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A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK)

Aryll Hyuuga
Jun Fuji
Anaphiel Hidemori
Hikari Namikaze
10 posters
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Aryll Hyuuga
Aryll Hyuuga
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A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK) - Page 7 Empty Re: A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK)

Mon Dec 04, 2017 9:23 am
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A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK) - Page 7 Empty Re: A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK)

Fri Dec 08, 2017 2:09 am
Kenshin had to admit, he was more than a little disappointed when the Namikaze began her descent. But more than that, he was thrown for a bit of a loop, as now he wasn't really sure what he was going to do to punish her for her actions. If she had chosen the second option then he would have simply beaten her into submission in front of this group of Genin, no doubt breaking some of her pride in the process, before forcing her to buy him a new set of clothes. If she had chosen the third option and tried to run he would have let her sweat for a few days, causing her to no doubt be jumping at her own shadows by the end of it, and only when she finally started to believe that he had forgotten would he actually capture her. He would then give her a much harsher beating, before once more forcing her to buy him a new set of clothes.

But this he had not been expecting, but he supposed that was the real mistake. He knew that the wannabe magical girl had feared him right from the moment that they had met, in fact it was something that he found to be rather amusing... but apparently he had underestimated just how powerful this fear of him truly was. Even Valen, the man who the silver haired Jounin had torn apart in combat as a Genin, before then breaking his leg to end their little fight, feared Kenshin less than the chestnut haired girl did. It was made even worse by the fact that all Kenshin had done to her in the past was throw her away from him and break the necks of two Shadow Clones... it was rather pathetic actually... or at least it was to him.

The stitched and scarred medic was not paying any attention to what the various Genin around him were saying, as it seemed that none of them were addressing either he or Hikari directly. But he did find it odd that the young woman was out here with a group of three Genin... surely Kyousuke hadn't been foolish enough to actually give her a Genin team. The very idea of multiple Hikari's running around Hoshi sent a shiver up his nonexistent spine... one of them was more than enough in Kenshin's opinion, and he had a feeling that a certain Hyuuga would share those sentiments. Out of the three Genin he knew Kotetsu the best, and had met Sanae once in passing, but the third he had never even met in passing. He was was quite obviously the oldest of the three, and if his chakra signature was anything to go by he was also the weakest... it was both sad and amusing really.

But that was enough of that, as Namikaze had finally landed only five meters in front of him. But when she reached the ground and faced him she did something that caused his eyes to open a little wider in shock... she activated the very same Doujutsu that he had first seen only yesterday, during his fight with Valen. She had also dispelled that strange transformation of hers, but he didn't pay much mind to that as he continued to look at the softly glowing golden eyes that she now possessed. That meant that both she and Valen were descendants of the same clan... but what clan was that, and what exactly was their relationship... ugh, this discovery came with far too many questions for his liking.

Ugh, and to make matters worse she had activated the eyes for the sole purpose of giving him puppy eyes. Perhaps she thought that doing so would result in him giving her an even lighter punishment than he had intended to... but if she thought that then she would be wrong. The scar faced albino would begin to walk towards the young Akari with a blank look on his face, which was still bright red in colour and looked raw to the touch thanks to the second degree burns that covered most of his body. When he got within one meter of the now golden eyed young woman the normally albino Jounin would send her a rather harsh glare.

"You're still buying me a new set of clothes after this." he would say as a small smirk appeared on his burnt and scarred face. With no warning Kenshin would exhale a cloud of chakra infused yellow gas directly into Hikari's face. The gas would have both a power and speed of 105, so the chance of Hikari doing anything to stop the gas before it crossed the short distance between them was rather slim. If Hikari was so much as touched by Kenshin's chakra infused cloud of gas then she would be completely paralysed. She would of course be able to breathe, but any form of movement, even blinking, would be impossible for her until the poison wore off.

When the girl began to involuntarily mimic a statue Kenshin would take one more step forward and reach towards her face, all the while reaching his left hand back into the weapons pouch that he had clipped to his belt. With the hand that he had extended towards Namikaze, he would rather gently grab ahold of some of her hair, while with the other hand he would withdraw a kunai from his weapon pouch.

"Since you have accepted your punishment so readily I doubt I need to give you any further reason to fear me, so it seems any sort of beating is out of the question. But I still need to send a message, so in exchange for my skin and clothes, I will be taking your hair." the half blood Uzumaki would say as he brought the kunai to the hair that he held in his hand. He would cut the hair from her haid quite close to her scalp, leaving at most an inch in that spot, before starting to take more handfuls of her hair and repeating the process.

By the time Kenshin was done with her the ground would be strewn with her chestnut locks, and the girl herself would look very different. Where once stood a beautiful young woman with silky smooth, flowing locks of hair, now stood a young woman with an extremely boyish and roughly cut head of hair. All of the hair was roughly an inch long, but it was obvious that some sections were longer than that while others were shorter.

WC: 1097
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK) - Page 7 Empty Re: A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK)

Fri Dec 08, 2017 10:34 pm
(Skip me)
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK) - Page 7 Empty Re: A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK)

Sun Dec 10, 2017 1:59 am
(For kicks and Lol's I am going to attempt this, wish me luck! )

The Albino medic would start to approach the Fuinjutsu Misstress of Hoshigakure.... What was the man planing? The Jounin didn't know.... which was probably worst then whatever Kenshin had planned. As the man got closer, Hikari had the thought of running... but no.... she needed to accept whatever punishment she needed to take...

Once the man was within one meter of Hikari, he would say about how how the throwing maniac would still owe Kenshin clothes and would start to open his mouth and Hikari would see inside his mouth a type of Yellow mist forming in it and coming out of his body..... something that the the magical girl wannabe didn't know what it was..... but knew that she didn't want that anywhere near her body.

More based on instinct rather then an actual calculated effort, the appearance of the golden colored mist in Kenshin's mouth would cause two reactions from the chestnut haired girl, both of which happening at the same time. The first being how the woman would let a gust of air explode from her, using what was perhaps favorite technique, the very Gale Palm Jutsu that the girl had shown to the students what was probably just minutes ago. This would explode out of Hikari at a speed of 74, (40 due to chakra scaling, and 25 due to Hikari's necklace [As this thread was made before Hikari's necklace evolved, an aditional 9  if I recall correctly for having the jutsu mastered], and a power of 89 (Jutsu power with scaling 40, + 10 for passive master of ninjutsu, + 30 for master of Ninjutsu active, 9 for jutsu mastery.)

The second effect would be that Hikari, would curl up her left hand.... not to a fist, but less then that, so that she was making a 1 handed sign of the Ram. (Speed of 125, and the only thing that has really happened with this movement was Hikari would move her fingers a little bit.) Doing this, she would activate one of her favorite jutsus, the body flicker technique, to start dashing backwards at a speed of 245 (If my math is correct, 125+120) where she would fall back about 100 meters. As it has been stated earlier that there were only really 2 or 3 trees in this training ground, Hikari would not run into anything as she backed up.

Presuming everything had happened as stated, the following would happen.

The blast of air, would knock back the mist which had gotten a little bit more than half way between Kenshin and Hikari (To be exact, lets say the Mist got .6 meters and the wind got 4) before the airy poison would be knocked back, probably into Kenshin himself (But the albino would be immune to his own poison.... most likely.) The wind would keep going also, and most likely collide with the Albino. While the wind wasn't strong enough to hurt him, it would most likely be strong enough to push him back 5 meters, unless Kenshin had a strength of 44 or higher. Right after the wind was released however, Hikari would of completed her handsign and started backing up, faster then what was likely that anyone in the group would be able to see.

Once this was all done, Hikari would look back at everyone... realzing what she had done. Acting like a teenage girl, Hikari would squeal and run away as fast as she could at that point toward her appartment. She needed to finish her alternate dimension.... after all.... at this point Hikari was fairly certain she would need to have a universe in between herself and the Uzumaki.

(Also, as everyone else says now'ndays, any speed or power stat not listed is considered at max power.)

[Attempted exit]

Will make claims if I actually escape by some miracle, since I am 95% sure that Kenshin is going to be able to timeline my exit.

Jutsus used: -11 -30
Golden Eyes -1 - 10
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK) - Page 7 Empty Re: A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK)

Tue Dec 12, 2017 12:08 am
Kotetsu wasn’t really paying attention to what was going on between Hikari and Kenshin. It wasn’t his problem. They were talking and then what looked like some kind of mist appeared out of Kenshin’s mouth. Hikari had simply vanished though, and the mist blown back in Kenshin’s face. ‘Oh, there she is…’ Kotetsu thought to himself as she re-appeared momentarily in the treeline before disappearing once again. ‘Wait…Wasn’t she going to show me something to do with her heaven seal?..’ Kotetsu sighed. “Guess I’ll just have to ask her some other time…” He said to himself in a resigned tone of voice. Since it did not look like anything else was going to be happening, Kotetsu would grab his things, say “I’m going to head home and rest for now. I’ll see you around.” to the others that were still there, and made his way out of the training grounds back to his parent’s home.

[EXIT unless interrupted]

WC: 155
TWC: 5342

Will post claims if not interrupted.
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK) - Page 7 Empty Re: A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK)

Tue Dec 12, 2017 7:36 am
As it would seem Tsume had gone knocked out. She sighed and grabbed the older Shinobi and putting him over her shoulder and took up his bird again. A slow rub over her temples later she looked once over to Kenshin and Hikari. First it looked like Hikari would just go with what he proposed then she bolted away? What were those crazy people thinking again when they did stuff like that. As she had carried Tsume out of the danger zone she looked inside his pockets to find his ID so she could read his address off of it. Then she would gently pet his birds head. "Let's get your human home so you can rest", she smiled at it.
A beautiful animal indeed and eyes that conveyed smartness and care for his friend. The young Genin shook her head a little: "I hope he knows what a good friend he has in you Hakucho", then she would pick him up once more and kind of bending under his weight. This was surly the point where she knew she would need to become stronger because what if she ever needed to carry a mission partner one time and could not do it? That would be sad. Especially for others in her care so now she was carrying Tsume back to Hoshi and back to his home.

WC: 227
TWC: 4456

1000/1000 Wind Release: Gale Palm (WC/2 training by Hikari)
471 Words (WC/2 training by Hikari)2000/2000 Medical Ninjutsu Level 2

Proof of learning for Medical Ninjutsu

Stats: 22
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 42970

A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK) - Page 7 Empty Re: A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK)

Wed Dec 13, 2017 10:44 am
Approved unless interupted.
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK) - Page 7 Empty Re: A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK)

Fri Dec 15, 2017 2:45 am
(Going to post claims, since I think Kenshin said I would escape?)

TWC: 8079
TWC Unclaimed: 5597


5388 words to mastering HBH without handseals, mastering it. Other thread trained can be found here.

209 words to Holy Sun

Claiming mission complete of Passing the torch Because somehow.... even though this is all I do pretty much, I still haven't actually done this mission yet.
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A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK) - Page 7 Empty Re: A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK)

Fri Dec 15, 2017 5:37 am
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK) - Page 7 Empty Re: A Jounin in the training grounds (IO. NK)

Fri Dec 15, 2017 11:04 pm
(EXIT Being carried)

TWC: 2317

2317-1438= 879
Claiming: Wind release: wind infusion (1000/1000, 50% of with training)
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