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Honor Thy Father - Page 2 Empty Re: Honor Thy Father

Sun Dec 24, 2017 5:02 pm
Yurei rubbed behind Esu’s ears, kneeling and stroking the dog. The boy turned to face named, his eyebrows nearly touching his eyes in an expression of utmost concern. “Akio wouldn’t leave behind Esu, would he? There’s no one home and…”
The alabaster Uchiha’s memories come flooding back.
“Akio,” he had said. “Are you planning on leaving the village?”
There was something wrong. Something in his eyes. Yurei heard what Akio had said, but the words were meaningless. He knew the truth.
Akio had to get away. He had to leave the village. He ran away. And I didn’t do anything to stop him! Why!?
Yurei pounded his head with his palm. Tears began to swell in his eyes. “Akio’s leaving the village,” the Uchiha said, biting his lips. “He told me he wasn’t, but I knew the truth. And I didn’t say anything because I couldn’t blame him.”
Water ran down Yurei’s cheek. “But if he’s leaving the village, he’ll be killed. Damn it! I’m so stupid!” Yurei jolted his head to Damon. “We have to save him. We have to tell the Hogokage, and maybe we can get him back! If he’s left Esu behind, then something can’t be right with all this!”
Yurei stood up, signaling Esu to follow him.

WC: 1193
Stat Page : The Tengu
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Honor Thy Father - Page 2 Empty Re: Honor Thy Father

Sun Dec 24, 2017 8:31 pm
Akio tried to leave? But was he successful? Otherwise… Otherwise Damon would have lost one of two people with whom he shared a bond. Akio and Yurei were the only two shinobi in Hoshigakure that he fully trusted. After losing his father, Damon had come to rely on himself too much, only to try to find solace in his friends. While he was closer with Yurei than anyone else, Damon still undeniably shared a bond with the Inuzuka. It’s quite easy to get emotionally attached to a friend quickly after losing a loved one, such as his adoptive father.

“Are we going to talk to the Hogokage together?” was the only question that Damon asked of Yurei.

Damon’s hand clenched into a fist. If Akio had actually been killed, the two Uchiha would be devastated. There were not many people one could afford to trust in the shinobi world. And Damon could not afford to lose someone else who was dear to him. If anything… the young chuunin thought to himself. If he has died… I will need to better myself. For his memory and for that of my father’s.

WC: 1721
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : The Oni
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Honor Thy Father - Page 2 Empty Re: Honor Thy Father

Sun Dec 24, 2017 11:23 pm
“No. I’ll speak with the Hogokage. I want you to patrol the borders of the village. Maybe the main gate. See if you can find any signs of Akio. Just do whatever you can.” Yurei’s voice was clear and imperative, but with sympathy and concern behind it.
Yurei sighed, turning away from Damon as he went to the Kage’s chambers. He had never spoken to the Hogokage. The leader of the village had no profound impact on Yurei, his life, or on those he cared about, but still he desired the position. With him in charge, no shinobi would ever want to leave the village.
None! And he would make it a reality.
“Come on, Esu!” Yurei yelled, calling the dog to his side. “And Damon…” the Uchiha called out, glancing at his friend with a turn of the head. “Please bring Akio home.”
With that, Esu and Yurei walked together to the center of the village. Yurei’s father had left this world. Akio could not. None of his friends could because that’s how Hoshigakure will be saved.
With unity.
Akio, Damon, Yurei. All together. All united in this war.

WC: 1383



Esu (Akio's Dog, No Stats), 1383/3000 WC for this
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Honor Thy Father - Page 2 Empty Re: Honor Thy Father

Mon Dec 25, 2017 2:26 am
Damon felt that that was the right move. He did not know the Hogokage, and had nothing against him, but Damon was much more concerned with Akio. Damon believed that he would function better if his thoughts and actions were directed to finding Akio instead of trying to get answers from someone he did not know. If Akio is even able to return home. But Damon kept his thoughts to himself. Hope was a fleeting concept, one which he longed to keep. It would not be fair to Yurei if Damon crushed the hope of the white haired Uchiha.

After Yurei had left, Damon headed towards the main gate. Perhaps there was something to find. Although, he would much prefer if there was nothing out of the ordinary. No sign of a struggle. If Akio truly had tried to leave, perhaps he succeeded. Damon activated his sharingan in order to scan his surroundings better. That’s when he noticed something off to the side of the main road. Some wood chippings. Normally, he would not have cared about such a small detail, but now, he was looking for anything. Did Akio break something? Or worse, did someone chasing him break something in pursuit of him. His mind raced with endless possibilities. People bustled around him, paying him no attention at all. Was this what it meant to be a shinobi in Hoshigakure? Being forgotten?

Is this what Akio saw? Did he lose his sense of purpose after seeing the way that this village seemed to treat their shinobi? Damon sat on the side of the road, twirling the piece of broken wood in his hands. The Uchiha had always wanted to be a legend. To have people know his name far and wide as one of the most renowned shinobi of his time. But what had he done to earn it? Damon stood up and pocketed the splintered piece of wood to show Yurei after his meeting with the Hogokage. Damon began walking towards Akio’s empty house, as he had nowhere else to go.


WC: 2064
Claiming: 10 stats and Space-Time Second Spec
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Honor Thy Father - Page 2 Empty Re: Honor Thy Father

Mon Dec 25, 2017 7:41 am
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