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Bobby Hill-chan
Bobby Hill-chan
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A new leaf (p) Empty A new leaf (p)

Tue Dec 26, 2017 8:01 pm
Thor woke up from his fifth day sober. He had finally gotten better and looked much older than a boy his age should. He had lost much of his liquid but he finally felt good. Thor felt like he had kicked his habit and wanted to celebrate. Thor got up from his couch and walked to his shower. He turned it on and sat down in the shower. The water was hotter than he had ever felt before. Laying there as the water scalded his body. Then he turned the water off and got out his back stinging slightly as he placed a shirt on. He put on a pair of tan slacks that he had ironed the night before. Thor was ready for the real world. He was ready to truly get to know someone. Thor had dropped a drinking habit and felt that he was ready to meet someone. He placed a nice sweater on and walked out the door only caring his wallet and his ring. The headband was under his sweater, he wanted to present a different side of himself than he usually did.

Thor walked down the Main Street arriving at the grocery store extremely quickly. He walked into the meat section and wondered what he should get. He looked around and saw pork belly. He grabbed the package and brought it to the butcher. He asked for it to be sliced thinner than it already was. Then the butcher repacked it and handed it back to Thor. Thor bought it along with a bouquet of simple white lilies and a can of Flower tea. He walked out the door and started running home. He arrived extremely quickly and had one thing to do before he went to his final destination. Thor took out a platter and placed the pork belly onto the plater. 

Thor walked out the door and started slowly towards his destination. Being careful not to disturb the beautiful bed of porky goodness he was holding. He walked up to the boys appartment and knocked. Setting the flowers behind his back and the platter in front of him.

When the door was answered Depending on who it was thor would either answer or ask for Tsume

If Tsume answered Thor would say “hello, long time no see. I have brought a few gifts for you and hachuco.” Then Thor would reveal the flowers from behind his back towards Tsume and hand them to him lovingly. Then say “ I brought hachuco some pork belly, I don’t know if he wants it cooked but I can cook it for him if he would like.”

If Someone he didn’t know answered Thor would kindly ask to see Tsume  .
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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A new leaf (p) Empty Re: A new leaf (p)

Tue Dec 26, 2017 9:49 pm
Today was another slow day. Not much was going on for the duo. No missions and nothing in particular to train. So Tsume slept in along with Haku. Once they did wake up, they did their normal morning routine. Tsume got up and entered the relaxing beating of the shower while Haku rested a bit more until he got out. Once he did, Tsume looked cleaner, with a nice washed body and wet messy hair, but it wasn't disgusting messy, almost a hot mess. Tsume wasn't quite done, he only had a towel on. 

As he was getting changed in his room, Tsume heard a knock at the door. "Be there in a moment!" He shouted to the person outside could hear. Wonder who that could be? Both Tsume and Hakucho thought curiously. The Chokyoshi didn't invite anyone over, so it must be a friend or family member outside. Hakucho travelled to the bird's post by the door while Tsume quickly slipped on his clothes and opened the door. 

To his surprise, Tsume saw Thor standing there with a pork belly. He said his greetings and explained the pork belly was for Haku. He also got Tsume a present, some flowers. Tsume found this odd, he had never gotten a gift from a guy. Hakucho perked hearing the pork belly was for him. Tsume took both the gifts. "Thank you, Thor." He smiled gratefully, not a hit of fakeness. "Would you like to come in?" Tsume then invited, "I wouldn't wanna leave you out here in the cold." 

If Thorfinn followed him in, Tsume would place the meat on a table for Hakucho to consume, not needing it to be warm. Tsume invited Thor to the couch in the living room. Tsume liked things to be clean, but he wouldn't obese it, so the living room seemed warm and welcoming to the blue painted walls and fireplace in front of the couch, it was lit so the flame shadows licked the walls and couch. Tsume was quickly making work of the flowers, putting them in a vase and filling it with water. He then placed the flowers on the mantel above the fireplace. "I wasn't expecting a gift from anyone, so I have nothing for you." Tsume explained, feeling a bit guilty. 

Wc: 382
Bobby Hill-chan
Bobby Hill-chan
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A new leaf (p) Empty Re: A new leaf (p)

Tue Dec 26, 2017 10:13 pm
Thor was standing there happily wondering who would answer when he heard the man he was after scream the he would be with Thor in a moment. When the door was opened Thor handed him the flowers happily and the boy seemed very delighted by them. He also placed the pork belly onto the table. For hachuco to in joy. Then he invited Thor in from the cold weather outside. Thor was overjoyed and came as as the boy invited.

When he came in he attempted to pet hachuco lovingly. He would only attemp to pet the bird if hachuco didn’t object. His purpose here was to make a good impression on Tsume and Hachuco. He was thinking of the bird like the protective mother of Tsume. He had to get on his good side first. Then he took off the thick sweater he was wearing exposing the taut muscles undernearth a clean white shirt. “Wonderful place you have here, truly lovely. How have you been, after the mission with the team I haven’t seen you much. But I’m guessing you have been loving that.” Then give a slight chuckle at the self deprecating joke hoping that Tsume saw it the same way he did.

He then said something about not having anything for Thor this gave Thor a slight thought but he would sit on it till later. “Oh no it was no trouble in fact I really like giving gifts to people who have helped me on my journey.” He would then take the can from his pocket concealing the label hoping the boy would see it as a can of beer and prod him on his alcohol problem. He wanted to talk about how much he meant to Thor and how he had helped him on his journey to sobriety. But he didn’t want to seem self centered to a potential love interest.
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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A new leaf (p) Empty Re: A new leaf (p)

Tue Dec 26, 2017 10:36 pm
Thankfully, Thor entered his humble home. After entering, he tried petting Hakucho, which he would allow for now, as he gave him pork belly. Hakucho started to like Thor, but Thorfinn was still very watchful. The other shinobi made himself at home, taking off his sweater and sitting on the couch. He asked how he had been and if he has been liking the break. "I've been doing alright, although, without all the missions, it's been quite boring. So I've tried to fill the void with training." 

Thor also responded to what Tsume said, saying that it was actually helping him through his journey. Journey? Did he wonder, To become a better shinobi? Then he smiled again. "Well, I'm glad the power of giving to others have helped you through your journey." Hakucho had finished his pork belly and landed on the post made for him on Tsume's side. He shrieked. Tsume translated for him. "He says thank you." 

Tsume looked at the boy, analyzing like always. "So, what kinda of a journey are you on? Or is that a secret?" Tsume asked, generally curious. He remembered he first time they met, he was drunk. A bit washed up and venerable. Maybe it was something about his drunkenness, Tsume thought.   

TWC: 592
Bobby Hill-chan
Bobby Hill-chan
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A new leaf (p) Empty Re: A new leaf (p)

Tue Dec 26, 2017 11:11 pm
As Thor petted Hak he smiled happily. The bird had wonderful feathers that were Snow White and as soft as the down from a goose pillow. He complemented the bird to the best of his ability.” Thank you, your coat is as fine as silk and your wings look as shiny as a platinum coin.” Then bow and continue on with Tsume.

“I have been extremely under the weather after a kicked a few habits, so I haven’t been able to train but I hope your training has been going well.” Then smile and look at him convincingly, he wanted the man to like him so he was trying to keep the conversation rather neutral.

The boy wasn’t giving as much enthusiasm as he had hoped but mabey that would change as they warmed up like the sun rising upon a bed of freshly fallen snow. “My journey has been more of a journey into my self, I wanted to become a human who doesn’t rely on substances to be happy. I would rather have relationships with people that fill me with happiness rather than substances.”

He asked earlier about if his journey was a secret, he thought for a moment then answered thinking intensely.” I would rather live foreword showing a new leaf than my old colors. But I feel comfortable sharing with you.”

He would then ask some more personal questions as he didn’t know much about his family or his life style.
“So changing the subject do you live here alone or with someone else.”
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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A new leaf (p) Empty Re: A new leaf (p)

Tue Dec 26, 2017 11:50 pm
Tsume was pleased with Thor comfortableness with him to explain his journey, the journey through his life.  Poor guy must have been through a lot. He's so brave changing his ways by himself. Hakucho was pleased with Thor as well. So much has changed about him. Hakucho knew about Tsume attraction to guys as much as he had an attraction to girls. So, Haku was actually liking Thor's new personality that even he would consider getting Tsume with Thor. Tsume was embarrassed to even in his own thoughts to think of it. Attraction to girls was normal, so he knew how to do it based on society. He didn't know how to be with a guy, or even if he would be accepted. But then he got his thoughts back together, maybe he was just getting too deep into it. Plus they were work partners, he's never heard of anyone falling for a coworker. 

The conversation changed. Thor asked if Tsume lived alone. "I live with Haku but that's it." He explained. "I don't know if Haku would let anyone else live here." He teased, chuckling. "What about you? Do you live with any family or friends?" Tsume asked, reflecting the question.
Bobby Hill-chan
Bobby Hill-chan
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A new leaf (p) Empty Re: A new leaf (p)

Wed Dec 27, 2017 12:28 am
He seemed pleased with Thor changes and this pleased Thor as well. He had changed to make the people he cared about happy and it seemed to have worked. He had always liked everyone the same but he felt something special towards the young man. He looked directly at his eyes and his well toned body. 

The boy answered that he lived alone and this caused Thor some joy, they were both just lone wolves or lone hawks in his case.” I live in a rather small appartment near the edge of the village it’s just me.” He was rather self conscious about why he was alone and he didn’t know if he wanted the boy to push him. He wouldn’t say no if he asked but he wasn’t sure if he could talk about it with anyone. But if he could this was the person.

Depending on if he pressed him Thor would change the conversation or tell him the story. If he changed the conversation Thor would ask “are you hungry, I’m starving. If you want I can cook a diner.” Then he would turn towards Haku and say “I have some fresh beef flank at home if you want me to I can go grab it.”
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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A new leaf (p) Empty Re: A new leaf (p)

Wed Dec 27, 2017 1:12 am
Thor responded to Tsume question, well kinda. All he answered was that he lived in an apartment. He didn't say if he lived with family or not. But that seemed to answer itself with Tsume analysing skills. When they first met, he was hung over. So that either the absence of an adult figure or a neglectable one. And the drinking itself means that he was trying to escape something he didn't want to face. What was really curious was how quickly he changed. Maybe he had found a decent role model. He wondered who it was, he wondered if it was him. 

Since Tsume didn't change the conversation, Tsume asked, "Hey, you hungry? I can make a killer steak." Then he also added. "Also I owe you a bit, not just for the gift, but the company, it's been boring around lately." Haku felt a bit insulted and glared at Tsume. Tsume chuckled and rubbed under his chin. "Hey, I can like more than just your for the company." Haku just rolled his eyes.

If Thor agreed to the meal, he would get up and to the kitchen, which was just a room over. Hakucho joined him, landing on the bird post in there. There was a bird post at least in every room of the house for Haku. While getting the stuff out for the steak, Tsume told Thor something. "You know, if you ever need a place to crash, I have the couch out could stay on." This was true for all his friends, that was the benefit of having your own house. But for Thor, he knew that he might really need if, especially if his prediction was correct.
Bobby Hill-chan
Bobby Hill-chan
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A new leaf (p) Empty Re: A new leaf (p)

Wed Dec 27, 2017 1:42 am
Thor just sat there on the couch admiring the boy and his bird when he offered to cook. This surprised Thor but made him happy in his own right. “You don’t owe me anything. I promise.” Then he turned to Haku if Tsume ever gets on your nerves I’ll be happy to take him off your hands for a few hours. You could throw a house party or something.”

Thor was watching the man cook his steak he started to think before the man said something about how he could crash on the man’s couch. He thought for a second the said “I have a couch at home but I would like to sleep in a bed.” Then wink at the shinobi and take a sip of his tea. He had many thoughts going through his head but he let the all pass bye. All Thor cared about was being happy.
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
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A new leaf (p) Empty Re: A new leaf (p)

Wed Dec 27, 2017 12:41 pm
Thor explained that there was nothing Tsume owed him, but he would still make the steak, whether he liked it or not. Then he heard something that made his spine shiver. He told the bird that he could take Tsume out while the bird stayed. Tsume wasn't sure how to take that. Is Thor...Flirting? With me? Tsume shook it off again as his mind just playing tricks again.

Thorfinn also responded to Tsume offer in a strange way. He said he'd prefer a bed over a couch. "O-oh, I guess I could sleep on the couch and you could sleep on the bed if you ever need it." Tsume didn't understand that kind of flirting, especially not being able to see the wink he made. Hakucho saw, his beck dropped in awe. He looked at Tsume, then Thor, giving Thor a cheeky smirk. 

The steaks were done, and Tsume put them on a plate and placed them on the table in front of the couch. "Here you are." Tsume said placing them in front of Thor. Tsume took his own and started eating, cutting the pieces and then picking them up with the fork. Hakucho shrieked to tell Tsume something. "You want me to leave for the evening? With Thor? Don't you wanna come?" Tsume asked, in response to Haku. Hakucho shrieked again. "Really? You slept for hours." Hakucho shrieked almost angrily. "Wow, ok jeez, maybe you do need a nap." Tsume chuckled. The Chokyohsi turned to Thor, "Haku wants to be alone for a nap. which is strange, he normally comes with me everywhere." Then he asked, "Do you want to head anywhere afterwards?" 
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