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Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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cry wolf part 2 (mission p nk) Empty cry wolf part 2 (mission p nk)

Sun Sep 03, 2017 12:51 pm
mission details:

Alright. With the hidden entrance discovered, they were on track and had finally finished the mission for the merchants... Or at least that's what she thought until they got back to their contact. After explaining the situation to their point of contact, Amber and Kama would be asked to continue their work. Immediately a smile pierced the resolve of the Demon of Chance. Kama, who had not realized they were going to be doing this today, would inevitably not be happy that they were asked to continue investigating the thieves. Thankfully however, she was pretty easy to convince.

"Alright. We're in. " Amber shifted the coin purse around in her palm as she spoke, a gentle reminder to the uzumaki girl that they were getting paid fairly well for all of this. "It's important to get to the bottom of this. Continued theft of wares and funds means an overall increase in price for those who'd need items. It also could mean there is potential for shops to close up because they aren't making enough to stay open. "

The merchant explained what their task was fairly simply. SHe wanted them to head back to the secret entrance and stay out of sight. THe goal was to observe until they were sure that their target had left, and then go in and take a look around. It was important for what she expected would be the next step. The only reason to infiltrate the hideout was to gain information. There was no doubt in her mind once they were done with this the next request would be taking this mission to it's logical conclusion and taking care of the problem for good.

"What do you think Kama? I suppose I can do this alone but another two grand would feel pretty keen in your pocket yanno? All we have to do is hang out......" She paused, a smile growing across her face. SHe'd heard the girl's stomach growling lightly as they finished the first portion of their mission. HOnestly she was fairly hungry also. She'd skipped lunch so far, partially because she wanted to get this mission out of the way, but mostly because she'd spent the last of her money on incense. "Theres a bar-b-que place just around the corner from where we need to go.... WIth the power of rain tiger at will I can watch out for anyone entering or exiting our target..... So we could take some of this money and go have some lung while we wait? my treat. " She expected that would be enough to ensure the girl would agree to continuing the requests of the merchant. That was important. If they got into a fight it would be important for her to have assistance. This would eventually end in a fight. Of that she was sure. Truthfully a second pair of eyes would also be fairly helpful.

She would nod to the merchant, sure that she'd garanteed their continuation, and if Kama agreed they would set out for the bbq restarant, the rain still falling

(510 counting rain tiger as recast because this is an immediate continuation)
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cry wolf part 2 (mission p nk) Empty Re: cry wolf part 2 (mission p nk)

Sun Sep 03, 2017 3:02 pm
The Uzumaki was still considering the facts of the investigation as they headed back. They would have to find someone to watch the entrance while they turned in their mission, their part of the task over as far as Kama knew. How someone had built a secret door under the noses of those in charge was baffling. Whoever this was, they were very clever and dedicated to the art of thievery. Though Kama hadn’t met much thieves so she wasn’t truly aware of how that dedication might go. In any case, they needed to report to the merchants and give them an update on what they had found. Kama would explain the specifics about the secret door to the contact, and the likelihood of the alleyways being how the suspect escaped so easily without being caught. Though apparently their client wanted them to continue the investigation, a fact that was not something Kama looked forward to. She was still wet as it was, and was still very poorly dressed for a mission. Though she supposed that there was no one close to continue the investigation, and Kama and Amber were right there so the girl could see the logic in it of course so she wasn’t exactly unhappy about it. She just hadn’t expected to be doing so much today. Though it had turned out to be a great way to keep her mind off of things. She didn’t mind being kept too busy she supposed it was just a slight pain to be dragged around in the rain all day.

As Amber explained the importance of the mission, Kama would nod, understanding that but that didn’t mean she had to like it. “I know I know. I need the money and...not having prices increased myself. Weapons and tools are expensive enough as it is.
The girl didn’t have a lot of money as it was and couldn’t afford to have the prices to be raised in any significant way or she may not be able to afford to buy anymore tools or at least, not very many at a time. The merchant explained what they were supposed to do, basically to make sure the entrance was unguarded with some recon then explore inside, and to do so without getting caught. This would probably lead into more investigation afterwards that the girl was just going to have to resign herself to, so she nodded and accepted the task. Kama’s eyes widened as Amber mentioned barbecue which sounded amazing while they waited. The older woman can keep watch and the Uzumaki could finally get some food. “Alright, as long as there's food involved i’m definitely in. Gonna need it if we’re exploring some hidden cave in the middle of the city.

The money was definitely nice too. Kama had yet to be paid so much for a mission as it was, so the extra zeros added to the mission fee was definitely an appetizing prospect. As long as there was nothing else, Kama would follow Amber to the barbecue place.

WC: 500
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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cry wolf part 2 (mission p nk) Empty Re: cry wolf part 2 (mission p nk)

Sun Sep 03, 2017 3:34 pm
"See. This is why i chose to bring you. I knew in the end i could count on you. " That was true. She was certain that she could count on the young uzumaki girl. She was also sure that if there were any issues she would be easy to convince to come along. Kama seemed the type that would follow requests, even if she really didn't want to, and that made this mission significantly easier. She headed off, feeling the rain continue to fall across the area. The goal was the restarant a short fifteen meters away from the place where their target, or targets, were set up. As she approached, she nodded to the doorman, informing him quickly that they needed a table for two, very near the door. Moving to their seats Amber looked across the menu and held back a groan of disbelief. She should have suggested the ramen shop. The meal would be expensive, which was incredibly unfortunate for her considering the bulk of her money was being used significantly more quickly then she could make it, generally through purchase of items that weren't actually important to her training but provided comfort and kept her sane. She'd almost suggested the ramen shop instead, but decided against it simply because she wasn't sure if it sat within range of her sensory, and while she wanted to enjoy a meal fairly cheaply, it was important to her to keep tabs on the situation around her in order to find if and when the hideout would be empty so they could go in.

"ALright. could you run me through the mark seal once more? I think I about have the idea behind how it works, but I feel like it would be a helpful thing for me to have in my tool box, expecially considering the specs of this mission." She ordered something small... or at least as small as she could find. It seemed that the portions for anything in this place was going to be fairly large, which she was thankful for. Hopefully they'd be able to finish their meal while the target was doing whatever he was doing. Further information suggested there was generally about an hour break between the thefts. The information was helpful and impressive because it let them know when they could expect the next situation to arise, and it meant that the merchants were keeping incredibly good tabs on their store tills, counting their totals every hour to make sure that they hadn't lost money, and through this were able to narrow down when the theft had occured to a fairly precise timing. closing her eyes she focused the chakra infused rain on the alleyway, waiting for anything to have moved or appeared in the area, but so far everything seemed to be all clear.

"I believe we have about an hour, which means we can enjoy our meal, but we need to be ready. If someone moves more quickly then we expect we'll have to leave.

(1015 wc for sorrow is finished 15 towards whatever else )
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cry wolf part 2 (mission p nk) Empty Re: cry wolf part 2 (mission p nk)

Sun Sep 03, 2017 7:15 pm
As they headed to the restaurant the girl was happy that Amber considered her someone she could count on. The two hadn’t known each other that long, but had developed a small bond of camaraderie so quickly that it somewhat surprised the young Uzumaki. The redhead did have some urge to overtake the older girls skill, but she wasn’t quite there yet. It would be some time before she could find a way to inhibit techniques such as Rain tiger at Will or deal with those shadow techniques. So for now all she could do was watch and learn. As they reached the restaurant Kama remembered how pricey this place could be, but the food was definitely worth it and she didn’t mind, as she had just gotten a pretty nice sum of money for the part of the mission she had already completed. It wouldn’t be that hard to explore this base and get more funds, though there was the trick of waiting until they weren’t going to be spotted of course. The young kunoichi was pretty confident in their stealth capabilities though and figured if anyone could do it, the two girls could. This particular restaurant was very close to the weapons shop and thus the alleyway they needed to keep watch over, so it was extremely ideal for their stakeout. Kama herself still had the sih for some kind of weapon though. Maybe she could ask the staff for a couple of kitchen knives to borrow? No that’d probably be rude.

As they sat down and ordered Amber asked the girl for the rundown of how the mark seal worked, the same seal that Kama had placed on Amber in one of their training sessions. It wasn’t an overly difficult technique to comprehend, and while Kama had some ability in fuin it was nowhere near the proficiency others in her clan were capable of. “Well it started as a prison seal, so i’ve heard anyway, so prisoners could be kept tracked of and Shinobi just sort of adopted it into their main arsenal and began teaching it to everyone. You just have to touch a person, and use your chakra to place the seal formula on their skin and you should be able to track them or summon them or whatever you can come up with.
Kama would pull chakra into her finger, and make markings on the table that would show the formula and what the seal should end up looking like. It was just light imagery though, and obviously wouldn’t damage the table. After a few moments the seal would fade from the table and Kama would look back up at Amber. “It's like that see? You can be a little creative in the formula too if you're clever. I usually add the Uzumaki clan symbol to mine when I practice just for the fun of it.

That information wasn’t entirely necessary of course but Kama liked sharing all the knowledge she had even if it wasn’t particularly relevant.

WC: 500
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Ryo : 58600

cry wolf part 2 (mission p nk) Empty Re: cry wolf part 2 (mission p nk)

Sun Sep 03, 2017 7:53 pm
"Interesting." She was just stalling for time, of course, but that was both necessary and helpful. It was interesting to hear the history of a technique, even if it were very brief. IT made sense fort he jutsu to be used in prisons. From what she'd been told about the technique before, it had two primary uses. The first was to be able to track the target once you put the seal on them. The second was to be able to summon your target to your location. Those were both quite helpful effects, and tools that could mean the difference between survival or death, success or failure. The formation of the "seal formula" as she called it was semi familiar. It wasn't that she'd seen that formula before, but more so she'd seen this style of technique. It was one of the first tools she'd added to her kit so long ago. She recalled being young and bright eyed, with a small pouch full of scrolls at her side. It was a beautiful art, though not teribly effective. Finding the time mid combat to draw your brush and craft the seal to activate your spell was a tough thing to do, and she hadn't learned scroll time stop techniques until far after she'd gained mastery of the fighting style. It was impressive to her that even with the abilities based in a completely different form of energy, still many of the techniques throughout the world were based in the same core creation styles.

"Alright. this one doesnt seem too hard...." The food had arrived, and for that she was thankful. She took a small piece of succulent pork and brought it to her lips, It was quite hot, and she regretting having not allowed it to sit form a moment before taking it directly form the grill to her mouth, but once she'd shifted it about enough to cool she bit into it fully. The taste was rich and quite pleasant.

her fingertip drew the symbol on the table, exactly as she'd seen the girl do it. She needed to memorize the shift in each line in order to understand how the seal was formed, and trhough understanding the formation, she would easily be able to cast the jutsu.

"This is fuinjutsu right? I dont have a terible ammount of experience with anything but ninjutsu and kenjutsu currently, so i'm not fully sure about the others. " As quickly as she'd said it she paused. Her face went stark white. She could feel movement in the rain, specifically in the alley way that she'd been following. It was time to go.

"It's time. We'll talk more about this later I suppose. Whoever was within that hideout has just left. Hopefully we have the time to do what we need to do..." As quickly as they'd appeared they would be off, Amber leaving enough on the table to cover the bill, and rushing out of the restarant. Great, she thought..... Now I'll ahve to pay twice for a meal.

(1522 mark seal trained 272 towards next tech)
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cry wolf part 2 (mission p nk) Empty Re: cry wolf part 2 (mission p nk)

Mon Sep 11, 2017 3:05 am
Kama smiled wildly as her food arrived, digging in rather happily. She ate politely but still gave off the distinct impression of being half starved, She seemed happy enough to let Amber try the technique, confident in the girls abilities to figure it out without much more of the Uzumaki’s help. The girl seemed to be rather good at these sort of things, even faster than Kama was on occasion. The redhead herself began to dwell on techniques that she should begin to try and learn. She had greatly improved her technique and control over chakra recently and had an idea of several medical techniques she could begin to learn. Though not many missions she was allowed to attempt so far really required a wide array of techniques. Most of them were glorified milk runs, but they did help the village in some way or another, so Kama didn’t have much a problem doing them so much as she needed to figure out how to go about testing her skills. Amber was probably quite a bit above the Uzumaki’s level so sparring with her would likely hold little point but bruises and pain for the red head. She chewed a piece of pork as she considered, watching Amber continue the process of the mark seal. “Yea, a good portion of my clan is highly skilled at Fuinjutsu, though I lean more towards the medical side of the bloodline. I hear it can do...just about anything if you are skilled enough.

At times Kama wished she had more skill in the field of fuinjutsu herself, but she was uniquely equipped to perform medical jutsu just a little better than her peers, she even had a better retention of stamina and healed faster as well. So medical jutsu really did seem to be her fate. The girl didn’t mind, healing the wounded was just as important a role for a ninja and there was nothing saying a medical ninja couldn’t be a competent combatant. She’d just have to get a little more creative with her fighting and techniques. She was interrupted from her thoughts by Amber informing her it was time to leave to continue their mission and explore the hideout now that the target was on the move. “Right. Let's go.

She’d stand and follow the other ninja out, sneaking along with her to the alleyway entrance they had discovered. There would be a high possibility of danger and they couldn’t afford to be caught, at least not with witnesses. Kama still wasn’t sure she had the strength of will to strike a killing blow, but she would back up Amber the best she could, and do what she had to and ensure the success of the mission. She breathed in to calm herself, ready to move on and get this over with. She hoped this was the last leg of the mission but that didn’t seem to be likely. Whatever steps there were going to be was likely going to be bothersome, but Kama would endure.

WC - 500
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Ryo : 58600

cry wolf part 2 (mission p nk) Empty Re: cry wolf part 2 (mission p nk)

Tue Sep 12, 2017 5:10 pm
The trip through the streets towards their goal was fairly easy. It was a short distance and in order to dodge potential notice the'd taken a simple path that took them down alleyways and dodged the main streets all together. Getting in was even easier. The door had a hidden switch, the same one that kama had so masterfuly found earlier in the day, and as Amber approached she pressed on the loose stone to raise the doorway.

"Alright. Quick and quiet. We need to make sure theres no one in there and then take a look around. " She rushed through the doorway and down a set of stairs that seemed to go on for an hour. Really it was just a few minutes but the darkness welcoming them further and further made the trip feel like an eternity. Amber poked her head through the door frame at the base of the stairs, and what she saw was amazing. There was a room full of various items with doorways that led to goddess knows where; well... or at least that would be assumed to lead to goddess knows where if it werent for signs on the center of each that explained exactly where the led. This, along with a large map hooded to a rotating board that showed the city with red marks indicating where each path would lead out and the title "Ending points for the secret tunnels we've been building". It was remarkable that these guys hadn't been caught yet. THis could be the stupidest set up she'd ever seen, and the more she looked at it the more she realized that it was-

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Uh oh. Looking up she noticed a rather gruff man standing with two others, one male and one female off to the back. They'd been scribbling directions to one of the tunnels off to the left of the rotating board and as Amber entered fairly loudly and then stood in plain sight.... Well it wasn't dificult for them to notice she was there.

"Complications. Kama get re...." Her eyes widened and she lost track of her thoughts, or even the three thugs before her as she noticed something in the center of the room. Hanging on the wall high above their head was what she had to assume they prized most. They had good reason to. The pristine blade of Sorrow of Humanity hung on hooks over the mantle like a great prize. What happened next was a blur.

"Cry. Sorrow." She called the blade to her, the mystical properties embedded upon the weapon of lore bringing it to her hands in an instant. Unfortunately for the first thug it took her about that same ammount of time to react. The heavy chain ball that now coiled at her feet was off the ground and into the man's face before he could utter another word. THe fluidity of her body as she manipulated the weapon using rope dart techniques was flawless, and before the snath hit the ground two fell dead, their bodies wrapped in the jingling silver chain.

(twc 2044 claiming sorrow crafted but unusable outside of this quest line until part 3 is finished, mark seal and summoning jutsu trained with assistance of kama(since their effects combine togetherstudying one means studying the other) 2k ryo and 4 ap and exit once kama is finished ))
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cry wolf part 2 (mission p nk) Empty Re: cry wolf part 2 (mission p nk)

Sat Sep 30, 2017 6:16 pm
The Uzumaki girl followed quietly down the streets and alleyways of Hoshigakure as they headed towards their destination. They had finally gotten their chance to find out more about these criminals and put a stop to whatever they were doing. Though the redhead was still without any real means of defense but she was sure that Amber could handle the brunt of any opposition they may come to find. The girl did have a few useful techniques that could help the older girl out but as of this second her strongest would probably be much too fatal for the environment they would be heading into. Kama still had her misgivings about needing to take life, but She was most worried about her poison mist affecting Kira in such a small space. They reached the door within good time, with Amber reminding her of the need for stealth in this process. Kama would nod to the older girl, affirming this. “I’m ready, let's go.

They seemed to be swallowed by darkness as they went down the stairs, even seeing the steps themselves was somewhat of a challenge. The girl was amazed at the lack of torches in the area and was worried she’d make a misstep somewhere and fall. They finally reached a room with a variety of items and doors, all leading to different locations and even a map showing off where those places were. Kama became somewhat distracted however, as she found a table with some old medical equipment. It wasn’t much, but she found a few scalpels, three in fact, that could be used as throwing weapons if the need demanded it. The real prize was hidden under the table, where a small blade lay. It was shorter than the blade she had gotten from the Samurai and even her katana, and was inside a white sheath. She picked the blade up, setting it so she could draw it from the small of her back and turned to see where Amber had gotten off to.

Soon she was drawn to the yell of suprise, having missed the thiefs near completely even as she had grabbed her items. As Kira called her weapon, apparently the scythe that had been across the room, Kama threw two of the scalpels, the blades embedded in the knee of one foe, and the hand of another. Their escape would likely have been impossible anyway with the fluidity of how Amber wielded her weapon, but Kama had acted as if the fight was going to last longer then it actually did. Kama tried not to show any reaction as the three were rather quickly dealt with, but she wasn’t sure she’d ever get rid of that sick feeling when looking upon a corpse. Even so, she gingerly retrieved her scalpels as they still had much more work to do in this mission. Kama was sure this wasn’t going to be the end of it. At least she had some form of armament now though.

[Mission Complete]

{TWC: 2,000}

Glimmer (Unusable outside of Questline until part 3 is finished)
2k Ryo
4 ap

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cry wolf part 2 (mission p nk) Empty Re: cry wolf part 2 (mission p nk)

Fri Oct 06, 2017 11:35 pm
Approved at all but the summoning jutsu. Word count for one tech cannot be used for another, whether the two techs 'combine' or not. You're 250 words short of that since Kama here taught you the mark seal.
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