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Travin Iburi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Training 3 jutus Empty Training 3 jutus

Tue Oct 17, 2017 9:01 pm
It was early when the clock started to buzz. Cole slammed his fist down on the button with probably to much force, but the clock had to be shut up. Cole got up and froze in place when his feet hit the wood floor of his bedroom. He quickly slide on his socks that he had laid out the night before in preparation for this. He got up and walked out of his bedroom being as silent as he could he didn't want to wake him mom up. He slept into the bathroom, and after relieving himself splashed some water on his face from the sink. He wiped the water off with the towel that was kept next to the sink. He then quickly went back into his room and got his pants on. Sliding them over his boxers and tightening the belt so they didn't fall off. He threw his cloak over him and grabbed his pack he had put some snacks in it the night before to save time. Cole then headed down the stairs being as quit as a mouse. Avoiding all the little noises the floor made when you stepped on the wrong spot. He had lived here his hole life and knew were all the bad spots was in floor.
Cole made it down to the kitchen and opened the fridge were he had put a couple sandwich last night for his lunch today. He slid the containers holding his sandwich's in his pack and threw it over his shoulder. He made his way to the door were he stopped and put his boots on tucking his pants legs into the boots. He then opened the door and headed outside. It was still dark with the sun just starting to come out. Looking up he could still see the moon as well as the sun. It was like they was at war with each other the way the blues and oranges met fighting over control of the sky today. Cole stopped and looked at it for a few minutes take a moment to appreciate the beauty in the sky. Its was at this moment that he noticed the chill of the morning breeze blowing through the village. He wrapped the cloak around him a to try and block the chill, as the wind blew some papers around in the streets.
Cole decided why should he wait to train when he can train on the way to the training ground. The streets was empty right now with very few people up and moving. He didn't even see anyone walking the streets. He figured that he could probably practice using the Body Flicker jutsu his father was telling him about. He thought back on what his father had told him about it. He remembered that they was standing in the back yard and his father was cooking hot dogs on the grill he had light with one of his fire based jutsu.
“Cole did you know that there is a jutsu that allows you to move at a super high speed. You may not be able to turn wile using it, but the key to it is being able to use it multiple times in short succession that way it looks like you are able to turn while using it.” Cole nodded and handed his dad the lid to the grill. “Ill show you” his dad said. Cole's would explain while focusing chakra into his feet and legs. “you see to gain the speed boost you push you chakra into the muscles of you legs and feet to allow they to propel you faster then what would normally be able to.” Cole nodded and watched as his dad took off with a blink of an eye he was across the yard turned and was back.
Cole came back to remembering what his dad had told him and turned and jumped onto the roof of the building across the street. Cole made the Ram hand sign and focused his chakra into his feet and legs. Trying to amp up the muscles in preparation for a fast pace sprint like his dad had showed him. Once he could feel the chakra built up in his legs and feet he took off. It shocked him at first how fast he moved, and he almost ran off the building before he stopped. He knew he would need some more practice, and this was the best place to practice he would take off and stop before th edge of each building to give him time to jump to the next building.
Cole focused his chakra one more time into his feet and legs this time he was going to hold it their between uses of the jutsu to activate it again with out the build up. Cole took off boosting his speed to crazy levels stopping just a bit late, but still able to make the jump to the next building. While in the air he lost the chakra he was trying to hold. He landed on the next building “dam it thats harder than it looks” he said to himself. Focusing his chakra once again he pushed the muscles in his feet and legs to expand with chakra. He took off once again this time nailing the timing on the stop for the jump, but still lost the chakra in the air. He landed and cursed once more before focusing the chakra back into his legs and feet. This time he knew he would get it taking off once more. He nailed the timing for the jump once more now getting the feel for the timing, and jumped this time he didn't jump as high as before going for more of a straight line with less arch. While in the air he could feel he was starting to loose the chakra, but he increased his focus pushing more in his legs and feet while flying through the air. When he landed he still had the chakra built up. He made the hand sign again and took off once more. Making the jump and pushing chakra into his legs and feet while flying through the air. This time when he landed he already had the hand sign of the Ram made and used the jutsu as soon as his feet was planted on the ground. Cole took off and managed to keep his balance barley leaning to his right for just a moment before regaining his balance. He knew falling at this speed would hurt like hell and he would have to go the hospital and training wouldn't happen.
This time when he flew through the air and landed he took a sec to gain his balance before taking off again, and this worked better. Using the body flicker justu cole was able to make it to the water gardens in no time at all.
Once cole was at the water gardens he stopped and leaned over with his hands on his knees breathing hard with sweet coming from his brow dripping on the ground. He stood like that for a few minute catching his breath. He walked over and leaned against a tree with his breathing starting to get regular again. He looked up with the moon gone now and the sun out showing its dominance over the moon. Cole slipped his pack off his shoulder and pulled a water bottle out of it he took a few sups of the water before putting it back in the pack. Now the breeze that had been cold just thirty minutes ago now felt amazing. He slid the pack back on his shoulder and started to walk into the water gardens. He made note that using the body flicker jutsu like that would take practice, but he also knew that using it like that would give him a huge advantage in battle. Being able to up ones speed to that level could save his life.
Walking into the water gardens cole could see the bushes at the entrance that flowed with the path leading to the different areas in the water gardens. He always loved the way they looked flowing from greens to reds and even a few blue ones thrown into the mix. He also loved how the morning sun lighted the morning dew on them and the flowers that was spread through out. While also reflecting off of the surface of the water that flowed through the area. It was one of the most beautiful things he had ever saw in his life. Cole walked down the pathway letting his hand rub against the flowers and bushes as he walked by he liked how they felt against the palm of his hand. He made the turns that he had so many times before when he would come here to train. He remembered seeing this place for the first time with his father when he took him here when cole was just starting to want to be a ninja. He took cole here to not only see the flowers and the crystal clear water but to watch the shinobi of the village train. It was here that he really learned to love the art of the ninjutsu, taijutsu, genjutsu, and medical jutsu. He made a promise to his father that he would be here one day with them training to become better, and that he would learn how to use all of the things that he could. That is what kept cole training and getting stronger.
He made it to the training grounds and it looked like it all ways did. Battle scared from fellow ninja training their jutsu and such. While at the same time still holding the beauty that was found in the rest of the garden. It was here at the end of the water gardens that he had learned so much and would still learn so much more. He had all ready learned to do the body flicker jutsu, and he still had one more to practice and get down before he would leave today. The Dance of the Willow, it was one of the basic jutsu from his clan, and as such a lot of the shinobi that had fought a Kaguya would have saw it at some point. It was an offensive jutsu that relaid on speed and agility. It was perfect for taking on multiple opponents because of the multiple weapons that was at the users disposal.
Cole walked through the water gardens training grounds to the tree at the south side were the grass had wilted away and dirt and sand was starting to show through. People at trained at this spot for a while for the grass to die like that. Cole sat his pack beside a tree, and was going to start to practice some when his belly let out a huge growl. He then remembered that he left this morning with out eating. Cole then sat beside his bag and opened it pulling the containers out of it. He sat one to the side and the other in his lap. He then opened the container in his lap revealing the sandwich he made the night before for his lunch/break feast today. He took the first sandwich out of the container and started to eat it. He hadn't noticed how tired he was till just then. He took a drink of his water with a bit of a yawn, and it wasn't to long before cole fell asleep with the water bottle setting beside him letting the first sandwich hit his lap.
Cole slept leaned against the tree for about an hour before the sound of others training woke him. Waking up he could hear his belly rumbling, and knew that he was still hungry. He gave himself a good stretch lifting his hands has high as he could while stretching his legs out as far as he could, and letting a slight groan sneak out his mouth. He leaned sat up crossing his legs under each other, and grabbed his sandwich finishing it. He then drink more of his water and eat they other sandwich he then put the containers back in his pack, and saved some of the water for after he was done for the day. Cole then stood up stretching his back out by leaning back and putting his hands on his lower back.
Cole then stepped forward to the dirt patch again and thought back on how to do the jutsu. The Dance of the Willow jutsu required the user to push bone spikes out of their hands, knees, and elbows to use as offensive weapons. They user then would push bones out of their chest, back, and shoulders. Cole then remembered that what really made the jutsu deadly wasn't the fact of the bones and the acrobatic style of the jutsu but instead was the fact that the user could grow and shrink the bones on demand. That way if you needed another inch on a bone you had or if you needed an inch less you had that as well.
Cole then started to focus his chakra into his hands to create the spikes. He noticed that most of his chakra had returned with the nap he took and the food he eat. Cole focused on his hands turning his forearm into a spike and pushing it out of the palm of his hand. It was slow going for a minute, but cole got the spikes out of his palms. He then felt the spikes with his hands wrapping his fingers around then and getting a feel for them. They was smooth to the touch, and when he touched the left spike with his right index finger it started to bleed a little. Nothing to worry about but it was enough to let cole know that they was super sharp.
He then started to focus on his shoulders he focused on turning his upped arm bone into a spike and pushing it up and out of his shoulder. It took a few seconds but after his palms it went pretty fast. He noticed that he didn't feel any pain at all from this, and thought that was cool cause it would suck if he did indeed feel the pain of this. After his bones was out of his elbow he started to focus on his forearm again. When he noticed that some of the people in the water gardens had stopped and was looking at him. Some had a look that said that is awesome while others had a look of disgust. Cole tried not to make anything of it but let a smile slip. Cole started to turn his forearm into a spike again but this time he was pushing it out of his elbow. Just like with the shoulder this one went even faster. Then it was his knees he took his shin and turned it into a spike as well, and started to push it up and out his knee in an upward angle. Once he had the spike all the way out he pulled them back in about two inches.
He noticed that he was not able to stand straight up and had to stay a bit squatted, but he was used to that since most fighting styles don't want you to stand up straight. Once he was happy with the link of all the bones he had pulled out. Cole started to push random bones out of his ribs and back as well as his arms and legs. They were not big enough to use for weapons but they could be used defensively if someone tried to grab him or got to close. Cole then walked over to the training dummy and stood in front of it sizing it up with himself. He then started to spin and around the dummy landing elbow shot to the back of the dummy's head followed by a stab to were the dummy's spine would be with the spike on his right palm. He then ducked under the dummy's arm and delivered a knee strike with the spike on his left knee to the dummy's gut. He did this over and over for about fifteen minutes increasing with acrobatics with each round. By the end he was adding flips and knee strikes in mid air.
Cole then stepped back from the dummy pulling all the bones back in him. He knew that in battle he wouldn't have time to take in order to push each set of bones out one at a time so he figured that he had better practice at doing all of them at once. The first attempt he tried went poorly he didn't get the knee spikes pushed out and the palm spikes was different sizes. While the shoulder was all wrong in different directions. Cole pulled the bones back in a little disappointed in himself. However cole was raised to never give up just because something didn't go you way. He started to push the chakra to the points in his body and change the bones tin to spikes as well. He then started to push the bones out of his skin. This time he would have he knew it with everything in him. The first time was just a practice run he thought to himself as he focused on pushing the bones out of his body.
This time he had done it he pushed them all out at one time and got the sizes right and everything. He stood their looking at himself proud that he had done it. He knew it was only a C rank jutsu and the real stuff only just got harder, but he was not one to back down from a challenge and he wanted to be the best his clan had ever birthed and he knew that he would and that this was only a stepping stone to that goal. Cole then walked over and grabbed his pack and threw it over his shoulder he figured that while he has big dreams and bigger shoes to fill he knew that he didn't need to over do it either. Cole then walked back out of the water gardens taking a look at the flowers and bushes once more as he walked out of the entrance. Cole was walking down the street saying hi and waving to the villagers that had gotten used to the shinobi being in the village. He didn't pay any attention to the ones that had not gotten used to it. Just thinking back on what his dad had told him so many times when he would get mad at them because the shinobi was just protecting them. His father always told him that he can't change the way people think and that they would come around in time.
The walk home was nice and peaceful for the most part. Their wasn't really a hole lot going on in the village right now since most people was still at work. Cole made it home and walking in the door he heard him mom ask him how his training went. Turning to see his mom has he slide his boots off she was in the kitchen working on dinner. She had her apron on and was chopping some onions. Cole went over to the kitchen after dropping his pack on the chair at the table. Turning the corner he told his mom that he had learned 2 jutsu today. The first being the body flicker jutsu, and they other ill just have to show you he said, and with that he pushed the bones up out of his palm, elbow, shoulder, knees, and other random places. “Its called the Dance of the Camellia” cole said. His mom was shocked when the bones shot out of his body and she slept and cut her finger with the knife. Cole told her that he was sorry and didn't mean to catch her off guard like that and cause her to hurt her self.
“Its ok cole its just a small cut no big deal ill throw a bandage on it and your father can heal it when he get home with his basic medical jutsu's” she told cole.

“don't worry about it mom Ive been reading into that jutsu and I think I might be able to pull it off as well” cole told his mom. She held her hand out and cole focused his chakra into the palms of his hands. He could feel the warmth of the jutsu and saw the faint green light appear just like when his father did it. The cut started to close up and the few drops of blood dried up. Coles mom thanked him and told him that he was getting stronger by the day and that she was proud of him. Cole thanked her and was a little embarrassed by what his mom had said. She then told him to head up stairs and get cleaned up for lunch his dad was suppose to be stopping in for lunch and he would like it if cole was their to eat with him as well. That it had been a long time since all three of them had sat down for lunch. Cole did what his mother told him and grabbed his pack and ran upstairs.

(WC-3581 claiming 
  17 stats
E rank basic med jutsu
Dance of the Willow
Body Flicker jutsu)
Travin Iburi
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Thu Oct 19, 2017 9:07 am
Madrigal Kaguya
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Thu Oct 19, 2017 9:20 am
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