became a ninja of Hoshigakure. He wasn’t religious and shouldn’t be. He wasn’t normal and in the desien he had resigned himself to Thor had to be. Thor used his threads inside to end his own life. He just couldn’t take it anymore Thor wasn’t meant to be like everyone else and he needed to be. The threads within shot straight through his chest ripping out his heart and letting it fall to the ground. Then with the last concenous thought he ever had destroyed his brain turning it into a mush or soup like he had had at an in once. 

His lifeless body fell into a heap blood spattering onto the ground and his ring clattering onto the ground rolling towards Tsume. (You can have the ring I don’t care as I’m dead.) his hair sopping with blood and his brains fatty tissue.

Exit unless he pulls something
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A new leaf (p) - Page 2 Empty Re: A new leaf (p)

Fri Dec 29, 2017 1:52 am
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