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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
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Ryo : 44150

Honor Thy Father Empty Honor Thy Father

Thu Dec 21, 2017 1:19 am
The eyes of the Uchiha shot open. Consciousness.

He had been asleep for quite a while. Almost like he had barely been active for months. But for some ungodly reason, he was awake now. He looked up towards the sky. The sun seemed to be rising now, and based on its position, he would guess it was around six. In the morning. He sat up groggily and took in his surroundings. It seemed as though he had last decided to take a nap at the base of a tree. He had totally forgotten what living situation he had had last. Was he still living in a cathedral or wherever he was? He had very little possessions and was able to use his pocket dimension for items he had to store.

Perhaps it was time to find a home.

Damon stood up and gathered what little things he had. With his bag all packed up, he signed the two whatever handseals were needed for storage displacement, allowing for his bag to disappear into a cloud of particles, safely tucked away for whenever he would need it next. It really was unbelievably handy. And the concept as a whole intrigued him. The fact that there are other dimensions, unseen by the human eye, even the mighty three tomoe sharingan.

Even when he had been a traveling merchant alongside his adoptive father, the boy had marveled at various shinobi, who found his childish curiosity amusing. These shinobi would perform tricks and jutsu for the boy, if for no other purpose than to see his innocent self awe at their feats. But as flashy as ninjutsu was, Damon took a greater interest in the jutsu under the category of Space and Time. The curiosity of the young lad had always been piqued by this specialization, especially due to his consistent travels. If he could somehow use his chakra in order to bend space and time to his will, he would have been able to skip long wagon rides and save time traveling between villages. Not to mention, it would have made life much safer for the two, eliminating the fear of bandits on the highways.

Perhaps now that he was an established chuunin, he could branch out more. He had originally learned ninjutsu as a manner to defend himself; now, he could delve into the arts of teleportation, space, and time. It would at least be something he could accomplish while trying to find an actual place to live. He had once been told that the city provided shelter to all those who needed it, but he did not necessarily want handouts. He wanted a place that he could make his own. A space he felt comfortable and at ease. So the search began. Damon began walking towards the village center, to better establish where he was in Hoshi, and where his new home should be.

WC: 482
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Honor Thy Father Empty Re: Honor Thy Father

Fri Dec 22, 2017 12:53 am
Yurei stretched, shifting his legs off of his bed. The night had been long, but his training was successful. Finally, Ninjutsu came easy to him. High level ninjutsu, that is. The pale Uchiha reached his alabaster arms to the top of his clothing rack, grasping his headband and quickly tying it across his forehead. He grasped his robe and slid his arms into the silk, tying it at the waist.

The albino Uchiha passed his mother’s bedroom as he descended through the hallway, noting the lack of the aromas that commonly filled the morning air. She hadn’t woken yet. The pale Uchiha took a deep breath, exhaling with a sharp shift of his lips to the corner of his mouth. Yurei took his mother’s door and pulled it to, and then he made his way to the front door.

Outside, the thin air within his home was replaced by the warm embrace of Hoshigakure’s sun. Perhaps too warm, but it was more welcoming than the sharp cold within his home. It was also significantly brighter.

The Chuunin twisted his torso, popping his back as he walked towards the center of the village. It wasn’t long before he came to a familiar sight, however: Damon Uchiha.

“Hey, Damon!” the pale boy shouted, waving as he ran. It had been awhile since he had seen his fellow Uchiha, and he had some exciting news to share. “I did it, Damon! I became Chuunin!”

WC: 241
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Ryo : 44150

Honor Thy Father Empty Re: Honor Thy Father

Fri Dec 22, 2017 1:42 am
Damon turned around at the sound of his voice, trying to see above the meager crowd of people that had gathered so early in the morning. It was not long before he saw the pasty face of his fellow Uchiha, Yurei. The boy that had shed light on Damon’s ancestry as an Uchiha. Whereas Damon had not carried the clan name originally, Yurei had introduced him to the very concept of the Uchiha clan, helping to allow Damon to understand what was happening to his eyes, an ability known as Sharingan.

By this time, he had woken up a bit, what with the loud noises of the crowd. “Yurei!” He called out to his friend as he drifted through the sea of civilians, struggling to break the tide. After he had succeeded, he was immediately greeted by the boy, who announced his promotion with pride. “That’s great! I did as well!” He smiled for a moment before his expression mildly faltered. “Wow, it seems like it’s been a while since we last talked, huh? It feels like we’ve been chuunin for a while, but we haven’t even talked since our promotions.” That’s when Damon got an idea. “We should get the gang back together, you know? You, me, Akio, and Esu. I haven’t seen them in quite some time, and you guys are really my only friends around here.” He scratched the back of his head. Just then, Damon’s stomach rumbled. “We should probably get food first though. Come on, I know a place.” The black haired Uchiha led the way to a diner towards the outer edge of the square, as it was less crowded and felt more homey.

A waitress approached their table, where she started with the traditional ‘Welcome, yada yada what do y’all wanna eat’ opener. “I’ll take some tea and pancakes,” Damon said rather quickly. He looked towards Yurei and whispered, “They make them shaped like shuriken here.”

WC: 924
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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
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Honor Thy Father Empty Re: Honor Thy Father

Fri Dec 22, 2017 1:58 am
Yurei gave a bright grin as he often did, chuckling through his teeth. “Yeah, it’s really exciting isn’t it? We’ve both come a long way. I’ve even started learning more about ninjutsu. Even learned an A-rank last night!”
The alabaster Uchiha’s grin faded into a smile, but his presence with not with less glee. However, he perked up at the mention of Akio and Esu. His eyebrows fell. Where was Akio? “I…” Yurei said in thought, “I haven’t seen Akio or Esu in a while, actually.” Dark thoughts seeped into Yurei mind. Had he left the village? No, he wouldn’t. Akio wouldn’t lie, would he?
Yurei quickly grew somber. The village had taken its toll on many shinobi, but Akio? The chuunin clenched his fist, if only briefly, at the thought of it.
“Yeah,” Yurei said, quickly perking up. He followed Damon, fiddling with a package he had recently received in the mail. It was some sort of Christmas cracker. Yurei was never really one for holidays. The meaning behind them was great, but they got in the way of his training too often. Still the item intrigued him.
As the two seated, Yurei quickly requested a small glass of water and continued fiddling with the item, while chuckling at Damon’s shuriken remark. With a small, crack, Yurei opened the cracker.

WC: 463
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Honor Thy Father Empty Re: Honor Thy Father

Fri Dec 22, 2017 1:58 am
The member 'Yurei <3' has done the following action : Roll Dice/Flip Coin

'20-sided dice' : 9
Stat Page : The Tengu
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 44150

Honor Thy Father Empty Re: Honor Thy Father

Fri Dec 22, 2017 4:07 pm
“It’s a snowflake.”

Captain… no. Admiral Obvious, after the promotion he would have just received based on that statement, only had a moment to think about it before his hot stack of pancakes arrived, already drowning in syrup. His eyes already off of what Yurei was looking at, Damon dug into the pancakes with a renowned fervor. He did not know when his last full meal was and did not plan to waste this opportunity.

“So,” Damon said, half a bite of pancake still in his mouth. He used his tea to wash down the rest of his bite, so he could speak clearly. “Do you know what that thing is supposed to do.” He then mumbled under his breath, “I don’t even know what that thing does but I want one.” Damon was more relaxed than he traditionally was. Perhaps after he found a house today, his life would be able to turn around, letting him focus more on jutsu and honing his skills. He and Yurei were chuunin now, and they could do their best helping to train Akio as well, since he was a genin. He decided to share this plan with Yurei.

“We should look for Akio tomorrow. Since we’re chuunin now, it’s our job to help guide the next generation of shinobi, right?” Damon gave Yurei a smile before taking another bite of his shuriken shaped pancakes.

WC: 1156
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Stat Page : The Oni
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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
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Honor Thy Father Empty Re: Honor Thy Father

Sun Dec 24, 2017 1:01 am
Yurei’s eyes gazed onto the snowflake, watching it twinkle in the sunlight. “No idea what it does, but it looks cool, doesn’t it?” The alabaster Uchiha smiled, the potential for a pun completely going over his head. The small Chuunin leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes in thought. This was soon interrupted by Damon’s mention of Akio.
Still that bothered him. The Uchiha could not help but feel that something was wrong. It ate at him, slowly ripping away his confidence.
“Yeah, that’s sounds nice. We should try and check out his house. Maybe ask his parents? We’d have to get rid of our ninja gear beforehand, though. His parents aren’t crazy about shinobi, but, well, that’s not really all that new.” Yurei’s lips shifted to the corner of his mouth. He quickly grew somber, looking directly at Damon as he spoke with the utmost concern in his gaze. “Do.. do you think Akio’s alright? Hoshigakure can be really dangerous, and well…”
Yurei thought back to when he last spoke with Akio. A few weeks, actually. He seemed so..
So off.
“I hope nothing’s happened to him. I’m trying my best, Damon, but sometimes this village…”
Yurei sighed, unable to finish his sentence.

WC: 669
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 44150

Honor Thy Father Empty Re: Honor Thy Father

Sun Dec 24, 2017 2:18 am
Well, Yurei sure knew how to kill the mood. Granted, he had a valid point. Damon looked down at his pancakes, suddenly not feeling very well. He pushed the plate towards the center of the table. “Yeah, we probably should.” Damon began to grab his kunai, shuriken, and various other shinobi tools before he repetitively signed the two handseals required for storage displacement. The items would all disperse into particles as they dissolved from this plane of existence into another one, a personal pocket dimension meant for his own ease. Such a useful skill, especially since he had no place to call home.

Damon knew all too well what this village could do. His adoptive father had been beaten and his home had been burned to the ground. He had only recently conquered his fear of fire before turning into a chuunin, using his jutsu as a way to expel his fears, expel his hate. He tried moving on but it seemed that this damn village would not let him. First his adoptive father. And his home. He “Let’s head out,” Damon would say, leaving an appropriate amount of ryo on the table to pay for his meal. With that, the two would head out the doors of the diner and towards the home of their dear friend.

WC: 1374
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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
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Honor Thy Father Empty Re: Honor Thy Father

Sun Dec 24, 2017 3:18 am
Yurei took another deep breath as he stepped out of the restaurant. Damon behind him, the boy set out to go to Akio’s house. “I just hope everything’s alright. When was the last time you saw Akio, Damon?” the albino Uchiha would ask, sighing.
The Chuunin remembered his last meeting with Akio. It had been weeks, but the conversation wasn’t pleasant. At least not in the way Yurei remembered it. It felt much like a haze now, however, and Yurei couldn’t remember what had been said for the life of him. He was too confused, too weary. Too worried.
Yurei’s breath began to subtly sharpen. Fear crept slowly into his mind, but it was a quiet thing. Possibilities scattered around in Yurei’s brain as he tried to come up with scenarios in which Akio was fine, just perhaps busy, or something of that nature.
“There it is,” Yurei said, pointing to the darker house ahead. The typical arguing of Akio’s parents was absent. Strange…
“Is…” Yurei peered through the windows as he got closer. It was dark, especially Akio’s room, from which he had escaped his parent’s tirade previously. The alabaster Uchiha walked to Akio’s window. It was silent inside. With a quick lift of the glass, however, Esu arrived, leaping onto Yurei and emphatically licking the boy.
“Ok, ok!” Yurei chuckled, tilting his face to keep the dog’s tongue out of his mouth. Yurei quickly jumped up, forcing the great dane to stand in front of him rather than atop the chuunin. The Uchiha laughed as Esu’s tail wagged, scratching him behind the ears and patting his sides.  
“Esu…” Yurei said, smiling.
But the smiling ceased, quickly fading. If no one is home, but Esu is still here…
“Where’s Akio,” Yurei said, his voice now concerned and somewhat stern. Esu whined, unable to reply. Something was wrong. Something was terribly wrong.

WC: 981
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Ryo : 44150

Honor Thy Father Empty Re: Honor Thy Father

Sun Dec 24, 2017 4:42 pm
Damon frowned at Yurei’s question. “It’s been a while. But in his defense, I basically went MIA for a while myself, as well.” Damon’s face hardened as the two approached the eerily quiet house. While Yurei wandered to Akio’s bedroom window, Damon instead chose to come around to the front door. He knocked, being the more straightforward of the two.

Nothing but silence. He knocked again, hearing his knocking echoing throughout the house. Not even Esu barked at the disruption, so the doggo must have been busy. That is when the dark haired Uchiha heard the commotion that Yurei was making, rounding the corner and seeing the boy with Esu. Who was notably lacking his human companion. He came up and scratched the ninken behind its alert ears as Yurei asked the boy where their friend was. Its ears drooped as he whined. Damon looked towards Yurei with a worried look in his eye. He couldn’t…

WC: 1531
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