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A quiet day? (nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: A quiet day? (nk)

Thu Aug 10, 2017 12:57 am
She seemed happy as he praised her. It was not that easy to get praise out of her father who was often her teacher. He was holding her to high standards as it was and he would have in face scolded her to forget about her stance and the importance it had for not only her aim but also the force of her throw. Her luck was maybe that Sakana did not know that she was supposed to know this. Now he was saying something about hold or maybe he was mumbling about the whole in the tree that must have been t. She nodded and looked at him again while he was infusing Chakra into his kunai. She had thought about if that was possible with normal weapons as well. She knew the blade she could carve out of her bone would be permanently infused with chakra but normal blades did not need it. After his demonstration she went over to the tree collecting her kunai and then she returned to Sakana. "I will try this, it is like when I pull out my bone sword to fight, since it is created by jutsu it is chakra infused as well", she said while trying to focus on the kunai in her hand. Soon it was glowing with her chakra surrounding it like a waving aura of energy that was covering it.
She looked at it curious thinking of it as kind of pretty but rather disappointing that it now was rather more dangerous. Seemed like pretty sometimes also was more dangerous like poisonous plants and animals often were brightly coloured and so beautiful but deadly this kunai had become brightly coloured and dangerous. She then looked over at Sakana her eyes questioning if this state was okay or if it needed more.

WC: 303
TWC: 3095
Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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A quiet day? (nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: A quiet day? (nk)

Mon Aug 14, 2017 2:53 am
Sanae would nod in approval as he complimented her. As he infused his chakra into the kunai he watched as the firl watched intently, as if she was absorbing all the information. Then she would say something that sounded pretty cool, she said her bone sword was mixed with chakra. He wondered how that worked. “Bone sword? That sounds pretty cool. After you try the chakra infusion I’d like to see how that works.”
She would probably reply after that and then she would begin the chakra infusion. Her blade began to to glow slowly, at first it looked rather nice. The chakra seemed to dance off it, but as he pushed more chakra into it, it became more intense, like a flame that could burn through anything. After it looked like she was done she would look over to the Meijin. He would say “It looks very nice so far, now all that’s left is to throw it and see if you can go through a tree. It may not work the first try but if it doesn’t don’t get discouraged.” She was doing rather well thus far, and he was interested in seeing what she could do.

WC: 2483
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A quiet day? (nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: A quiet day? (nk)

Tue Aug 15, 2017 5:21 am
She thought a while. Should she be showing him what her jutsu was capable of? Well why not some time in the future he would learn eventually, so why not now. "Sure I can show you, but you have to promise not to be scared about it, the look of it can be raher disgusting if you're not used to it", she then replied while focusing further on her Chakra which engulfed the kunai like a cloak of light. It was indeed pretty, but also deadly. This was the shame in most dangerous things they looked awfully pretty and interesting just like a spider web in the morning when the few drops of dew were still entangled in it. How many flies were distracted by the shimmer of light caught inside those drops and then flew right into the net only to be woven into webs and eaten soon afterwards. Deadly trap but still so pretty.
Just as her chakra would become a flame that would help her kunai make its way through the tree to the other side maybe. She took a quick look at the kunai and the wind blistering chakra around it. Yes it was enough. If she put more into it, there might be a chance she would not be able to control it any more. So she stabilized the flow and took a deep breath. Then she got into position again, the arm back and then swift, by turning the hip and using the movement as en accelerator she threw the kunai quickly into the trunk of the tree. It did not go through it though but it indeed left a good visible impact in the bark and wood of the tree. The bark was sprung off like if a little explosion had hit the tree and one could see the flow of chakra kind of burned into the wood beneath. She looked a bit amazed as she first looked over at the tree and then over at Sakana: "This is amazing", she nodded and smiled then.

WC: 342
TWC: 3437
Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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A quiet day? (nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: A quiet day? (nk)

Wed Aug 16, 2017 7:58 pm
Sanae would stop to think over what Sakana had said, he hoped he hadn’t offended her. After all, he complimented her and just asked a question.  But his worries were answered when she said he might be scared if she showed the Meijin how her bone sword worked. Sakana would reply, “Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll looks fine.” He would shoot her a reassuring smile.
The girl  would start to infuse her chakra into the blade, seemingly fascinated with the light around it. The Kayuga wind up for her throw, her technique looked great but now it was time to judge the execution. AS it left her hand Sakana watched in anticipation. Once it came in contact part of the bark flew off the tree. While the kunai didn’t go straight through it did go about halfway, and that was very good for the girls first try at this. Sanae would say that this was amazing and Sakana would agree by saying, “Very nicely done. You almost had it, with a little more practice you’ll be able to cut through the tree effortlessly.”
The Meijin would wonder what they would do next, or was their time together over? Since he didn’t have anything else to do he would start to speak, “So, is there anything else you would like to do today?”

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A quiet day? (nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: A quiet day? (nk)

Thu Aug 17, 2017 3:57 am
She was almost overwhelmed by the many praises she received from her new friend but she did not want to overdo it so as he asked if she wanted to do something else she shook her head: "But I can do this with any kind of throwing stuff, can't I?", she asked as she put down the bag she was carrying and then she stretched her left arm a little. Shortly she started to massage it up and down the bone and then nodded to herself. "I will show you now", she took a deep breath and got out of the shirt she had thrown on over the dark long sleeve she was wearing. Then she pulled down that one over her left shoulder until it was shown and slowly the Jutsu took place.

With injecting her arm with Chakra this was the starting point for the Jutsu to work. Her chakra would concentrate itself from all over her body into her arm. As every chakra spot was filled with chakra she could feel the Jutsu starting its Effects. It was not visible at first but beneath the skin the bone began to move upwards slowly making its way towards the light of day. She was very concentrated and her forehead displayed wrinkles while she concentrated on her chakra and the usage of her Jutsu. She could feel it slowly creeping up her arm wile forming into the pointy blade which she was to use for her Taijutsu. She was very bad at this or was her technique just so difficult? Slowly the bone was visible slowly pushing against the skin of her shoulder. Shaking she looked at it as the form if the bone was visible through her skin as it began to push through her skin until it opened up and the white bone was visible. Slowly she put her hand around the small stump and started pulling at it. She took a deep breath and pulled further making the sword slowly move out of her shoulder, leave her arm to the fullest. She looked at it carefully a shiver running down her spine as she pulled it out almost half way and it started to slim down working towards the pointy end.

She knew her father could do it more quickly than her, in one single movement he could grab it and slid it out of his arm as if it was just only a hilt he was taking his blade out of and not his own bones out of his flesh. She shivered shortly taking a deep breath while thinking about what all could happen if the bone sword was maybe stuck somehow. Would she tear out her flesh with it? What would happen when she could not close the whole that she merged? Would she then become full wholes one day? Maybe, maybe not, but she could not tell. What she could tell was that she knew she could do it more quickly but she was too scared to just rip it out. The thought of hurting or crippling herself scared her too much to even consider trying. She shook her head she did not want to think about it anymore and wanted to concentrate on the bone blade again. She had clenched her hand around it and could feel the chakra feed bones beneath her fingers, so strong and still hers. Moving under her fingers she could feel as it went on pushing out of her arm and finally she was pulling a little faster. Moments went by as if she was walking through syrup, but then she had pulled it out and held the sword in her hand. Her eyes looked down at the whole in her shoulder that was closing again and then shortly after her shoulder was back again. A little fearful she would move it an inch and then she nodded happily. "This is how it works", she held out the sword to him.

While she waited for him to take it into his hands she fiddles with a little box that she took out of a pocket of her Pants and opened the cap of it and let two of the pills fall into her mouth swallowing them. She did not need them badly, but better care for it now than caring for it later. Her arm was still pulsing with chakra since she was still concentrating, but as she relaxed more it got better, became a little less shaky about it and she smiled.

WC: 756
TWC: 4193
Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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A quiet day? (nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: A quiet day? (nk)

Wed Aug 23, 2017 12:28 am
Sanae seemed a bit shocked as Sakana said she did a good job. She mentioned she didn’t have many friends earlier, but had she never received compliments either? The girl would then ask him if she could infuse her charka with other weapons. The Meijin would respond, “Correct, you can pretty much infuse your chakra with anything.”
After that, the girl would start to rub her arm. The genin would wonder if the girl hurt herself when throwing the kunai but his thoughts were later answered when she said she would show him her bone sword now. She shimmied out of the little green shirt she was wearing revealing the black shirt she had on underneath. Sakana watched in awe as this girl started to push the bones out of her body, starting slowing but making progress. She would pull the rest of it out of her arm as if her shoulder was a sheath.
What she did next surprised the boy. Sanae pulled the bone sword out and handed it to him. It was truly fascinating. He waved it around a bit. The genin  had so many questions , “So can you feel me doing this right now? Or is it unattached from your body now? And also back to your earlier question, it doesn’t freak me out, it actually looks pretty cool if I’m being honest.”
He would hand the bone back to her and then he playfully poked her in the ribs asking, “Can you move all your bones?” It was an odd feeling for him to be this curious about something. Wanting to learn everything about this girl and her special bones.
After she would answer he would ask her, “What were those pill for you just took?”

WC: 3011
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A quiet day? (nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: A quiet day? (nk)

Wed Aug 23, 2017 7:53 am
She was amazed by how easy he took that she just pulled her arm on him. He did not only take it good, he seemed to be intrigued by it. This kind of made her happy. She watched him waving it around for a while and listened to his questions. Interesting thoughts he had there. "I can't feel it anymore as soon as it gets unattached from my nerve system and I am pretty grateful for that, because otherwise I might be in high pain using this", she tilted her head a little and watched the sword. What if it could still hurt while it was out of her body that would be a terrible thing?

Then totally unprepared she could feel him poking her rip. Out of her daydream she squeaked a little and then started laughing shortly while nodding in agreement. "Yes I can. For the moment my dad has me training a Jutsu that will form a kind of Bone Armour beneath my skin for protection. It is quite hard to learn because it needs almost any Bone in my body to be altered", she rubbed the back of her head while holding the sword again. "But in time I will be able to do it I am sure", she nodded slightly and then he asked about the pills.

She thought about it for a brief second and seemed the go back and forth if it was smart to talk about it. "Well those are calcium pills. While rebuilding my bones my body drains the calcium supplies. Normally this is not a big thing, but when I intent to do my Jutsu I take those pills because I will feel sickly after some time passes. Also this has never happen before but I am afraid, that if my body tries to rebuild but I do not have enough calcium inside me it will not happen and then I will have no replacement bone", she had gotten quite serious but then she looked up and grinned, "I once had a dream that my body would feel like a jelly fish." She laughed again grinning at him.

WC: 358
TWC: 4551
Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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A quiet day? (nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: A quiet day? (nk)

Tue Aug 29, 2017 8:40 pm
As he was playing around with what he soon realized was the girls ARM, she would start to answer his questions. She would tell him that once the bone it taken out she doesn’t feel it anymore and that’s probably better. Sakana would nod at her saying, “That makes sense,  glad to hear this doesn’t cause you pain because it’s pretty cool to be honest.”
He would then realize that the girl squeaked and giggled at him poking her ribs which meant she got that he was only messing around. Some people in this awful village might’ve taken that as an attack, it was nice to know some of the people were good. Sanae would tell him that she could manipulate all her bones and that her dad was teaching her to make armor out of them. “That sounds awesome. I probably won’t be in hoshi still once you get the hang of it but you’re welcome to come to Kumo and show me after. That would be really fun. Or I’m sure I’ll come back to this place eventually and you can show me then.”
The blue hair’d female would then go on to explain that she needed calcium pills due to her bones being literally taken out and such.  It made sense, and it was really smart to take care of your body at all times. She would end the monologue by saying that she once had a dream she felt like a jellyfish. The Meijin’s eyes widened at this saying “Ya know I’m more of a turtle guy myself but jellyfish body, that’d be a site to see wouldn’t it?” He would have a smile on his face to let her know he was joking around with her.
WC: 3310
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A quiet day? (nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: A quiet day? (nk)

Wed Aug 30, 2017 8:39 pm
She paused a little and looked at him curiously. He talked about coming back here, when was he leaving? If he was going back to where he came from, was she even able to go there? Like was one Shinobi allowed to just walk into another village and come in there being like: "Hey I just wanted to visit your Shinobi and I have no bad intentions although you might think otherwise", she might not have said this out loud, but kind of played it out in her head and it sounded rather ridiculous. Then again, her eyes focused on him, he was here as well and Hoshi, as she knew it was very welcoming of others, so why would she not? So she said with an enthusiastic smile: "I would totally love to visit you some day if I can, but I don't know if I can, you know I am still quite young and well I might not be able to go for a while until I have reached an appropriate age to travel all alone, but then I will be coming to visit you", she grinned letting him see her healthy white teeth.

But after she heard what he said about her becoming a jelly fish she put up a playful pout and looked at him with pecked lips and blown up cheeks looking more like a blowfish than anything else. After releasing the taken in air she started laughing out loud and looked at him in an amused manner waving her arms around like they were just wobbly and boneless. "I will show you a jelly fish! I will learn those lightning Jutsus and then I will sting you just like a real one I bet you like that as well", now she was the one doing the side poking like she was really giving of little shocks, but well she was not because she couldn't and even if, she would not want to hurt the friend she just made. Then she held still again and tipped against her nose: "But maybe, just maybe can I have your address? This way I can write letters to you and we can still be friends when you are gone", she looked at him with those big googly eyes.

WC: 380
TWC: 4931
Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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A quiet day? (nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: A quiet day? (nk)

Sun Sep 10, 2017 5:02 pm
Sanae would say she would love to go to visit Kumo one day. But she was too young and didn’t know when she would be able to travel alone. Giving him a large smile. “Well I’m not too sure if you’re busy these days but you could come back with me and my friends soon. Or you could wait until you’re older. Whatever you’re comfortable with."
The small girl would make a fish face and start making fish sounds which made Sakana laugh more then he would have liked to admit. Watching her wave her arms around saying she was going to shock him was so funny. He would play along and pretended to be shocked making playful noises as she did so.
When they were done having fun Sanae would stand tall and confident as she asked him for his home address. Now this was a big decision. Was he to trust her? Did he trust her? She seemed nice enough but this was a large leap of faith. We’ll you only live once, not always true but most of the time it is.  Also he couldn’t resist those puppy dog eyes of hers. "Ok, I’ll give you my address, but you have to promise me you won’t show anyone and it’s for your eyes only, ok? If you want to give me yours that be cool too."
Sakana would take a paper out of his bag and write his address on it, then he’d give it to her. Then he would hand her a blank sheet of paper and a pen to write hers down.
Assuming she did that Sakana would unfortunately have to end their time together here. “Alright Sanae, I’ve had a really fun time hanging out with you today but I really have to be getting back. If you’d allow I’d like to place a mark seal on you so it would make it easier to find you if I’m ever in town again, or if you’re up my way. If you want to come to kumo with me we’re leaving in a few days, but if not then I’ll write you a letter when I get back. But either way, stay safe. Goodbye."
The Meijin would hold his hand out for a goodbye handshake which would be the time when he placed the mark seal on the girl if she allowed it. After that, he would head on back to the hotel place he was staying at while he was in Hoshi.
WC: 3733
Claiming 36 ap and if I can
Meijin Bl  (3733/5000)
Also memorizing Sanae’s chakra sig and throwing a mark seal on her if she allows it.
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