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Village : Kumogakure
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Hiyu encounter: Dude Vs Dudette! [Private/IO] Empty Hiyu encounter: Dude Vs Dudette! [Private/IO]

Mon Aug 07, 2017 10:55 am
It just so happened that our little Hiyu was walking through the Water Gardens yet again. This time, however, the sun was not killing him, and he had actually decided to bring a lovely flask of water with him. Akemi was quite happy today, as he was reminiscing about the time he had met that other Hiyu in these very gardens, he also found himself wondering whatever had happened to that guy. He had shown great potential, heck, Tenshi had even managed to blind Akemi! Granted, it was because Akemi was an A-Class idiot, but that was beside the point.

He sighed, bringing the water flask up to his lips, greedily drinking its contents. The sun was not as overbearing as last time, but that didn't mean that it wasn't actually hot. Akemi's clothes were suitable for the weather at least. A baggy white T-Shirt, blue cargo shorts and a pair of black shinobi sandals. Oh yeah, and all his ninja tools were secured to wherever they were specified on his stat page. Lazy descriptions at their finest. He totally didn't copy the description of what he was wearing last time, hell no, that'd be silly! And quite lazy, thank god he wasn't lazy!

He eventually stopped in a large field, the leaves on the trees giving partially sheltering him from the harsh rays of the sun. He settled down and started warming up, he jogged around the clearing a couple of times, and then he continued by doing some extreme stretches. He looked around, a training parter would be good right about now.

TWC: 264
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Hiyu encounter: Dude Vs Dudette! [Private/IO] Empty Re: Hiyu encounter: Dude Vs Dudette! [Private/IO]

Mon Aug 07, 2017 11:37 am
Ari too had been wandering the village of Haven, awaiting the test Kyousuke promised her. Whether it would be in a few days, or weeks, months even.. Ari was concerned about her children's safety without their father around. Wandering around the village didn't provide any relaxation. Something else more thought provoking would have to be engaged in to take her mind off things. Painting perhaps? Although, artistry was fuelled by one's thoughts and emotions so that was no good. Ari couldn't really take part in many activities besides that, and well, training. After promising herself that she would become strong enough to defend her children, regardless of the scenario, truly that was where her focus lied. Naturally she made her way to the training grounds after making this observation. Just inside one hundred meters distance from them, Ari detected another Chakra signature which appeared to be exactly the same as her own, in regards to power.

Curious and excited, she began jogging towards the clearing where she'd see a young boy. It wasn't what she expected to be honest. However, one could not judge the book by its cover, as Ari already knew considering her own appearance. She was taking the form of a thirteen year old girl (with the voice of one too) at a height of 4'7 with an orange sleeveless hoodie, short blue jeans and a pair of running shoes. All of this apparel consisted of her own cells, by using the transformation technique. Upon seeing him she had stopped jogging and slowed to a quick walk. Whether or not he said anything before she came within ten meters of him, Ari would eventually greet the boy. Wasting no time on pleasantries that could take precious minutes out of her day. "If you're here to train as well, I'd like to be your partner for a sparring session." Ari didn't carry her books, weapons pouch or tanto into the training grounds.

However, she did have the Earrings of Perception, Multi Weave Mask, Predator's Earring and both Taijustu Cestus on her. All of her earrings were equipped, while the mask and each cestus weren't yet. The mask was buried underneath her neck and covered the original Konoha headband she received for graduating to Genin many years prior. While the cestus were securely tucked away into pockets on her left and right at the front of the orange jacket. Ari and the boy both stood five meters from the center of the clearing, with ten meters between them. From the center the clearing was 50 meters in radius (every direction).

WC: 431
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Hiyu encounter: Dude Vs Dudette! [Private/IO] Empty Re: Hiyu encounter: Dude Vs Dudette! [Private/IO]

Mon Aug 07, 2017 12:26 pm
The sound of a girl's voice rang through the empty clearing, causing Akemi's muscles to momentarily tense in fear, though they quickly went lax when he turned around to see that it was just a young girl. He found himself feeling a little bit happy when he saw that he was taller than her, it was such a rare thing to happen, that it was almost enough to force his mouth to drop open in shock. Though, due to his excellent self-control, he managed to remain completely neutral. The only evidence that he was surprised was the marginal increase in height of his eyebrows.

However, the words which came out of the girl's mouth were enough to draw a reaction out of Akemi, as his face creased with confusion. The girl looked about 13, and she was asking to spar him? He wasn't that comfortable with just fighting a girl like that, especially one as young and small as this one right here. Though, after giving her a quick check with his newly-acquired chakra sensory skill, he discovered that the two were pretty much exactly the same, though she appeared to be slightly stronger than him. It was as if he had been copying her build or something! It was a small world.

"A spar? Sure I guess... Training with people is much easier." Akemi's usual stutter was not currently happening because this girl was about 5 years younger than him. It'd definitely be creepy if he was nervous in front of a 13-year-old. And Akemi was not a creepy dude, he just your friendly neighborhood midget!

Not wasting any time, Akemi edged his left foot forward and brought both of his arms in in front of him, so that his clenched fists would be positioned marginally above his head, while his forearms would be protecting his face and 1/2 of his chest. Once in position, he started shifting his weight between both of his feet, giving him a sort of 'Bouncy' look. Even though his arms were in front of his face, there was still a little gap in between them to allow him to see everything in front of himself, but it wasn't big enough to allow any fists or something to get through.

TWC: 641
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Hiyu encounter: Dude Vs Dudette! [Private/IO] Empty Re: Hiyu encounter: Dude Vs Dudette! [Private/IO]

Mon Aug 07, 2017 12:53 pm
Instead of assuming any form of stance, Ari simply smiled at the boy's agreement to spar her. Eventually he'd begin taking a stance reminiscent of the one she used to. However, with time she had given up on using stances which created blind spots. Ari simply began walking towards the boy at a speed of ten without assuming any stance. Her focus laid on his entire body as not to miss a single movement. Usually this might have been dangerous, although considering it was a spar, whether or not he had Genjutsu seemed irrelevant. If the boy didn't make a move or say anything to cause concern during this time, Ari would stop after coming within one meter of him, still staring at him with a smile. Who would make the first move? There were ancient stories of martial art masters staring each other down for many days, neither willing to compromise their chances of winning by taking the initiative. Would that be the case here or did the boy have an advantage in close range?

WC: 176
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Village : Kumogakure
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Hiyu encounter: Dude Vs Dudette! [Private/IO] Empty Re: Hiyu encounter: Dude Vs Dudette! [Private/IO]

Mon Aug 07, 2017 3:43 pm
Akemi almost sighed when he realized that the girl seemed to have the same mindset as him, neither of them wanted to do the opening move, the opening move was often regarded as the move which decided the rest of the flow of the battle. And Akemi kind of sucked at opening moves, well, he sucked at everything. He just happened to suck at opening moves more than the average person, which was honestly quite a bad thing. Considering he was a taijutsu specialist and all.

However, Akemi was not one to be dissuaded. He didn't particularly fancy having an awkward staring contest with this girl either, so that left only one option... He was going to do the opening attack. But how? He studied her position, her posture. The smile on her face basically screamed "Come on, I don't take you serious enough to attack" to Akemi. Which mildly angered him. though he remained calm, his breathing calm and controlled. He didn't want to let anger get the better of him and control his movements.

Eventually, Akemi decided on a plan of attack. He was planning on the fact that it would probably be countered quite devastatingly, it was a gamble. The counter could either work in his favor or work towards his demise. Only time would tell, and Akemi wasn't the most patient of people.

Since he had been continually shifting his body weight to both of his feet individually since entering the stance, there would be very little clue to the moment he was about to attack. Thus, the moment the weight was shifted onto his right foot, he would expertly push off from the ground, running forward at a speed of 62 towards Ari, closing the 1-Meter gap incredibly quickly. When he was about 1/2 through running towards her, Akemi would tuck his arms down to his side and place his right shoulder in front of himself, so that it would be the first thing to impact with Ari if she hadn't moved in time.

TWC: 978
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Hiyu encounter: Dude Vs Dudette! [Private/IO] Empty Re: Hiyu encounter: Dude Vs Dudette! [Private/IO]

Mon Aug 07, 2017 4:09 pm
Ari caught on as soon as the boy kicked off the ground towards her. By using her close observation and knowledge of Taijutsu, bodily movements were quite easy to predict. It also helped that her reaction time was incredibly high at 235. As the boy tucked his right shoulder under his head to barge into Ari, he too created a blind spot for himself while aiming his shoulder barge at Ari's left side. This due to their close range. Ari predicted accurately that he would be blocking his vision of her left hand which dangled at her side. Using this blind spot she immediately planned on countering his movement with her left fist and the Sucker Punch technique. This punch was to be aimed at the boy's gut beneath his right shoulder, as to ensure he would be incapable of seeing the movement.

Ari also made sure the rest of her body didn't move at all aside from her left forearm as he'd lose vision of it the moment his shoulder was an inch from striking her. At that point her left arm jerked forward with 135 Strength and 180 Speed into his gut which would stop the boy in his tracks. At the same time, Ari would lean her torso back at a speed of 120 when his shoulder came within a centimetre, just to ensure his momentum didn't carry into her body and cause any harm. This punch was quite likely to break the boy's lower right ribs, or damage an organ. Luckily they had medical staff in the village that could treat him if all went according to plan. Ari would stop her punch if all went to plan and she felt his ribs break. If anything changed in the boy's movement, Ari still had the opportunity to adjust and punch earlier or later than planned.

WC: 309
700 - 30 = 670 AP remaining.
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Hiyu encounter: Dude Vs Dudette! [Private/IO] Empty Re: Hiyu encounter: Dude Vs Dudette! [Private/IO]

Mon Aug 07, 2017 8:47 pm
The sound of cracking echoed throughout the clearing, followed by the screams of pain from a 17-year-old (Who sounded like a preteen). He fell backward, completely stunned by the brute power of the tiny girl. What the heck, since when were young girls this strong? Well, Akemi had VERY little experience when it came to the opposite gender, what, with his social anxiety and all. Girls were scary, girls were...


TWC: 1049
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Hiyu encounter: Dude Vs Dudette! [Private/IO] Empty Re: Hiyu encounter: Dude Vs Dudette! [Private/IO]

Mon Aug 07, 2017 9:08 pm
"Huh... Oops." Ari thought as she felt the boy's lower right ribs breaking on her fist. Had to be at least two of them that snapped in half, she speculated while ignoring his screams. Considering there could be bone fragments along with the larger pieces floating around, it was rather unsafe for the boy to move now. Ari rapidly shot both of her hands forward to wrap behind the boy's shoulders and catch his weight. Naturally she had to step in fairly close to do this, using her maximum speed of 120. "Sorry about that, I've never had to hold back against somebody before and well... Anyway, try not to move or you might injure yourself."

Since the boy was stunned from the sucker punch for this duration, all he'd be able to do was listen. He would however regain control of his body quickly. Ari simply bent forward to lay him on his back gently while explaining the situation further. "If you move too much the broken ribs could pierce an organ, so remain still. I'm going to use a technique to mend your ribs which I saw in action recently." Ari would then, if allowed, kneel down by the boy's right side. Performing two quick hand signs, a rush of Chakra flowed into each of her hands. Then Ari softly placed both palms onto the boy's broken ribs.

Kyousuke recently used this technique, known as the Mystical Palm, to mend Ari's fractures in her left leg and a recently broken hip. Believing the boy would be better off enduring the pain, she didn't apply the Chakra Anaesthetic technique.

WC: 270
670 - 40 = 630 AP
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Village : Kumogakure
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Hiyu encounter: Dude Vs Dudette! [Private/IO] Empty Re: Hiyu encounter: Dude Vs Dudette! [Private/IO]

Mon Aug 07, 2017 10:46 pm
The sudden grip on his shoulders would usually be enough to startle the young Hiyu, but right now, the severe pain in his torso was enough to prevent him from thinking of anything remotely coherent right now. Indeed, if one were to attempt to read his mind right now, they would only be met with a droning static sound. Something which would likely be incredibly annoying to any normal, sane person.

The way the small girl talked... It sounded odd coming from a 13-year-old, never had he met one with such a maturity at such a young age. She remained calm throughout the whole ordeal of Akemi being absolutely wrecked, as if she was used to such a thing. Was this girl some kind of doctor of sorts? What a silly thought! This girl was 13, there was no way that she already had a job! Unless... Maybe the girl was like Akemi? Maybe she just looked about half her actual age like he did? Who knew.

With the boat-loads of pain he was currently in, Akemi only just about registered himself coming into contact with the floor. Despite the you girl's best efforts to lay him down gently, the action was still enough to make Akemi wince slightly. Dangit, why did this girl have to hit him with a strike as powerful as that? Akemi would never do something like that to an ally! That was just cruel, undignified and... And... A way to win easily, dangit.

Warmth spread through his body as the medical chakra began to seep in through his skin, the searing pain being somewhat alleviated by the warmth of the medical chakra. He found himself becoming slightly more relaxed, his previously tense muscles going somewhat lax. He gritted his teeth, praying that this pain would end soon.

TWC: 1351
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Hiyu encounter: Dude Vs Dudette! [Private/IO] Empty Re: Hiyu encounter: Dude Vs Dudette! [Private/IO]

Mon Aug 07, 2017 11:56 pm
The boy should have been able to move by now, although perhaps the pain was holding him back. Ari decided to make small talk to pass time while healing him. "My name is Malice by the way." Ari had picked an ironic alias for these circumstances. In fact the only reason she chose Malice for her alias was for the relation it had to her trump card technique, Aura of Malice. This boy wouldn't know any better however. Ari continued to focus on controlling the medical Chakra that flowed from her palms into his broken ribs. It was unlikely that she could fully heal him under these circumstances. Learning a Medical technique at the same time as mending a critical injury, good experience as it was, not exactly easy. Since Ari hadn't used any form of anaesthetic, the boy would feel every movement as his bones re-positioned themselves and fused back together. It wouldn't take long before he'd feel healthy again now. However, it would take a while for the bones to fully heal.

Ari struggled to keep the Chakra under control as it poured forth from her palms. Unaware as she was, she began to glare at the injury while healing it. If not for the fact that Ari wanted to test herself and learn the Mystical Palm Technique, she'd most likely have dragged this kid to the hospital. Still, in the back of her mind, she thought of Kurisu and their kids. Not even the screams of this boy, accompanied by the struggle of learning a Medical technique and practically applying it, could fully distract her.

WC: 268
630 - 40 = 590 AP
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